From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 110 We Didn't Say We Were Settling Projects!

As a top domestic titanium alloy expert, Cao Dongming attaches great importance to the achievements in the field of titanium alloys, because he knows how widely titanium alloys are used in the aviation field.

Cao Dongming is a researcher of the Institute of Aeronautical Materials and a technical expert affiliated to the Aviation Group. He has participated in the manufacture of advanced fighter jets and understands that one of the general directions of fighter jet development is to replace other heavier alloy materials with titanium alloy materials.

For example, steel.

No matter what kind of steel, the density is very high, and the density of titanium alloy is only 60 to 70% of that of steel, and its hardness is no less than that of steel. Naturally, it is the first choice to replace steel.

In the field of aviation, there are two research and development directions for titanium alloys. One is to reduce costs, and the other is to manufacture multi-purpose titanium alloys to meet the needs of various parts of aircraft.

Most of the parts on the aircraft need alloy materials, including the casing, engine, shaft, landing gear, etc. If they are all made of titanium alloys to achieve the same performance, the weight can be reduced by more than 20 to 30%. , not only fast and high load-bearing, but also more flexible.

To meet the needs of various parts of the aircraft, it is necessary to manufacture various types of titanium alloys, so it is necessary to have enough understanding of titanium alloy manufacturing.

So how can we increase our understanding?

This calls for more material science research projects like 'ultracompressive alloy materials'.

Research and development related to increasing the strength of β-type titanium alloys is a major research in the field of titanium alloys. Because of its importance, the National Natural Science Foundation of China will give support.

Increasing the strength of β-type titanium alloys does not seem to solve a single problem, because there are many influencing factors, and it can be said that there is no definite direction, and each study can only be used as a reference.

However, if a certain research can use conventional means to produce an "ultra-high-strength titanium alloy", it means that it is "very close" to the correct direction, and it will become very valuable for reference.

Now the titanium alloy with a tensile strength of 1560 MPa is produced, which belongs to the kind of research with very significant achievements.

Because of this, Cao Dongming attaches great importance to it.

After learning about the research and development process with Peng Hui, he followed directly to the data analysis office. He was very interested in the analysis of how Wang Hao did it.

This may be able to be applied to other research in the field of titanium alloys.

After arriving at the data analysis office, there was nothing to do with Peng Hui. Wan Yiming, who was in charge of data analysis, explained to Cao Dongming.

Wan Yiming has been studying Wang Hao's data analysis for a long time, and he has understood 80% of the previous content.

He explained very carefully.

Cao Dongming also kept listening and nodding, and followed to understand the analysis process. When the explanation came to calculation and analysis, Wan Yiming stopped talking.

"Continue?" Cao Dongming raised his head in doubt.

Wan Yiming smiled awkwardly and said, "Professor Cao, I haven't fully understood the last part."


This answer was quite unexpected.

Cao Dongming is not from the metal laboratory, so he couldn't say anything directly, so he nodded and said, "That's it, you do your work first."


Wan Yiming felt very embarrassed, so he hurried away and continued to analyze and understand.

Peng Hui was walking to the side.

Cao Dongming couldn't help muttering to Peng Hui in a low voice, "The material analyst in your laboratory is not very good." He kept shaking his head as he spoke.


Peng Hui nodded vigorously in agreement.

He really felt that Wan Yiming's level was very poor, and the data analysis in the whole research process did not help much, not as much as Shi Guifang who did data calculations, but he still knew that every laboratory must have data analysts.

Wan Yiming still has some achievements in the theory of data mining, and it is not easy to find someone with the same level.

Cao Dongming sighed with emotion, and then began to look seriously. He is already in his fifties, and he knows a lot about every aspect of the research on the titanium alloy project, and he can know the method even for complex data analysis.

ten minutes passed...

Twenty minutes have passed...

Cao Dongming felt that he was probably in a bad state of mind, and rarely asked his doctoral students to help him make a cup of coffee. He drank coffee very rarely, mainly because of his living habits, but now he had to drink a cup of coffee to refresh himself.

Then, another hour passed.

Cao Dongming sat on the chair with a blank expression, staring at a pile of codes on the computer and the annotations next to it, looking left and right while thinking.

Finally he stood up and went to Peng Hui's office.

Peng Hui quickly stood up and asked, "Professor Cao, how do you look?"

"Cough cough."

Cao Dongming rubbed the corner of his mouth and said, "I thought about it just now. It's better for a dedicated person to study the work of data analysis."

"I came mainly to understand the implementation process."

What he said was serious and nodded in cooperation, as if that was what he thought in his heart.

Peng Hui agreed, "Yeah, I think so too, so I never get involved in those complex data issues."

Cao Dongming continued to agree, "That's it. The most important thing for us to lead a team to do a project is to grasp the general direction and let everyone in the team perform their duties..."


the other side.

Wang Hao continued to work on data analysis.

Three lessons a week brought 31 points of inspiration, allowing the inspiration to break through 100 points again, and then he has a new analysis method, which is aimed at some data that has not been analyzed before.

Once you have an idea, immediately make records and do research, and strive to complete the work at hand as soon as possible.

He spent the whole day completing the new code, and then went to the computer lab to borrow a server to do calculations.

This time the amount of calculation was less than last time, but he still applied for 5,000 yuan to pay for the use of the server.

Chen Qinghua gave him a hundred praises for his approach. He felt that Wang Hao was very principled in his work. Normally speaking, he had to pay a certain fee to use the equipment in the computer laboratory to calculate the research content of other teams.

The little old man had a lot of praise in his heart, but he still had to greet him verbally, showing that he accepted it out of helplessness.

To describe this approach in two words is 'hypocrisy'.

Of course, similar things can also be described by etiquette. The cultural tradition of Chinese people is to be modest and polite. If you have any ideas, you can directly express them, which is somewhat impolite.

Wang Hao didn't think too much about it. He insisted on his own principles, and he must give the money to the computer lab and use their servers for calculations, that is, use it in a fair and honest manner.

This will make the heart very comfortable.

After entering all the codes into the computer and officially starting the calculation, Wang Hao also let out a sigh of relief. Although the calculation result has not yet come out, after the calculation is completed, it will be summarized and the analysis work can be completed.

This research was finally completed, and what he was looking forward to was that the A-level difficulty research would add an additional 1,000 teaching coins.

The last research on the Mersenne prime number algorithm also brought a thousand teaching coins.

[Teaching currency: 5597. 】

If one thousand more teaching coins can be added, two-thirds of the goal of tens of thousands of teaching coins has been completed.

"There's only one third left, the Long March has gone so far..."

"But keep going!"


On the same day, an expert review team temporarily formed by the Department of Materials Science came to the metal laboratory of Xijing Jiaotong University.

This expert review team is composed of seven members of experts, including Cao Dongming who arrived first, and others are also experts in the field of metal alloys from various universities and institutions.

They didn't want to come so early, they set the time for next weekend, but Cao Dongming came first, so they had to follow.

Everyone in the expert review team is interested in the research of the metal laboratory. After coming here, they were as concerned about the research issues as Cao Dongming. After sorting out the whole research process, they found that there was no problem, so they planned to take The manufactured alloys go back for testing.

"This should be the final result, right? Our labs are ready for settlement."

A leading expert said.

He is Li Jiping, sixty-one years old, a top expert in non-ferrous metals, a professor at Capital University, a member of the Academy of Sciences, and the leader of the expert review team.

The expert review team came here to do the review, and found that there was no problem with the research, so they could take the final product back for testing and wait for the metal laboratory to make a detailed report.

After a series of approvals and stamps, the project can be settled.

Subsequent finishing has nothing to do with the expert review team.

Hearing Li Jiping's words, Peng Hui hesitated, "Academician Li, we haven't planned to settle the project yet?"

"Why?" Li Jiping asked in complete incomprehension.

Others also looked over.

Peng Hui is also a veteran material expert, but several members of the expert review team are no worse than him individually. When a group of people look at it together, he is still a little stressed, but he still insists, "Professor Wang Hao's analysis work It’s not over yet. He told me the day before yesterday that the next report will come out today or tomorrow. I’m still thinking about doing another experiment based on his analysis results.”

"Shouldn't it matter for one analysis?" Li Jiping frowned. In his understanding, data analysts for materials research belonged to a newly developed position.

If you go back to 20 or 30 years ago, there is no data analyst position in the materials research team.

The research of materials is to keep doing experiments. Raise the temperature if the temperature is not good, and find a new method if the melting is not uniform. What is the use of sitting there and analyzing the data?

The members of the expert group also heard about the promotion effect of Wang Hao's analysis on the results, but what they heard was completely different from what they saw with their own eyes.

They do not deny that the analysis is effective, but they also feel that the luck component is very high.

Based on their past research and development experience, one or two data analyzes and one or two experiments are not very meaningful at all.

Cao Dongming thinks that Wang Hao's analysis is meaningful, and the methods used in it are of certain value, but there is no way to deny other people's views, because he led the team to do a lot of research, and the experimental data analysts in the team analyzed the results. As a result, it cannot be said that it is not helpful at all, but the effect is also very limited.

This is the current state of most materials research.

If scientific analysis can be used to advance step by step and develop materials with the desired effect, the domestic high-end material field will not be stuck by foreign countries for a long time.

Peng Hui and the experts had the same understanding before, but he personally experienced the research process. The problem that got stuck for several months was solved by Wang Hao in a few words. After an analysis, he produced a tensile strength of 1560. Alloys in MPa.

Now say analysis is useless?

I can't be 100% sure whether those complicated analyzes are useful or not, but Wang Hao's words are definitely right.

This is Peng Hui's idea.

He shook his head resolutely, and even said to Li Jiping, "I still think we have to wait for Professor Wang Hao's analysis results and do another experiment. Moreover, we only reported the results and didn't say that we need to settle the project." ?”

The expert reviewers with this sentence have nothing to say.

Material science does not pay attention to the research and development results of the metal laboratory, so an expert review team is set up to come and take a look, and it is not for them to accept the results.

It's just that a few of them, thinking of taking the manufactured alloy back for testing, so they don't need to make another trip, suggested that they directly settle the results.

Several people in the expert review team, you look at me, I look at you, still feel that doing one more experiment is a waste of time, but there is no way to refute what Peng Hui said.

In the end, Cao Dongming stood up and said, "How about this? Doesn't it mean that the results will be available today or tomorrow? Or just wait a day or two, anyway, I came to Xijing. This is a city with a rich history. You can go around when you get the chance.”

These words immediately eased the atmosphere.

There are steps on both sides, and the atmosphere is much more relaxed.


After dealing with the expert review team, Peng Hui also felt very stressed.

Now he chooses to believe in Wang Hao, thinking that after the analysis results, he will definitely be able to manufacture a stronger titanium alloy.

Several experts didn't think so, but they still compromised and decided to stay for two more days.

If an alloy with higher strength can be produced two days later, it will naturally increase the face, and the expert judges will have nothing to say, and they will even be amazed by it.

Otherwise, you will lose face.

The members of the expert review team do not take review work as their profession. They all come from universities and institutions, and they all have their own jobs, and they are all very busy, just like Cao Dongming, who has five projects in his hand. Do it, and you will be very busy when you go back.

Two days, it sounds very short, but it will be a bit depressing to delay two days for no reason.

Peng Hui also understood the feelings of several expert reviewers, but he still had to persevere because he had great trust in Wang Hao.

In other words, everyone in the metal laboratory has placed great trust in Wang Hao.

Peng Hui called Wang Hao and asked about it. Knowing that the results would come out soon, he simply said, "How about this, Professor Wang Hao, can you come here? Regardless of whether this experiment has improved or not, the data The analysis work is over. My own ability is definitely not enough, and there is nothing I can do, so the project can be settled."

"It's just right for you to come here. The experiment before the settlement and the review of the materials department are here. You have contributed the most to the research, so it's right to come..."

"Wow wow ~~"

Peng Hui said a lot in a row, just hoping that Wang Hao could come. One is the person with the "biggest contribution" before the settlement of the project. It is only natural to come here.

The second is that he is under pressure and hopes that Wang Hao will come and explain the analysis results directly instead of submitting them in the form of a report.

After hearing this, Wang Hao thought about it, thinking that there was nothing to do on the weekend, and simply said, "It's okay to go there, but it can't be too long, at most until Monday, and the class on Tuesday can't be delayed."

Attending classes is much more important than participating in experiments.

Peng Hui immediately felt relieved, and said quickly, "I'll have someone book a flight ticket and hotel for you!"

"Tomorrow, it's settled!"


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