Lin Feng not only discovered Warwick's figure, but also discovered the source of the bloodstain.

But this scene gave Lin Feng only one feeling.


Farther in the ruins, Warwick was holding an adult male in his hands.

Judging from the thermal imaging response, the adult male should have been dead for a while.


At this time, Warwick was still scratching the front of the man with his claws.

Lin Feng had known before that the terrifying scratches beyond recognition were all from Warwick's hands, but he had never been able to understand Warwick's reason for doing so.

And now, Lin Feng knows.

Grind the claws.

Wolves are canids.

Even the smallest teacup dog has long nails.

Grab the sofa, demolish the house... In fact, it is all to consume too long nails and excess energy.

Warwick is the same.

Even if you are a werewolf, you cannot avoid the genetic characteristics of wolves.

Grinding claws becomes a Warwick biological instinct when the claws are too long.

It's just that the object Warwick chose was not a special scratching board, but a person.

Live people!

came up.

Blood pressure is up!

Lin Feng felt a stream of blood rushed to his forehead.

Warwick, such a werewolf driven only by instinct, has made Lin Feng so angry that he couldn't be more angry.

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If it was put in the past, even if the two cities were destroyed, it had nothing to do with him.

But now, Lin Feng is different.

After experiencing what happened to Victor, Lin Feng had new thoughts.

It was because of his previous Buddhist attitude that he ignored Victor's existence and turned Victor into a robot.

Since the results are unacceptable, why not try to prevent it in the first place?

Lin Feng has found some sense of home in Shuangcheng.

There are people he likes, and there are people who like him.

Lin Feng will never allow this peace to be destroyed again!

"Jarvis, switch to combat mode."

"Okay, sir, as you wish."

The armor is fully activated, and all weapons are unsecured.

Lin Feng raised his hand, ejected a small silo from his forearm, and fired a tiny missile toward Warwick's discovery.

The missile, which had no gunpowder or power, fell to the ground before it hit Warwick.

Following the arc of the ruins, the dud rolled to Warwick's feet.

Strange sounds, strange things.

Warwick instinctively put down the dead man in his hands, who had long been beyond recognition, and looked down, wondering what was rolling over on the ground.

But at this moment, Lin Feng, who was behind Mark's armor, said softly:


'boom! ’

The white light soaring to the sky exploded in an instant, illuminating the entire uninhabited area.

Flash Shock Bomb.

Warwick has intelligence, but he's clearly not as smart as Twitch.

Choosing such a harsh environment as a hiding place can indeed effectively conceal people's eyes and ears, but he can't block the irritating smell emanating from the chemical waste all over the place.

Warwick's two major strengths are smell and sight.

The sense of smell has been abolished in half by the natural environment.

And the first step Lin Feng has to do is to abolish Warwick's other half.


Wolves are animals with night vision, but even for Warwick, the sudden change from darkness to light can irritate the eyes.

Not to mention that this is a flash shock bomb specially made by Lin Feng.

A large amount of magnesium powder continued to burn, and the roar of the flash bomb explosion also hurt Warwick's hearing.

Kill two birds with one stone.

"Everyone, act!"

No need to dodge, Lin Feng gave an order, and everyone acted according to the original plan in an instant.

Pull all the light sources you carry with you to the fullest and shine them into the air.

The originally dark no-man's land suddenly became brighter than the downtown area.

By pressing another button on the glasses, the night vision function is switched to the sunglasses function.

The excess sunlight is filtered, and the gentlest, clearest, and most comfortable real picture appears in front of everyone!

At this point, the situation has completely reversed.

The vision advantage that was originally beneficial to Warwick has disappeared, but the people on Lin Feng's side have gained a clear vision.

The next second, a stronger light shone on Warwick.

Zeli, who was holding a powerful spotlight, had a serious expression. Her task was to use this light to lock Warwick's position. This was a job that only she could do. Her speed could ensure that she would not lose Warwick's whereabouts.

But Warwick is the hero of the game anyway.

In a matter of seconds, Warwick came to his senses.

Looking forward with the help of eyes that had not fully recovered, Warwick vaguely saw the red metal man flying towards him.

Fear subconsciously appeared in Warwick's mind.

Instinct drove Warwick to flee.

In the past few days, Warwick's cut off leg has been restored, which surprised Lin Feng.

But only some.

Warwick's physical fitness has already broken through the limits of biology, and Lin Feng abandoned his normal vision for Warwick long ago.

From the necklace on Warwick's neck, Lin Feng can also be sure that this is not another new werewolf, this is Warwick.

With all the force on all fours, Warwick tried to escape.

But before he could run out of the light, Warwick slammed into something with a thud.

Some dizzy Warwick got up from the ground and looked forward.

A hex grid wall of energy had been pulled up, blocking Warwick's way forward.

Warwick immediately ran in the other direction.

But what aroused Warwick's instinctive fear was that such a wall of hex grids had been covered in every direction, even overhead.

This is an enhanced version of the Hexagon ultimatum.

Not as portable as the Hexstone ultimatum device used by Lady Grey, it requires several people to activate the device at different locations at the same time.

However, the slightly complicated startup method brings more powerful and efficient performance.

With the core power of several mk1 hexes fully activated, such a hex cage can last at least until the arrest is over.

When Warwick was still searching for a way out, Lin Feng had also flown to the rear of Warwick.

Four doses of anesthesia needles flew out from Lin Feng's hands and arms, which came from his own alchemy skills.

At this dose, even an elephant will be in a coma for three days and three nights.

The special anesthesia needle bullet pierced Warwick's thick skin at high speed, and the liquid medicine was quickly injected into Warwick's blood.

Under attack, Warwick instinctively opened his **** mouth and rushed towards Lin Feng to counterattack.

But Warwick had just jumped into the air, when suddenly several large nets were thrown from all directions!

Warwick wanted to use his teeth to break through the siege of these big nets. His sharp fangs could even bite steel directly. Faced with such a big net, he naturally had nothing to fear.

But with such a mouth, Warwick found that he was wrong. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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