"Okay sir, but if you want to buy so many flowers at one time, you need to join the membership in the store."

The clerk's face has completely cooled down.

As expected, Lin Feng showed a surprised expression:

"Are you still a member?"

"Yes, sir." The cold-faced clerk nodded.

Lin Feng touched his chin and thought for a moment:

"How much does a membership cost?"

"10 gold coins." The clerk replied quickly and continued:

"If you buy flowers for more than 100 gold coins at one time, we can return the 10 gold coins to you."

This is a relatively cheap package.

Doing it is equivalent to not doing it, and there are even discounts.

The main purpose is to screen out those rich people and place the occurrence of the beacon fire show princes.

Only those who can afford ten gold coins can afford one hundred gold coins.

In the eyes of the clerk, Lin Feng in front of him is not someone who can afford ten gold coins.

Lin Feng touched his chin as if he was contemplating.

A sneer appeared on the corner of the clerk's mouth.

Still pretending...he's still pretending!

She was even a little annoyed, and she was extremely contemptuous of the man in front of her.

His next sentence must be something like whether he can directly use these ten gold coins to pay the bills.

"Why is it so troublesome? If I buy so much, can I just subtract or add ten gold coins?"

Hehe... sure enough.

The clerk sneered, but did not show dissatisfaction in the language, but continued:

"We can't do this on our side, sir. If you want to become a member, you must pay 10 gold coins first."

Lin Feng dragged his chin again and began to meditate.

The clerk just looked at Lin Feng coldly, and had already anticipated what Lin Feng would say next.

Ah, I'm sorry, I forgot to bring the money, I'll go back and get the money... You guys have no sincerity at all, so I won't buy it... Your membership is so unreasonable, I won't join...

Anyway, words like this are absolutely impossible to escape.

"Ah, well, I'll give you ten gold coins first."

Oh, if...

? ? ?

"Sir, what did you say?"

The clerk doubted his ears.

Turning his head to look, Lin Feng was already pulling out the pocket of his clothes.

The clothes of nobles often do not have particularly large pockets.

Large pockets only affect the appearance, and the nobles do not need anything when they go out. This is not in line with the tradition of the nobles. This is why the clerk looks at Lin Feng's clothes and thinks that Lin Feng has no money.

But Lin Feng took the clothes out, and the clerk saw that in the inner lining of Lin Feng's coat, there were many pockets of various sizes.

These pockets all looked bulging. Lin Feng reached in and grabbed it, and a large amount of gold coins came out.

A few gold coins accidentally fell to the ground, and the stupefied clerk didn't even come back to help them pick them up.

When something fell on the floor, it was their job to pick it up.

But now, the clerk's eyes are focused on those pockets.

Just one grab is a huge amount... Are these pockets full of gold coins?

Lin Feng ignored the abnormality of the clerk, or he didn't care at all.

Squatting down, Lin Feng picked up the gold coins, counted ten of them, and put the remaining gold coins back into his pocket.

Stand up and hand the ten gold coins to the clerk.

"Ten gold coins, right? You count."

The clerk stared blankly at Lin Feng and the gold coins in Lin Feng's hand.

For a moment, the clerk was stunned.

I have worked in a flower shop for a lot of time, and I have never seen such a customer!

It turns out that wearing this style of clothes is just to bring money?

Who is he?

Does he really want to buy all the flowers?

The clerk only felt that her mind was messed up, and even with the gold coins in front of her, she forgot to pick it up, but stood there in a daze.

Not only her, but all the other clerks also grew their mouths and dropped their jaws.

The bright gold coin is in front of you, it is not fake, nor is it an illusion.

"Take it, isn't it ten gold coins?"

Lin Feng raised his hand and greeted the clerk.

It's tiring to hold these coins all the time.

"Okay, okay."

It was not the cold face just now, and the clerk still looked a little flattered, and quickly took the gold coins in Lin Feng's hand.

With a smile on the clerk's face, she didn't expect that she really found a treasure today.

But just as he was about to speak, the clerk suddenly thought of something.

"Sir, I'm sorry, please wait a moment!"

Under the watchful eyes of other clerks, the clerk in short high heels trotted all the way to the counter.

While storing the gold coins in her hand, she also judged the gold coins.

All are genuine.

From Piltover and Zaun, flowing in the Twin Cities, genuine gold coins.

One is a gold coin for one month's living expenses!

The clerk was overjoyed, and all the thoughts just now were thrown into the clouds in the back of his head.

She trotted all the way back to Lin Feng again. This time, she stood a lot closer to Lin Feng, and her chest couldn't help rubbing against Lin Feng's elbow.

"Sir, you can just call me Anna... Come here and wait a moment."

With that said, Anna wanted to take Lin Feng's arm and go to a small room beside her.

This scene made the other shop assistants can't help but be greedy.

Don't care how much this young master can buy, the ten gold coin entrance fee just now is not fake.

If someone draws a person into the union~www.wuxiaspot.com~ she can draw one gold coin as a dividend for these ten gold coins.

A gold coin is a gold coin!

All the shop assistants were jealous. The happier Anna laughed at this moment, the more uncomfortable they seemed to be.

Obviously they had a chance before... When Lin Feng first came in, no one even took the initiative to receive it!

No one would have thought that this seemingly ordinary man, even carrying a big bag of meat, turned out to be an invisible tyrant.

I should have known it earlier... should have known it earlier!

How could such a handsome man be an ordinary person?

It was a pity that it was too late to regret, and all the shop assistants could only look at Anna who was 'accidentally' hanging on Lin Feng with envy, jealousy and hatred.

[Recommendation, Mimi reading and chasing books is really easy to use, download it here and you can try it. 】

Lin Feng enjoyed this little physical contact, but as for going to the small room to talk about business slowly, Lin Feng felt that it was better to avoid it. He still has business to do later.

With a wave of his hand, Lin Feng said:

"There's no need for these. I'm in a hurry to leave. Can you wrap all these flowers for me now?"

"Sir, you mean..."

Anna's voice even started to tremble.

She clearly remembered that the absurd request that Lin Feng said before was to pack all the flowers except those cheap ones.

"Besides that, and that, I want the rest... Of course, I don't want the stock, I just need the quantity on the showcase."

Chapter 197 Sudden Change of Attitude

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