From the wilderness to the myriad worlds

Chapter 383 The Four Great Primordials vs. Hongjun

"Take them away!"

"you dare!"

When Patriarch Hongjun roared, Immortal Yangmei had already disappeared from Zixiao Palace, and with him disappeared the Seven Saints who were like stone statues.

Ancestor Hongjun looked at the empty Zixiao Palace with unprecedented anger in his heart. The Seven Saints still have important value to him, and he cannot leave them yet.

"Yang Mei, you are looking for death!"

Suddenly, the entire heaven shook violently, and the chaos outside the heaven also became turbulent. The Zixiao Palace turned into a black spot and submerged into the body of the ancestor Hongjun. The ancestor Hongjun left the heaven with a whisk in his hand.

"Yang Mei, Honghuang belongs to me, don't even think about making trouble." Ancestor Hongjun roared in his heart.

After leaving Zixiao Palace, Ancestor Hongjun seemed to have broken away from all the shackles. He came to the outside of the new world and looked at this huge world formed by the fusion of four great worlds. Ancestor Hongjun smiled disdainfully.


Ancestor Hongjun's fly whisk was thrown on the edge of the new world, and the new world collapsed immediately. Immediately afterwards, Ancestor Hongjun stepped into the new world, and the chains of laws formed by the fusion of the new world hung down one after another, as if to stop Ancestor Hongjun, but those chains of laws automatically collapsed when they approached Ancestor Hongjun, and then one after another The power of Xuanqing suppresses the chains of law.

Ancestor Hongjun entered the new world, and Lei Ming and the others knew it immediately. Everyone was surprised to see that the laws of the new world were vulnerable to Ancestor Hongjun.

"Demon Ancestor, why do such powerful laws have no effect on Hongjun?" Lei Ming asked. Many laws in the new world have reached 80% completeness, which is theoretically enough to limit the perfect power of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Luo Hu had a solemn look on his face: "Laws are just dead things after all. As long as they are strong enough, any law can be broken."

"So it's not that the laws of the new world are not strong, but that Hongjun is too strong." Empress Pingxin said.

"Yes, the current Hongjun makes me feel unprecedented danger." Luo Hu said.

While speaking, Hongjun had already crossed hundreds of millions of miles of space and came to the opposite side of the four people. He glanced at Yuan Zhantian specifically. Although Yuan Zhantian was oppressed by his momentum, he still stared at him unyieldingly.

"I didn't expect that I would become a climate changer for you." Ancestor Hongjun said. He looked at the four of them as if they were looking at ants. This look made Luo Hu furious.

"Hongjun, you think you are superior, you play with all living beings in the palm of your hand, and treat all living beings as ants, but you yourself are just a lucky cricket." Luo Hu cursed. Having met Ancestor Hongjun, he naturally knows the true identity of Ancestor Hongjun.

Ancestor Hongjun looked at him indifferently, but Luo Hu hadn't stopped yet.

"Among the Chaos Demon Gods, your strength is nothing at all. If I hadn't joined forces with you, you would have been killed by other Chaos Demon Gods! When Pangu opened the world, I also saved half of your life, but you After getting the jade dish of creation, he immediately plotted against me and dispersed my soul, otherwise I wouldn’t have such strength!” Luo Hu was inexplicably sad and angry. Lei Ming and the others were a little surprised. Such an emotional Luo Hu and the others were still the first. Seen once.

"You have been scheming, don't you just want to achieve the realm of heaven? Haha, as long as I am not dead, I will not let you succeed. Now that the prehistoric world has been dismantled by me, the heaven you have refined is only part of it, how about it? "Are you very angry and want to kill me?" Luo Hu said with a laugh.

"Ants are just ants. You think you ruined Ancestor's plan. In fact, you have never escaped from Ancestor's grasp. Do you think that Ancestor can only achieve the realm of heaven by relying on the prehistoric world? It's just your delusion. Prehistoric world It would be better if the world is destroyed, even if you don't take action, the ancestor will take action." Ancestor Hongjun's words made Luo Hu's laughter stop abruptly.

"What did you say?" Luo Hu looked at Ancestor Hongjun.

Ancestor Hongjun had no intention of explaining to him, and his eyes swept over Lei Ming and Ping Xin.

"The prehistoric world has the blessings of Pangu. It is indeed unique. Three Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals were born in the vast world. Including Luo Hu, there are eleven in total. Although the number is not perfect, it is enough." Elder Hongjun Zu said minding his own business.

"What is he going to do?" Lei Ming and others' hearts jumped, but at this time, Patriarch Hongjun had already taken action. The threads of the Law Whisk spread out and entangled the four of them.

"Don't be careless." Lei Ming reminded everyone, and the Space-Time Tower appeared above his head to protect him.

Empress Pingxin took out the Sky-Opening Axe, and Yuan Zhantian also took out the Killing Immortal Sword Formation. After Yuan Zhantian attained enlightenment, the God of War Spear was no longer suitable, so Lei Ming handed over the Immortal Killing Sword Formation to him.

"Demon Ancestor!" Lei Ming and the others were ready to fight, but Luo Hui stood there blankly. Hundreds of law threads wrapped him tightly, and Luo Hui didn't even react.

"Damn it!" Lei Ming knew that Luo Hu had been hit by Ancestor Hongjun. In normal times, he would not care about Luo Hu's affairs. But now that a powerful enemy is facing them and they need to work together, Lei Ming can only put aside his personal grudges temporarily.


The Space-Time Tower smashed towards the law threads. The powerful tower body broke most of the law threads entangled with Luo Hu, but there were also dozens of threads that were very tough. No matter how hard the Space-Time Tower smashed, there was no damage at all.

"Yin and Yang, destruction, killing..." Lei Ming discovered that the properties of those threads could block the Space-Time Tower, which showed that ancestor Hongjun had more than 70% control over these laws.

"As expected of Ancestor Hongjun, he actually mastered so many laws." Lei Ming admitted in his heart that Ancestor Hongjun was powerful, but he was not afraid. Seeing those laws, Lei Ming suddenly had an idea in his mind.

"Ancestor Hongjun has the strongest control over the Yin-Yang Law, the Destruction Law and the Killing Law, and these three laws are the laws that Sanqing comprehends the most. Is this a coincidence?"

Lei Ming did not have time to think more, he moved Luo Hou to another place. The weight of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is equivalent to the universe, so Lei Ming was not at ease. Fortunately, Luo Hou woke up in the end, which allowed him to avoid the attack of Ancestor Hongjun.

"Lei Ming, thank you!" Luo Hou left a word and rushed towards Ancestor Hongjun. The law of the magic appeared behind him, and Ancestor Hongjun also hit him with the law of the immortal way. The two laws, one good and one evil, were entangled, and it was difficult to tell the difference for a while.

"Luo Hou's aura is breaking through!" When Lei Ming dodged those law threads, he found that Luo Hou's strength was getting stronger and stronger. Finally, he felt that Luo Hou's realm was also improving, and he was shocked. Breaking through in battle is not uncommon, but when reaching their realm, every breakthrough has a great risk, not to mention breaking through in battle!

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