From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 582 Major discovery! Wang Hao: This is why the gravitational field appears!

meeting room.

Everyone looked at Ding Zhiqiang with surprise.

Helen and Chen Mengmeng also talked about a lot of content, which was organized and fascinating, but most people's recognition was still relatively low, mainly because it was too complicated and they couldn't understand it at all.

Most of the people here are experimentalists, and they only have a rough understanding of things like the semi-extensional step theory, and they can't understand things that are more complicated.

Ding Zhiqiang's words were simple and direct, which could be understood immediately, and he also felt that it was very feasible.

What he is talking about is control variables.

After eliminating the original anti-gravity factors and treating it completely as an experiment to create a gravitational field, you can use control variable groups to remove structural modules. You may find which modules are useful and which modules are useless.

Of course, the worst result is that all modules have a function, and the experiment will not make any discoveries.

But in any case, there is hope that something can be discovered by controlling variables to change the underlying module structure.

When there is no clue in the research, such a simple and direct experimental method that is likely to lead to discovery will of course be welcomed by everyone.

Many people are thinking with admiration, "Why, I couldn't think of it?"

The answer is that the experiment is too complicated.

What they did was to test the antigravity behavior of beta-type superconducting materials. The underlying structure was very complex, and its demonstration logic involved many factors, including some semi-topological structure theory factors.

Whenever I think about related issues, I am always influenced by the theory of anti-gravity architecture and semi-topological structure, resulting in no starting point at all, no clue or idea at all.

The controlled variable experimental method mentioned by Ding Zhiqiang completely eliminates the factor of anti-gravity, which is equivalent to starting from scratch to study the gravitational field.

It's amazing to think so clearly.

Helen and Chen Mengmeng looked at Ding Zhiqiang and were full of admiration. When they were thinking about it, they could not completely exclude the influence of the experiment itself, that is, the anti-gravity factor. But listening to Ding Zhiqiang's words, it does make sense after thinking about it carefully.

The underlying structure of the experimental equipment is still very complex, but it can indeed be divided into modules for variable control.

Such an experiment is not difficult, and the probability of discovery is very high.

"Professor Ding is indeed Wang Hao's most promising student!"

"What a genius."

"It's easy to say, but not easy to think about. We didn't expect it at all..."


Amidst a lot of compliments, Ding Zhiqiang felt a little embarrassed. He was not used to being in the limelight and just liked to sit in the corner very low-key.

In fact, he did not expect that the method he mentioned would get so much recognition. Instead, he felt that the idea was too simple and would be rejected by everyone.

have a look……

What the two senior students talked about was so complex that it sounded like profound knowledge. For comparison, the two senior students were talking about college mathematics at the calculus level, while what he was talking about was the addition and subtraction of integers in elementary school.

The gap between the two is too big.

The reason why he was able to think of the controlled variable experimental method was mainly because in the past few days, he had not thought about it carefully at all, but had been immersed in the entertainment of playing games to relax. It was only last night that he started to think about it. Prepare for today's meeting.

Then he found that thinking about anti-gravity was too complicated, and just searching for information and looking at data experiments were not enough, so he simply ruled out the factor of anti-gravity.

"It actually works..."

Ding Zhiqiang secretly glanced at Wang Hao in embarrassment, and saw Wang Hao giving him a thumbs up.

However, Wang Hao did not praise Ding Zhiqiang, but said, "Everyone said it was very good!" There was a smile on his face and his tone was full of admiration.

Wang Hao admired not only Ding Zhiqiang, but also Helen and Chen Mengmeng.

Correct feedback was given to what the three students said, in other words, it was all helpful to the research.

Helen was talking about theoretical research issues. She wanted to compare the semi-topological structure with experimental results to find out the geometric directionality of the semi-topological structure.

This point of view allowed Wang Hao to determine that the gravitational field and semi-topological structure are related.

Chen Mengmeng's idea is similar to Ding Zhiqiang's, except that he studies changes in the overall underlying structure, using the direction of the gravitational field as the entry point.

This is also a very good idea.

Wang Hao determined that there is a certain correlation between the direction of the gravitational field and the direction of the underlying current structure.

He also tried to create tasks--

【Task 3】

[Research project name: Using β-CWY-137 as the basis to increase the strength of the gravitational field (Difficulty: A). 】

[Inspiration value: 0. 】


Wang Hao sighed.

After having a certain foundation, experimental tasks can be established.

Wang Hao quickly explained the next work.

The work is divided into three parts. One part is an experiment to control variables and split the structure, and the other part is an experiment to study the relationship between current and field force by transforming the overall structure.

Finally, there is theoretical research.

Theoretical research is mathematical research. Wang Hao, Chen Mengmeng, Helen and Ding Zhiqiang worked together to study the geometric directionality of semi-topological structures, that is, to study the ‘other common factors’ of semi-topological structures through mathematical methods.

The antigravity property is just a geometric orientation of the semi-topological geometric structure inside the material.

They hope to find new geometric commonalities.

If we can find new semi-topological geometric commonalities by comparing experimental data, it may be related to the gravitational field.

By then, theoretical research will have a foundation.

This research is only laying the foundation for gravitational field-related theories, and only by laying the foundation can we have the conditions to establish new tasks.

In terms of experimental work distribution, Qian Hongyu was responsible for the experiment of variable geometric control.

This part is the simplest and easiest to produce results.

He Yi is responsible for the experiment of studying the relationship between electric current and field force through the transformation of the overall structure.

This part of the experiment is relatively complex and difficult to produce any results. It can only provide an experimental basis for subsequent research. In addition, because β-CWY-137 is a brand-new superconducting material, they still need to wait for the delivery of new materials. Only when you come here can you conduct research.

He Yi felt very depressed.

However, he did not say anything about the assignment of experiments, because as far as he is concerned, it can be said that he has no desires and desires. He is already a first-class professor, chief researcher, and academician of the Academy of Sciences. He has won the Nobel Prize in Physics, and is also Head of the Anti-Gravity Center.

After reaching this level, there is no way to improve it.

If you want to go further, unless it is like applying for a super large project or being responsible for a super large project, He Yi is still very self-aware. He does not have this ability. Therefore, whether the experimental research has results and whether the new research has contributed, to him , it’s just the icing on the cake.

Relatively speaking, it is more important to cultivate talents for the anti-gravity center.

Qian Hongyu is a malleable talent. He is only 41 years old and is already the person in charge of the antigravity behavior determination experiment. He still has great development prospects in the future.

In addition, Qian Hongyu is also the discoverer of the gravitational field and is the biggest contributor to the research. It is normal for him to receive some care.

After the experimental work was distributed, the entire anti-gravity center became busy.

The people involved in each experiment are very serious, especially the core personnel. They know what they have discovered and how significant the new discovery is. It is likely to become a brand new technology. From a physical level, it is Discover a completely new physical phenomenon.

This is the most significant breakthrough in science.

Experiments with control variables are relatively simple to do. What they spend the most time on is grouping modules. To put it simply, which parts are divided into modules.

After the design was completed, they modified the device and then conducted experiments one by one.

Two days later.

Qian Hongyu approached Wang Hao with excitement, "Academician Wang, we have made a new discovery! We disassembled the three sets of modules in the center and still created the same gravitational field!"

"We conducted five experiments and confirmed the results!"

Wang Hao was studying the information in his hand. When he heard Qian Hongyu's words, he stood up immediately, "Go and take a look!"

He went to the laboratory immediately.

After watching an experiment from beginning to end and discovering that a gravitational field of the same strength was indeed created, Wang Hao asked the core staff to go to the conference room.

He asked the information in his hand, "Everyone, take a look at the experiment. What is marked on it are the three separated modules. The remaining parts can also create a gravitational field. What do you think? Think about it."

A group of people suddenly started thinking.

Qian Hongyu lowered his head and stared at the information in his hand. He knew the experiment well. Through the analysis before and after the experiment, as well as the possible influencing variables in the experiment, he had already thought of some factors.

For example, the action of current in the same direction.

At this time, Wang Hao suddenly said, "Everyone has thought of it, right? Yes, I think what works is the same direction current!"

He said it with absolute certainty.

"After the three groups of modules in the center are removed, what remains are the peripheral circulation currents. Although it is still very complicated, we can find that there are many currents in the same direction. Looking at the picture above, there are several currents in the same direction on the left and right sides. , and the width is about the same..."

He went on to talk about the experiment.

At the same time, Qian Hongyu felt infinite emotion in his heart. He was very amazed at Wang Hao's level. "Academician Wang is really extraordinary. He thought of so many things just after reading the information."

"I was directly responsible for the experiment, and he just read the information."

"It's exactly what I thought..."

"No, it's more than I thought, and it's accurate to the peripheral circulation and module structure!"

After Wang Hao finished talking about the issue of current in the same direction, he did not let anyone else stand up to speak. Instead, he said to Qian Hongyu, "The next step is to conduct DC current in the opposite direction. Is that okay?"

"Right away!"

Qian Hongyu immediately nodded seriously, "It can be completed in one hour."

"Okay, let's wait for the news."

Direct current flowing in the opposite direction simply means changing the direction of the current. The experiment is naturally very simple, but you still need to make some preparations to conduct a new experiment.

Qian Hongyu immediately led the team to conduct experiments, and the results were soon obtained, "We created an upward gravitational field!"


Several people were still in the conference room, and they immediately became excited when they heard the results.

"So, we not only create a gravitational field, but we can also control the direction of the gravitational field?"

"While the numbers are still low, they are still impressive."

"This should be a big breakthrough, right?"

"If it is announced, it will definitely shock the world. Gravity fields, brand-new physics..."

Wang Hao's expression was still relatively calm.

Before conducting the experiment, he had already anticipated the results. The experiment determined the role of codirectional current and also determined another issue-the creation of the gravitational field has nothing to do with the annihilation force field.

This is an important conclusion.

After new discoveries are made in the experiment, experiments can be continued along the new findings. Up to now, the underlying architecture is still very complicated. They have determined the role of co-directional current, but the modules with co-directional current are very complicated.

So is it a few of the wires that play a role, or is it the role of the entire module, or is it the subtle relationship between different modules?

The scope of the next experiment is very clear.

In the process of continuous experimental exploration, the inspiration value of the new task also continued to increase. They subsequently designed a series of experiments, including increasing the current intensity, increasing the cross-sectional area of ​​the conductor, etc.

Unfortunately, no major progress was made.

This also allowed the research team to identify another problem - similar to the situation of the annihilation force field, there is no direct correlation between the current intensity of the underlying structure and the created field force.

Wang Hao glanced at the mission and found that the inspiration value reached '60' points.

He thought carefully, "The mission is to increase the strength of the gravitational field based on β-CWY-137."

"Based on β-CWY-137, it shows that the gravitational field strength can be increased without changing materials, but the method we used does not work at all. In other words, the underlying structure must still be changed..."

"But how to change it?"

"How do you know if the changes are effective?"

Research is stuck.

β-CWY-137 is a brand-new β-superconducting material that can only be produced in small quantities through laboratories, and the cost is very high.

At the same time, the material of β-CWY-137 is very fragile and chemically unstable. It can even burn with a little force. Grinding and processing need to be carried out in a vacuum. In other words, the material needs to change its shape and undergo a certain degree of processing, which is difficult. is very big.

In this way, if you want to change the underlying structure, you cannot change it at will like ordinary metal. It is best to design an experimental plan that is more likely to make discoveries, so as to reduce costs and time.

How to conduct experiments without a theoretical basis?

Wang Hao temporarily put the experiment on hold and asked Qian Hongyu and He Yi to conduct research according to the established plan and accumulate some routine experimental data.

He worked with several students to search for information that might be helpful.

In the process of continuous research, the core content quickly returned to the original point, "What is space?"

There is no answer to this question.

They discussed and discussed, but found that nothing came out of the discussion, but encountered more problems.

At this time, Huang Xing came back.

Wang Hao suddenly smiled and asked, "Professor Huang, have you gained anything this time?"

Huang Xing shook his head and said, "There is nothing related to space. I have listened to a lot of reports, and a lot of the theoretical content is still focused on the "Theory of Cosmic Expansion."

"The current focus of astronomy reform is to focus on the "Theory of Cosmic Inflation" and study the possible strong and weak annihilation force fields in different galaxies and star clusters."

Wang Hao nodded.

Huang Xing continued, "I'm not interested in those galaxies or star clusters, so I listened to many theoretical reports. One report was very interesting, saying that cosmic microwave radiation caused the expansion of the universe."

He smiled and shook his head, "Academician Wang, you don't even dare to say such things, do you?"

Wang Hao nodded, "We can only say that annihilation energy will expand space. What is its specific function..."

He suddenly frowned and muttered to himself, "Annihilation energy...universe expansion?"


He stood up suddenly, "Witten said that particles support the existence of space. Isn't the expansion of the universe the expansion of space?"

"There is space only if there are particles, or in other words, there is space only if there is radiation!"

"The space has increased!"

"That's probably why the gravitational field appears!"

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