From White Box To Supervision

Chapter 201: The principle of the ring... the **** of circles

The painting of Xiaomei Homura's solo show was drawn by Nozomi Abe. His strength cannot be said. Moreover, in the later stage, Rinko Ogasawara, as the chief painting supervisor, modified it, and the painting exploded.

But the most powerful thing is the explosion of special effects in firearms. This explosion is not made in 3D, nor is it made by AE special effects templates, but hand-painted by Nozomi Abe. Art is explosion. This is not just talk, explosion is a Art, in the animation industry, has all kinds of explosive styles, and it is also the carnival of painting chefs. Such as the Jintian explosion, the Anno explosion, the Hashimoto explosion, the Jicheng explosion, the Oki explosion...

There are all kinds of them. Professional painters can tell the difference between explosions at a glance.

Every detail of the battle, with Xiaomeiyan's image at this time, looks handsome.

The one-handed rocket launcher is basic, and the special effects of the full-faced artillery fire at the back are also extremely gorgeous.

"Damn it, it's so **** handsome."

That's the first impression people have, and then the other is, stop, it's not magic at all.

It's hard to imagine that the quality of the painting of Magical Girl is so high. Although it only lasts for four or five minutes, it is too smooth. The painting in this section is indeed burning money. Zhang Beichuan painted one shot one by one in the animation. It is also the most expensive original painting of Miao Yuan as a whole.

In addition, the voice of the Witch's Night is also quite meaningful. Its laughter has a special frequency. If you listen to it backwards, you will find that the voice has changed from laughter to crying.

Xiaomeiyan's battle with Witch Night still failed. Although Witch Night was injured, her strength was still insufficient and she was severely injured.

Xiaomeiyan failed, and everyone had some guesses. After all, the explanation of how powerful Witch Night was in the previous words was just because of Xiaomeiyan's persistence, some viewers were moved.

At this moment, Madoka came to the place where the battle was taking place, as well as Kewpie next to her.

Many people sank in their hearts. They knew that it was irresistible for Madoka to become a witch. The first half of the plot had made Madoka's heart no longer confused. In this battle place, Madoka's eyes were extremely firm.

"No." Xiao Meiyan, who collapsed on the ground, screamed mournfully, and she hated so much in her heart. Could it be that she really couldn't save Madoka?

She didn't have the strength to stop Madoka anymore, tears slipped from her eyes, blurring her eyes.

"I'm sorry." Xiao Yuan smiled gently.

The ED sounded, and Chapter 11 ended.

After reading episode 11, Ryota Ono didn't read the comments on the Internet as he used to, because there would be the last episode after the commercial. He was thinking about the plot behind him. His occupation is a professional film critic. He specializes in writing about various film and television experiences to earn money and eat. He is well-known on the Internet. Although he specializes in writing film and TV reviews, he occasionally writes some hot animations. No, he is planning to write a A review of "Magic Girl Madoka".

He watched it very late, in the ninth episode, but after reading one episode, he was shocked. During this time, he used various methods to complete the previous episodes. Until now, he is more and more amazed with this episode. Writer and supervision of animation.

It's just that at this moment, his mind is puzzled. He is no different from the speculation on the Internet. The plot of the last episode is nothing more than a warm plot of Madoka becoming a magical girl to save the world, or it is a cruel line of total death. , but neither of these two accords with his will.

It's not that these two endings are bad, but that, as a professional film critic, he studied script in college, so when watching animation, he will instinctively read it in the way of script.

No matter which story, the beginning, the development, the climax, and the end of the story are all necessary.

These are the four elements of the script, which are used in every story, and Madoka is no exception. In his opinion, the beginning and development of Madoka are all perfect, but in terms of characters, it is not very good, because he thinks, Xiao Meiyan robbed the protagonist of Madoka's scene.

There is a main theme in writing the script. The biggest climax of the story must be solved by the protagonist. For example, the BOSS in the novel must have the protagonist to give the final blow, and then the secondary climax is determined by the second supporting role. is a failed work.

According to the previous plot, Xiao Meiyan's popularity was not understood by fans from the beginning, then to the tenth episode that attracted countless fans, and now fighting alone for Madoka, it can be said that the shaping of the character has reached the peak, but this protagonist It's not Xiaomeiyan, but the protagonist Madoka. This can be seen from the name. In the last episode, it must be Madoka who solved this matter. No matter which of the above endings, the character shaping is definitely not as good as Xiaomei. Burning, the previous tenth chapter is very well shaped, although this is not harmful, but it has a flaw in the work that this drama can completely become a masterpiece as a whole.

Unless...unless the last words, let Madoka, the protagonist, once again surpass Xiaomeiyan's characterization, this possible?

Ryo Ono broke his head and couldn't think of how to change the plot.

This is too difficult.

But at this moment, the commercial finally ended, and the twelfth episode started on time.

Ryota Ono didn't think about it, but concentrated her efforts.

The beginning of the twelfth chapter is the climax of the big explosion. Madoka said to Xiaomeiyan gently: "I finally found it, I found a wish that can be realized, so I will use my life for this."

"Why the **** am I..." Xiao Meiyan's voice had a cry.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." Madoka came over and gently embraced Xiaomeiyan in her arms.

"I want to be guarded by Xiaoyan all the time, and I hope that I will be who I am now. It is who I am that I found the answer. Trust me, I will never let Xiaoyan's efforts so far go to waste."

At this time, the background and colors were all gray, so Madoka's fan's hair became the only bright spot.

"Contains the fate of countless worlds, and if you become a singularity of cause and effect, no matter how great your wish is, you can realize it." Kyuubi's voice sounded and asked: "Then, Kagomeen, at the cost of your soul, you any wishes."

"I, want to destroy all witches before they are born! All the witches in the universe, past and future, will be destroyed by my own hands."

"Come to realize my wish, Cupid!"

Kiubi was obviously a little surprised: "This prayer, if this prayer is fulfilled, it is not a level of time interference, but a reversal of the law of causality itself."

"Are you really going to be a god?"

For Madoka, she didn't have this idea of ​​becoming a god, all she did was just want to save her friends, and that was enough, even if the price was too heavy.

A dazzling light flashed, and the contract began to be established.

The camera changes, Madoka is currently in another space, and the senior sister Ba Mami, who has not appeared for a long time, once again appeared in front of everyone. She handed a cup of black tea to Madoka and told her that if this wish Madoka really came true , then, Madoka will always fight the witch, and, at the end of time, it is almost a law of existence.

"It doesn't matter, that's what I planned. If someone tells me that it's wrong to have hope, no matter how many times, I'll answer him 'it's not like that'."

At this time, Kyoko also appeared next to her, and replied with a smile: "If you can do it, try it out. If you find a reason to fight, don't you think? Then you have a reason to escape."

When the picture appeared again, Madoka's costume had turned into a very beautiful pink magical girl costume. At this moment, Madoka's appearance was very beautiful.

In his hand, a longbow appeared.

Madoka waved lightly, she did not shoot at the witch, but aimed at the sky, and the purple arrow shot towards the sky, the overall dark background disappeared instantly, replaced by a clear blue sky.

The principle of the circle, the arrow sets the world.

A huge and magnificent magic circle appeared from the sky, and then flew countless purple arrows. They flew to the past, the future, and became the existence of the same law, helping the magical girls of the entire universe.

In the past, a very cute girl was dying. She no longer had the seed of lamentation on her body. The soul gem was about to be filled with filth. At this moment, a purple light flashed, and the phantom of Xiaoyuan appeared in front of her. , At this time, Xiao Yuan's face is so gentle.

She held the girl's hand, the filth in the soul gem disappeared, and the girl lying on the ground also smiled, and then slowly disappeared.

This is just one of thousands of species. The light emitted by Madoka travels to the past, the witch on the stake, the queen of a country, including the figure of a girl in the future.

All their filth was wiped off by Madoka, and then slowly disappeared.

All kinds of cause and effect were added to Madoka, but the curse did not disappear, so a cosmic-level witch was born.

Then, just as Xiao Meiyan sighed, Madoka in a white dress stepped out of the light. At this moment, Madoka was extremely dazzling.

A magic circle appeared behind him, Madoka's longbow shone, and an arrow was fired. The witch finally disappeared, and her own witch was killed by Madoka herself.

And Madoka has completely become a garden god, a higher-dimensional existence. Except for Xiaomeiyan, no one will remember her anymore, and Madoka can't interfere in this dimension.

In the starry sky, Madoka and Xiaomeiyan were making their final confession, and Xiaomeiyan's face was already wet with tears.

Madoka was behind and hugged her gently.

"It's not like this, I can see the past and the future now, whether it's the universes that may have existed in the past, or the universes that may appear in the future, so I know all of them, and I know that in countless times, Homura, everything you did for me, while crying countless times, again and again for me... I'm sorry."

"It turns out I also have such important friends, so I'm very happy, Xiao Yan, thank you, you are my best friend."

At this time, the picture of two people relying on each other is really beautiful, so fitting and beautiful.

Madoka handed the tie of her hair to Xiaomei Homura, her body gradually dissipated, turned into a little particle, and began to merge with the universe.

"It's time for me to go and meet them. One day, I will be able to meet Homura again. Before that, it's really just a short farewell."

Madoka's voice and gentle face once again appeared in everyone's heart.

At the end of the story, everyone forgot about Madoka, even though her parents, only Xiao Meiyan tied Madoka's bandage to her hair, she still remembered the man named 'Madoka'. girl.

The last picture is a series of text from the TV station.

Don't forget, somewhere, there will be someone who will always fight for you, as long as you remember her, you will never be alone

"Magic Girl Madoka" has officially ended, but Ryota Ono was still a little stunned, and she didn't come back to her senses, her heart was empty, and the story just now appeared in her mind.

The plot he speculated before was completely overturned at this moment, and in this sentence, Madoka's performance in this sentence has completely sublimated the character and the story. It is perfect and flawless.

It's not this sentence, but... the foreshadowing effect of the previous sentence.

In these words, Madoka's character is completely plump, and just like in the animation, he has become a **** of roundness.



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