Bakuba immediately turned his head and turned to look in Warwick's direction.

Energy bullets are extremely fast.

It didn't take a second for the energy pulse to hit Warwick, no different from hitting wherever he pointed.

Caitlyn's four shots were not aimed at critical locations such as Warwick's head or heart.

but limbs.

With all this concentration, Caitlyn couldn't be empty, no matter how far away.

Four bullets hit Warwick's wrist and ankle respectively.

Extremely precise.

"Caitlin, great job!"

Wei shouted, and the Hex Rifle directly pierced the hit position. This is the explosive firing mode of the Hex Rifle, and there is no such thing as a power reduction.

Warwick let out a long howl of pain, and his movements became stiff.

The members of the special operations team took advantage of this opportunity to regroup, throwing spare cables and regaining control of Warwick.

The situation was reversed for a while.

Bakugou exhaled in his heart, staring in Warwick's direction, not even breathing too loudly.

She also didn't know if the werewolf in front of her was Vander, and what did she have to do with Vander.

After four shots, Caitlin did not relax her vigilance, still lying on the ground staring at the scope, ready to fire support again at any time.

My brother's woman is amazing... Ike was secretly shocked, their Wildfire Gang... No, not even the whole of Zaun, maybe they can't find such a marksman.

On the side of the striker team, the situation that had just gained the upper hand suddenly changed again.


Warwick's long howl, rolled up a terrifying wave of air around him!

This air wave directly blew the surrounding special action team members out, and the cables in their hands that were used to restrain Warwick were also freed.

Everyone fell to the ground, only to feel deafening, and the symptoms of tinnitus appeared in everyone.

They made all the protective preparations, but they did not protect their hearing.

How can a werewolf damage his hearing other than biting his ears?

But that is the case.

Warwick roared with all his strength, and even Caitlin, who was two or three hundred meters away, was shocked, not to mention everyone who was fighting against Warwick.

At this time, Warwick was in a different state from the previous state.

His originally clear wolf eyes had turned completely red, and he could not distinguish between the whites of the eyes and the pupils.

At this time, Warwick used all fours and prostrate on the ground. He showed his sharp fangs, and the wound he was hit just now healed almost instantly.

A large amount of viscous saliva dripped from Warwick's mouth, Warwick's claws were deeply embedded in the hard rock of the ground, and the rumbling sound like an imperial engine came from Warwick's breath.

A mad beast going mad.

Whoever looks at it will have this feeling, and only this feeling.

Everyone doesn't know if Warwick is really crazy, but what they know is that Warwick's combat power is definitely a level higher than just now.

Fire support must be carried out again!

Caitlin made up her mind.

The situation on the battlefield is always changing, and a good sniper must judge the situation in a short time.

The situation is out of control, and fire is fired at will on the basis of not directly killing them.

This is Caitlin's judgment.

Since four shots are not enough, forty shots.

All of Warwick's limbs were shattered, and even if Warwick had any healing power, he would definitely be severely injured.

Same steps.

Ranging, wind measurement, casting, aiming, shooting.

But when Caitlin took aim, she was startled.

In the scope, Warwick was no longer visible.

Caitlin raised her head, her eyes shifted from the sniper scope to the front, and just as she was about to cast her eyes to locate Warwick, a rapid whistling sound suddenly came from above.

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Getting closer.

Caitlyn didn't even have time to look up, but out of the corner of her eye she saw the black shadow in the air.

Not only Caitlin, but also Ike and several members of the special operations team responsible for protecting Caitlin did not react.

Their brains know what it is, but they don't have time for their brains to tell their bodies what to do.

That's too late!

Caitlyn closed her eyes subconsciously, and Ike put his hand on the switch button of the Z drive at the last second.

But the imagined picture did not happen.

'boom! ’

With a dull sound, the shadow seemed to be knocked out by something.

When everyone finally made up their minds and raised their heads, a red and golden figure appeared in front of them.

"Are you all right?"

The familiar mechanical voice came again.

Caitlyn's heart was beating fast, but she quickly controlled all her distractions and set up her sniper rifle again.

"We're fine."

Lin Feng nodded,

"Be careful."

" careful too."

There was no time to talk nonsense. As soon as Caitlin finished speaking, Lin Feng swooped down and went straight to Warwick.

It was really uncomfortable to be knocked out by Warwick just now. Warwick's powerful strength not only made him feel back pain, but also hit walls one after another in the battle armor, and even Jarvis's system was idle. less time.

Fortunately, it finally caught up.

It's very easy to punch Warwick in the air, just apply a lateral acceleration to Warwick in the air.

But if you want to defeat Warwick in this state with the acceleration exerted by his fists, it is not so simple.

Just rolled around on the ground, UU read www. Warwick used his powerful strength to withstand the exaggerated acceleration and friction, and stabilized his body on the ground again.

Warwick raised his head and roared at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng naturally refused to come, and launched a missile at Warwick when he flew in the air.

This time, it wasn't a flash bomb, but a real miniature missile, the kind that could destroy a tank with one.

'boom! ’

The missile exploded the moment it touched Warwick, sending out a sky-high sound and fire.

But before the thick smoke from the explosion site had completely dissipated, a **** mouth dripping with saliva rushed out of it and bit towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng quickly raised the height and avoided the attack.

After all, no matter how good Warwick's jumping ability is, he can't adjust his direction in the air. This is physics.

"Come on, let's go to the open place to fight!"

I don't know if Warwick can understand, Lin Feng said loudly.

However, Warwick's hatred value did come to Lin Feng at this time. Even if he had lost his mind, those memories in his subconscious would tell Warwick which guy was more hateful.

As for the open space that Lin Feng mentioned, of course, it was not his wallet, but the direction of the special action team.

If you can fight one more, you will definitely not be singled out!

It was the first time that Lin Feng saw Warwick like this.

This is Warwick in a state of rage.

A true Zaun Rage!

In this state, even Lin Feng didn't want to fight Warwick alone.

Mid-lane mages PK melee top laners generally don't have any good fruit to eat.

The members of the special action team also adjusted from the roar and shock just now. After a small bottle of super shimmer, these small injuries basically healed in an instant.

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