Full-level Boss Starts from Douluo

Chapter 39 Qin He's Weakness

Wuhun Temple.

Inside the church of the Heaven Dou Empire branch.

"Qin He, his talent is terrifying! At the age of six, he absorbed two spirit rings in a row and reached level 30. His future achievements are really incalculable!"

Platinum Bishop Salas, compared to the people at Notting College, has to get this news one step ahead!

Because, when Qin He absorbed the spirit ring, he observed it in the dark all the way, and he didn't blink for almost a second!

At that time, he was standing with Lord Mengshenji, who came to investigate from the Heaven Dou Empire. The two of them were scared to death because of Qin He's actions!

Even, it was almost exposed in front of everyone because he didn't restrain his breath!

At this time, Platinum Bishop Salas' eyes were a little sore, but his mood was very excited!

The cultivation of a soul master is an extremely important process before the age of 20. It can be said that the achievements before the age of 20 determine the future achievements.

Level 30 is the threshold of a two-layered world of ice and fire.

Before the age of 20, if you cross this threshold, your future prospects will be limitless.

If you can't cross the twenty-year-old, then you will never be able to.

Youth is an advantage, and youth has potential.

The geniuses recruited by Wuhundian Academy are not because of how powerful they are now, but because they are young!

But what about Qin He?

This guy was level 30 at the age of six. If he were to level up at this rate, how scary would he be at the age of 20?

So shocking!

Rao is that Salas himself is also a Title Douluo, and he is well-informed. At this time, he was also frightened by Qin He!

"I'm afraid I can't handle this matter of Qin He, I have to report it to the Pope!"


Heaven Dou Imperial Palace.

The Spirit Douluo powerhouse, who went to protect Qin He's dream machine, has returned to the palace at this time and is reporting the situation to the Great Emperor Xue Ye.

"Meng Lao, what are you talking about? Qin He, this kid, is now level 30?"

On the dragon chair, Emperor Xue Ye's old-fashioned dragon bell was shocked when he heard the news!

The turbid eyes flickered with pure light, and the unbelievable color contained in them could not be eliminated for a long time!

Emperor Xue Ye couldn't believe his ears, couldn't believe the news he heard!


The one who brought him the news was Meng Lao, a worshiper of the Tiandou Imperial Family, a lifelong loyalist to the Tiandou Imperial Family!

There is no need for the other party to deceive him, the Great Emperor Xue Ye, and in his capacity, it is even more impossible to do such deception!

"Your Majesty, Young Master Qin He is a divine martial spirit. This kind of martial spirit is rarely seen in Douluo Continent in 10,000 years. There is something magical about it, so it doesn't seem strange!"

Mengshenji, a level 86 Soul Douluo, also gave a wry smile and explained reluctantly.

Indeed, the divine martial spirit has always been just a legend!

In this world, is there a god-grade martial arts spirit, and what level of god-grade martial arts will it achieve? There are very few documents recorded!

Ten thousand years ago, there seemed to be a Great Emperor Hongtian who was born with a divine-grade martial spirit, but that Great Emperor ruled the Douluo Continent for an extremely long period of time, leaving behind countless brilliance.

At that time, there was only one emperor in the continent, and the ancestors of the Heaven Dou Empire had not yet been born!

Those legends, those records, are only circulating among the people, and most of them are absurd words, which seem to have no basis.

And now, this Qin He was born, will it be a new emperor?

"It's terrifying! Qin He's talent is really terrifying!"

Emperor Xue Ye couldn't help but look vigilant.

If Qin He has ambitions, will he be a more terrifying opponent than Spirit Hall in the future?

"Your Majesty, this old man thinks that Qin He is still young and has obvious weaknesses. For example, the Hall of Souls used the beauty trick before and took the lead!"

"If our Heaven Dou Royal Family can exclude the Spirit Hall and win over Qin He, it will be of great benefit!"

On the side, Mengshenji shook his head and suggested.

Qin He's talent is so terrifying, if it's just because he is afraid of the opponent's talent, he will kill him. After it spreads, the reputation of the Heaven Dou Empire in the soul master world will be ruined!

What's more, this Qin He, not only the Heaven Dou Imperial Family is staring at him, but the Spirit Hall is also waiting for them to make mistakes!

And the mysterious force that killed two thousand-year-old mandala snakes before and saved Qinhe...

Can't take risks!

Once you offend a future god-level powerhouse, the owner of a god-level martial arts spirit, the Heaven Dou Empire will really be over!

"Meng Lao's words are reasonable!"

Emperor Xue Ye's eyes flashed with a hint of clarity, he took a deep breath, and forced a smile: "Make Qin He the baron of my Heaven Dou Empire. Besides, after graduation, let him join the Heaven Dou Royal Academy!"

"In addition, send ten more Soul Douluo to follow Qin He. Qin He's every move, even if he yawns a few times in the morning, he will report to me one by one!"

At this time, the Great Emperor Xue Ye was even more determined to win over Qin He, and his attention to Qin He instantly increased by countless orders of magnitude!

Wuhundian sent a girl to win over Qin He?

I am fighting the royal family, it is easy to find beautiful girls, how can I lose to you?

No matter how bad it is, I can still send a princess. Anyway, Qin He is the owner of a divine martial spirit, and his bloodline must be very strong. After combining with my Princess Xue, the children born may also be very talented, so they will make a lot of money!


Wuhundian Academy.

"Impossible! This must be fake news! How could Qin He become a level 30 soul master in a blink of an eye!"

Xie Yue, the great genius of the Golden Generation of Spirit Hall, let out an angry and unwilling roar at this time!

Since Qin He was born, why did he give birth to Xie Yue?

If they say that the Golden Generation of Spirit Hall is a genius, then what is Qin He?

It is impossible to describe the horror of Qin He with genius, this guy is a monster!

"This guy Qin He is now a level 30 Soul Master?"

Hu Liena's pretty face showed a strong shock, which was almost no different from the reactions of others.

Not long ago, they were still discussing that Qin He's soul power improvement was too slow!

In the blink of an eye, he came out of the Soul Hunting Forest and ascended two rank in a row!

How the hell did this guy do it?

"Miss Hu Liena, I heard that you confessed to Qin He when you and Qin He were in the exchange meeting in Notting City. What do you think of Qin He?"

At the same time, a middle-aged teacher in gray robes from Wuhundian Academy said to Hu Liena with a pleasing smile on his mouth.


This is already an undisguised beauty plan!

"Your Excellency the Pope is alive. If Miss Hu Liena has time, she can talk to Young Master Qin He more. You are both young and talented, so it will be a topic of conversation!"

"Miss Hu Liena, don't let down the trust of His Excellency the Pope!"

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