Then a pair of soft hands covered his eyes.

Then the iron-blooded ship ladies walked back again.

After seeing Su Hao with his eyes covered, Frederick the Great said: "Well, Ron has been taken away, Commander, you can open your eyes."

Su Hao: "???"

I opened it, I opened it so much!

Just thinking about it, the covered hands were released.

Su Hao turned his head and found that it was Befa.

"Sorry, Commander-sir, you see such an unconventional side, but Ron is somewhat...too maverick."


Su Hao smacked his lips.

He felt weird in his heart.

"Can you tell me what's going on?"

Frederick the Great chuckled: "Go to the house for a cup of tea first."

How can you talk about this kind of thing casually?

Besides, she was just guessing.

However, because of this, a major problem in scientific research technology has been discovered, whether it is a defect, but if it can be used reasonably, it may be able to go further in scientific research technology.

Therefore, Su Hao's help is very important to Jagged.

"Huh~ Fortunately, there are no men in our headquarters."

Germany snorted, "Otherwise that silly girl will cry."

Su Hao twitched, thinking I am not a man?

Take it out and scare you to death.

"Look, Commander." Akagi suddenly whispered in her ear, "This kind of woman is the kind of shameless bch in the human world. Commander, you must stay away from her."


"Iron and blood didn't have a good heart, so I arranged for the commander to meet this kind of ship maiden, but the commander can rest assured, with me, she don't want to get close to you!"

"Then please."

Su Hao was speechless and didn't know what to say. In short, he wanted to appease the irritable wedding ship.

Anyway, as long as you don't fight, it's easy to say.

"As you can see, how does the base of our Jagged Headquarters feel?"

Entering the building, sitting down in a spacious reception room, Frederick the Great asked people to pour tea, courtesy.

"Yes, it's quite big." Su Hao took a sip of tea. "Bigger than my home, an island like this is very good. It won't often be harassed by outsiders. Tiancheng, when will we also have one?"

"This... I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. After all, the many facilities in the port area are not easy to handle."

"Resort island or something?"

"If this is the case, it's better to go back and talk to St. Louis and let her invest in an island."

"good idea."

"I think so." Akagi said with a smile, "It's better to go directly to Nippori Island, it's not far anyway."

"But Nippon Island is from Shigezakura, and there are other residents on the island."

What Su Hao wanted was the kind of island that it didn't matter even if he ran around on the island naked, just like Ron did. Of course, this was just a metaphor, he didn't have that exhibitionist XP.

"Let's talk to St. Louis later."

Talking casually, the atmosphere feels pretty good.

The Bismarck and the iron-blooded ship wives recounted the past, and Frederick the Great greeted Su Hao here.

"Speaking of the purpose of coming here this time." Tiancheng looked at the emperor with a smile on his face, "We brought professional scientific researchers over here. I wonder if Jie Xie is ready for the corresponding technical exchange work?"


Frederick the Great glanced away.

Professional researchers? where?

Su Hao, Amagi, Enterprise, Akagi Kaga, certainly none of them.

The maid over there is wrong. Although the maid is omnipotent, it is also too omnipotent.

The rest is...

Ming, who was lazily yawning, felt a strong gaze inexplicably.


"Tiancheng, you said... Is it her?"

A cat?

Frederick the Great couldn't help but want to laugh, although she admitted that the other party was cute, but she really couldn't see anything very powerful. Is this an ordinary small destroyer?

"Ming is the pride of our port area."

"Ahhh~ Is the commander so confident in her, wait, I remember Ming is... repairing the ship?"

Frederick the Great froze for a moment.

Repair the ship.

To say that the world’s most common type of ship is not a submarine, it should be a maintenance ship.

There are many submarines in the Jagged Base, and even packs of wolves, but there is no maintenance ship, because this type of ship is too rare.

However, the maintenance of the ship's technology... Seeing the smile on Su Hao's face, Frederick the Great shook his heart and suddenly had an ominous premonition.


Ron kicked the iron post, directly kicking the iron post into a clear arc.

"Step aside."

She said to Tirbitz who was in front of her.

Although the opponent is a battleship and very powerful, she wouldn't be afraid of it if she fought.

"If you are past now, something will happen."

Tirbitz didn't care about Ron's attitude at all.

"I just went to the commander."

"He is not your commander."

"I said yes." Ron raised his head. "If you don't let go, I'm not welcome."

Tirbitz lightly shook his head, "You are past now. When the welcome process is over, Frederick the Great will not give you a chance to see Su Hao alone."


Ron, who was about to make a savage impact, paused.

"Meet alone?"

I have to say that she... was heartbroken.

Meet alone... Meet alone... Only me and the commander... Guhehe~

Tirbitz glanced at her faintly.

As he was about to leave, he was suddenly stopped by Ron.

"Wait." The latter walked over to hold her, and asked in a low voice: "You should know the commander well, right? Tell me all about it."

"What do you want to know?"

Regarding Su Hao, Tirbitz had investigated a lot, otherwise he would not have been hiding from Bismarck to find him.

"Like..." Ron thought for a while, "Well, like hobbies, eating habits, what time to get up and go to bed every day, and for example...some little secrets that no one knows."

Tirbitz's mouth squirmed a few times, "Go!"

Here, Su Hao also had a conversation with Frederick the Great.

Sure enough, after the conversation, Frederick the Great also admitted that the main purpose of this time was to find Su Hao to help solve the unknown scientific mystery.

Su Hao agreed, but the prerequisite was to let Ming participate in the whole process.

Regarding scientific research, although they have the latest technology provided by Siren, they must have a lot of their own things after so many years of iron and blood investment research. Maybe they can achieve further progress after integrating these things into the scientific research progress of the port area. Span.

Frederick the Great has no objection, she is very confident in the scientific research technology of iron and blood.

After all, Jagged Technology is No. 1 in the world!

"So, I want to arrange for you to meet Ron first? Her situation is a bit strange, I can't tell where the problem is, but it must have something to do with you."

On Su Hao's side, Akagi immediately disagreed.

That guy has a problem with his brain when he sees it. What is the best way to meet a fool?

However, Su Hao agreed, without saying that, in the end, we went together, and Frederick the Great offered to let Su Hao go in alone, but he was naturally rejected.

In the end, the company, Akagi and Ming, accompanied Su Hao.

Soon after, everyone came to the iron and blood scientific research base.

Su Hao looked all the way, and had to say that Jie Xue had invested a lot in scientific research. He came along and listened to Bismarck talking about a lot of things here. Now that he has seen it with his own eyes, the success is not unreasonable.

But in fact, the initial scientific research was the result of Bismarck's advancement. Frederick the Great actually picked up a ready-made one and managed it.

"That's Ron."

Enter the base, the bottom center area, here is a circled sea surface, used to test all aspects of data of the scientific research ship.

Ron, who was wearing his clothes, was dangling bored in the sea.

There was a simulated shooting test on the sea. At this time, the artillery shells fell from the sky, densely packed in a large area, which looked quite dangerous, but Ron easily avoided it.

"Is that live ammunition?"

Seeing the water column bursting out of the sea, Su Hao was taken aback.

"Of course, including exercises, iron and blood has always been live ammunition."

Frederick the Great seemed to be talking about a very common thing.

"With live ammunition, the training effect is indeed better." The company nodded, "However, the risks and costs are high, and it is difficult for the port area to afford it."

"It's just a small trick, haha~" Akagi said disdainfully.

Su Hao didn't mean to compare. Although he didn't know what was going on, each of his ship mothers grew ridiculously fast and didn't need this kind of training at all.

At this time, he looked far away and happened to see Ron after evading. He raised the naval gun and fired into the sky. The shelling sounded, and a piece of experimental equipment on his head was suddenly punched out of several holes.

He was stunned again, "This is also part of the experiment?"

Frederick the Great walked over without expression, "Ron!"

Uh, it doesn't seem to be anymore.

The emperor Ma Ma was obviously a little angry, but this was definitely not the first time. Even when these devices were attacked, the other people in the base didn't even look at it, as if they were used to it a long time ago.

Violent and exposed, Su Hao had a preliminary impression of Ron in his heart.


Just thinking about it, Ron let out a surprise sound, "Commander!"

Wait a minute, she came out of the training ground, stopped halfway, and asked Frederick the Great: "Didn't you say that you met alone?"

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