From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 578 Space Carrier Design Project, James: The turtle can never catch up!

The future business originally established by the Aerospace Industry Company was drawn up by Wang Hao himself, and he did not say "fooling" casually.

He won't do that.

Those would have been the original ideas.

Their first goal is to create a large spacecraft, thus establishing the light pressure engine project, whose purpose is to provide self-sufficient energy support for large spacecrafts.

Now that the light pressure engine has completed its first take-off and landing test, it is time to demonstrate the manufacturing of a large spacecraft.

Only by manufacturing a large-scale spacecraft can we hope to realize the "future business" initially established. Otherwise, we can only continue to invest.

They are not a space agency, but a formal company established with independent funding.

Formal companies invest heavily in order to achieve profitability.

It can’t be said that the large spacecraft they built with their own money can only be used for exploration in the aerospace field or to serve as a military deterrent in space, right?

The former is the work of the space agency; the latter is the affairs of the military.

Whether it is the space agency or the military, if they want to support the manufacture of the same large spacecraft, they will definitely need technology for technology and talent for talent.

Now we are doing research out of our own pockets with financial support. Several large companies have made investments. The ultimate goal is of course to achieve profitability.

If it is purely invested in R\u0026D, it is not a formal company, but a state-supported R\u0026D institution.

Wang Hao personally invests because he is optimistic about the company's prospects. Of course he can spend 10 billion to support the country's scientific and technological development, but in fact, the light pressure engine project and spacecraft research do not require his funding at all.

In short, Wang Hao hopes that the Spacecraft Industry Company can achieve normal profits.

The first step has now been taken. The light pressure engine has completed the take-off and landing test. As the outside world says, after being able to take off and land normally, the next step is to fly at high altitude, and then enter space.

There are no technical difficulties that cannot be overcome in the future.

In this case, it is natural to start the spacecraft design project simultaneously.

With the support of energy power technology, there are no absolute difficulties in the design and manufacture of spacecraft. In fact, the spacecraft can be regarded as a super-large space station without the light pressure engine. However, the space station can rely on light The pressure engine is self-sufficient and supports extremely energy-consuming high-speed flight in space, as well as autonomous takeoff and landing on the planet.

In the design work of the spacecraft, most technologies can be solved in cooperation with the space agency.

Problems involving high-speed flight in space and take-off and landing on other planets can all be solved by relying on brand-new materials.

In short, there are no insurmountable difficulties in the design of spacecraft.

After Wang Hao and Zang Chunlai discussed it, they had already made a decision in their hearts.

He explained the follow-up work, including some personnel work, and then sent an application to the space agency, hoping to lead the team to visit the space agency.

The purpose this time is to talk to the space agency about technical cooperation related to spacecraft.

Wang Hao's application was sent directly to Chen Jiahe, the de facto second-in-command of the space agency.

After Chen Jiahe saw the application, he immediately went to Teacher Zhu's office. "Academician Wang said he was coming, and he was bringing the team from the spacecraft company with him."

"What is he here for?" Teacher Zhu asked in surprise.

"They say they are here for a visit," Chen Jiahe said, "but I think there must be other purposes. I don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything. Academician Wang may need some skills."

Teacher Zhu thought about it carefully and guessed, "It may have something to do with the light pressure engine. The engine will definitely enter space later, and when entering space, we need our technology to ensure that the engine will not be damaged."

Chen Jiahe nodded in agreement.

Teacher Zhu continued, "Let's determine the time with Academician Wang first. On that day, I will come over early."

He said and shook his head.

When he heard the news of Wang Hao's arrival, Teacher Zhu was in a bad mood. He could always think of the light pressure engine. After watching the take-off and landing test, the shocking scene kept lingering in his mind.

This made him extremely disappointed with the work of the space agency.

Recently, the space agency has made many breakthroughs in the work of new spacecraft, but he is not happy at all.

This is mainly because the gap is too large.

Think about it…

Others had already scored 200 points in the exam, but they only improved from 50 points to 51 points. The gap with the opponent was already so large that there was no hope of catching up.

When compared, I couldn't be happier.

No matter what, Wang Hao's visit to the space agency is a big event and must be dealt with very seriously.

Chen Jiahe went to arrange the reception work.

Wang Hao came very quickly.

Half a month later, he brought his team to the space agency. There were more than a dozen people in the team, with the core members including Paul Phil-Jones, Zang Chunlai, Zhou Qigui, Pang Xue, Wang Zhongmin, Ding Junlei and others.

Each of these is an important member of the spacecraft industry and the project department.

The current situation is different from two weeks ago. Everyone on the team is directly affiliated with Spacecraft Industries. In other words, they have officially joined the company and are no longer personnel assigned by the original company or organization.

For example, Wang Zhongmin was released directly by the military scientific research department.

Wang Zhongmin went through the retirement procedures and finally quickly joined the spacecraft company. He was still a little sad. After all, he had been working in military scientific research institutions all his life, but when he thought that it was all for scientific research, it was nothing.

Wang Zhongmin is a key member of the project's research and development staff, and his basic salary is 1.8 million flower coins.

There are more than a dozen top experts in the R\u0026D department of the project team, all of whom receive salaries of more than one million yuan. Among them, Cao Dongming, the head of the materials team, receives the highest salary, with an annual salary of 2.2 million flower coins.

Cao Dongming also left the Aerospace Materials Institute and officially joined the Aerospace Industry Company.

For top scientific personnel, the temptation of high salary is nothing. In fact, their salary may not necessarily improve much.

For example, Cao Dongming’s salary at the Aeronautical Materials Institute is more than 400,000. The Aeronautical Materials Institute is directly affiliated with the Aviation Group. He also gets a large year-end bonus every year, as well as various hidden benefits. Cao Dongming is an academician of the Academy of Engineering and has on hand Many projects can also provide individuals with a lot of benefits.

The annual salary of 2.2 million is not directly attractive to him personally.

The most tempting thing is to be able to participate in the most high-end aerospace technology research and development projects. They all hope to provide their own strength for the manufacturing of large spacecrafts.

The entrance to the space agency headquarters building.

Teacher Zhu and Chen Jiahe stood at the front of the crowd, waiting for a long time and finally arrived at Wang Hao.

Wang Hao and his group came in a military vehicle. After a few vehicles stopped, he walked out directly and then shook hands with Teacher Zhu, Chen Jiahe and others.

Teacher Zhu has a very high position and is already close to the decision-making level. He and Wang Hao sit at the front.

Chen Jiahe was half a body behind.

Wang Hao felt a little awkward walking, so he deliberately walked a little slower and talked with Chen Jiahe about aerospace technology.

Chen Jiahe also took the initiative to talk to Wang Hao about aerospace technology, but as he spoke, he turned the topic to the light pressure engine. He praised the performance of the light pressure engine. After praising it for many times in a row, he talked about the follow-up test of the light pressure engine.

This is what I want to know in a roundabout way, the purpose of Wang Hao's team coming to the space agency.

Wang Hao didn't like playing riddles with others, so he simply said, "We are here this time just to cooperate with the space agency."

"work together?"

Teacher Zhu immediately turned his head and asked, "How to cooperate? Tell me in detail."

Wang Hao said, "You all know that our light pressure engine has completed preliminary testing. There will be no technical problems that cannot be overcome in the future. It is only a matter of time before it goes into space."

"So we are now going to start designing a large spacecraft, or space carrier."

He added, "Paul likes the name."

"But we have no experience in aerospace, and the space agency has built a space station and completed the Chang'e Project to achieve lunar landing. You have perfect technology and experience."

"So we need to cooperate with you in the design of the spacecraft."

Chen Jiahe thought about it carefully and asked, "Mr. Wang, although it's not a good thing to say this, I think I still have to ask."

"You just said that you need our technology and experience. We can indeed provide technology and a lot of talent support, but the question is, what benefits do we have?"

Wang Hao nodded and said, "Cooperation is of course beneficial to both parties. The space agency is one of the shareholders of the spacecraft company. The equity ratio should be five points, right?"

Teacher Zhu nodded, "It's five points. Can we still increase the equity?"

"I don't have this right."

Wang Hao shook his head and said, "What I mean is that the space agency has a direct relationship with the spacecraft company. What we can show is the ownership of the spacecraft."

"Ownership of the spaceship?"

Teacher Zhu's eyes lit up when he heard this and asked, "Tell me more specifically."

Wang Haodao, "Actually, it doesn't matter. The spacecraft we build is directly owned by the company. But we can also allocate part of the ownership rights to other organizations."

"For example, the space agency."

"You also need ownership of the spacecraft. With a certain proportion of ownership, you can send personnel to participate in matters related to the operation of the spacecraft."

"There are many benefits of this kind of rights and interests. For example, a certain proportion of the profits achieved by the space carrier in the future will belong to the space agency..."

Wang Hao gave a brief explanation.

Teacher Zhu is obviously not interested in subsequent profits or anything like that. What he cares about is his reputation.

If there is a certain ownership of the space carrier, we can declare to the outside world that the space carrier was built with the support of the space agency.

Name is so important.

Teacher Zhu is about to retire, and what he wants most is his reputation.

The ownership issue mentioned by Wang Hao made Teacher Zhu very excited. Moreover, the country does support the spacecraft company, and the space agency will definitely cooperate in technology. There will be no harm in formal cooperation between the two parties.

Of course, how much support the space agency will give and the specific ownership of the space carrier need to be discussed in detail.

The negotiators are responsible for these matters.

Wang Hao didn't care about this. What he valued most was the decision-making power of the aerospace carrier, including decisions on research and development, manufacturing, operations, etc.

Without affecting the decision-making power, it does not matter if some ownership rights are given to the space agency. After all, their research does require the technical support of the space agency.

In addition, the air and space carrier cannot be completely owned by the company, because it does have a great military deterrence purpose, and it cannot be completely operated independently.

For example, the photopressure engine project involves many researchers and engineers from design to manufacturing.

These personnel all come from large institutions and the military. Without the support of large institutions and the military, it would be impossible for the light pressure engine project to enter the manufacturing stage.

The spacecraft company is the only one that invests, and other organizations provide talents, technology, and materials, many of which are confidential.

They also deserve some ownership.

This is especially true for the space agency. The main core of subsequent design and development is the space agency. It is natural that they have certain ownership rights.


It has been two months since the strong annihilation force field equipment was transported to the experimental base in Geneva, Switzerland, and Amrican has also obtained a large amount of information.

After the information was compiled, its content was handed over to the Groom Lake Project Team.

The job of the project team is to manufacture equipment based on the information obtained, and then study new internal principles and learn more information through experiments.

This work made Cooper very depressed, but he couldn't say anything at all, because his technology was indeed further advanced than their research and development.

The officials of the Ministry of Energy have a different attitude towards the project team. They used to talk in a friendly manner, but now they just hand over tasks.

"You can use this information to do research and create equipment as soon as possible."

"It must be completed quickly, and other research will be conducted later."

The official's attitude was very tough and his meaning was clear.

Cooper understood.

If they couldn't complete the work in a short period of time, he, the project team leader, would be fired.

Although Cooper felt very depressed, others in the project team were still looking forward to it. After all, it was a regional strong annihilation field technology. After the equipment was manufactured, a series of experimental research could be conducted.

Of course, the main work of the project team is to manufacture the equipment and study its internal principles.

This process will definitely require many theoretical experts.

When the research direction changes, there will also be big changes in personnel.

Cooper feels like he won't be able to stay much longer. "Maybe next week, I'll be leaving here."

"Maybe next month?"

He shook his head dejectedly.

Korot James didn't care, "I knew this day would come. Of course it doesn't matter, I won't be fired anyway."

Kubo let out a long sigh, "I also hope that my work will go smoothly. Korot, do you think you can basically catch up with the flower growers with this?"

"I mean really catching up. For example, we have also developed annihilation particle technology and developed a light pressure engine. Do you think there is hope?"

"Generally speaking, it's OK."

James nodded and said, "Look at the flower growers, they have developed to where they are now in just a few decades and have surpassed us in many fields."

"In the last century, they didn't have much technology. They started from scratch in many fields. They have been making progress by imitating..."

"Later, many fields caught up with the international level and even surpassed it."

Cooper nodded as he listened, "So we have hope?"

"There is no hope at all!" James said with certainty.

Cooper didn't expect the conclusion to come to such a fast conclusion. He was stunned for a moment and asked, "Why?"

James said, "In the past few decades, the reason why flower growers have been able to catch up in many fields is because there has been no breakthrough in these fields for a long time, or there is an upper limit to technological development."

"For example, in the high-end chip industry, no matter how the technology is improved, the accuracy cannot be lower than one nanometer."

"For example, materials, many materials research has stagnated, and the applications have been very sufficient. It has become easy to research alternative materials, but it has become difficult to develop further."

"In summary, there are limits to technological development, and it is naturally possible to catch up."

Cooper asked, "Then what?"

James said, "Open the media website and read the latest reports, and you will understand."

Kubo opened the media website with doubts and saw the first and most important report——

Spacecraft Industries announced that they have launched a design research project for an aerospace carrier!

"Space carrier? Design?" Kubo opened his mouth in surprise.

James said, "So I say, there is no hope at all. When it comes to catching up with technology, what I am afraid of is not that the opponent's technology is high, but that the opponent's technology is high and the speed of progress is ridiculously fast."

“They’re progressing so much faster than we can catch up.”

"It's like the tortoise and the hare. The hare not only ran out first, but also didn't sleep and rest in the middle. He kept running... How did the tortoise catch up?"

"Just admit defeat and that'll be fine!"

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