From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 480 The first person in history, a lively stage, and a real satellite weapon!

Wang Hao's speech on superconducting technology was very shocking.

Most of the Nobel Prize winners came to the stage to give acceptance speeches, the main content of which was various thanks, or they talked about some education, significance, or some of their own ideas.

Few Nobel laureates go to the awards stage to look forward to future technology. Even if some Nobel laureates do this, most of what they talk about is somersaulting and illusory.

This is mainly concerned with 'saying the wrong thing'.

Nobel Prize winners are very authoritative. It is hard to say that they are at the top of the pyramid in the professional academic field.

Many scholars who have not won the Nobel Prize are also very authoritative in the professional academic field. Most of the time, they did not win the Nobel Prize, just because of the research content and luck.

For example, the field of theoretical physics.

The vast majority of scholars in the field of theoretical physics are not able to win the Nobel Prize in Physics, but academics recognize that their research is the most difficult.

At the same time, they are also at the top of the pyramid of academic disdain.

Therefore, the Nobel Prize winners are not necessarily the most powerful. Since they are not the most powerful scholars in the professional academic field, they will naturally not stand on the stage of receiving awards and talk about scientific and technological research. Some mistakes may become the laughing stock of colleagues. .

It's okay to say everything, and you may be labeled as 'arrogant'.

Now Wang Hao is looking forward to future technology, talking about the development of superconducting technology, and looking forward to the popularization of room temperature superconducting, but he has received wide approval and support.

In the field of superconducting technology research and development, Wang Hao is recognized as the first person in history, and no scholar dares to compare with him.

In addition, Wang Hao's team has mastered the most advanced annihilation force field technology, and has continuously discovered many kinds of upgraded materials, and the characteristics of the upgraded materials he described exist.

If research and development continues in this direction, one day it may be possible to develop a room-temperature superconducting material that can be used on a large scale.

Many people recalled what Wang Hao said, and couldn't help but start to look forward to it.

"As expected of Wang Hao!"

"Standing on the stage of the Nobel Prize presentation, he dared to dream of the popularization of room temperature superconducting materials..."

"There is no one in the whole world who is more suitable to say these things than him."

"I don't know if I can see that day in my lifetime, but at least in recent years, superconducting technology has indeed improved a lot."

After Wang Hao finished speaking, he answered a few small questions from the host, and walked off the stage a little 'can't wait', giving the impression that he didn't even want to stay for a second longer.

The host suddenly felt very weird, but he still introduced the Nobel Prize winners in physics-Helen Hinton and Chen Mengmeng as planned.

"Next, I would like to introduce to you two amazing female physicists."

"The youngest of them is only 24 years and 9 months old. This age also broke the record for the youngest age of the Nobel Prize in Physics and all Nobel Prize winners!"

"The other is only 29 years and 7 months old, and he was able to win the Nobel Prize at the age of less than 30, which is also very remarkable."

"They are classmates and a pair of partners. They have completed the basic research of annihilation theory together. "Strong annihilation force" is the concept they put forward together..."

"And now, all of us know that the strong annihilation force technology has made many breakthroughs, and has begun to lead the development of science and technology and change people's lives..."

The host continuously introduced Datong.

Among them, Helen was highlighted, mainly because she was too young, only 24 years and 9 months old.

Her resume is pretty amazing.

At the age of less than 16, she has already obtained two bachelor's degrees, and she is still studying at Stanford University, an Ivy League school.

Now less than 25 years old, he won the Nobel Prize in Physics and broke the record for the youngest Nobel laureate.

The previous record holder was Eagle Country physicist Lawrence Bragg, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1915 at the age of 25.

That was more than 100 years ago.

Chen Mengmeng's resume is also very good when taken alone, but on the stage of the Nobel Prize, it seems very mediocre.


As a female scholar, it is amazing enough to win the Nobel Prize in Physics at the age of less than 30, and it does not matter whether the resume is a genius or not.

After the host introduced them, they were invited to the stage together.

In fact, in the small conference room, Helen and Chen Mengmeng had already come in front of the camera, but the equipment was not connected.

The devices at both ends were connected together, and the images of Helen and Chen Mengmeng appeared on the stage.

There was an uproar at the scene.

All the viewers in front of the TV are staring at the two images on the stage, the focus is on the image on the left, where the cosplay dressed as Wonder Woman is clearly visible.

Many people thought of last year's awards.

Paul Phil Jones, who won the award at the time, dressed up as Superman and described other scholars as 'Kryptonians'.

Now Helen Hinton...

The host hurriedly asked, "I believe you have become everyone's focus now, so may I ask, Ms. Hinton, why are you dressed like this?"

Helen said seriously, "As a female Nobel Prize winner in physics, I think I am the Wonder Woman of physics..."

"I am dressing up like this now to encourage more women to invest in scientific research. Although most of them are not qualified to be Wonder Women, they can still contribute to scientific research and human development. own contribution..."

"Wow wow wow..."

Helen spoke her prepared lines.

There were some "bloodline arguments" in the middle, and many people rolled their eyes. For example, she specifically mentioned that most people are not qualified to be Wonder Woman.

This is of course true, but it cannot be said publicly either!

The host was a little embarrassed listening to him. He wanted to interrupt Helen's speech, but he was afraid of affecting the entire awards ceremony.

Finally, after Helen finished speaking, the host did not continue to ask questions, but immediately turned to Chen Mengmeng, "Why don't you dress up like this? You are colleagues, do research together, and win awards together."

"Because... I'm a normal person."

Chen Mengmeng glanced at Helen, but said it firmly.

There was a sudden silence.

Everyone knew that Chen Mengmeng was telling the truth, but the problem was, wouldn't it be good to say it directly? Many eyes immediately focused on Helen.

Unconvinced, Helen turned her head and asked, "This outfit is cool, isn't it? I think it will be memorable, and more people will remember what I said."

Chen Mengmeng pursed her lips indifferently, "It's up to you."

"Why do you think this is abnormal?" Helen asked after gritting her teeth.


Chen Mengmeng raised her eyebrows vigorously, and made a gesture of shrugging her shoulders indifferently. The combination of the two movements immediately made Helen's anger rise.

Then, the two quarreled.

The host tried to persuade him for a long time, but it was of no use at all. He thought that the two of them might perform martial arts, so he quickly asked the staff to cut off the signal, and then said embarrassingly, "There was a little accident just now. But it may be because They were so excited to win the Nobel Prize at such a young age."

"If it were me, I might be excited to fly..."

"Of course, I can't fly, but it doesn't affect my imagination while sleeping..."

In the small meeting room.

Looking at the two students who were constantly arguing, Wang Hao rubbed his forehead vigorously, showing a helpless look towards the others.

Then, pick up your phone and take a video.

Zhang Zhiqiang next to him reacted immediately, and quickly took out his mobile phone to take pictures, but Wang Hao took the mobile phone away, "What are you doing?"

"What if this kind of thing gets out!"

Zhang Zhiqiang was stunned for a moment, then pointed at Wang Hao, "You..."

"I just keep it as a souvenir."


"Anyway, you can't shoot!"



What happened on the stage of the Nobel award ceremony has aroused heated discussions at home and abroad.

Helen and Chen Mengmeng have become the focus of public opinion. Playing Wonder Woman is not a big deal. After all, Paul Phil Jones already has a criminal record. However, it was the first time in the history of Nobel that they quarreled on the stage of the Nobel Prize. .

The quarrel between the two also caused a quarrel in public opinion.

In the first awards ceremony, they didn't take the stage for a long time, but it was enough to attract many supporters. There are many reasons for this.

For example, they are young Nobel Prize winners in physics, they are extremely 'rare' species, and they can be regarded as academic stars in themselves.

Plus, they're all pretty.

Helen has a delicate cheek, and the porcelain doll is lovable at first sight, coupled with the fluttering blond hair, she has a special temperament; Chen Mengmeng belongs to the kind of gentle girl, with a very good appearance and figure, which is very in line with the aesthetics of flower growers , coupled with a special dress for the Nobel Prize, no less than the demeanor of a female star.

Finally, there is character.

The fact that they can quarrel on the stage of the Nobel Awards is enough to prove that they all have very personalities, which is also what attracts supporters.

After the Nobel Awards Ceremony, many people became fans of the two, and then there was a battle between fans.

"I think Helen is right, she is free to dress as she likes, she likes to dress up as Wonder Woman, so what?"

"And, she's much prettier than Wonder Woman!"

"Warner Bros. should ask her to play Wonder Woman, but Helen probably won't agree. She is the kind of super genius who focuses on scientific research."

"Warner Bros. please don't move Helen, not to mention the Nobel laureate, Xinton is a super big family, very famous in the scientific world, her grandfather Jeffrey is the father of computer, I don't know how much legacy he left..."

Of course, there are also many people who support Chen Mengmeng.

"Chen Mengmeng is just telling the truth. Dressing like that is indeed not a normal person. Standing on the Nobel stage, how should he respect the Nobel Prize?"

"Everyone else is wearing formal clothes, only Helen is wearing something weird. Chen Mengmeng said that she is a normal person and there is nothing wrong with her at all."

"Of course Chen Mengmeng has the right to say that. She and Helen went on stage together, and they lost face together..."


The content of these public opinions is very gossip.

Wang Hao watched it for more than half an hour, and laughed when he saw something interesting. He also persuaded Helen and Chen Mengmeng, but it was of no use.

Helen and Chen Mengmeng...

Break up!

Wang Hao felt a little helpless, so he could only attribute the matter to Paul Phil Jones. Paul Phil Jones suggested that Helen cosplay the Hulk, which made Helen think of Wonder Woman.

Then, a contradiction arose.


Wang Hao let out a long sigh and continued to focus on his work.

He has a lot to deal with.

Xihai University asked for opinions on the establishment of a new research center, and he gave the opinion that "the new research center is best located within the university."

The new research center plan is also related to Helen and Chen Mengmeng winning the Nobel Prize in Physics. Together with Paul Phil-Jones who won the prize last year, the Mason Number Laboratory has won three Nobel Prizes in Physics. Those who did not include Wang Hao himself.

The problem is that……

The Mason Mathematical Sciences Laboratory is a mathematical computer laboratory. As a result, several researchers in the laboratory won the Nobel Prize in Physics.

Not only Helen, Chen Mengmeng, Paul, Huang Xing, Ding Zhiqiang and others are also registered in the Mason Number Laboratory, and their main research direction is also theoretical physics.

Therefore, building a 'Annihilation and Quantum Physics Research Center' has become an urgent matter.

This matter is not only Xihai University, but even the education department and the science and technology department are paying special attention to it. A single Nobel Prize winner in physics can already reach a research center around it.


If a new research center is not established, it may be rumored that they treat scientific researchers harshly, and even Nobel Prize winners have to stay in scientific research institutions that are not the main direction.

Wang Hao’s opinions on this are ‘not too far away’, ‘finally within the school’, and ‘maybe we can expand the campus to build new institutions’.

He usually works in the Mason Tree Laboratory.

Everyone is used to it.

Even if there is a new research center, there is a high probability that he will not go there to work, including Helen, Chen Mengmeng, Paul Phil-Jones and others, all of whom are members of the research team.

Of course they want to work closer.


Wang Hao stayed for another week. After dealing with a lot of work affairs, he immediately went to the F-ray experiment group.

The F-ray experiment group can be said to have accumulated a lot of knowledge.

Under the leadership of Liao Jianguo, they conquered the 'precise proofreading technology of releasing F-rays', manufactured corresponding equipment, and conducted several experiments, and the results were very good.

After coming to the experimental group, Liao Jianguo took Wang Hao excitedly to introduce the new technology. He pointed to a large adjustable cylinder above the equipment and said, "That is the proofreading equipment."

"With this device, we can freely adjust the direction of the F-ray release, and it has been very accurate after several experiments..."

Wang Hao nodded slightly, picked up the data and looked at it.

'F-ray precise calibration technology', to put it bluntly, is to use the method of magnetic field interference to deflect the released f-rays to a predetermined direction.

It's like adding a barrel to the shell.

The impacted shells will be fired forward along the barrel, and the direction in which the shells are launched can be controlled only by adjusting the direction of the muzzle.

The technical principle is very simple to say, but the research is still very complicated.

The main reason is the interference of the magnetic field on the F-rays. A very strong magnetic field is required inside, and the deflection direction will be affected only when the F-rays are released.

"We use helical magnetic field interference, but it's not like the outer layer of equipment, but like the shape of a spring..."

"In that form of interference, let F-rays pass through the middle of the spring-like magnetic field lines."

Xue Haitao explained.

Xue Haitao is a top electromagnetic expert and the second person in the electromagnetic field of the F-ray experiment group. The first person is naturally the most authoritative Tang Jianjun.

Tang Jianjun is in charge of the nuclear fusion engineering project, and Xue Haitao led the team to complete most of the research work.

After Liao Jianguo finished talking about technology and experiments, he began to look forward to it, "Our current technology, F-rays can cover more than 300 kilometers."

"If it is further away, it can even reach the space station."

"Now it has really become a satellite weapon, three hundred kilometers, all within the control range..."

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