From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 129: Mr. Ye Loves Dragons? The dragon is coming!

Before Xihai University's press conference, there was a lot of news on the Internet.

It's just that because there is no confirmation from Wang Hao himself, the news is reported and discussed based on the content released by "New Advances in Mathematics".

Many netizens also participated in it, and discussed with surprise and excitement, "Professor Wang Hao of Xihai University has completed another big achievement! And it is the proof of Kadoya's conjecture!"

"This result is greater than finding Mersenne primes, right? This is a proof of a mathematical conjecture."

"The Kakutani conjecture is very famous, don't you know? I can give you a science popularization, it means to take a natural number, if it is an odd number..."

"The proof of Kakutani's conjecture should belong to Fields' level, right?"

"This is not necessarily true. Although it has a great influence, the Fields Medal pays more attention to the contribution of achievements in a certain direction, rather than targeting a single mathematical problem. Of course, what I said may not be correct, but the search website said so of……"


Although there were many discussions on the Internet, in fact, it did not attract much attention, mainly because the proof of Kakutani's conjecture was published in "New Advances in Mathematics", and the author of the paper was Wang Hao.

It was different after Xihai University's press conference.

This result was confirmed by Xihai University and Wang Hao himself. In addition, the content of the interview was also very flawed. After the media reported it, it immediately aroused heated public opinion.

"Wang Hao: It took up to three months to prove the Kakutani Conjecture"

"A New Mathematical Approach to Help Advance Mathematical Theory"

"Wang Hao: Palindrome conjecture and Kakutani conjecture are the same type of problem"

"International Top Journal of Mathematics Weekly Quick Review and Release, Opening the Way for Top Mathematical Achievements"

"Wang Hao: Kakutani's conjecture is nothing"



After each eye-catching headline came out, the news that Wang Hao had completed the proof of the Kakutani conjecture immediately became a hot topic of public opinion, and it could even be said to be a super hot topic.

People in academia, especially those in mathematics, feel like crying when they look at each content.

Kakutani conjecture, completed in three months;

Top mathematics journals, the total time from review to publication is one week;

A mathematical method has been developed, and the Kakutani conjecture is just one of its applications, and it is nothing at all.

When they think about how hard they have worked, they have not been able to solve a problem for a long time, and they suddenly feel a complex emotion of envy, jealousy, and resentment.

As long as you carefully study Wang Hao's achievements, you will know that what he said should be the truth.

Because of this, it made the blow seem even more serious.

At the same time, they are also aware of one thing, perhaps making a proof of the Kakutani conjecture, it is difficult to say that they can win the Fields Medal, because the Kakutani conjecture is more about fame than the significance in the mathematics world.

Those conjectures of great significance, such as Fermat's conjecture and Riemann's conjecture, have many key applications. Even if it proves that there is only a little progress, it will be a very important result.

When Andrew Wiles proved Fermat's conjecture, he was already over the upper limit of Fields (40 years old), and the Fields selection committee was willing to award him a Silver Fields Award.

The Kakutani conjecture is not of such great significance, and it is difficult to say that it can promote the development of mathematics when it is proved. It is more famous.

However, if, as Wang Hao said, he has developed a new mathematical method, the Kakutani conjecture is just an application of the method.

This is different.

Undoubtedly, new mathematical methods that can prove the Kakutani conjecture, palindrome conjecture, etc. must be of great significance. With this research, it is enough to reach the Fields level.

If you can win the Fields Medal for this, it will naturally be based on your "significant contribution to the field of analytic number theory".

"It seems that Wang Hao won Fields not far away..."

"It's not just Fields, maybe from now on, he will win various awards, just like the former Andrew Wiles..."

"With this achievement, you can retire early. Even decades later, you will still be considered the top mathematician in the world."

"Wang Hao is only in his twenties, and he has already achieved such great results, it's unimaginable..."

"It must be admitted that geniuses in the mathematics world are like this. When they get older, it is impossible to achieve great results."


Mathematicians focus on the results themselves, while public opinion is completely different. They pay more attention to proving the impact of Kakutani's conjecture and the accompanying "entertainment".

After seeing a lot of interviews and reports released by the media, netizens were stunned, "Is it very long to complete the proof of Kakutani's conjecture in three months?"

"If you go through the back door, you just say you go through the back door, and you still say that you are opening the way for top results...Although the fact is true..."

"The Kakuya conjecture is nothing? Wang Hao's next step is not to prove Goldbach's conjecture and Riemann's conjecture, right?"

"I don't know what's going on. Ever since I watched the video of Professor Wang Hao being interviewed, I feel like a waste. Living in the world is a waste of food and a burden to the country and society..."

"I don't know what's going on, I feel the same way..."

"Me too……"




The next morning, when Wang Hao went to the office, he saw Zhang Zhiqiang and Zhu Ping looking listless.

Wang Hao stopped in his tracks and asked strangely, "What's wrong with you?"

Zhang Zhiqiang raised his head and said, "Wang Hao, I feel like a waste."

"Me too."

Zhu Ping followed up.

Wang Hao nodded subconsciously when he heard it, and immediately realized that this gesture seemed a little unfriendly in this context. He thought about it and said to Zhang Zhiqiang, "Aren't you promoted to associate professor? You will be a professor in a few years." .”

"It makes sense!"

Zhang Zhiqiang nodded vigorously after thinking, "At least the school still recognizes me."

"What about me? What about me?" Zhu Ping pointed at herself, looking like she was waiting for a compliment.

Wang Hao thought about it carefully before saying, "Sister Zhu, you are about to start a Ph. D., and you can be promoted to associate professor in the future. There are very few female professors of information science."


Zhu Ping suddenly realized, became energetic again, and even began to look forward to it.

Dr. Zhu, Dr. Zhu, sounds unusual.

At this time, Luo Dayong entered the door and helped Zhu Ping make a calculation, "It takes at least three years to study for a Ph. To be promoted to a teaching position, and then to be evaluated as an associate professor, our school is fast, and it takes an average of five years."

"Don't say that it is impossible for you to reach the average level. Even if you can reach the average level, it will take about ten years. A female associate professor of informatics who is nearly fifty years old..."

"Tsk tsk~~"

He bit down on the word 'vice', and the last two syllables made him uncomfortable.

Zhu Ping's anger rose immediately, she picked up the books on the table, and rushed towards Luo Dayong.

"Don't! Don't!"

Luo Dayong quickly confessed, and raised his hand as a sign of surrender, "Sister Zhu Ping, next time I will never tell the truth again!"


The next moment the book was slapped.

The well-loved farce was staged in the office again.

While admiring the farce in the office, Wang Hao also swiped the news to read the media reports, and found that the comments in many reports were very strange. Why did the netizens seem to be sour...

"Wang Hao: The Kakutani Conjecture Is Nothing"?

What report is this?

"Have I ever said such a thing?" Wang Hao thought about it carefully, and he was not sure if he said it or not.

He felt a little wronged.

Like Luo Dayong, what he said was the truth!

The proof of Kakutani's conjecture is indeed only one of the achievements, and his main achievement is only one, which is the mathematical method used to complete the proof. The biggest proof is that he did not establish the research tasks of "Palindrome Conjecture" and "Kuotani Conjecture". , just completed the proof by using the mathematical method researched.

"It seems that telling the truth sometimes hurts people. It should be more tactful. For example, it took half a year to prove the Kakutani conjecture? Or has it been researching?"

"Or, it's exciting to complete the proof of Kakutani's conjecture?"

Wang Hao thought about it and shook his head. He began to work seriously. It is still very important to summarize the mathematical methods.

Its importance is not only to publish results, nor to promote the development of mathematics, but more importantly, the results are related to "completion of S-level difficulty research", and completing S-level difficulty research can obtain 3,000 teaching points currency.

[Teaching currency: 6719. 】

The current teaching currency is already very objective, and if you get 3,000 points in one breath, it will be close to 10,000 points.

Ten thousand points is a watershed.

The requirement for obtaining the next ability is that the teaching currency exceeds 10,000 points.

"The next ability? What will it be? It shouldn't be worse than "The Gift of Teaching", right?" Wang Hao is already looking forward to it.

However, it was not easy for him to calm down and do research. Some reporters asked to be interviewed and could be turned down directly, and experts from the Materials Academy from the capital came to him, so they had to meet anyway.

Those who came were Cao Dongming, Qu Shigang and Wang Jiming.

In fact, they booked the air tickets for this morning, and the other people who came with them had already left by plane, but they couldn't be reconciled if they didn't see Wang Hao after coming here.

So Qu Shigang decided to stay for another day, and Cao Dongming naturally supported him 100%. Wang Jiming saw that Qu Shigang was so determined, so he stayed with him.

After Qu Shigang met Wang Hao, he immediately talked about the poor hospitality at the Institute of Aeronautical Materials last time. He kept saying sorry, and he almost apologized directly.

Faced with this attitude of an old academician, Wang Hao felt a little unbearable. In fact, he didn't take it to heart at all. He felt that it was normal for a young mathematics professor to give a report at the School of Materials Science and Technology. .

Think differently!

If he were a data mining expert in materials research, he would not believe that a mathematics professor in his early twenties would have a lot of research in the field of data mining in materials research.

Of course.

Wang Hao really felt that he was a layman. Except for some experimental research on titanium alloys, he didn't even understand the basics of other contents, so he didn't care about the few people who came to listen to the lecture.

The main difference is the field of focus.

If he was giving a lecture report on mathematical theory, and very few people came to listen, he would definitely take it to heart, and the other party must have done it on purpose.

After an apology, Cao Dongming also asked about common research questions about the analysis of experimental data of β-titanium alloys.

Wang Hao said frankly, "I have finished it, but I haven't concluded it yet. The research summary is a bit too troublesome. I have been very busy recently, really busy, and I am summarizing a new mathematical method."

"It's complicated." After he finished speaking, he added three words.

Wang Hao really felt very troublesome.

The general summary of data analysis related to alloy research involves all aspects of the experimental process, and the summary takes a long time.

But he is not in the mood to summarize material research at all. After all, it is not his own research. If there is nothing to do, he would not mind helping to summarize it when he is free.

Now, very busy!

The three of Qu Shigang looked at each other, and they heard the main content from Wang Hao's mouth - the research was completed, and it took time to summarize, and he didn't have time recently.

What to do?

Qu Shigang was anxious and didn't know what to say, but Cao Dongming got to the point, "Professor Wang Hao, it doesn't matter if you don't summarize or not. We still want to invite you to give another lecture at the School of Materials Science and Technology."

Cao Dongming had already figured it out.

It doesn't matter whether Wang Hao is evasive or not, even if he helps to make a summary, if he only sends a summary, they will be able to analyze and understand it?

This is hard to say.

Those contents involve some complex mathematical theories, and if they analyze it by themselves, it may deviate from the original meaning. It is better to invite Wang Hao to give another lecture.

Qu Shigang immediately realized, "Yes, we want to invite you to give another lecture at the Institute of Materials Science and Technology. This time there will definitely be many people coming to listen, so don't worry!"

"Besides, it's a formal invitation. In this way, our material institute will give you twenty... thirty... no, half a million. It doesn't matter if it's money or not. What's important is that you can't make this trip for nothing."

Qu Shigang said in pain.

He is the vice president of the School of Materials Science and Technology, but he can’t directly make a decision even if he spends 500,000 yuan as the lecture fee. He must be responsible for the expenses, including reporting to his superiors, and he must explain clearly why he paid such a high lecture fee. .

The probability of approval by the superior is not high, and he may have to pay for it himself.

Fortunately, Cao Dongming nodded along with him, "Yes, I just don't want you to make this trip in vain." He said very simply, and then he and Qu Shigang looked at each other, agreeing that if the lecture fee cannot be approved, we will come together Resist.

Wang Hao hesitated and thought for a while, and found that some of them couldn't refuse, so he said embarrassingly, "Then... okay, but at least the end of this month, I'm really busy."

"Also at the end of this month!"

"No problem! Professor Wang Hao, contact me again!"

Qu Shigang and Cao Dongming exhaled lightly together, and left after discussing all issues.

After walking out of the complex, Wang Jiming, who had been silent for a long time, finally couldn't help asking, "I've been hearing that Wang Hao is as good as he is. Is it true? I have to drag him to give a lecture. And it's still... 500,000..."

Wang Jiming was a little bit envious. He is the chief expert of WISCO, and he still wears the title of "academician" on his head. He goes to universities or institutions to give lectures, and the lecture fee is only 30,000 to 50,000 yuan.

Wang Hao is half a million?

Qu Shigang immediately shook his head and said, "Jiming, you still don't understand, Wang Hao is going to give a lecture, let alone half a million, five million is worth it!"

"If I could make my own decision, I would definitely spend five million!"

"Why?" Wang Jiming was very puzzled.

"It's very simple." Cao Dongming said, "Academician Wang, let me give you an example so you can understand. Professor Wang Hao gave a lecture last time and talked about the problem of melting temperature control. Let me For the two projects, the R\u0026D time has been accelerated by at least two months, saving more than three million dollars in funding.”

"Two months, three million. This is just my titanium alloy research and development. Other alloy research and development can also be used as a reference. Professor Wang Hao's research is used for alloy material research and development, and its practical value is very high."

"so smart?"

"Of course." Qu Shigang said, "Otherwise, why would we bother to make such a trip?"

Wang Jiming nodded after listening, "Then I will listen to it then."

"Isn't that okay?" Qu Shigang reacted immediately and immediately refused.

"Why not?"

"Of course not. We'll spend half a million yuan. Besides, Professor Wang Hao came to our Aviation Academy for the sake of me and Dongming. You want to listen for nothing without spending money?" Qu Shigang couldn't help thinking about it. I find it unacceptable.

Wang Jiming suddenly became anxious, "No, Lao Qu, you are not being interesting, I will follow you to the West Sea!"

"We pay the fee, you just take it as a tour." Qu Shigang said it as a matter of course.

"How could you do this?" Wang Jiming was about to die of anger.

"Half a million, one yard for one yard!"

"...Am I..." Wang Jiming was so angry that he swears.

Along the way, the two kept arguing, even arguing all the way, until they got on the plane and were still arguing.


Wang Hao completed the proof of Kakutani's conjecture, which aroused heated discussions in public opinion, and there were even more discussions in Xihai University.

All the students know about it.

They are also constantly talking about, even some students who do not study and only focus on games on weekdays, have been popularized about what is the Kakutani conjecture, and how powerful Professor Wang Hao is.

This kind of discussion is everywhere on campus, even in the retake course of "Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics".

Most of the retake courses are the kind of students who don't study.

Most of them failed the course directly because of too many absenteeism, and some did not study in class and did not prepare for the exam, which eventually led to failing the course.

In short, they are all failed subjects.

Of course, there are other factors, such as sick leave, school leave or whatever, missed exams or simply missed classes, but these cases are very rare.

Among these students who are re-taking courses, some active ones will also talk about Wang Hao and his research on the Kakutani conjecture with others.

The most important thing is to gossip.

Some said, "I'm just unlucky. If Wang Hao is my probability teacher, I will definitely study hard!"

"Yes, if Wang Hao were my teacher, it would be impossible for me to fail."

"I just failed last semester, and the teacher happened to be Wang Hao..."


"You may not know how high Wang Hao is on students. He was late several times, and his usual grades were zero. What's more, if he missed class twice, he could just give up."

"You have to listen carefully in class, and you can't lie down for a while..."

Students who have knowledge have said a lot.

But some students still insisted, "If Wang Hao is a teacher, he must study hard."

"A rare opportunity!"


Amidst the constant discussions, it was almost time for class time. A figure in casual clothes, who seemed to be no different from a student, walked into the classroom door and went straight to the podium.

Then he stood there with a smile on his face, tried the microphone and said, "Hello students, I am the lecturer of this class, Wang Hao."

"Some of you may know me, some of you may not, it doesn't matter, if you don't want to waste the money to rebuild your credits, you will definitely know me..."

As he spoke, he showed a friendly smile, and his white teeth gleamed dazzlingly under the light.

The faces of many students suddenly wanted to cry sadly...


The retake teacher is Wang Hao?

If I knew this was the case, even if I tried my best, I wouldn't be able to fail the exam!

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