From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 517 At the large meeting, the experiment started to explode!

An experimental research with international cooperation is often very complicated.

But this time, the experimental research already has ready-made equipment and materials, as well as mature nuclear reactor technology support. Even without the participation of other countries, Wang Hao's team and the Institute of Nuclear Physics can also complete the experiment.

So the preparations for the experiment went very fast.

Many teams of scientists who specially came to participate in the experiment found that there was nothing to do when they arrived, they just had to wait for the experiment to start.

Since it is an international collaborative research, work needs to be assigned.

This has become the most tedious business.

two weeks later.

All the teams have arrived at the experiment site, equipment and materials have been delivered one after another, and the project team held the first plenary meeting.

This meeting is to determine the distribution of work.

The venue is in a large temporary base, and the blue perimeter and roof are a bit rough, but it is already very good to be able to build it in the depths of the desert in two weeks.

Many people came to participate in the experiment, and the number of scientists exceeded a hundred.

This is still the result of strictly limiting the number of people.

When they learned that they had the opportunity to go to the Flower Planter and carry out the "Annihilation Force Field Explosion" with the Antigravity Research Center, many scientists rushed to sign up, and everyone knew that the opportunity was hard-won.

A team of more than 20 people came from the International Annihilation Organization, nearly 30 people came from the Groom Lake project team, and the rest were domestic scientists.

The participation rate of the Anti-Gravity Behavior Research Center was not high, only a dozen people including Wang Hao, He Yi, and Xiao Xinyu came.

The others are experts in nuclear physics and electromagnetics.

This is mainly because the technology of superimposing force fields to create a strong annihilation force field has already been eliminated by the Antigravity Behavior Research Center.

The current experimental research is aimed at explosions, to ensure the normal operation of the equipment, and then to detect various data.

Then there is the basic physical analysis.

These are completely irrelevant to Xiang Qiansheng, Liu Yunli and others.

Among the personnel participating in the experiment at the Antigravity Behavior Research Center, except for Wang Hao, He Yi, and Xiao Xinyu, the others are all engineers, or simply ordinary associate researchers, who do not understand the real strong annihilation force field technology. One of the reasons they come here is to cultivate talents.

The second is also related to confidentiality considerations.

If too many people participate in the replica experiment, there may be a problem of technology leakage.

Before the meeting started, the scholars were all discussing in the venue. They were all looking forward to the experiment, and they also divided into small groups to communicate with each other on related research issues.

For the research on annihilation force field, there are few academic conferences held internationally.

This is mainly because the technology is kept secret, and institutions that master the technology will not easily disclose it. Even the project team of the Groom Lake Project and the International Annihilation Theory Organization, if there is a discovery that may involve 'technology', they will only be set as confidential , rather than going out publicly.

In addition, the International Annihilation Theory Organization has not developed.

At first, the florists called for the establishment of an international organization of annihilation physics, but some countries participated accordingly, but the leadership of the organization was a problem.

Generally speaking, countries and institutions that master the most advanced technology will definitely have the leading power of international organizations in related research fields.

However, florists dominance is not acceptable.

The international organization established at that time naturally broke up unhappy, and later there was the International Annihilation Theory Organization, and the Annihilation Organization developed, but even the leading Americon researched it alone, and opened a huge financial support of 55 billion U.S. dollars Groom Lake plan.

In this way, the existence of the annihilation organization is like a chicken rib.

However, the influence of the Annihilation Organization is still there. After all, the organization has more than 20 member countries, but they do not have high-end technology.

The current conference venue is the first time that a large number of annihilation physics theory, technology and experiment scientists have gathered together.

This can be described as a 'grand event'.

The environment of the venue was relatively poor, but the atmosphere was very enthusiastic. There were also cases of scientists peddling research, "Using the most high-end astronomical equipment in our laboratory, we discovered particle beams several times the speed of light."

"Did any of you see the news?"

"This discovery subverts the theory of relativity, and it is likely to be related to the annihilation force field."

"My research believes that particles can break through the speed of light..."

The scientist's name is Petri Sariko, an astrophysicist from Finland, who later turned to study annihilation physics, and has achieved many results.

Petri-Sariko continued, "I submitted it to the Royal Academy of Sciences and it was not accepted. They thought it was absurd."

"There is a radiation wave expert named Shen Huiming. The research done by his team shows that the speed of the first-order electromagnetic wave in the normal environment is also the speed of light."

"This shows that elevated waves cannot break through the upper limit of the speed of light."

"The Royal Academy of Sciences rejected my paper on this, but I don't think it makes sense. Our team is studying particles, and particles are not the same as light."

"Maybe what we photographed is the advanced particle wave..."

He said sarcastically, "If a flower grower submits an article, those old stubborn people will definitely consider it. His thinking has become more inclined to the flower grower."

Someone retorted, "That also needs to be divided."

"If Wang Hao contributed, who would not accept it? And Shen Huiming, I know him, was the first to discover the first-order wave, and we did similar experiments, but..."

He shook his head and said, "We have no way to verify whether a first-order wave has been produced, because we can't receive it at all, and there is no annihilation force field device to detect it..."

Then he muttered in a low voice, "It would be great if I could come to work at the flower planter. I can get in touch with a strong annihilation force field, and many ideas can be verified."

As he spoke, he turned his head and saw Wang Hao, and suddenly shouted in surprise, "Wang Hao! Professor Wang Hao!"

A group of people looked over.

Wang Hao smiled and nodded at them, and then shook hands politely. When it was Petri Sariko's turn, he asked, "I just heard you say that a particle wave with a speed exceeding the speed of light has been detected. Tell me?"

Petri Sariko's eyes lit up, and he spoke immediately.

As an astrophysicist, his working base station can use radar observation data from all over the world. Through processing a large number of pictures, they discovered a beam of "particle waves suspected to exceed the speed of light" 3 billion light years away.

"After our analysis, we found that this beam of particle waves is more than seven times faster than the speed of conventional light."

"The speed is unimaginable."

"We were also very surprised at the beginning, but after repeated analysis, the data was confirmed, but after all, it was only analysis, and it was three billion light-years away, so the result was not recognized."

After hearing this, Wang Hao asked after thinking, "Mr. Sariko, do you think particle waves can exceed the speed of light?"


Petri-Sariko confirmed, "This is the result of my research. I checked it many times and I am very sure of this conclusion."

Wang Hao nodded vigorously and said sincerely, "I support you!"

Petri-Sariko was obviously very excited when he heard Wang Hao say that he supported him. He also shouted at the others, "Did you hear that? Professor Wang Hao supports me!"

"He thinks I'm right!"

"Let the group of old antiques of the Royal Academy of Sciences die, I have the support of Professor Wang Hao enough!"

Other people around cast doubtful glances, obviously wanting to know whether Wang Hao comforted Sariko, or really supported 'the speed of particle waves can exceed the speed of light'.

Wang Hao smiled and nodded at the others, and left without giving any further explanation.

He was also very surprised.

Petri-Sariko has indeed done relevant research and is very convinced of his research results, so he gave Wang Hao "correct feedback".

Feedback indicates that——

Under the normal annihilation force field environment, the particle wave can exceed the speed of light.

But how?

"If it's just a conventional environment with continuous technology, it must not exceed the speed of light. The "Theory of Relativity" does not involve an annihilation force field, and the conventional environment is still effective."

"So, how to achieve it?"

"Could it be erupted from an extremely high annihilation force field, such as... a black hole? Particles have mass and inertia..."

"However, space-time constraints are also an issue."

Wang Hao walked to the front row with doubts, shook hands with Empoli Cooper and Bill Bryan respectively, exchanged a few words about the meeting, and nodded towards the person in charge of the meeting.


The person in charge of the meeting announced the official start.

The venue fell silent.

The first to stand up was Jer Lockyer. He took a report and walked onto the stage to explain the explosion to everyone.

Then came Kubo and He Yi.

They went to the stage to analyze separately, and determined that an explosion method "unknown to the scientific community" was involved.

The next one is Wang Hao.

It is hard for scientists to say that they have any discipline. When Lockyer, Kubo, and He Yi gave reports, there were always noisy voices in the venue, and scholars in the front row stood up and interrupted questions.

When it was time for Wang Hao to speak, the venue was completely silent.

Everyone looked at Wang Hao on the stage.

Many people are seeing Wang Hao himself for the first time. They are very curious, shocked and unbelievable about this person who discovered the annihilation force, created the annihilation theory system and led the annihilation and superconducting technology, but they are convinced from the bottom of their hearts.

Wang Hao has produced too many results.

Regardless of the annihilation force field and the direction of superconductivity, his mathematical achievements can be said to be 'the first in history'. Major mathematical problems such as Goldbach's conjecture, NS equation, and Riemann's conjecture have all been solved by Wang Hao. Created a beautiful high-order particle function with great research potential.

The higher-order particle function is the treasure of mathematics in the 21st century. The function covers all prime numbers. To a certain extent, it can be said that the "prime number law" has been found.

Such a mathematician is enough to command all respect.

But for Wang Hao, mathematics is just a research tool. He also created a physics subject - annihilation physics, and his personal research direction is also around annihilation physics.

Even the shaped high-order particle function is only used to describe the 'mass point problem'.

In front of such a scientist, everyone will be eclipsed. Even those so-called top scholars have a feeling of looking up at Wang Hao when they see Wang Hao.

Standing on the stage, Wang Hao felt a lot of emotion.

In recent years, he has rarely faced international scholars. Now it is like a large academic conference, and it is a conference for annihilation physics. Everyone participating in the conference is a well-known physicist.

He created a physical system that has grown rapidly to this size.

He said with a sigh, "The analysis just now by Mr. Kubo and Professor He Yi has been refined. Let me talk about the purpose of the experiment again."

"Our experiment has two purposes."

"The first purpose is to find out the root cause of the explosion accident. This is very important, otherwise it will affect subsequent research."

"The second point, I personally think is a brand new explosion."

"To put it bluntly, it is a particle explosion and a neutron explosion. We will conduct detailed analysis on how the neutron explosion occurred, but first we still need to make experimental discoveries."

"So we must be very serious when it comes to detecting nuclear reactions and particles. We need very large amounts of data to analyze the results..."

When Wang Hao finished speaking, the venue suddenly became an uproar.

"Particle explosion, neutron explosion?"

"Professor Wang Hao said it was a neutron explosion? How do neutrons explode? Neutrons don't react with any particles. Do they collide with each other?"

"is this real?"

"It should be true! Professor Wang Hao's team has much more advanced technology than Kubo's team. Maybe they will know the reason after looking at the information."

"The current experiment is to replicate and verify whether it is a 'neutron explosion'."

"If it's a neutron explosion, what does that mean?"

"It may represent a completely new kind of physics, which will greatly increase our understanding of particles..."

The following meeting will have no academic content.

The person in charge of the meeting directly announced that Wang Hao would serve as the technical general consultant of the experimental project.

This position can be said to be the direct person in charge of the experiment, but it is only responsible for technical issues. Chief Engineer Gao Zhiyuan is responsible for other matters.

The meeting also established a temporary committee for experimental projects.

Committee members include He Yi, Zhu Xinping, Bill Bryan, Empoli Kubo, and Jerry Lockyer. They will control the overall direction of the experiment, arrange the work of each team, and deal with all issues before and after the experiment.

He Yi serves as the direct person in charge of the experiment. He has two deputies, one is Korot James and the other is Yuni Novotny.

Judging from the manpower allocation, we know that the Antigravity Behavior Research Center is in the lead.

The heads of the other two agencies can also only serve as deputies.

Empoli Cubo wanted to be the person in charge of the experiment, but there was only one spot in the Groom Lake project team, so he could only give up the job to Collot James.

He is not a pure scientist. He does not have a deep understanding of issues such as theory and experiments, and it is difficult to get involved when encountering some detailed problems.

End of the meeting.

Each team will work according to the assignment.

Most of them are responsible for collecting and sorting the detection data in one area, and some teams have no work at all and are waiting for the end of the experiment to analyze the data in each area.

Preparation for the experiment is over in one week.

There are two most difficult aspects. One is the installation of peripheral magnetic field equipment, and the other is the placement and control of the internal nuclear reactor.

The magnetic field equipment is complete, but the installation is a little more complicated.

Nuclear reactors are not only installed, but also filled with materials to reserve ignition ports.

The team at the Institute of Nuclear Physics is very professional. They considered a series of issues and prepared three internal ignition plans after placement.

After that, the experiment began.

In order to ensure the stability and safety of the experiment, the strong annihilation force field was created first, but only the magnetic field equipment can be seen on the periphery, and information such as the force field strength can only be viewed through data.

Then, there's the ignition of the nuclear reactor.

This process takes a day, and in the meantime, most of the scientists have moved twenty kilometers away and will be waiting in the data room.

The data room can receive testing information from the experimental site.

They looked at this information and waited for the explosion to arrive, but the time was a bit long. The time given by the nuclear physics team was three days.

"To ensure safety during the process, the nuclear reactor is ignited slowly."

"The reaction will accelerate, but it will take three days to reach the point where the energy escapes. The specific amount of energy overflow that will cause an explosion can be checked through the data..."

By the evening of the third day, the monitoring room was already crowded with people.

After Wang Hao entered the detection room, he learned that energy escape had occurred. He Yidao said, "An energy escape occurred five minutes ago. The temperature of the peripheral equipment has increased, but the magnetic field equipment is still running."

While He Yizheng was talking, he heard a cry, "The magnetic field equipment has malfunctioned and stopped operating!"

The shouting had just ended.

"Stab it~~~"

Several screens experienced signal interruptions. Someone walked out and looked in the direction of the experiment and saw a bright light.

Half a minute later, there was a slight vibration on the ground, and then a loud noise was heard.

An explosion happened!

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