From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 132 Wang Hao: The project of Donggang Alloy Laboratory is meaningless

"When focusing on a certain research, explaining will enhance the inspiration of others, and at the same time, return the correct understanding and thinking of inspiration..."

"Four times the inspiration, 100% feedback."

After gaining the new ability, Wang Hao worked on reading comprehension carefully. Comparing the "Gift of Teaching" and the effect of using it, he quickly understood the effect of "Gift of Scientific Research".

What needs to be paid attention to for this ability is the occasion when it works——

Focus on a certain study.

"Focus on research" is definitely not a purely teaching occasion, it is not done in the classroom, but like a laboratory, project team, etc., is a place where a group of people do research and development together.

Of course, the main limitation is who is involved, what is being targeted, not where.

"The Gift of Teaching" can also play a role in this occasion, the difference is that "The Gift of Teaching" mainly returns knowledge and thinking, and the effect is to increase other people's understanding of the content of the explanation.

"The Gift of Scientific Research" rewards the thinking and understanding of inspiration, and the effect is to increase the rate of inspiration for others.

The difference is knowledge and inspiration.

Knowledge is the foundation, even if the feedback is thinking, it is also thinking about knowledge.

Inspiration is dedicated to scientific research. There are many experiments and researches. There are some key points that most of the people involved in the research can't think of. Among them, only one person thinks of it, and he is not sure whether his idea is correct.

This is inspiration.

To give the most direct example, when observing space pictures taken by satellites, some astronomers can find a special one among the bright spots, but most people may not notice that special point, or think that point is different from other bright spots. no different.

Even an astronomer who pays attention to special bright spots may not be able to confirm his own thoughts. He may feel that the idea is sudden, and after thinking about it carefully, he feels that there is nothing special about that point.

This could miss major discoveries in astronomy.

And the astronomer who noticed a particular bright spot activated an inspired idea at the time, but he was not sure whether his idea was correct.

In this case, the special highlights and related thoughts will be fed back, because the system will help judge whether it is correct.

What is worth noting in "The Gift of Scientific Research" is that it increases the inspiration of other people, which directly increases it by four times.

This value still looks amazing, but when you think about it carefully, it is actually hard to say whether the effect is good or not.

Inspiration is mysterious and mysterious.

In normal life, some people may suddenly have a flash of inspiration, thinking of something will make great progress in research and development.

Some people keep burying their heads in research, but there is no inspiration at all throughout the process, and all their efforts are useless.

In this case, it doesn't make sense to increase inspiration acquisition more.

"However, it seems to be helpful to guide students next semester. Students also need to do research to complete the thesis. In the process of mentoring, if they can get more inspiration, maybe they can really complete the transition from study to scientific research..."

Postgraduate study is the transition from study to scientific research, and they have to adapt to the transition from study to independent research.

The knowledge content possessed by graduate students has reached the top of a certain field, and they have begun to try to make breakthroughs at the top of the field.

If it can give students more inspiration and know how to think and research, the effect of leading students will definitely be very good.

Wang Hao understands the effect of the new ability, but he still needs to practice how to do it.

Now is not the occasion for practice.

Lectures on research and development at the Institute of Aeronautical Materials are almost equivalent to teaching occasions, rather than doing a certain research with other people.

In the afternoon, the speeches continued.

It took Wang Hao more than two hours to complete the rest of the explanation work. The whole explanation can be said to be very boring, and he couldn't tell the fun.

The process is to explain how to use new methods to analyze the process data one by one.

But everyone listened very carefully, because they are all in the field of research, and some content is worth thinking about.

They have been listening to the explanations and taking detailed records. Even the people in the Polymer Materials Laboratory can feel Wang Hao's in-depth research and feel that he has learned a lot of new things.

Some people couldn't help thinking, "Although the lecture cost 30,000 yuan, it doesn't seem too bad. You can't hear these things in other places."

Of course there are also expensive ones.

For example, Wang Jiming, he was still thinking about the high lecture fee of 50,000 yuan for one person, and he couldn't listen to it at all while sitting in the audience, feeling like his heart was bleeding.

Finally, Wang Hao finished the last part, stopped talking and took a sip of water, and continued, "That's it. There are too many contents. If you don't understand anything, you can watch the whole video again."

After Wang Hao finished speaking, he couldn't wait to step off the stage.

He really felt very tired, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, "Money is really hard to earn."

"500,000, it's been so long... But, it seems to be okay..." Thinking of getting 500,000 for the lecture, he immediately felt a little better.


The lecture is over.

Most people dispersed while discussing.

Cao Dongming, Qu Shigang, Wang Jiming and others still accompanied Wang Hao to the lounge, where they drank tea, chatted and had a rest.

Wang Jiming finally found an opportunity, and invited Wang Hao to visit the WISCO Research Institute, "Our WISCO Research Institute has very advanced research and development equipment and supporting facilities, and is the most advanced steel material research institute in China."

"Our branch in the capital is also one of the centers. It has the numerical simulation, physical simulation and pilot test-based experimental simulation capabilities of the entire steel production process..."

Wang Jiming came up with an introduction.

Wang Hao was not interested at all, he just wanted to go back to the hotel to rest, get a good night's sleep, and leave by plane the next morning.

When he found that Wang Hao was not interested, Wang Jiming was also a little anxious, and he immediately signaled Ding Zongquan with his eyes.

Ding Zongquan had the urge to scold others, he followed Wang Jiming all the time, trying to reduce his sense of existence, and hardly said a word during the whole process.

The result... Let yourself say?

Wouldn't this just be counterproductive?

Ding Zongquan decided to put more effort into the 'reaction', "Our Wuhan Iron and Steel Research Institute is still worth a visit. We invest a lot in research and development, and there are experimental researches going on every day, but the operation room behind is always very noisy... ..."

He added a sentence later just to keep Wang Hao from going.

After hearing this, Wang Hao immediately asked, "What experiment is there today?"

Ding Zongquan suddenly felt baffled. He felt that Wang Hao would not pay much attention to what he said, but he knew that this young man had a bad temper, and he didn't know how to respect the old man at all.

I beat myself up last time in the metal laboratory of Xijing Jiaotong University.

Why are you asking now?

Ding Zongquan could only explain with a sullen face, "Twin-roll casting technology experiment."

Wang Jiming found that Wang Hao was interested in the new experiment, and immediately explained, "It is an experiment to perfect the twin-roll casting and rolling technology. This technology is still cutting-edge in China, but the products made by related production lines are inferior compared to other technical products. The rate is a little bit high, we have been perfecting this technology and invested a lot of money.”

"It also cooperates with other metal-related laboratories. The alloy laboratory of Donggang University will provide relevant data for a technical cooperation, and we have carried out experimental verification, and the progress is still very smooth."

"Professor Ding is in charge of this cooperation project, this technology..."

Wang Jiming spoke patiently, and he explained in great detail.

Twin-roll cast-rolling technology is a new steel manufacturing technology in the 21st century, which was jointly developed by American Nucor Steel Company, Japan XIHI Group and Austrian BHP Company.

This technology is 'thin strip casting and rolling'.

Domestically, a complete twin-roll thin strip casting and rolling production line was owned only a few years ago, while WISCO's first production line has just been completed and accepted, but it has also become the sixth thin strip casting and rolling production line in industrial operation in the world.

The process of twin-roll casting and rolling technology is also very simple to say, that is, liquid steel is injected into the molten pool formed by the side sealing plate and two copper casting rolls with opposite rotation directions through the flow distribution system, and the cooling water passing through the copper rolls turns the molten steel After the molten steel is solidified and squeezed from the gap between the two rolls, a cast strip of a certain thickness can be directly and continuously produced, and then a thinner hot-rolled strip can be produced after one pass of hot rolling. Thin strip steel.

If it is explained simply, it is that molten steel is poured into the mold, cooled and extruded.

Twin-roll casting and rolling is just a technical realization.

When Wang Jiming talked about the new technology, he became very energetic, "This technology is very good. Our production line used to be at least 400 meters long, but now it can be shortened to 50 meters."

"Moreover, there are fewer processes, lower energy consumption, and less emissions, and the production process is faster and more flexible..."

Wang Hao patiently listened to what Wang Jiming said.

In fact, he is not interested in the so-called twin-roll casting at all. He is only interested in the ongoing experiment and feels that he can experiment with new abilities.

Of course, politeness is still required.

So he pretended to listen carefully, but in fact, he didn't quite understand some proper nouns during the explanation.

Wang Hao continued to drink his saliva before asking, "How far is the research institute of Wuhan Iron and Steel from here?"

"A dozen kilometers or so."

"Okay!" Wang Hao readily agreed. It is only a dozen kilometers away, and it will take a short drive to get there. You can go to see the experiment on the spot and try out the new ability.

Wang Jiming couldn't help but smile when he heard Wang Hao agree.

In fact, he didn't hope that Wang Hao could give any pointers in research, and he even thought that Wang Hao was a layman in steel research, so he could say that he didn't understand it at all.

However, there are several advantages for Wang Hao to go to WISCO Research Institute.

The first is to build a good relationship with Wang Hao. Wang Hao has done a lot of research on improving the strength of titanium alloys. He listened to Professor Chang Hongju's evaluation and said that Wang Hao's data analysis content is remarkable.

In addition, Wang Hao is also recognized as a top mathematician with a bright future.

Mathematicians seem to have nothing to do with steel research and development, but top mathematicians are very prestigious in the academic circle.

It is the same even in China. The chain of academic contempt is not casually talked about. Top mathematicians will always stand at the top of the chain of academic contempt.

If science and technology research and development are used to illustrate, research and development in any field is inseparable from mathematics, and a top mathematician can play a certain role in any project.

Technology development is different.

For example, Wang Jiming.

He thinks he is a top expert in the field of steel research and development, and has been awarded an academician of the Academy of Engineering based on this, but if he is asked to do research and development of polymer materials, he is a pure layman, and it is impossible to bring any help.

Mathematicians can become the top of the chain of academic contempt, one reason is that mathematicians are the top geniuses, and the other is that the subject of mathematics itself stands at the top of scientific research.

Another advantage is that Qu Shigang is disgusting.

Wang Jiming remembered that he had spent 150,000 yuan to bring three people to the lecture, and he was very angry. He knew very well that Qu Shigang attached great importance to Wang Hao, so he took Wang Hao away.


When he heard that Wang Hao decided to go to the Wuhan Iron and Steel Research Institute with Wang Jiming, Qu Shigang was stunned, "What, Professor Wang, are you going to the Wuhan Iron and Steel Research Institute? Don't!"

"How nice it is to be in the Materials Academy, we still want you to give me some pointers tonight..."

"Is there anything good to go to the Wuhan Iron and Steel Research Institute, don't listen to Wang Jiming's nonsense there..."

"Ula Ula~~"

Qu Shigang talked a lot in a row, making Wang Hao more determined to go to the Wuhan Iron and Steel Research Institute. He talked for several hours, and he felt dizzy when he heard any "pointing".

The content of this aspect has been finished, let the people in the Materials Academy study it slowly.


Wang Hao followed Wang Jiming's car to the WISCO Research Institute.

The atmosphere on the road was eerie.

They took a commercial vehicle with seven seats. When they came, there was a driver and five people, including Wang Hao, which happened to be seven people.

Wang Hao sat in the middle, and next to him was Ding Zongquan.

This is Wang Jiming considering taking care of Wang Hao, because Ding Zongquan can be said to be the "number two" among the R\u0026D technicians of WISCO Research Institute. He didn't know that Ding Zongquan and Wang Hao had conflicts.

They sat all the way in silence.

Ding Zongquan really felt as awkward as he wanted. He said that the experiment in the research institute was not for Wang Hao to come, but he hoped that he would not come, and told him that the back of the research institute was very noisy.

As a result, Wang Hao agreed.

"You said that you are a mathematics student, why did you accept the invitation to visit the research institute of WISCO?" Ding Zongquan felt very depressed.

But the good thing is that after a few words with Wang Hao, it is certainly impossible for them to get close quickly, but they won't hate each other when they sit together.

Ding Zongquan could only accept it.

After arriving at the WISCO Research Institute, Wang Jiming took Wang Hao to visit.

They first went to the high-tech analog control room to see the advanced analog R\u0026D technology. It was the first time for Wang Hao to enter such a laboratory, and he really felt very advanced.

Then, they walked around the office area and met many people from WISCO Research Institute.

The people of WISCO Research Institute are much more enthusiastic than the first time they went to the Institute of Aeronautical Materials.

One is because Wang Hao was brought by Wang Jiming. In addition, Wang Hao is already very famous, especially after completing the proof of the Kakutani conjecture, public opinion generally believes that he will be the next Fields winner.

He has become the 'top' in the mathematics world, recognized as an international cutting-edge mathematician.

After visiting the office area, they entered the operation room at the back. As Ding Zongquan said, the operation room has been running continuously and conducting various experiments.

The experiment conducted today is the cooperation project "Perfection of Twin-Roll Casting and Rolling Technology" with the Alloy Laboratory of Donggang University.

Wuhan Iron and Steel Research Institute is to verify the data method provided by the alloy laboratory.

This is not to say that the alloy laboratory is more high-end than the Wuhan Iron and Steel Research Institute, but that similar technological improvement research will have many research and development directions. The Wuhan Iron and Steel Research Institute needs to develop many projects. There are hundreds of kinds, and the research and development is naturally overwhelming.

"Technically perfect" research is full of uncertainties, so they assign similar research to other professional laboratories, and what they have to do is to do it based on the data and improvement suggestions provided by the laboratory Experiment to verify.

Validation experiments are now underway.

Ding Zongquan was in charge of this cooperation project and explained, "After the year, the Alloy Laboratory of Donggang University has made new progress. Their research is said to reduce the chance of steel cracks."

"We will conduct data verification through experimental simulation and practical operation."

The actual operation was in front of him, and Ding Zongquan also talked about a lot of things continuously. There was a "Mr. Zhang" in the operation room who was also very professional, explaining every step to Wang Hao.

Several people followed, walking and talking together.

Wang Hao seldom spoke during the visit, because he didn't know much about the content of the experiment, but because the experiment was not complicated, after listening to most of the content, he almost understood it.

Ding Zongquan suddenly asked, "Professor Wang, I heard from you today that in the step of cooling and quenching, the strength of the finished product can be strengthened by controlling the cooling time."

"Twin-roll casting and rolling technology is also cooling forming. Do you think there is any room for improvement in this technology?"

Ding Zongquan's question was a bit embarrassing.

He didn't expect Wang Hao to have an answer, but he just wanted to make it difficult for him to save some face. He is the kind of person who holds grudges. He lost face in the metal laboratory last time, and he also wants to get back a little bit.

But in fact, it was just a comfort in his heart. Even if Wang Hao didn't answer similar questions, he simply said that he didn't understand, and he didn't feel ashamed at all.

He is a mathematician, and he also does data analysis, but he is not an expert in steel manufacturing. It is normal for him to not understand cross-industry.

But Wang Hao thought for a while and said, "The two still have something in common."

After saying this sentence, he suddenly felt that a lot of knowledge and inspiration had been added to his mind, but knowledge was secondary, and the inspiration came from the problem of magnetic control.

He didn't follow along, but first talked about his own opinion, "If the cooling time and the time of molten steel flow can be grasped in the most reasonable way, it will definitely have a certain promotion effect on the final molding and product quality."

This is certain.

Whether it is steel manufacturing or titanium alloy manufacturing, the cooling control time can affect the strength of the final product.

Of course.

This requires fine-grained control and detailed data studies.

Wang Hao continued, "But you want to improve the technology, reduce steel cracks, and reduce the defective rate. Why don't you focus on temperature field control and magnetic field control?"

"The electromagnetic instability of the magnetic pole is the main reason for steel cracks, and the temperature field control will also have a great impact."

"I think these two aspects are the main ones."

"As for improving the process and the like, they are all secondary and will not have much effect. Therefore, the project you have cooperated with the alloy laboratory of Donggang University, I think, is not very meaningful in itself."

Wang Hao did not aim at the alloy laboratory of Donggang University, but made a judgment based on inspiration knowledge. He said this in a positive tone, which surprised the people around him.

Including Wang Jiming, Ding Zongquan, Zhang Gong, and others, all looked at Wang Hao with surprise, because they did not dare to say what the reason for the crack just appeared.

Although some people also think that it is related to magnetic field control, it is not certain how much correlation it has. Wang Hao definitely believes that it is most related to magnetic field control.

"Is there any scientific basis?" Ding Zongquan asked directly.

Wang Hao shook his head, "I haven't done any research on steel manufacturing, it's just my personal opinion." He denied it bluntly, and didn't feel ashamed.

Personal opinion, just talk about it.

If you believe it, you believe it, if you don't believe it, you don't believe it, it doesn't matter at all.

Everyone else breathed a sigh of relief.

During the following visit, Wang Hao made a few more suggestions, but summed up, he still said very little, and he mainly just visited.

After the visit was over, he had dinner with Wang Jiming, Ding Zongquan and others, and was taken back to the hotel by a special car.

Wang Jiming, Ding Zongquan, Zhang Gong and others discussed together.

"What do you think of Wang Hao's suggestion? He said that steel cracks are directly related to magnetic field control, and are also related to temperature control..."


Ding Zongquan shook his head and said, "He also said that he doesn't understand, it's just a personal idea, and Chen Jianlin is still making progress."

Zhang Gong said thoughtfully, "Actually, I have always felt that the formation of steel cracks is directly related to the magnetic field control. On our production line, the magnetic field control device is not stable, so the defective rate is relatively high, and it is related to other aspects. Research has been progressing slowly."

Wang Jiming also nodded, "I think it can be verified."

"Although Wang Hao has never done steel research, he is a very powerful mathematician. This kind of person is very smart, and maybe he got the conclusion from other directions."

"Scientific basis, of course there is no, but we are manufacturing, and it is enough to master the technology. There is no need to explain everything with scientific theories."


Zhang Gongdao, "It's okay to try, it's not difficult to do a few experiments."

Ding Zongquan was not optimistic at all, he shook his head and said, "Since you say try, then try, anyway, I don't think it's possible."

"That's it, look at the results tonight, design an experiment, and verify it the day after tomorrow!"

Wang Jiming made a decision.

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