Chapter 210 You Are My Fiancee Now

"What do you want that thing for?"

Gila Mann was a little surprised and even more puzzled.

Piltover Clock Tower, the tallest building in Piltover is also the oldest.

Although it has a long history, it is also a scenic spot.

If you really want to talk about the effect, it actually has no effect. It is just a landmark building. It shows the time concept and scientific progress of the Picheng people. The thieves are not willing to go there because there is really nothing.

But Lin Feng did open his mouth to ask for the pointer on the clock tower.

Could it be that there is some secret there?

But it's not right to think about it. When this clock tower was built, Lin Feng was not yet in Picheng.

If there was any secret, Lin Feng would have taken it long ago.

He fell into the sky, and Ms. Gila Mann felt that there was nothing that Lin Feng could not do.

"I have a younger brother..." Lin Feng scratched his head awkwardly:

"He said he liked the clock up there and wanted the hour hand, ma'am, you see..."

Ms. Gilamann was stunned for a moment, and then smiled:

"Since you want it, I will give it to you. As long as the new hour hand is made, you can take off the original one at any time."

After being a member of parliament for so many years, it was the first time for Ms. Gilamann to hear such a request, and she couldn't help but laugh.

Lin Feng could only laugh with embarrassment.

No way, Ike is like this, understand.

There is this requirement in the system, and naturally he will do his best to satisfy it.

Originally, if he hadn't appeared, the situation between the two cities would have been quite tense.

It's not an exaggeration at all.

If there was a real fight, Ike was always the one watching the fire from the wall, and of course it was definitely towards Zaun.

At that time, Ike will naturally take the hour hand on the Piltover clock tower.

This needle symbolizes his control over time.

It also symbolizes his conquest of Picheng.

This needle is also Ike's future weapon.

Instead of Ike going to grab it himself, now he wants this thing for Ike, and it turns out that it is naturally a thousand times better.

After the business was over, Lin Feng was also ready to leave.

Today's meeting was quite pleasant, and Lin Feng spent so much thought on preparing gifts before.

Rewarding both elegant and popular, it really worked.

In this way, the gold coins that were originally spent when buying flowers will not be lost.

With the care of the Gilamain family professionals, he can often enjoy some flowers when he comes by himself in the future.

Walking out of the conference hall, Ms. Gila Mann also asked Lin Feng to stay here for a while and have a little more shopping.

After all, we are all a family, how can we do it if we are not familiar with it?

Lin Feng readily accepted this request and found Caitlin who was arranging the flowers in the manor. Compared with the housekeeper, Lin Feng definitely wanted Caitlin to be his tour guide.

"Lin Feng!"

Caitlin greeted from a distance and trotted to Lin Feng's side:

"Everything is discussed?"

Lin Feng nodded, "It's all settled."

Caitlin hesitated several times, but still said:


Lin Feng was taken aback, he grabbed Caitlin's hand, his eyes full of tenderness:

"It's all settled, now you are my fiancee."

Caitlyn's cheeks flushed red.

She looked around and found that the servants were busy carrying flowers, and she was relieved.

Looking at Lin Feng with resentful eyes, Caitlin whispered:

"There are so many people here, keep your voice down..."

"Whisper what?" Lin Feng teased Caitlin:

"Don't you want to marry me?"

Caitlin's face turned even redder, she glared at Lin Feng:

"Say what?"

The meaning is self-evident. Lin Feng laughed even more happily, and Caitlin couldn't help but laugh.

But with a smile, Lin Feng still thought of bad things.

At least not for Caitlin.

"Caitlin." Lin Feng's expression gradually became serious and looked at Caitlin.

"Huh?" Caitlin felt something.

"Caitlin, I'm sorry."

Lin Feng has told countless lies between the two cities.

From the beginning of his identity as a scientist, until later, Lin Feng himself can't count.

But this apology, Lin Feng is sincere.

Lin Feng wanted to say something else, but Caitlin put his finger on his lips.

"Lin Feng, don't say that..."

"But, I..."

"You want to say, are you sorry for me?" Caitlin smiled, she shook her head, and said:

"I've already thought about it. If you really abandon Seraphine, then you'll be sorry for me. I'll be abandoned by you one day."

"Caitlin, I..."

"Don't worry, I know you're not like that."

Caitlin smiled, "If you were that kind of person, I wouldn't marry you."

Lin Feng felt like crying in his heart.

If you have a wife, what more can you ask for?

And obviously it was Caitlin who came first, but...

Lin Feng still felt ashamed.

"About Seraphine...I'll tell her."

Caitlin nodded. The iron-faced police officer who has always enforced the law with integrity has a rare naughty look. She blinked and said to Lin Feng:

"Then I'll leave it to you. If I screw up, then I'll take advantage of it."

Lin Feng smiled and was noncommittal about what Caitlin said. UU reading

Caitlin couldn't help but feel happy at the thought of getting married.

The man in front of him was finally someone who belonged to her, someone who was kind to her.

This is what she dreams of. As the daughter of a noble family, Caitlin understands that even though she has some freedom in her choice of marriage, it is impossible to choose an ordinary person as her partner.

It's not that she doesn't want to do it, it's a family problem.

Almost all the marriages of nobles are between nobles, and there is very little to reduce the status, even if it is reduced, it will not be reduced too much.

If you don't want to marry those powerful people, and you fall in love with someone from an ordinary family, in the end, the only way is to elope.

Elopement means saying goodbye to the family, or even leaving home.

Of course Kateley didn't want so much.

But she also didn't want to marry someone without any reason, just because he might be the son or young master of a certain family.

But Lin Feng appeared.

This man brought her up, protected her, and cared for her.

Caitlin thought that she had really fallen in love with Lin Feng.

At this moment, Caitlin was a little grateful to her mother.

I thought it was an impulsive move, but I didn't expect that it actually came to fruition in the end.

Taking Lin Feng's hand, Caitlin walked towards the big house in the manor with Lin Feng.

"My mother asked you to walk around our house? ... Mother always likes this. Come on, I'll show you. You haven't looked at my house carefully."

Lin Feng came back to his senses, and a happy smile permeated the faces of the two of them.

He took big strides to keep up with Caitlin.

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