Chapter 228

If Lin Feng was Laura, he would also use the hands of Congressman Mel.

Her own daughter has so much power, and it is simply blind to not take advantage of it or take advantage of it.

Even though Piltover generally does not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, and Piltover itself is a country that advocates peace, there is still a lot of room for negotiation in the face of true family affection.

Laura must have come here to seek help from Mel.

It's just... Lin Feng felt that if he guessed correctly, Mel should have not agreed to his mother, Laura's request for help.

If you agree, you should send troops early, and you can't wait for now.

According to Lin Feng's own intelligence network, Piltover has not made any big moves recently.

"Ms Laura, what happened to Noxus, you might as well talk about it first."

Lin Feng said.

Anyway, after listening to it, it is not a difficult thing to deal with.

Although things may be serious to a certain extent, it does not mean that there is no room for negotiation.

As the saying goes, good luck and bad luck.

Although it sounds like a hot potato, what if there is any benefit to be obtained?

Today's Zaun has just started, and it also needs some benefits to support development, whether in economics or diplomacy, in all aspects.

Instead of planning for the worst, you can plan for the best first.

In the best case, he helped Noxus settle the crisis, that is, he helped the Noxus faction represented by Laura.

There is no need to ask, there must be multiple ruling parties in Noxus, and everyone has different opinions and different factions.

If it wasn't, Laura wouldn't have come here to take refuge or ask for help if everyone was on the same side.

Even if there are any reforms, Lin Feng feels that Laura belongs to the group of people who have absolutely nothing to do with her.

Laura is smart and not at all pedantic, at least not as pedantic as the old worm-like aristocrats rumored to be in Noxus.

Since Laura can take refuge here, it must have encountered a struggle between parties.

This kind of struggle is the fiercest.

Different opinions, that is, different Taoism, are not mutually beneficial.

And the character of the Noxian, Lin Feng is not ignorant.

When they were fighting on the battlefield outside, if they came anywhere, even a dog would have to lift its tail and slap it twice.

It's like this on the outside, and it's not much better in terms of internal affairs.

Brave and cruel at the same time.

There is absolutely no future troubles that can be cut down and rooted, and there is no heart of the Virgin at all. This is called Noxus.

And that's what Laura is currently facing, prompting her to seek refuge in Piltover and ask for help.

But if you think about it from another angle, what if you think about it from a good angle?

What if he helped Laura successfully resolve this coup?

Laura's opponent is Noxian, but Laura is Noxian too!

Not only that, but Laura may be more ruthless and ruthless!

If you help Laura solve this coup d'état, with Laura's character, she will definitely wipe out the roots.

After this, Lara's opponent will no longer exist, completely disappearing in Noxus, and even the entire land of Valoran.

At that time, Lin Feng, as a member who helped Laura, will naturally have a good relationship with the new empire.

Laura flew up the branches and turned into a phoenix, and Lu Yuan would definitely be able to get huge benefits from Noxus.

At least no worries about being invaded by Noxus.

Moreover, the establishment of good diplomatic relations with Noxus is also a manifestation of strength.

After all, Noxus does not talk to those weak countries and cities.

At that time, with the alliance of Noxus, those other countries and cities that want to bully Zaun will have to weigh and measure whether they can withstand the wrath of Noxus.

And the answer, of course, is no, not even a great country like Demacia can shake the foundation of Noxus.

Not to mention that Zaan is still an underground city, with no mountains and no water, mixed with fish and dragons, and big brothers everywhere, and it is not a sweet pastry.

By then, Zaun will be almost 'absolute' safe!

Plus Congressman Mel is Laura's daughter.

Although he didn't directly help Mel, if Lin Feng really did this, he would help her mother, and even help Congressman Mel's own hometown.

Such a kindness, even in a high position, has to be remembered.

With this relationship, Lin Feng can say that he can definitely speak in Piltover.

First of all, the Gilamain family must be on his side.

With the support of Congressman Mel, Lin Feng speculated that as the King of Zaun, he would have no problem participating in Piltover's council, and he might even give himself the title of an honorary councilor for fun.

At that time, Zaan established diplomatic relations on three sides.

Piltover before, Noxus after.

Even in the vast land of Valoran, Zaun can definitely be called a number.

Well, that's what it is.

It's not good anymore, it's just too good, too good, too good to be.

The temptation was so great that Lin Feng even wanted to accept it on the spot.

But he can't.

As the King of Zaun, it is naturally impossible to see only one side of everything.

Be prepared not only for the good but also for the bad ones.

What if the plan to support Laura fails?

The situation would be completely reversed.

Laura will be slaughtered.

At this point, all his efforts will be in vain.

As a member who once supported Laura, not only Lin Feng himself, but the entire Zaan will be missed by this powerful empire.

After all, all the actions made by the King of Zaun can't be separated from the relationship simply by saying "only represent personal opinions".

What the King of Zaun does, represents Zaun!

No matter what you say, Noxus can't do that.

At that time, being in the mind of such a powerful empire, there is a 99% probability that there will be no good fruit to eat.

Not to mention that Congressman Mel is also Laura's daughter.

As a minister of Noxus, when Laura becomes a loser in the political struggle, Mel, as her daughter, naturally has little to gain.

In all seriousness, the battle between Noxus and Piltover may be imminent.

To put it mildly, Noxus would also demand that Congressman Mel be handed over to them for disposal.

Under intense pressure, MP Meyer is likely to be voted out by MPs.

After all, no one wants to stand in the muddy water, it's all about the attitude of hanging up high

Moreover, the seat of this member is not an iron seat, one can't get down when he sits on it.

Professor Heimerdinger, the founder of the country Piltover, was eventually ousted from power.

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