PS: Woo~ Naoki Hansawa finished watching. I saw the last two episodes. I really cried. As a former banker, I cried so much. Owada true love, Kurosaki Empress, President, these characters The character traits are so clear, good drama, highly recommended!

PPS: Well, sign-in activities, come here to sign-in, each person will be rewarded with 201pt, how about it?

Chapter 586 I want to make pastries z46【Large chapter】

The purpose of Frederick the Great was very simple. In fact, it was to make Su Hao the Destroyer King and to prevent Jie Xue from studying the ‘artificial ship mother’.

The view of Frederick the Great was the same as that of Su Hao, that the ship mother of Mod Soul was not the ship mother at all.

That's why she took the risk to tell Su Hao this.

After all, from a standpoint alone, if the true purpose of Jagged Blood is revealed, it will definitely arouse great doubts.

At present, the focus of this research is Ron, and the factor that caused Ron's abnormality is Su Hao, to be exact, Su Hao's ship, so it is justified for Su Hao to come and participate in the experiment.

So the question is, how to ‘disrupt’?

Jagged here means that I want to collect Su Hao's battle data again, because the content in the battle data is very strange, and I don't have any clue as to how the Jagged Blood was collected.

Because they have tried other experiments, and those commanders who have invited a lot of iron-blooded commanders to come over, but they are not working.

Only Su Hao's battle data is abnormal, which is very strange.

Su Hao wasn't surprised, he had some brows in his heart, but he didn't say anything.

The Mind Rubik's Cube has the ability to collect and transmit data, but the ordinary Rubik's Cube is actually limited, so if only his ship's mother's data is abnormal, Su Hao can only think of the Black Rubik's Cube.

Su Hao himself found out that his ship's mother grew up very quickly, and after thinking about it, it is impossible to pass through the special effects of his own back house, right?

So it's mostly because of the Black Rubik's Cube.

The black Rubik's Cube and the magic square in the ship's body have become a special connection, and in a sense it is also promoting the growth of those Rubik's cubes, so his ship's mother can lie down and upgrade.

And the combat data collection may be similar, because the Rubik's Cube in the ship's wife is affected by his black Rubik's Cube, and it is not surprising that he has a certain special ability driven by it.

But what should I say?

If Jagged knew this, well, no need to try again, the experiment would not go on without Su Hao.

But this can't be said, a black Rubik's cube appears in a human body, no matter how you think it is problematic.

"What's the matter? Why is there only special information in the combat data collected by Commander Su Hao's ship mother?"

"I don't know, the results of several tests are like this, is there something wrong?"

"Impossible, the process is all the same, even the ship's type is the same, and the ship's outfit is the same..."

"People are different."


"The commander is different."

After trial and error, there is no way, all the conditions are the same, and all the possibilities are removed. In the end, even if it is impossible, it will be the result.

The commanders are different. Obviously, there are so many ship women in the Su Hao port area, and those who are interested will find that Su Hao has also coordinated many ship women.

How did you do it?

Soul strength.

Could it be that the strength of the soul affects the collection of information?

"They have begun simulation experiments, trying to find an experimental environment to replace the high-strength soul, but it seems to have failed."

In the iron blood base, Frederick the Great is discussing with Su Hao.

Although it may be guessed that Su Hao's soul strength is special, but there is no way, Jie Xue dare not use Su Hao to study.

So they started to conduct simulation experiments.

"At the same time, I am also looking for a commander with high soul strength. So far, there are many candidates. I don't know what will happen next."

Speaking of this, Frederick the Great looked at Su Hao curiously, "Commander, do you think this is the reason?"

Su Hao spread his hands: "How do I know, I'm just a commander."


Frederick the Great was very skeptical.

What is hiding in Su Hao? There is a big baby hidden in Su Hao.

There is certainly no reason why the Minato is so strong. Even if a person is excellent, there are limits to being excellent, right? It is impossible to attract so many outstanding ship ladies to gather again and again.

Therefore, Frederick the Great did not believe Su Hao did not know.

"Whether the Lord knows it or not, our purpose has not changed, has it?"

Tiancheng's words dispelled Frederick the Great's idea of ​​continuing to inquire.


At present, the most important thing is to terminate the research in this area.

As for the secret, let's talk about it later.

Perhaps, Bismarck also discovered something, so he decided to stay in the port area.

"So what should I do next?"

"My suggestion is to let them study it for a while. The iron and blood is so determined that it is impossible to give up without doing anything." Tiancheng pursed his lips, "Isn't it because of this that Frederick the Great invited us over?"

Frederick the Great chuckled, "Ah~ It's really easy to talk to smart people, otherwise you can just stay and be my assistant. I heard that Bismarck is going to stay in the port area, just change one by one. Commander, what do you think? ?"

"I think cloth stars."

Su Hao generously hugged Tiancheng Road: "The Tiancheng is mine, it belongs to our port area, no matter what the conditions are."

Amagi smiled, smiling happily.

"Lord, don't worry, Tiancheng will never leave you."

Frederick the Great felt weird, and he was a little bit unhappy with his mouthful of rations as he said.


In the next few days, Su Hao did what he planned when he came over, throwing Ming into the iron-blooded scientific research team to dig up information, and occasionally some small experiments Su Hao would also cooperate.

However, JieXue did not blatantly say what he wanted to do. In name, they are for the purpose of researching scientific research technology. In fact, it is true that the project of man-made ship mothers should also be carried out on the basis of scientific research technology. If this step is not achieved. After going out, there is no way to talk about it.

Seeing the busy back of Jie Xue, Su Hao's heart was so fluctuating that he even wanted to laugh.

But when he saw Ron coming towards him, he couldn't laugh immediately.

These days it is still the same. Ron insisted that he saw it in a dream, but it was actually the influence of combat data.

But it didn't matter. By yesterday, Ron suddenly asked Su Hao to take her back.

To bring Ron back, it’s hard to say, if it’s okay for the Liberty Ship Mother, the problem has taken so much effort to wake up the Research Ship Mother, you come and take her away, is that okay? This is not good.

Regardless of Ron's character, Su Hao definitely couldn't agree to this alone.

She didn't agree and was pestered again, so Su Hao simply avoided her.

It's not that scared, it's mainly because Akagi is at odds with her and fights with her all the time.

Have you seen the milk fight session?

It's the picture of two ‘big’ girls proudly standing tall and running against each other.

Although it was really good, Su Hao said that he was not that kind of person and would not watch it after seeing it once.

But even if he hides, Ron can always find him through some methods, such as knowing where Befa and Sirius are, and Su Hao will basically be there.

In the end, Su Hao Lingji moved, let Sirius go on the yacht, and let Befa wander around in the iron blood base, while he quietly separated from them.

Sure enough, this method worked. It was almost an hour before Ron didn't appear in Su Hao's vision.

At this time Su Hao came outside a building.

Jagged Library.

I have seen the library in Donghuang Maritime Safety Administration before, and there is also in Zhongying, but Northern United does not have it. There is a bar there.

There is iron and blood, and the scale is large, and the decoration is quite good, which immediately attracted Su Hao's attention.

Pushing open the glass door, the difference in temperature between indoor and outdoor is quite obvious. Even if it is a ship, warmth means warmth. The feeling of being in a bed is different from being soaked in cold sea water.

At this time Su Hao walked in and the whole library was quiet.

It has a duplex structure, but only the first floor has books, and the second floor is a place to sit and read. It seems that there is a supply of drinks and tea.

After looking at it for a while, I saw a lot of people in it. Humans also have ship women. There are some young and beautiful girls with obvious characteristics of crooked nuts. Dabo girl is not a ship girl but still has great charm.

I heard that foreign girls are very strong, strong in all kinds of meanings. I used to hear netizens say that watching the Great Yangma watch the Great Yanmar at first. At first, I didn't quite understand it.

Although Dayang Mar is good, the ship's mother is still number one.

Su Hao turned his head and looked at the little guy sitting in the library counter.

The silver-haired and yellow pupils, wearing a beret, were weak and dull, full of the breath of a literary girl.

"You are...oh, z46."

Su Hao recalled the Jianniang she had seen these days.

Z46 nodded, then tilted his head again.

"I'll take a look."

With that said, z46 continued to read the book and ignored him.

Really a little girl.

Su Hao walked over, stood outside the counter, thought about it, took out his phone and typed a message.

Su Hao: "@z23 I met two of you."

z23: "???"

Su Hao: "Photo.jpg"

z23: "Ah, it's z46. I haven't seen her for a long time, she still looks silly."

Su Hao: "Don't say that, it's obviously so cute, much more cute than you who can only play games."

z23: "What's wrong with only playing games? Sister Beilu is the **** of playing games, isn't she cute?"

Su Hao: "Lovely."

z23: "Is Novaru not cute?"

Su Hao: "Lovely."

z23: "Is Bran not cute?"

Su Hao: "Lovely."

z23: "Isn't Neptune cute?"

Su Hao: "This..."

Nepton: "Woo~ Commander-sir, I'm so heartbroken, I'm going back to the game industry."

Su Hao: "Really!?"

Neptune: "..."

Sister bride: "Nepton, the commander is joking, why would he be willing to go back? You four sisters together, it doesn't matter how long you stay in the port area."

Neptune: "Yeah! Since Sister Richelieu said so, hehe~"

Elizabeth: "When are you coming back? @Commander"

Su Hao: "It's still early."

Elizabeth: "What, didn't you go through a process in the past? Do you really want to exchange some technology? Scientific research technology is not a big carrot, how can it be so easy to study."

War exhaustion: "Your Majesty is wise!"

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