From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 122 You are not proving a mathematical conjecture, but doing a simple math problem!

"You call this..."

"Small research?!"

After hearing Zhang Zhiqiang's exclamation, Luo Dayong, Yan Jing and Zhu Ping looked over together.

They didn't hear the previous words.

Zhang Zhiqiang turned around immediately, and explained with hands and feet, "Wang Hao! He said that he used the counterexample of 196 to disprove the palindrome conjecture."

"And, he said it was a small study..."

The last sentence opened his mouth, but no one paid attention to him.

The palindrome conjecture is not so well-known, but scholars in science and engineering majors in scientific research generally know that even Zhu Ping immediately reacted, "You mean that the back and forth transformation and addition can become positive Conjectures that read in reverse order?"

Zhang Zhiqiang immediately nodded vigorously.

Luo Dayong quickly looked at Zhu Ping, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, as if to say 'she actually knew'.

Everyone in the office knows it.

When a number reads exactly the same number from left to right as it reads from right to left, such a number is called a "palindromic number".

Such as 494, 2002, 85458...etc.

The content of the palindrome number conjecture is that any natural number is added to its reciprocal number, and the resulting sum is added to the reciprocal number of the sum... and so on, after a finite number of steps, a palindrome must be obtained in the end number.

This is an easy-to-understand mathematical conjecture, but it is considered wrong by most mathematicians, because it is easy to use a computer to find some numbers that still cannot get palindromic numbers after tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of calculations .

196 is one of the classic examples.

Based on 196, some professional institutions have repeated hundreds of thousands of transformation calculations, but still have not obtained the palindrome number.

So the question is, is it possible to get the palindrome number if we continue to calculate, or can we not get the palindrome number no matter how many calculations we go through?

This is the palindrome conjecture.

The content of the palindrome conjecture is very simple, but it has not been proved until now.

Luo Dayong and Yan Jing came over to look at it immediately. After confirming that it was a study of palindrome numbers, they were as surprised as Zhang Zhiqiang. They were even more surprised that Wang Hao planned to post the research on his blog instead of submitting it to a professional mathematics journal. .

Wang Hao said indifferently, "No need to do this, it's really a small study. I didn't do a rigorous proof, but just gave a counterexample."

"Everyone knows that 196 is a counterexample." Zhang Zhiqiang said, "But no one can prove it."

Wang Hao ignored them, and after typing the title, he posted it directly.

In his understanding, proving that 196 is a counterexample to the palindrome conjecture is indeed just a small study.

He only applied imperfect mathematical methods to research, or even a little content of the research, and completed the proof that 196 is a counterexample of the palindrome conjecture.

This is just a small application of S-level research mathematics.

As long as the mathematical method is published, others can follow the method to solve problems like palindrome conjecture.

So the most important results are new mathematical methods.

Seeing Wang Hao publish the content, Zhang Zhiqiang even held his heart in pain. Others felt the same way. Putting it on them, they should try to submit to top journals.

"It's such a pity, such a big discovery!" Zhu Ping came over when she knew it.

Wang Hao said indifferently, "If you are interested in the proof process, you can visit my blog."

They all returned to their seats immediately, and opened Wang Hao's blog to check it out.

Although they said they were heartbroken for Wang Hao posting the content online, it would be a big gossip if they didn't bring it in, so they forwarded the content of the article to others one after another.

In just a few minutes, Xihai University knew everything from top to bottom.

In terms of this matter, Zhu Ping was the most active in doing it, because she only glanced at the content and knew that she could not understand it.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand, you can forward it to others.

Forward it on the Internet, or even in the school group, and mark it with a sentence, "I read it from beginning to end, and Professor Wang Hao's proof process is completely correct.

From now on, there will be no palindrome conjectures in mathematics! "

Luo Dayong was carefully watching the proof process, when he noticed a message appeared in the prompt follower, he glanced at the retweeter's comment, raised his head, stared at Zhu Ping's face carefully with blank eyes.

Zhu Ping also noticed it. He and Luo Dayong stared at each other for a long time, feeling a little overwhelmed, blushing and lowered his head, then immediately looked over, raising his eyebrows vigorously, as if to say, "You What are you looking at!"

Luo Dayong scratched his face hard with his hand, shook his head and continued to look at the proof.

"Cut~~ It's inexplicable!"

At the same time, Yan Jing gave up after reading a part of it, because there was a convergent transformation in it, which involved complicated limit issues, and she couldn't understand it, so she stopped reading it.

Zhang Zhiqiang is also patiently reading and understanding. He thinks he should be able to understand it, because the proof process is only two pages, but some of the transformations are very ingenious, and some advanced limit transformations are involved. I want to understand it. It's not easy.

Only Luo Dayong read it with gusto, and took a pen to do calculations while watching.

Later Zhang Zhiqiang simply went to ask Luo Dayong, pretending that the two of them studied together, but it turned out that Luo Dayong was talking while watching, and he himself found that there was indeed a big gap between himself and Luo Dayong in terms of mathematics.

At the same time, more and more people see blog content on the Internet, and the number of viewers is growing exponentially.

Wang Hao's meager account has more than 500,000 fans, and the previous peak reached 600,000. However, because he has not posted Weibo for a long time, it seems to be a dead account, and the number of fans keeps dropping.

Now suddenly a blog post was published, and it was forwarded to Weibo News, which immediately attracted the attention of the Internet. When I clicked in, I saw the title——

"A small research, making records, refuting the palindrome conjecture".

When they saw the title, many people thought it was just a small study, and they were also interested in scanning the content. Of course, most people could not understand it, but they were shocked when they did the reading comprehension of the title.

"Small research? Disprove the palindrome conjecture? Professor Wang Hao is in Versailles, right?"

"This is 100% Versailles, very Versailles!"

"Is this proof true? Is there a master who can help you take a look? Negating a mathematical conjecture, it doesn't sound like a small study."

Wang Hao still has traffic value.

Soon, some media accounts forwarded the article, and the comments they made were, "Professor Wang Hao of Xihai University denies the palindrome conjecture!"

"Professor Wang Hao actually posted on his blog the content of disproving the palindrome number conjecture. He thought it was just a small study."

"Disprove the palindrome conjecture? Is the proof correct? Looking forward to the answer from professional mathematicians!"

In the office of the complex building, only Luo Dayong could understand Wang Hao's proof.

If it is placed on the Internet, it is impossible for more than 99.99% of people to understand it. It is definitely not easy to find someone who can understand the proof process, because most people with high levels of mathematics do not know For a long time to brush meager, blog.

In addition, some truly top scholars will not care about the proofs published on the Internet, because there are many similar proofs.

For example, if you search for the proof of Goldbach's conjecture, you can easily find dozens of articles, and the publishers even include some university teachers, but most of the contents are not read.

the reason is simple.

If it is really a correct proof, why not submit it to a top journal, but publish it on the Internet?

In this case, either there is a certain amount of research, and it feels a bit wasteful not to publish it, or it is purely civil science.

However, it also depends on the situation.

Who the publisher is is very important.

Wang Hao is a special case.

He has completed the proof of the regularity of the Monge-Ampere equation, coupled with the more famous and influential proof of Artin's constant, as well as the achievement of finding Mersenne prime numbers, he has become very famous in the mathematics circles, placed in It can also be called a "top mathematician" internationally.

When Wang Hao publishes a mathematical argument, even if it is only published on the Internet, it will be reprinted and reported by many media, and then more people will know.

At the Mathematical Science Center of Shuimu University, a doctoral student saw the news on the Internet, and he immediately shared the news in the group of the Mathematical Science Center.

Then everyone knows.

There are many similar things, and the speed of information dissemination on the Internet is unimaginable.

In just one hour, domestic institutions including the Academy of Sciences, Shuimu University, Donggang University, etc., all knew the proof on the blog posted by Wang Hao.

The news quickly spread abroad.

However, because Wang Hao is not well-known internationally, few people will care about "young mathematicians from other countries". Coupled with the limitation of China Unicom channels, someone posted a screenshot of the news, but it was not noticed by professional scholars.

Domestically, enough is enough.

In the Mathematical Science Center, Qiu Chengwen was sitting in the office, carefully reviewing the content posted by Wang Hao, and doing calculations with a pen while following along.

He can understand much faster than Luo Dayong.

The two-page proof content, even though it contains some difficult mathematics, is the same as ordinary mathematics to Qiu Chengwen.

It only took him more than ten minutes to understand the content, and he somewhat understood why Wang Hao called it a 'small research'.

This is indeed a very small research. The whole process only took two pages, and it did not involve too advanced mathematical concepts. What is difficult is just a derivation of limit convergence.

The derivation of this limit convergence is the essence of the whole proof.

It is precisely because of the derivation with limit convergence that transforms the problem from infinite to finite, it can be demonstrated that 196 cannot become a palindromic number no matter how many transformations it undergoes.

"This method is really ingenious, a genius idea!" Qiu Chengwen made a comment, and then he found a person in charge and asked him to publish the Mathematical Science Center, which approved Wang Hao's counter-example proof of 196.

For any mathematical argument, the recognition of influential institutions in the field is very important.

Because many mathematical proofs are obscure and difficult to understand even for professional mathematicians, whether the proof process is correct or not depends on the evaluation of professional institutions in the field.

Even the counterexamples issued by Wang Hao are definitely not understandable by ordinary people, and they must have a knowledge base in the field of advanced mathematics.

This can wipe out more than 99.9% of people.

And that's just proof that there are no complications involved.

Speaking of complex arguments in the mathematics community, the famous one is the proof of the Fermat conjecture by Eagle Country mathematician Andrew Wiles. The proof process has a total of more than 100 pages, and six reviewers are required to review each part.

When Andrew Wiles initially released the results, he made three reports at the famous Newton Institute, but the proof process has not yet been confirmed.

So how to judge whether such a complicated proof is correct or not?

This can only be judged by the agency.

Internationally speaking, among the top mathematical institutions, including the Clay Institute, the Newton Institute, the Institute for Advanced Study of Princeton University, etc., as long as a certain proof is recognized by two or more institutions, it can basically be confirmed to be correct. .

Even if the proof process is incorrect, no one will deny it again, unless one day someone actually points out the error.

The Mathematical Science Center of Shuimu University also has a certain influence in the world. They issued a confirmation that Wang Hao's proof is correct, and it also has a certain degree of authority in the world.

Domestically, it is even more authoritative.

After the Mathematical Science Center of Shuimu University released the announcement, more professional mathematicians got the news and went to check Wang Hao's paper on his blog immediately.

When a blog article receives so much attention, the number of blog views will increase significantly, and it will also arouse heated discussions.


There was an additional piece of news about 'Wang Hao denies the palindrome number conjecture' in the hot search on the Internet.

Even if most netizens can't understand the content, they can't stop their enthusiasm for commenting, "This is the master! Has it proved a mathematical conjecture, but it's just a small research."

"Other people post blogs to talk about mood, life, and social events. Professor Wang Hao directly posts mathematics papers and treats blogs as academic journals..."

"I really improved my knowledge today. I learned one more mathematical conjecture, and it was still wrong. I hope this knowledge can help me get a full score in the math test!"

Scholars in the field of mathematics all felt that it was too wasteful for Wang Hao to post his research on the Internet.

If it were them instead, at least they would publish at conferences, which would increase their reputation, or they would also vote for mathematics journals, or even top mathematics journals.

Many scholars think so, including professors of mathematics at Xihai University.

For example, Zhou Qingyuan.

Zhou Qingyuan cared about Wang Hao very much. After learning the news, he simply approached him directly, "Aren't you planning to publish a paper on this new achievement? Can it reach the level of a top journal?"

"It's hard, isn't it?"

Wang Hao said, "This kind of small proof is only two pages long, so it can be published directly, and publishing it on the Internet should not affect the publication of journals. If there are journals interested, I can also publish it."

Zhou Qingyuan noticed that Wang Hao didn't care much, and couldn't help but twitched his mouth. He also studied the content of the paper and found that the core was indeed only a clever limit transformation.

However, the results are remarkable!

Although it is just a clever limit transformation, does it really prove the palindrome conjecture?

However, Wang Hao has already published it on his blog, and he also stated that he will not refuse to publish the paper in journals, so it is hard for him to say anything else.

After Zhou Qingyuan left, Wang Hao continued to do research. He glanced at the inspiration value displayed on the system task, and couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

【Task 3】

[Inspiration value: 94 points. 】

He just used some small ideas from the research to prove that 196 counterexamples disproved the palindrome conjecture, and this research only increased the inspiration value by two points.

Wang Hao's goal is to complete the research on the entire mathematical method.

The direct application of this mathematical method is to prove the Kakutani conjecture. There is no doubt that, compared with the palindrome conjecture, the Kakutani conjecture is the real big achievement.

When he continued to work hard on research, he always found that Kakutani's conjecture could not be proved, and what was missing was only the inspiration for finishing the job.

"Can we just wait for the class?" Wang Hao felt a little depressed, because his fastest class was also in the next week.

Feeling, can't wait!

"Why don't you study other related content?" Wang Hao thought about it, found an interesting numerical problem, and then began to do research slowly.

This is at noon.

After Zhang Zhiqiang had lunch, when he returned to the office, he saw Wang Hao concentrating on research, and asked curiously, "What research is this time? Didn't you just disprove the palindrome conjecture?"

Wang Haodao, "It's still a small research, I want to prove the 6174 conjecture."

The content of the 6174 conjecture is also very simple. Given any four-digit number, rearrange the four numbers from large to small into a four-digit number, and then subtract its reverse number to get a new number.

If the new number is not 6174, continue with the previous cycle.

If it goes on like this, no matter it is any four-digit number, as long as the four numbers are not all the same, the above-mentioned transformation is carried out at most 7 times, and the number 6174 will appear.

This research is also known as "Martin's conjecture-6174 problem" in the international mathematics community.

Zhang Zhiqiang thought for a while and said, "6174 conjecture? That's no longer a conjecture, is it? A computer can easily overwrite it directly."

"So I want to prove it mathematically." Wang Hao said naturally.

Zhang Zhiqiang gave him a thumbs up, but he didn't pay much attention to it. He returned to his seat and began to listen to the music to relax. At half past one, he was in the mood to do some research, but he couldn't help but open Weibo. It is also interesting to gossip about the news, especially the conjecture about Wang Hao's disprovement of palindrome numbers. It is also very interesting to read the comments of netizens.

Because... Wang Hao is by his side.

At this time, when he opened the main page, he saw a message posted by a follower——

"A small study to prove the 6174 problem..."


Zhang Zhiqiang was stunned for a moment, he turned his head mechanically, and saw Wang Hao operating the mouse, looking towards the computer screen.


A new blog post called "A small study to prove the 6174 problem".

"You won't have completed the proof, have you?"

"Yes!" Wang Hao nodded.

Zhang Zhiqiang stared at him for a long time, and murmured, "I are not proving a mathematical conjecture, but doing a mathematical problem, and it is the simplest kind..."

(seeking a monthly ticket)

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