The next morning, Li Su had just finished making breakfast when Bei Mu came over, wagging his big furry tail.

"(╯▽╰ )Good smell~~"

Uncle Bao behind Bei Mu twitched his nose a few times, his face full of intoxication.

The two walked into Li Su's small yard one after the other. As soon as they entered the yard, they heard two heavy objects falling to the ground. Li Su looked over and saw two antelopes lying limply on the ground.

"Antelope? Did you go hunting in the wilderness today?"

Li Su asked as he slowly poured out the broth from the stone pot.

"Well, I was lucky today. As soon as I arrived in the wilderness, I saw a group of antelopes. Uncle Leopard and I caught two of them and brought them back."

Li Su couldn't help but twitched his mouth when he heard this.

If he hadn't stayed in the tribe for a few months and had some understanding of the creatures here, he would have really believed their lies.

Antelopes are different from the antelopes in his previous life.

They are very flexible and fast, and their meat is very delicious, but very few orcs can catch antelopes.

Only a very small number of strong orcs can catch them.

Otherwise, they can only work as a team.

Only a collective roundup can have a chance of hunting successfully.

You can imagine how precious these two little antelopes are.

Uncle Leopard took the bowl from Li Su's hand without thinking about anything, and began to show off.

Bei Mu saw that Uncle Leopard had finished eating and wanted to take his share. He immediately became anxious and hurriedly snatched the stone bowl and drank it in one gulp.

Uncle Leopard looked at Bei Mu with resentment on his face,"Can you be more respectful to the old man! Isn't it just a bowl of broth?"

Bei Mu puffed up his cheeks and chewed hard, nodding or shaking his head in response to Uncle Bao who had lost all hope in life.

Li Su was a little amused, took Uncle Bao's stone bowl back and went to the kitchen. Soon a pot of fragrant broth was brought out, and the aroma of the broth instantly diffused in the air.

Uncle Bao sniffed the air with an obsessed look on his face, his eyes wide open.

Li Su originally wanted to tease Uncle Bao, but when he saw Uncle Bao's cute face, he thought about it and gave up. After all, this might be his future father, so he should give him some face.

Li Su has not made up his mind about Uncle Bao's desire to take him in as his cub. Yesterday He thought about it for a long time at night, and then he figured it out. The company of family might be a comfort to him as a stranger and the lonely Uncle Bao.

After Uncle Bao had eaten, Li Su walked up to him expressionlessly and sat down opposite him. He looked serious, frowned, and had cold eyes. (In fact, he was just too nervous.)

Li Su's appearance scared Uncle Bao, and he thought he had done something wrong to offend Li Su. At this moment, he had been replaying his actions today in his mind.

After a long time, Uncle Bao saw that Li Su didn't speak, so he took the initiative to ask:"Li Su, do you want to say something to your uncle? Or did your uncle do something wrong to offend you?"

Ten minutes later

Uncle Bao:"QWQ Oh my goodness, what's the matter, why don't you say something!..."

Bei Mu, who had finished his meal and was licking his fur, was attracted by Uncle Bao's loud voice. He looked up and saw that nothing was wrong, so he lowered his head and continued to lick his fur.

Bei Mu: Tsk, stupid cat who has never seen the world.

Li Su touched his nose and called out"Xiong father" in a voice as loud as a mosquito, but Uncle Bao, who had sharp ears, still heard it.

"Xiao Li Su, what did you call me just now?"

Li Su looked at Uncle Bao who suddenly stood up excitedly, and the hair on his body exploded, like a big fur ball.

""Xiong father~"

After calling him Xiong father once, he was obviously more comfortable when he called him the second time.

After hearing the second call of"Xiong father", Uncle Bao happily spun around, then changed into human form and wanted to hug Li Su, but was quickly pulled away by Bei Mu who was standing beside him.

Bei Mu said with a dark face:"Uncle Bao, even if you are Li Su's Xiong father now, you can't hug him casually!" Uncle

Bao raised his eyebrows and looked at Bei Mu provocatively,"It's none of your business if I hug my child, you little brat!"

"Humph, be careful or I'll make things difficult for you!"

Beimu's mouth twitched, and he transformed into a big tiger again, running to Li Su without looking back and rubbing against him.

Li Su looked at Beimu with some amusement, touched his head and said,"Take me to the orchard"

""Father Xiong, I'll let Beimu take me out for a while."

Uncle Bao nodded and looked at Li Su with a loving face.

Beimu had squatted aside and waited for Li Su to get on his back.

Li Su climbed onto Beimu's back. The moment he went out, he turned to Uncle Bao and said again:"Father Xiong, Beimu and I are leaving. There is still rice in the pot. If you are not full, you can eat something. Remember to come early for dinner in the evening, and call Abu and Kaka."

Li Su's voice became smaller and smaller until it disappeared. Uncle Bao just looked at the direction where the two disappeared quietly. It was a long time before he left.

"This child looks so much like you, Xiaoxue..."Uncle Bao muttered to himself.

Li Suliang quickly left the tribe and came to the orchard where he had been yesterday. Li Su did not waste time. He asked Bei Mu to lie aside and rest, and he began to jump up and down to pick fruits.

This small forest has a rich variety of fruits. Many of them are very similar to those he had seen in his previous life, and there are many fruits he has never seen before, but they all smell very fragrant.

There is a fruit that looks very strange, with thorns all over the body, but the fruit exudes a strong fruity aroma, and the dark red thorns are a bit sharp.

Li Su used his supernatural power to cut off these thorns, peeled off the skin, and the purple-red fruit inside was exposed in front of him. The tempting fruity aroma officially emanated from the flesh.

Bei Mu, who was under the tree, smelled the smell and stood up immediately.

When Li Su was about to take a bite, he was stopped by Bei Mu. He looked at Bei Mu with some confusion.

Bei Mu opened his mouth with a flushed face,"This fruit can't be eaten casually...."

Li Su pinched the fruit in his hand and said with a sly smile:"Why can't I eat it? Is it poisonous? But from your expression, it doesn't look like it.~"

"It's not poisonous. This fruit can only be eaten by married male and female. You can't eat it now!"

"Why can only married males and females be eaten?"

"that is...cannot..."

Li Su couldn't help but take a small bite when he smelled the fruity aroma. Bei

Mu rushed forward to stop him, but it was a little too late. Li Su had already taken a bite.

"I’m about to vomit!!!"

Bei Mu shook Li Su’s shoulders anxiously.

Li Su didn’t care and tasted the delicious food in his mouth very calmly. This fruit was just like the smell he smelled, fragrant and delicious~

He picked a lot just now!

After saying that, he wanted to stand up and continue picking the red thorny fruit, but as soon as he stood up, his whole body began to feel hot. His little face was red and he looked painful.

Bei Mu felt something was wrong when he saw this. His scalp was numb. He looked down at Li Su who was twisted into a maggot in his arms and touched his back soothingly.

But it seemed that this move could not help him. He leaned towards him with some effort, and his hot breath sprayed on Bei Mu. Bei Mu’s body stiffened and his ears slowly began to turn red.

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