The red devil finally got up from the ground with the help of the rapids, looking at Carl with shock and resentment, and said to Xiao.

"He can predict where I will appear? This may be related to his talent! And his strength is very strong, beyond ordinary strength!"

After hearing this, Xiao flashed a trace of vigilance in his eyes, and did not dare to move forward.

As a conspirator, Xiao knows his shortcomings better than many others.

Although his ability is indeed very powerful, there are many people in this world who can kill him, and Azazel is the umbrella to block these means, but now the umbrella has been easily punctured.

"Of course I've heard of it, but I didn't expect Mr. Lance to have the same talent as Azazel. So, Mr. Lance, are you going to stop me here?"


Carl's answer was still beyond everyone's expectations.

"In fact, I haven't joined any party yet. I'm here just because there are people like me here."


Xiao's eyes brightened and he made an invitation.

"In that case, Mr. Lance, why don't you join the Hellfire Club I founded and fight for the future of our mutants together and create a new future..."

Unfortunately, Carl said without appreciation.

"A new future, do you mean to trigger a war between the two superpowers and then let nuclear bombs destroy the world?"

Xiao didn't care, as if destroying the world was just an ordinary thing, and asked.

"Mr. Lance, how much do you know about the gene in our mutants?"

"Not much?"

Carl said modestly.

Xiao was in high spirits.

"But I know very well. I have discovered one thing through studying our mutants, that is, the emergence of mutants is closely related to the arrival of the nuclear age. Radiation gave us life. Think about it..."

Xiao looked at everyone behind Carl like a crazy orator.

"Why, we are obviously better than humans, but now we still have to hide like monsters, because there are too few of us, and the emergence of nuclear war will accelerate the mutation of human genes, making our compatriots more and more. At that time, we will enslave humans, not humans enslave us. At that time, we will be the masters of this world, and humans will need to hide from place to place."

It must be said that Xiao's speech is indeed somewhat charming, a bit like a fanatical mustache, even the eyes of these children behind Carl showed some intention, and they stretched out their hands to Carl.

"So, Mr. Lance, what is your choice? Stand on the side of humans, or on the side of mutants?"

Now everyone's eyes are on Carl.


How could Carl be convinced by such a simple rhetoric?

"If I have to choose between the two, I will definitely choose to stand on the side of mutants, but this does not mean that I will hurt humans."

A mocking smile appeared on Xiao's face.

"Mr. Lance, humans will not give you the opportunity to stand on either side!"

"I understand, so I have a better choice, I choose to stand on the side of the earth!"


This weird answer, which was beyond everyone's expectations, made everyone look stunned and somewhat incomprehensible. Xiao felt that he was being teased and asked with a frown.

"Mr. Lance, are you kidding me?"

"Of course not! Do you know what I like?"


Carl said slowly.

"To be honest, I do not have much identification with the humans in this world, but it is different for this planet. My ability has allowed me to see too many beautiful things, colorful flowers, clear rivers, blue skies, delicious food, and passionate girls. I don't want to destroy all of this."

The smile on Xiao's face disappeared completely.

At this moment, the truth or falsehood of Carl's words was no longer important to him.

"That's a pity, Mr. Lance. It looks like we can only become enemies."

"That's not necessarily the case. If one day you have a better idea, you can come to me."

"I hope there will be such a day! So, what's your choice, kids?!"

Xiao wanted to make a final attempt, but unfortunately, no one moved. Seeing this scene, Xiao's face looked a little ugly.

"Let's go, Azazel!"



When Charles, Eric and Mora returned to the CIA from the Soviet Union after daybreak, they saw the CIA building that was cut in half and countless bodies that were collected.

The young mutants were driven outside the building because it was already full of soldiers with guns and live ammunition.

Seeing Charles reappear, Raven immediately rushed over and the two hugged each other.

"Are you all right?"

Charles asked with concern.

Raven nodded.

"It's okay, Carl saved all of us, but these agents..."

Raven said, and told everything that happened last night.

At this time, Eric and Mora who came over also heard what Raven said, especially when they heard that Carl actually subdued the Red Devil with one blow, Eric was very surprised. You know, he was subdued by the Red Devil with one blow.

"He's getting more and more mysterious!"

Charles ignored Eric's words and looked around and asked.

"Where's Carl?"

It was Hank who answered. He took out a silver-white personal business card with a strange look on his face.

"Carl didn't want to meet these soldiers, so he went home, but he left this and said that if we want to see him, we can call his private phone."

"Okay! But now, I think it's time for us to change places! It's no longer safe here!"


At the same time!

Africa, Republic of South Africa.

In a villa on the vast grassland.

Carl sat on the balcony, drinking tea while looking at the prairie outside filled with wildness.

A cheetah with a black body lay quietly beside him like a cat, enjoying Carl's touch and making a cooing sound.

After a while, footsteps were heard outside.

Three burly black guys in military uniforms walked in slowly. When they saw Carl, they bowed their heads respectfully.


If there were people from the Republic of South Africa here, they would recognize that these three people were three young generals who performed well in the independence event of the Republic of South Africa last year. Because of their outstanding performance, they became members of the National Defense Force of the Republic of South Africa today. Each of them has at least a brigade of troops under their command.

"I have something for you to do?"

The three of them said nothing, just like robots, waiting for Carl's order.

"I want you to use your power to find a place called Wakanda on this land. I want you to help me find it..."

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