After removing the original gray camouflage, the fiery red Mark armor fragments were disassembled like small planes and spliced ​​onto Lin Feng's body.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Feng had already changed into the Mark armor.

And the first thing Lin Feng had to do after that was to turn on the lighting system.

A 30,000-lumen lighting lamp instantly lit up from Lin Feng's shoulders. This was a device that Lin Feng specially installed in order to adapt to Zaun's environment.

90,000 lumens of light can illuminate a whole mountain, and 30,000 lumens of light can completely light up this alley!

In an instant, the dark alley became like daylight!

With this intensity of light, ordinary people will damage their eyes even if they look directly directly, not to mention that the light source is still moving.

Every time Lin Feng makes a move, the position of the light on his shoulder will change. If he accidentally hits his eyes, it will easily cause an accident.

But the three of Caitlin were already prepared.

The tactical goggles with Lin Feng's characteristics were put on, and such goggles could filter out those excess light to a great extent.

But the murderer without the eyepiece wasn't so lucky.

And this time, when the three of them really looked at the mysterious murderer, they were all stunned.

The murderer in front of them is completely different from what they imagined before, he is not a 'person' at all.

It was a beast like a wolf.

It has the appearance of a wolf and is more than three times larger than a strong ordinary man.

But why it is only called 'like', because this wolf is different from the wolves they have seen.

The wolf is an animal that walks on all fours, but the beast in front of it stands and walks on two hind legs like a human.

And not only that, the beast also wore some human costumes, although it was damaged, but everyone saw it clearly.

What kind of creature is this thing that looks like a wolf but not a wolf, like a man but not a human?

The three of Caitlin couldn't figure it out clearly, but Lin Feng knew this guy.

Zaun Rage, Warwick.

It was at this moment that Lin Feng's system sent a prompt.

[The mission has been successfully completed: find the real murderer of the case]

[The task reward has been obtained: Bone Tooth Necklace (0 loot level)]

[Bone Tooth Necklace: When you kill an enemy, you will collect their loot. Depending on the loot you collect, you will get different attributes. The loot can stack up to 20 layers. 】

Lin Feng didn't have time to take a closer look at the rewards of the quest.

Now that Warwick shows up, everything is connected.

Those terrifying scars really came from under the sharp and huge minions.

Lin Feng never thought of this aspect. After all, Warwick's sudden appearance without warning makes it hard to imagine.

Lin Feng didn't know where Warwick came from or why he made these attacks.

Everything will wait until Warwick is caught.

Lin Feng raised his hand, and a missile launcher protruded from his arm.

A specially made missile whizzed past Warwick.

This is a 'tracking' missile.

In addition to the missile itself tracking the target, the target hit by the missile is also located by Jarvis in real time.

This step is to prevent Warwick from escaping.

But what Lin Feng didn't expect was that with just a dodge, Warwick suddenly jumped to the wall beside the alley and escaped the missile attack.

Even a trackable missile needs plenty of room to steer.

In this narrow alley, before the missile could completely reverse the direction, it slammed into the wall with a 'boom' and exploded.

Lin Feng was stunned for a moment, and understood why Warwick's actions were always so mysterious.

Warwick flew to the wall like this, without the slightest pressure, and his movements were extremely light, not even a single brick fell from the wall he was hanging on.

Obviously it is a huge body, but it has an unimaginable quiet ability, just like just now, Warwick quietly came to his side, or Lin Feng's talisman power saved his life.

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With such an ability, it is indeed difficult for Warwick to let people find his whereabouts. No trace of Warwick was found at both ends of the alley before. In fact, it was because Warwick did not follow the road of the alley at all. Ninety percent of the time. It escaped from the high walls on both sides.

What shocked Lin Feng even more was actually Warwick's responsiveness.

Under such a sudden bright light, Warwick was obviously shaken.

Until now, Warwick still had his eyes closed, but in this state, Warwick still avoided the attack!

It was just a thought, and Lin Feng wanted to understand all this.

Hearing, smell, this is the real powerful guarantee of Warwick.

The wolf's sense of smell is already outstanding, let alone Warwick, who has become more evolved.

Everything in the world has a smell, the gunpowder smell of missiles, the metallic smell of titanium alloys, the smell of human flesh and blood... Logically speaking, it is impossible for ordinary people to completely distinguish such mixed smells.

But Warwick can.

His sense of smell was even more sensitive and excellent than the Philos family's scent patrol!

Lin Feng didn't forget that in the game, when he was still in blood, he was chased by werewolves almost all the way.

And such an ability has not been weakened at all in the real world!

In addition to his outrageous sense of smell, Warwick's hearing is also much more sensitive than ordinary people, which is also one of the wolf's original abilities.

The powerful sense of smell and hearing allows Warwick to perfectly locate even when he loses his vision!

Coupled with Warwick's powerful combat power... Lin Feng not only sighed, but none of the heroes in these games are really good.

Fortunately, Warwick doesn't use toxins like Tucci. If his claws are still poisoned, Lin Feng would have been hit by now.

Putting aside so many thoughts, Lin Feng immediately launched the next attack.


Lin Feng shouted, and the palm of his hand ignited and flew.

At this time, Warwick was still trying his best to open his eyes. He smelled that Lin Feng's heat source was getting closer and closer to him. Warwick subconsciously flew towards the wall on the other side.

But Lin Feng won't make Warwick's action any easier.

Since the tracking missile failed, Lin Feng had a better way.

A button popped up on Lin Feng's arm.

Lin Feng quickly pressed it, and at this moment, with Lin Feng himself as the center, a very wave of air was quickly set off.

This is another new installation by Lin Feng, the electrostatic force field.

The electromagnetic pulse exceeding 1000 volts instantly paralyzed Warwick, and this feeling of immobility spread to Warwick's body.

But even in this state, Warwick still hung on the wall and did not fall off, and Lin Feng was secretly surprised by his controllability of his body.

Lin Feng knew that it would be unrealistic to defeat Warwick just through the electrostatic force field.

At best, Warwick was briefly paralyzed for a few seconds.

You know, for Warwick, this is only 1000 volts, just like the static electricity generated when taking off a sweater, it will only cause temporary discomfort.

But these few seconds were enough for Lin Feng's plan.

A figure jumped high and jumped down from the roof above Warwick. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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