From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 154 The achievements of the Fields class, the great harvest of NS equation research!

main lecture hall.

Wang Hao stood on the podium and finished his last speech, "The development of domestic mathematics research is showing a trend of getting better and better...

"Believe in the future, we will definitely be able to catch up with the international level and surpass it!"

He bowed slightly to the audience politely.

The scene was silent for a long time, and finally someone applauded. The applause was relatively warm, but it was a little bit worse than the applause given to Zhong Mingchu just now.

The scholars in the audience were still very polite. After all, it was the testimonial of the Chern Mathematics Prize winner, and he is a mathematician who has created the history of the youngest award, but their mood is very complicated.

Of course they knew that Wang Hao was telling the truth.

Although it sounds weird, it is impossible for Wang Hao to get stuck on one research for a long time with so many mathematical achievements in one year.

Even if two weeks is a bit short, it is impossible to exceed one month or two months.

Two weeks, one month, two months, there is no difference for them, it can be understood that the research has been completed smoothly, and there is no problem of 'stuck' at all.

Speaking of the research being "stuck", what Zhong Mingchu said was very realistic, and there has been no progress for six consecutive years.

This is most of the time.

Many scholars have been hit by the testimonials just now. They think carefully about their mathematical research work and find that their prospects are very sad.

When thinking deeply, many people kept applauding mechanically and forgot to stop.

Wang Hao heard the applause beside his ears, which was not as strong as Zhong Mingchu's speech just now, and he comforted himself that "the pirated speech can get so much applause" is enough.

It was later discovered that the applause continued for a long time without stopping.

Although there were not many of them scattered, they never stopped, and the corners of their mouths couldn't help showing a smile.

He shook hands with Zhong Mingchu and walked down the stage together.

Zhong Mingchu walked with Wang Hao, and his mood was also very complicated. Not to mention his speech was plagiarized, he also suffered a psychological blow. Compared with the young people next to him, he felt that he was a fool and a fool.

The two walked down the stage together.

When they got to the aisle, they parted. Wang Hao returned to his place and faced a lot of complicated eyes.

Qiu Chengwen watched Wang Hao sit down, and he wanted to laugh a little.

Of course he knew that it was difficult for other people to understand top mathematicians.

In fact, Wang Hao didn't find it strange when he said that "the research was stuck for two weeks".

He felt it himself.

Recalling when I was young, I was invited to serve as an associate professor at the State University of New York at Stony Brook at the age of 23. It took me only a few months to complete the research on "Complete Riemannian Popular Upgrading Sum Function".

At that time, it caused a very strong reaction.

In the next few years, now Qiu Chengwen feels incredible when he thinks about it, he has completed various researches smoothly, and those difficult contents seem to be easily solved in front of him.

That was the situation at the peak of mathematical research.

The current Wang Hao is also at this stage. As long as it is in the field he is good at, difficult research will be easy for him to complete.

Young people are full of creativity and ideas, coupled with a solid foundation and super high IQ, they can naturally complete various researches.

Of course, ordinary people cannot understand this.

Compared with Wang Hao, most of the people present were just ordinary people.

Wang Hao sat in his seat and felt a little uncomfortable when he felt the complicated eyes from around him.

At this time, Bilkar next to him gave him a thumbs up, and said in a somewhat weird Chinese tone, "Your testimonial just now was really good, I feel the same way."

"Mathematical research is really difficult. Sometimes I have to think for a long time on a problem, especially the research on dual rational geometry. I think I am very good at this direction, but sometimes I can still think a few times on a problem. sky……"

He shook his head helplessly.

Wang Hao also sighed and said, "Yes, mathematics research is really difficult. Sometimes I even feel that I can't do it at all."

The two kept complaining about the difficulty of mathematics research, which also made the mood of the people around them more complicated.

Several people regretted applauding Wang Hao just now.

They knew that what the two of them said was from their hearts, and they didn't intend to hurt them, but it was because it was true that they hurt people even more!


The next step is to present the Zhong Jiaqing Mathematics Award. The winners are doctoral students from Donggang University, Sudong University, Xijing Normal University and Hong Kong City University.

Several young doctors were obviously very excited when they came on stage.

This was the most touching moment since the award ceremony at the opening ceremony, because they were really excited about receiving the Zhong Jiaqing Mathematics Award. Some doctors even blushed, and some shed tears.

They were just studying for a Ph. D., but they won such a prestigious award because of their research.

On the one hand, it is an affirmation of themselves, and on the other hand, it can also make them more confident and look forward to future research.

In the morning is the speech and the opening ceremony.

After the awards at the opening ceremony, the deputy director of the Mathematical Society made a summary, and then it was over.

A series of reports started in the afternoon, and many people began to look forward to it.

The most anticipated report this time is Wang Hao's report, which is not only expected by those attending the mathematics conference, but also by many top mathematicians in the world.

At noon, Wang Hao and Birkar sat together, and the two communicated more and became familiar with each other, and the relationship became much closer.

Bilkar took a bite and asked Wang Hao, "How are you preparing for the report? I've been looking forward to it for a long time, and this time I'm here just for your report."

Wang Haodao, "The preparation is quite sufficient, but it feels difficult to make a report."

"Why?" Bill Karl raised his head in confusion.

"It's not easy to explain!" Wang Hao said with emotion.

This is the most complicated report he has to face, and he can only intercept part of it for explanation.

It took him a long time to summarize this mathematical method, and he wrote a thesis of more than 50 pages, which also involved a lot of logical thinking.

Wang Hao can feel the difficulty, and the report cannot be too long. The arrangement for the mathematics meeting is three hours, starting at 2:30 in the afternoon.

Normally, the meeting ends at 5:30 or 6:00.

In other words, the arrangement of the Mathematics Association is to let him give a three-hour report, and the time can be extended appropriately if the explanation is not finished.

Wang Hao feels that the time is still too short, and his preparation is only to explain the part related to Kakutani's conjecture, not the whole content.

Even so, the difficulty is very high, even higher than the proof of Kakutani's conjecture, because his research is methodological thinking, not logical analysis.

The whole research is to give a general direction of thinking and solution, but specific problems still need to be analyzed in detail, which can be said to be a systematic solution.

After Kakutani’s conjecture’s proof report and papers were released, the mathematics community has conducted research on the method he said, and they can be sure that the content of the research is a method of thinking.

This is like the efficient and don't care carry sieve.

The effective and irrelevant carry method is a method of thinking, a solution direction and idea of ​​an algorithm, rather than a definite calculation logic and program.

Mathematically, for example, it can be understood as 'solving a multivariate cubic equation', or 'solving a partial differential equation'. The two have a common feature that there is no definite method for solving.

Most of the basic content of learning can only provide methodological ideas, which may directly solve some specific problems, or may not be able to solve them.

This requires a thorough study of the method.

Now Wang Hao's research methods are the same. He feels that his research methods can be published in a book, instead of simply writing a thesis or making a report.

Soon, it was afternoon, and the reports from various halls had officially started.

Wang Hao is in the No. 1 main hall.

Three reports were arranged in the main hall No. 1, and Wang Hao's report was ranked third. The first two reports were brief, and the other was a work report.

Most of the scholars in the main hall are waiting for Wang Hao's report.

The first two speakers were very uncomfortable, because few people in the audience were listening carefully, and they could see many people talking in low voices during their reports.

Since the 'audience' in the audience didn't pay the bill, the report ended soon.

As a result, it was Wang Hao's turn ten minutes earlier.

Wang Hao could only go to the backstage to prepare in advance, and after a simple preparation, he stepped onto the stage.

At this time, the main hall was completely different. Scholars from other halls had come, and it felt like the audience was overcrowded.

Everyone looked at Wang Hao seriously, and someone took a pen and paper to take notes.

The reporter also turned the camera over.


Qiu Chengwen and Bill Carr were talking, "I have carefully analyzed Wang Hao's Kakutani conjecture proof, and it does contain a method, but it is not easy to find out. It should be like what he said, the proof is just a mathematical method. part of the application."

"This mathematical method should already be a Fields-level achievement."

Achievements, there is no Fields level, because the Fields Medal rewards contributions to mathematics, not a single research.

What Qiu Chengwen meant was obviously that with this mathematical method, Wang Hao's contribution to mathematical research is likely to be enough to win the Fields Medal.

Bill Carr also nodded in approval.

The conversation between the two did not deliberately hide from others, and the people next to them suddenly became more serious when they heard it, and they also wanted to know what is the achievement of Fields level.

At this time, Wang Hao stood in the middle of the podium, and said seriously, "I have been preparing for this report for a long time."

"Although the thesis has already been written, it has too much content, so I can only intercept a part of the content related to Kakutani's conjecture for explanation."

"What I'm explaining is a method of thinking, and its name is "Finding the Mathematical Transformation Method of Infinite Columns"."

"The simple understanding is how to solve the problem of mathematical changes brought about by the fixed formula, that is, the analysis problem of the infinity of the formula."

"The simplest one is the number 1, adding 1 at each step, and the result is a sequence of natural numbers."

"If it is divided into two steps, the first step is to add 1, then subtract 1, and the result is a set of numbers 1 and 2."

"This sounds very simple, but in fact, it is very complicated. If you take any natural number, add 1 and subtract 1 to multiply 3 and add 3, then make a judgment, and then divide by 2, it is just a 3x+3 problem. It's hard to tell if it's finite."

"What I want to do is to study the judgment and analysis methods of similar problems."

After Wang Hao finished his opening remarks, he began to explain, "When dealing with this type of problem, we must first think in terms of columns, which is the most important and basic."

"The column formula is directly related to the judgment. We need to analyze the relationship between the two, which involves a classification set problem. Let's look at this..."


Wang Hao just made an opening remark, and then slowly advanced into the content, which has already made everyone in the audience feel profound.

Following Wang Hao's explanation, they slowly gained an in-depth understanding, and all of them were very concentrated.

This also made the report quiet, not even a little other sound.

Many people have found that they only need to be distracted once, and they may never understand again.

Not only that.

When it comes to more in-depth content, some people start to lose track of it.

Wang Hao explained a problem of algebraic set transformation. After two or three steps, he completed a column formula. His explanation speed was not fast. He hoped that more people could understand it, but many people still couldn't keep up.

They followed it seriously and thought about it for a while before they understood.

At this time, I found that the content of the explanation had already reached another place, so I could only write down the conclusion with a wry smile, and then tried to keep up with the progress of the explanation.

Fortunately, Wang Hao's explanation is very clear, and the comprehension effect added by "The Gift of Teaching" also played a role, and many scholars can still keep up.

When the explanation lasted for two hours, the difficulty deepened, and it was naturally even more difficult to keep up.

Some scholars couldn't keep up at all, and they didn't even know what Wang Hao was explaining.

They could only continue to sit with wry smiles, for fear of disturbing other listeners.

Later, more people couldn't keep up.

Even if they couldn't keep up with the speed of the explanation, many people still listened carefully, because they felt that this report was very helpful for expanding their thinking.

Many of the mathematical logic and ideas made them feel suddenly enlightened, and many exquisite derivations seemed to be helpful for their own research.

The report spent three and a half hours in a quiet atmosphere.

Wang Hao is still 'dragging'.

This is mainly because the content of the report is too complicated, and he hopes that more people will keep up with it, so the explanation will naturally take longer.

After all the explanations were completed, Wang Hao made a concluding remark, "The above is my report, and this is also the thinking logic for completing the proof of Kadotani's conjecture."

After he finished speaking, he bowed slightly to the audience, and then quickly took a sip of water to make up.

Many scholars in the audience hadn't reacted yet, and seemed to be still thinking about it, and the applause started slowly.

The applause became louder and louder, and the ceiling of the main hall No. 1 seemed to be shaken.

Everyone felt very tired, but everyone was applauding because they really felt that what Wang Hao explained was very meaningful.

Before, some people questioned the rumors that the mathematical method studied by Wang Hao is more meaningful than the proof of the Kakutani conjecture.

Now no one questions it.

It was clear to everyone that they had heard a new, systematic way of thinking about mathematics, and they all found it very valuable, some even finding it meaningful for their own research.

There are many scholars studying analytical number theory, complexity theory and other fields in the audience, and the feeling is even more obvious.

After listening to the report, they all felt that they had new inspirations, and they wanted to go back and make a summary, so that they might be able to find a way to complete the research.

When the applause was interrupted, many people also discussed, "This method is so meaningful. I understood half of it just now, but I still gained a lot."

"Me too, as expected of the rumored Fields-class achievement!"

"No wonder Wang Hao was able to complete the proof of Kakutani's conjecture. This method is much more important than proving a numerical conjecture."

"But that's not all, what a pity..."

Many people are concerned about the content of the entire paper.

When it was time to ask questions, few people asked about the content of the report, because they knew some content, even if they said it again, they might not be able to understand it, and each question could not be explained clearly in one or two sentences.

A professor from Capital University stood up and asked, "Professor Wang, can you tell me when this paper will be published? I want to see the full content."

Everyone in the audience looked over immediately.

Wang Hao said with a smile, "I have confirmed with Academician Wang Liqun of the Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences that all papers will be published in journals of the Institute of Mathematics."

"You can ask Academician Wang Liqun for the specific publication time."

A group of people immediately looked at Wang Liqun in the front row.

Wang Liqun is an academician of the Academy of Engineering and is in charge of the two journals under the Institute of Mathematics - "Acta Mathematica Sinica" and "Acta-Mathematica-Sinica".

The former is a Chinese mathematics journal, and the latter is an English mathematics journal, which is also included in SCI retrieval.

Wang Liqun got up and waved to the others, and said, "Don't worry, everyone, it will be in the next issue. Professor Wang Hao's papers will be reprinted and published first."

Everyone else immediately looked forward to it.


After Wang Hao finished the explanation, he exchanged pleasantries with others, and went back to the hotel after dinner.

After returning to the hotel, he couldn't wait to start recording.

After listening to his report, others felt that they had gained a lot.

Wang Hao also gained a lot.

【Task 1】

[R\u0026D project name: Navier-Stokes equation research (difficulty: S+). 】

[Inspiration value: 34. 】

"The inspiration point has increased by 9 points!" He is still very satisfied with the increase in the inspiration point, but the most important gain is in his mind.

The research on the NS equation is a systematic project, and every progress can be said to be very important.

Now he has some more ideas related to solving NS equation problems.

One of the ideas of solving the research direction along the approximate value made him feel a little confused and puzzled.

He feels that he has almost achieved the ultimate in the approximate solution of the ns equation. He has developed a general alternative equation method for projects. The approximate value obtained proves to be very close to the exact bound, and the degree of approximation exceeds the previous method.

Now he suddenly feels that what he has done is far from enough, and it seems that he should go further, making the approximate value infinitely close to the exact solution.

"If it can be infinitely close to the exact solution, why not find the exact solution directly?"

"And some NS equations may not have exact solutions. This is a mathematical problem in the world. How can it be infinitely close to the exact solution?"

Wang Hao was sure that his thoughts were correct, but there were contradictions between his thoughts and logical judgments.

This is his harvest.

"This problem must be solved, and it will definitely be of great help to the research of the NS equation..."

(seeking a monthly ticket)

It's the last day at the end of the month, so beg for a monthly pass~~~

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