From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 540 Is the light pressure engine a small technology? Is it still necessary for the space age

In the aerospace field, the propulsion method of spacecraft in a vacuum environment is a very important scientific and technological research and development direction.

The spacecraft is in a vacuum environment, and without the reaction force of pushing air, conventional propulsion methods no longer work, and more advanced propulsion methods must be studied.

Electric propulsion is a very important field.

Electric propulsion is a technology that uses electrical energy to heat, dissolve and accelerate propellant to form a high-speed jet to generate propulsion.

Among electric propulsion technologies, Hall electric propulsion and ion electric propulsion are relatively mature and have broad market application prospects.

The advantage of ion electric propulsion is that it has a higher specific impulse, but the large size of the ion electric thruster is not conducive to the layout of the spacecraft, and the ion electric propulsion has high process requirements and low reliability.

At present, Hall electric propulsion is the most respected propulsion method in the world, and it occupies an absolutely dominant position. It is famous for its high specific impulse, large thrust, high thrust density, and simple and reliable system.

In the fields of GEO satellites, low-orbit satellites and deep space detectors, Hall electric propulsion has been widely used to perform tasks such as position maintenance, orbit transfer, orbit adjustment and deep space main propulsion. So far, it has been used in 148 satellites internationally. On the spacecraft, 673 Hall thrusters were used.

For example, in Amrican's Starlink satellite constellation, each satellite is equipped with a Hall electric propulsion system.

Hall electric thrusters can achieve high-power ignition operation with a small volume and mass. The size of a 100kW Hall electric thruster will basically not exceed 0.5m. It has low technical risks and good technological inheritance, so it will naturally become The mainstream choice for space thrusters.

So when it comes to the propulsion method of the space carrier in space, the first thing that the research team thinks of is the Hall thruster.

However, after careful discussion, they believed that the specific impulse of the Hall electric thruster was still too low.

Hall electric thrusters can indeed achieve efficient acceleration, but there are two disadvantages when placed on an aerospace carrier. One disadvantage is that the thrust is still insufficient.

The space carrier will be a very large spacecraft.

Using Hall electric thrusters as power requires the development of ultra-high-power Hall electric thrusters, but the problem is that Hall electric propulsion is a key research technology.

Various countries have spent a lot of money and continued to invest in research for more than fifty years. However, until now, the operating power of the largest Hall electric thrusters has only reached the hundred-kilowatt level, which is difficult to accelerate the super-large spacecraft. The effect is naturally limited.

"Let's imagine……"

"A super large space carrier accelerates like a snail in space, which is completely unacceptable." Paul Phil-Jones gave a very vivid description.

The others couldn't help but nod together.

Helen followed up and said, "The light pressure engine is the most suitable!"

When it comes to light pressure engines, everyone else's eyes can't help but light up. Light pressure engines only exist in theory so far.

This engine relies on the directional flow of photons to generate thrust.

The photon rocket theory was proposed as early as 1953. According to Einstein's law of relativity, mass and energy are connected, and mass can be converted into kinetic energy.

Therefore, the matter-antimatter annihilation reaction can be used to completely convert mass into kinetic energy.

Positrons and electrons combine and annihilate to produce two or more gamma rays (photons), and protons and antiprotons combine and annihilate to produce two or more mesons.

These mesons are unstable and quickly decay into electrons (or positrons) and neutrinos.

Mesons, electrons and positrons are charged and are ejected at a speed equal to the speed of light (or close to the speed of light) under the action of a strong electric field, thereby generating thrust.

Because it involves antimatter, photon rockets naturally can only exist in theory, but the theory of annihilation particles and the mutual annihilation of matter and antimatter has almost the same effect.

Both convert mass into energy.

"Our experiment found that neutrons were completely converted into energy, and most of the energy was in the form of photons..."

"So, the annihilation particle device and the light pressure engine are a perfect match!"

"Perhaps as long as the device is modified, for example, by pressurizing and ejecting photons in one direction, and then raising the temperature, it can bring huge power!"

Along the way, people in the research team discussed endlessly.

Wang Hao sat nearby and listened together, and couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart. There is no doubt that hobbies are the biggest motivation for research.

When discussing vacuum power, they quickly thought of the most suitable power solution for the space carrier.

The light pressure engine is indeed very compatible with the annihilation particle energy device. It can even be said that it is a complete solution for annihilation particle energy.


First there was the light pressure rocket theory, and only now are there annihilation particle devices.

"Is this a coincidence?"

"Perhaps it's time for us to study space carriers?"

Wang Hao shook his head unconsciously.

Although the theory is indeed very consistent, in fact, the reason why the photon rocket engine has remained in theory is not just because it involves antimatter issues.

Technology also involves another issue-temperature requirements.

To obtain sufficient light pressure in a photon source requires a high temperature of 50,000 to 250,000 degrees Celsius. So far, technology has not been able to solve the problem of such high temperatures.

Of course.

The process of annihilating particles can achieve such high temperatures. The question is, how to control it?

That's a temperature of over 50,000 degrees Celsius!

Even though the light pressure engine is like a vacuum power technology tailor-made for annihilation particle devices, one problem after another still needs to be solved in order to truly convert photons into power.

Like a high temperature issue...

It seems impossible to solve it at all.

The research team finally returned to the West Sea.

Wang Hao first went home to rest for a few days, enjoying family life with his wife and children, and giving himself a good vacation.

After that, he returned to Xihai University.

When he walked into the Mason Tree Laboratory, he heard Paul Phil-Jones and Ding Zhiqiang discussing the issue of high temperature control. "It is indeed difficult to reach a high temperature of 50,000 degrees Celsius, but the original theory may not be correct, maybe several thousand Celsius is enough.”

"Moreover, we also have annihilation field technology."

"The light pressure of different annihilation force fields may have different temperature requirements."

"Ding Zhiqiang, tell Wang Hao that you are his favorite student. Maybe he will listen to you and we can study together..."

"The space carrier, of course it can't use Hall thrusters that are so rubbish that they need to be thrown away!"


Ding Zhiqiang was sitting facing Wang Hao.

He was listening to what Paul Phil Jones said, and when he raised his head and saw Wang Hao walking over, he simply said, "Paul, you'd better talk to Teacher Wang yourself."

He stood up and waved hello to Wang Hao.

Paul Phil-Jones turned his head awkwardly and said something even more embarrassing, "Wang Hao, when did you come?"

"Just arrived..."

Wang Haodao, "I heard you were talking about a light pressure engine? Studying temperature issues? Paul, what you said makes sense, but we need experiments."

"There are still too few experiments at present, and we don't know what kind of energy intensity is controllable in the device."

"In the past few days, I have also studied the theory of light pressure rockets. We have annihilation field technology, and the conditions are indeed different, but it still requires a lot of experiments."


Paul Phil-Jones suddenly looked forward to it.

Wang Hao continued amusingly, "If you are very interested, you can also do some experimental design, or device design, in advance."

"Big experiments cannot be done, but some small experiments can still be done."

"When the time comes, I'll apply for a project."


Paul Phil Jones's eyes lit up when he heard this. He immediately said excitedly, "I'll go study it right away." After saying that, he immediately went upstairs, then turned around and asked, "Ding Zhiqiang, do you want to Join my 'super space battleship power thruster design team'?"


"It was a name I thought of on the spur of the moment. It's pretty cool, right?"


Ding Zhiqiang glanced at Wang Hao hesitantly.

Wang Hao nodded slightly towards him and said with a smile, "If you want to join, just join. If you are also interested."

"That's okay!"

Ding Zhiqiang took a breath.

Who would reject the super space battleship project? Even though it sounds a bit mediocre, it’s really ‘cool’, okay!

Before Wang Hao had time to think about the problem of light pressure rocket technology, he received a call from Teacher Xu and talked about the new 'metal magnetization power generation' power generation technology.

In fact, it cannot be called technology.

"Metal magnetization generates electricity" is just a phenomenon discovered by Professor Wang Shanqing during the test of magnetized materials. When two materials with different magnetization effects are butted together and exposed to strong light, a potential difference is found inside the metal.

When the potential is different, electric current will naturally appear.

This discovery has only just been confirmed. It cannot be called a technology in a short period of time. Before, it was only regarded as a very common physical discovery.

During the research process related to the annihilation force field, there were too many similar discoveries to count, and naturally they were not taken seriously when they were discovered.

This is mainly because the creation of potential differences requires the natural strong magnetization of metal and a strong light environment.

If you are in a sunlight environment, you can directly apply solar power generation technology, and there is no need for complicated technologies such as magnetization. If you use electricity to create strong light, the energy consumed will definitely exceed the electricity produced.

It wasn't until the annihilation particle experiment created a special 'strong light environment' that Wang Hao thought of Wang Shanqing's research findings.

He told Teacher Zhao and Teacher Xu.

Wang Hao didn't particularly care. The annihilation particle experiment would still take some time, and just collecting the data would take a long time.

However, Teacher Zhao and Teacher Xu attach great importance to it.

Any power generation foundation is very important, not to mention the power generation technology that is suitable for annihilation particle devices.

After confirming that annihilation particles can produce a large amount of energy, the first thing they thought of was 'power generation', and 'metal magnetization power generation' is very suitable for annihilation particle devices.

"When the data is collected and the technology becomes more mature, we can use the 'metal magnetization power generation' technology to build a power plant..."

"This is an application and an experiment!"

Teacher Xu continued to look forward to it, "This is a new technology that is not available in the world. It is a brand-new way of generating electricity. Even if the cost is high, the technical gains are worth it."

Wang Hao couldn't help but twitch his lips when he heard this. He was not interested in generating electricity or anything like that.

After Teacher Xu finished speaking, he added, "Let's wait until the technology matures. I will ask the experimental team to cooperate with Professor Wang Shanqing's research."

After he finished speaking, he immediately changed the topic, "By the way, Teacher Xu, I am preparing to apply for a light pressure engine design experimental project..."

"Engine? Why do you want to study engines?"

Teacher Xu didn’t know what a ‘light pressure engine’ was, but he didn’t ask carefully, but said, “No problem, just go ahead and do whatever you want to study.”

"Our side will definitely pass!"


After Teacher Xu put down the phone, he laughed with Deng Huaizhen and said, "Academician Deng, you will never guess what Wang Hao said just now. Since he wants to apply for an engine project, what is it called... a light pressure engine? I really don't understand it. I'm interested in reading it." Studying the engine."

"He does this kind of small, purely technical research..."


As he spoke, he shook his head and sighed.

Deng Huaizhen frowned and asked, "Teacher Xu, what engine did you just talk about?"

"Light pressure engine, what's wrong?"

Deng Huaizhen looked at Teacher Xu with doubtful eyes and said in disbelief, "Light pressure engine... do you call this a purely technical research?"


Teacher Xu thought about it and said, "Light pressure...light pressure seems to be very powerful?" His words were a little uncertain.

"Not only is it very powerful, it is very, very, very powerful!"

Deng Huaizhen took a deep breath, "If you think about it carefully, does light have mass? Light pressure, light pressure, light can bring pressure, can that be small research?"

“It’s vacuum-powered technology!”

"Currently, it exists in theory. The theory is directly related to the annihilation of matter and antimatter. Only when mass can be completely converted into energy and a large number of photons are produced, can the basic conditions for studying light pressure engines be achieved..."

"At the same time, high temperatures above 50,000 degrees Celsius are also required."

"Think about it, think about it carefully, is this a small study?"


Deng Huaizhen was so surprised that he didn't pay attention to his tone.

Teacher Xu nodded seriously, as if he already understood where he was wrong, but what he was thinking in his heart was, "Should I change to a technology consultant?"

"This Lao Deng..."

"The level is definitely fine, but speaking... is too ugly! Light pressure engine? Who in the right mind can know this!"

Teacher Xu felt that he was making a joke, but after learning about the light pressure engine, he couldn't help complaining, "Wang Hao still insists on building an aerospace carrier."

That’s it!

Wang Hao's research team has applied for research on the 'top vacuum engine', so naturally it can only be associated with the 'space carrier'.

If it is just an ordinary spacecraft, it is enough to use Hall electric propulsion technology.

Teacher Xu didn't feel ashamed. Most people didn't know about the light pressure engine, so he told the matter to Teacher Zhao as a joke.

Teacher Zhao told Teacher Zhu again.

Teacher Zhu is the immediate boss of the space agency. When he heard the word "light pressure engine", he became uneasy.

Now Wang Hao's research team has mastered the 'annihilation particle technology' and can use small devices to produce high-intensity energy, and has begun research on the 'top vacuum engine'.

If the research on the "top vacuum engine" is successful, relying on two technologies will be enough to create a large spacecraft with excellent performance.

By the time……

Is it still necessary for the space agency to exist?

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