As soon as she left, Akagi was silent immediately.

Although I want to refute it, fireflies, after getting along with each other soon, I also know that the mischievous black padded jacket is actually in sync with the soul?

Thinking like this, Akagi couldn't help asking: "Are you really all in the same tune?"

"Yeah, what to cheat on you, if you ask Amagi, she will definitely feel it."

Akagi was silent again.

This guy is really not a normal person.

It's difficult.

"Ahhh~ I am relieved to see Akagi getting along with the Lord so well, Kaga, let me walk in the peach forest with me."

Amagi suddenly stood up and smiled.

"Huh? But..." Kaga glanced at Akagi hesitantly.

"Sister, how can I get along well with him?"

Although Akagi wanted to refute, he didn't give her a chance at all, so he pulled Kaga and left.

On the spot, Su Hao was dumbfounded.

Hey hey, don't leave Tiancheng!

You are not here, I am very generous!

"Huh~ Sister-sama is really enough to spoil you." Akagi is like a jealous little girl, without the prestige image of the first battle, saying that it is a distorted personality. That was before Tiancheng was resurrected. The clever sister route.

However, this road was not easy to walk, and a strange commander appeared on the way. Now Akagi was in a dilemma.

She looked at Su Hao with ugly eyes.

Suddenly, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, as if something happy was thinking of it.

Su Hao was immediately alert: "What do you want to do?"

"Haha~ Commander-sir, I remember... well, you still have a napkin, should it be Richelieu?" Akagi smiled, "I don't know how it would feel to see us here after she came back. ?"


"The relationship between you and Richelieu should be very good? A powerful ship mother like her, do you think you will tolerate your commander living with the ship mother of the enemy camp?"


"Don't talk about me and Kaga, even Sister Tiancheng will be Richelieu's enemy by then. Then, what will you do when that happens?"

The thought of Richey left back makes Akagi happy.

Surprised, stunned, ha ha~ This is the man, when you stalk a woman outside, you won’t remember that there is a woman waiting for you in your family.

Obviously, Akagi interpreted the surprised expression on Su Hao's face as such.

"You said Sister Li, um... I didn't expect you to take the initiative to mention it. Actually, I told her about my affairs a long time ago, and she asked me to cheer."

Akagi:? ? ?

"You said something about the hostile camp. Actually, this is not right. Let alone Dong Huang's relationship with Chongying, let alone Richelieu, she is purely the ship's mother in my port area now, and there is no such thing as a camp enemy. "

"Moreover, my sister Li is very broad-minded, so she won't get angry because of this kind of thing, which is different from you."

Akagi was angry: "You say I am narrow-minded?"

"Yeah." Su Hao decided to fight if he didn't die. He said, "You have a problem with you. I will tell you. Think about it. At first, it was not you who arrested me and let me go. Did you go to help? Then, after I got to Nippon Island and left me alone, of course I would have ideas."

"Please, I'm a normal person, a normal commander. Regardless of my personal problems, I have to think about my ship maiden? At that time, I must have thought of running away. Then, by mistake, Akagi awakened Akagi. In fact, I can’t do anything about it. I don’t even know what happened and Tiancheng woke up."

"But ah, at least from the result, everyone is pretty good, isn't it? If it weren't for me, you would still hold the python and call to my sister, Bai Ying would not go back so quickly, and even your internal affairs would not be so easy. Solve it?"

"That's it, you don't thank me, and you are hostile to me, do you have a problem?"

"Haha~ He is a commander who can speak well." Akagi squinted his eyes, "I thank you for taking Ayanami away?"


"Thank you for secretly reaching an agreement with Lord Nagato?"

"you know?"

"Thank you for turning your sister into your ship's wife?"

"This...I said it, coincidence, coincidence."

"Thank you again for taking away the Rubik's Cube that I have worked so hard to save?"

"... Akagi, calm down, let's sit down and say something slowly."

"Thank you for taking the company away secretly, so that I can never get back the Black Cube?"

"Eh eh eh, Akagi, don't be impulsive, don't come over..."


"Yeah! The commander was suppressed by Akagi, hurry up and save him!"


A group of ship ladies rushed over.

Spring is overflowing in Taoyuan.

PS: Continue~

Chapter 199 Where Did The Python Go?

Just when Su Hao was taking the navy girls in Taoyuan, there were rumors about the Lingshui Maritime Safety Administration, which had quietly spread.

It's no secret what happened in Bagui District. Someone always noticed the White Eagle operation.

Although the Maritime Safety Administration of Donghuang has not issued any orders, it is actually strange. It is clear that the eagle has a big move and the target is Zhongying. Why does Donghuang not move?

If there were a lot of things during this period, it was really a lot. The royal family moved first, and now the White Eagle came again. The original stable world pattern began to turmoil.

And soon, a strange news came out from the Maritime Safety Administration.

【Shock! In the four-party talks between Bai Ying, Chong Ying, Iron Blood, and Dong Huang, a commander was involved! 】【According to reports, on August 24, the White Eagle fleet arrived in Wujiang City for rest, during which it went to Amos Bay to perform missions and clashed with the Shige Sakura Fleet...】【Barabara...】

【—Reporter Gridley contributed. 】

The report was written in great detail, but it was somewhat different from the specific situation.

However, most people just watched these events. What is the White Eagle going to do? How can the specific plan be reported?

But the presence of that commander was particularly noticeable at this time.

You should know that, apart from the commander’s joint combat operations on formal occasions, generally speaking, the personnel involved in the attack missions with the ship’s headquarters as the combat team are basically the ship’s mothers.

Like this time, it was obviously the sole action of the White Eagle Fleet. Even if a commander appeared, they were also from the White Eagle. It was so strange that a Donghuang Commander appeared.

For those suspicions of public opinion, the Maritime Safety Administration will not bother.

However, whether it is Lingshui Maritime Safety Administration or Wujiang City, how many people have come to inquire about it.

At this time, Nelson received a call from the Duke of York and came to her office.

When I walked in, I quickly noticed that besides the Duke of York, there were other ship ladies inside.

"Director." If you have an outsider, you need to use the honorific name. Nelson glanced away and saw the Royal Ark. The latter was quite honest and looked like a serious person.

"Sit down." The Duke of York beckoned. "This is someone from the headquarters, London."

"Headquarters? Which headquarters?"

"Donghuang Maritime Safety Administration."

They are all called the headquarters. In fact, they are branches under normal circumstances, but for Donghuang's side, the Donghuang Maritime Safety Administration is of course the headquarters.

Nelson nodded to her.

The ship’s mother from the headquarters came here specially. What else can’t be said over the phone these days?

She quickly realized the purpose of the other party.

Sure enough, after a brief greeting, London said: "The headquarters sent me this time, mainly to understand the situation of the White Eagles."

"Didn't you submit a combat report? All the records are recorded, right."

"I've seen the combat report. It's really standard, but..." London pushed her glasses that didn't know whether it was a decoration or the body, and said, "With regard to the commander on your side, the headquarters wants to know why he was involved. ?"

This is very strange. It is clearly Baiying's business. Even if you want to help, it is from Wujiang City. Even if you want to come to the commander, it is also called Zhu Qiao. So what is the trouble with a commander coming from next door?

Hearing that, Nelson didn't even want to throw the pot straight away, "You ask the Duke of York about this, our chief, the soldier she ordered."

Everyone is a ship's wife, and Nelson's way of speaking is a little more casual.

But nobody cares anymore.

"I just wanted to get to know him, who knew that this kind of thing would happen." The Duke of York's face was not red and heartbeat, she did not expect it, but it is impossible to carry the pot, and she will not carry the pot in this life. "I didn't expect that the White Eagle would let him help in the end. It was purely an accident."


"If you don't believe me, you can ask the company, she happens to be in Lingshui City."

London nodded and wrote a few paragraphs in the notepad.

Nelson looked at the Duke of York, who raised his mouth slightly, quite calmly.

She just wanted Su Hao to come over and engage in a relationship with the company and keep secrets, but an accident happened on the way.

So, what happened to her later?

"Can you give me a copy of the latest information about that commander?"

"The information is available, but it may not be the latest. In his port area, newcomers will come in two or three days."

London was a little surprised.

The Duke of York asked suddenly: "Where are Rodney and Portland?"

"I asked them to stay in the port area to understand the situation."

"Su Hao's port area, has there been a newcomer recently?"

"Except for Rodney and Portland, it's the White Eagles. The White Eagle fleet seems to be gone, but the company is there with another destroyer."

The Royal Ark suddenly asked: "What is it? A new destroyer has arrived in Su Hao's port area? Is it cute? Isn't it cute?"

"Royal Ark, shut up!" Nelson glared at her. "You are the director of the Lingshui Maritime Safety Administration, and Su Hao is from your side. Quickly tell everything you know."

"I, I know... Well, there are so many cute little destroyer sisters in the Su Hao port area, hehehe~"


She was photographed on her forehead by Nelson's pile of materials.

This is finally honest.

Half an hour later, London sorted out all the information it had learned.

She couldn't help but exclaimed, "This commander, really is Dong Huang's person?"

"At least that's what it says in the information, and I don't think there is anything to doubt, Donghuang people are right."

"How do you feel that he is fishing the boat all the time?"

"How do I know, I also want to ask."

"Damn it."

London scratched his head and couldn't figure out how a newcomer could get so many ship maidens, but each ship maiden had a clear record.

"Ark Royal, are you correct in what you said?" London couldn't help asking, "If you dare to tell lies, you will be thrown into the gendarmerie jail for another month."

"Of course what I said is true." Royal Ark raised his hand and sent a four, "I have investigated the situation in Su Hao Port area very clearly!"

Nelson rolled his eyes.

The purpose of this guy's investigation is not 100% to understand the strength of the port area, so that the Maritime Safety Administration can cooperate with the port area.

"Where is Rodney and Portland? Any news?"

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