While it was still early, he asked Bei Mu to take him to the strange lake.

Along the way, Li Su thought of many possibilities. When he arrived at the destination, Li Su was completely stunned. Who could explain to him what was happening?

He looked over and saw corpses all over the ground. Not far from the animal corpses was a small lake as dark as ink, with black wooden stakes floating above the lake.

Before he could get close, a foul smell went straight into his nose. Li Su frowned and used his supernatural power to wrap himself and Bei Mu.

"The smell here is even stronger."

Bei Mu said with a serious face.

The two looked at each other, nodded and walked towards the lake.

When they walked to the front of the lake, they found that the situation seemed to be more serious than they had imagined. There were small heads piled up in the lake, which looked like the skeletons of giant rabbits. The corpses were wrapped in black mucus and their original appearance could not be seen. They could only be identified as giant rabbits by their two long ears.

Li Su squatted down, wrapped the space power in his hands, and gently touched the lake water. The sticky touch made Li Su frown uncomfortably.

The water in this lake should not be called water. Its viscosity is comparable to the paste in the previous life.

""Are these animals idiots? How dare they drink this stuff?"

Li Su didn't understand. How stupid must they be to drink this stuff?

Just as he finished saying this, he saw a little deer running to the lake and lowering its head to drink water.

Li Su's forehead was throbbing with veins. What kind of brains do these people have? Wouldn't eating this stuff really reduce their intelligence?


A tiger roar was heard, and the little deer on the opposite side who was about to drink water jumped up in fright, then turned around and ran without looking back.

Li Su rubbed his ears and slapped Bei Mu in the face.

After being slapped, Bei Mu shut his mouth in grievance and stayed obediently beside his wife.

Li Su ignored the silly big cat behind him, continued to squat down, took out a small bowl from the space, and filled it with lake water.

Under the sunlight, the densely packed flesh worms in the lake water kept twisting.


Li Su immediately threw the bowl into the lake in disgust, and lay on the side and retched continuously.

Seeing this, Bei Mu came over nervously and looked at Li Su with a worried look.

Li Su wiped the corner of his mouth, raised his head and shook his head at Bei Mu, indicating that he was fine.

Damn, it was too comfortable to come to this world, and now I can be disgusted by such things, Li Su thought with some self-loathing.

Not knowing what he thought of, Li Su stood up and walked towards the animal corpses around the lake.

Standing next to a wildebeest, Li Su took out a sharp dagger from the space and slashed at the wildebeest's leg.

Blood immediately flowed out of the wound, but the amazing thing was that the blood flowing out of the wound was dark red and very sticky.

Li Su didn't need to go up and take a closer look to know that it was a bunch of flesh worms on the cricket pupae. Damn, the thing he hated most in this life was flesh worms, even in his previous life, he hated those corpses crawling with maggots.

Bei Mu saw the disgusted expression on his wife's face and wanted to go forward to throw away those disgusting things, but was held back by Li Su. Li Su looked at Bei Mu grimly, with a smile on his face, his white teeth shining in the sun, and his dark eyes full of warnings.

Bei Mu seemed to read from his wife's eyes that if he dared to touch those things, his wife would never let him touch him again!

Li Su dragged his big cat away from those disgusting things with a headache, and then used the space power to teleport all the corpses to the lake, and then took out a match from the space, lit it and threw it into the lake. It was amazing that the small match instantly ignited a raging fire after falling into the lake, and the black smoke covered the surrounding sky.

Li Su and Bei Mu stood not far away and watched the burning lake. I don’t know if it was Bei Mu’s illusion, he seemed to hear a shrill scream.

The flames burned until the evening of the third day. Li Su and Bei Mu built a simple nest nearby. Until the fire on the lake was extinguished, Li Su went over to check.

The originally dark lake water disappeared and turned into a huge pit. Li Su covered the huge pit with some disgust.

Although the cause was not found this time, it was considered a temporary solution to the problem. During the past few days, Li Su also studied why the cubs in the tribe were suddenly poisoned.

Rather than being poisoned, it is better to say that it is because they ate the meat of the beasts that drank the lake water or died because of the lake water, which caused the flesh worms to drill into the body.

Adult orcs have strong digestion and immunity. Those flesh worms can only be digested slowly and converted into energy. The cubs do not have the strong digestion ability and physique of adult orcs, so they will be eroded by the flesh worms.

In this case, Li Su can go back and study it, and use medicine to kill those flesh worms.......

The two had been outside for quite a long time and were a little tired. After packing up their things, Li Su and Bei Mu rushed back to the tribe.

As soon as they arrived at the tribe, they saw a group of people standing at the entrance of the tribe, like a husband-waiting rock. They were especially excited when they saw Li Su and Bei Mu.

Li Su saw the group of excited guys from a distance on Bei Mu's back,"What are these kids doing?"

"I don’t know."

"Beimu - Lisu——"

"Damn, you two are so willing to come back!"

Hao Xu's loud voice was heard from a distance, and Wolf Three behind him ran directly towards the two of them.

"Beimu, where did you two go?" Lang San said anxiously.

Beimu and Li Su looked at him together, puzzled and asked,"What's wrong?"

"Something happened in the main city. The cubs died one after another. When they learned that we had the ability to save the cubs, they sent people over. They have been here for two days."

"The situation also occurred in the main city. Where are the people coming?"

Lang San looked at the crowd and said,"Over there."

When Li Su walked in, two orcs came to greet him in a hurry.

The two orcs looked haggard and anxious, and looked at Li Su with eyes full of expectations.

"Lord Li Su, you are finally back. Could you please come back to the main city with me? The situation in the main city is out of control. The cubs are dying one after another. If it continues like this, it will be over."

The orc wanted to grab Li Su's hand anxiously, but was stopped by Bei Mu. He had to hold Bei Mu's hand and cried.

Bei Mu did not break free from the orc's hand, and listened to his story quietly.

The matter was serious, and Li Su did not do any special work. He responded with a"wait a moment" and disappeared at the gate of the tribe without looking back.

Bei Mu glanced at the orc leisurely and said,"Follow me."

He ran quickly towards home.

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