Chapter 226 You Help Me, I Help You

Laura nodded.

She believed what Lin Feng said.

At this juncture, Lin Feng had no need to lie to her.

The imagination of the matter is completely beyond Laura's imagination, and it is no wonder that Lin Feng is so anxious to find these people.

If this kind of thing happened in Noxus, those old guys would have been burning their eyebrows and fighting each other.

"The Executioner..."

Laura muttered to herself, trying to find out more information.

It's a pity that even if Laura thinks about it, she can't think of anything about it.

Not because of anything else.

Lin Feng provided too little information.

Finding someone like this is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Laura shook her head:

"I'm sorry, I can't think of any relevant information anyway."

The minister of Noxus apologized and the sun came out of the west.

But Laura felt that Lin Feng was worthy of this apology, and she didn't feel unhappy at all.

But Laura's tone changed immediately:

"But don't worry, I can help you with this matter."

Laura's eyes turned to the sea in front of her. Under the setting sun, the sea looked extraordinarily beautiful.

"I still have a certain network of contacts in Noxus. Maybe others can have relevant information. I will help you ask."

Speaking of this sentence, at first glance, it feels a bit like painting a pie.

But if you think about it carefully, it is the most likely way.

There is nothing to do, and it is not easy to make people think about relevant clues seriously.

If you really entrust some friends to also inquire about such a thing, you will not just sit at the table and chat, but you will also owe a little favor.

Lin Feng nodded:

"Then I'll trouble you. If there is really news, I'm willing to pay enough."

"If you say remuneration or something, you'll see it."

Laura smiled quite heartily:

"Then we can talk about cooperation."

"I wonder what cooperation Ms. Laura wants to talk about?"

Lin Feng also laughed.

It is indeed a dangerous thing to seek skin with a tiger.

But if handled well, the danger may turn into an advantage.

Now that he has dealt with Noxus, of course Lin Feng wanted to see if he could get some oil down.

Although Noxians are dangerous, Lin Feng has experienced situations that are even more dangerous than this.

"Trade, weapons...everything is fine, just don't know what Zaun lacks right now."

"What Zaun lacks now is not things, but status."

Lin Feng's expression was solemn:

"Zuan needs friends now, I think, Piltover and I should already be friends. Although we used to be enemies, no matter where we are on the Valoran Continent, or on which land, I think we are all friends. There are no permanent enemies, and there are only permanent interests."

"There are no permanent enemies, only permanent interests?"

Laura froze for a moment.

These words were murmured in her mouth and kept reverberating in her mind.

Makes makes sense!

Not to mention what happened to Valoran, this kind of thing is what Noxus has always believed in.

Not to mention that in the entire Valoran continent, in the long river of time, this kind of thing has always existed.

Laura came back to her senses and smiled:

"There are no permanent enemies, only permanent interests... Good interest theory, I like you more and more. I wonder if you are interested in my daughter Mel?"

Lin Feng was a little dumbfounded.

Are you interested in Mel?

In Picheng, there is polygamy, or polyandry.

But this also only happens among single men and women.

He's now a fiancée, a Caitlin man.

Not to mention whether he is interested in Mel, even if he is really interested, Lu Yuan can't accept it.

Mel also has a husband now.

As a 'modern person' who has come through, Lin Feng can accept such things as polygamy.

But if it is polyandry... Lin Feng felt that if he was not desperate to eat soft rice, he would definitely not be able to accept it.

And he doesn't have to eat soft rice now.

He himself is the king of Zaun, the princess of Shurima, and he can feed him a mouthful of food if he is not prepared, otherwise it will not be easy for anyone.

Mainly because of Laura's character, it made Lin Feng a little confused.

I negotiated hard and wanted to do business with you. Do you want to be my mother?


"Ms Laura is really joking, of course Senator Mel is beautiful, but I have no idea about it at the moment."

Lin Feng smiled and said.

Of course he didn't say anything about Caitlin, for fear of causing trouble for Caitlin.

Do not be fooled by doing this.

As that saying goes, there are no real enemies, only eternal interests.

Of course, there are no permanent friends.

But don't feel that the relationship between the two people has deepened just because of this simple chat for a while.

There are not a few people who fall into the trap because of such things.

Lin Feng has plenty of modern experience and lessons learned, of course he will not be confused by this.

In the conversation between the two people, every detail is a trick.

Seeing tricks and dismantling tricks, there will not be too many ideas.

But if one party is caught, it will be eroded by inequality.

Laura smiled, and just like Lin Feng thought, she didn't intend to go further in this direction.

Seriously, Lin Feng lost.

"Since Mr. Lin Feng doesn't mean then forget it, but it's not that difficult to be friends with Noxus."


Lin Feng looked at Laura:

"Just don't know what it will cost?"

Lin Feng speaks bluntly, there is no need to be so obscure about these things.

Cooperation matters, not only for Zaun, but for Noxus as well.

After all, there is no interest to support, and there are very few friends on the land of Valoran. Only those who have a fairly consistent belief may have the meaning of union.

"It doesn't cost anything."

Unexpectedly, Laura shook her head and said:

"I help you, you help me, that's all."

Lin Feng felt a little different, and the atmosphere became subtle.

Today, it seems that it is not only he who needs help with something. According to Laura, it seems that she also has something to trouble her.

"Ms. Laura, if you have any business, it's fine to say it."

Lin Feng said.

As soon as these words came out, Laura's expression became serious, and she opened the chat box:

"Recently, things have been a little less rosy in Noxus."

Lin Feng's expression froze.

"Not too optimistic? What do you mean?"

"Noxus, someone is launching a coup!"

Lin Feng's body trembled with Laura's words.

This is no small matter.

Noxus, there's a coup!

In this country that believes in power, it is quite normal for a coup to take place. There are many reckless and ambitious people who want to try the feeling of being an emperor.

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