Full-level Director

Chapter 111 Theme Song

"Director Lin."

A handsome young man smiled shyly and walked into the "Monkey King" crew studio. This is the place Chen Guang specially designated for "Monkey King".

Lin Juan was chatting with the art director. After hearing the voice, he looked up, and a smile appeared on his face when he saw the person coming.

"Come on, welcome." Lin Juan waited for him to approach and said with a smile and stretched out his hand.

The comers are Huahua and Brilliance, the most popular male singer-songwriters in recent years.

"Director Lin, I'm your fan, can I take a photo with you later?" Brilliance smiled happily, the kind that showed his gums.

Lin Juan was slightly astonished, then nodded with a smile and said sincerely: "Of course it's no problem, thank you for making a special trip."

Since Chenguang invited the song, Lin Juan has received countless demos, but none of them satisfied him. Finally, he remembered a movie called "Wukong Biography" in the system, so he listened to the one sent by Brilliance. After the demo, Li Lan specially asked Li Lan to call him over.

"This is the lyrics I wrote. See if it can give you some inspiration later. It doesn't have to be written according to this, but it's just this feeling."

The two came to Lin Juan's desk. Lin Juan took out a copy of the lyrics and handed it to Brilliance and said with a smile.

Brilliance took it in a bit of astonishment, then nodded with a smile and said, "Okay."

Lin Juan smiled and turned on the computer, which contained 60 minutes of clips that had been edited.

"Let's see if there is any better inspiration." Lin Juan said while operating the computer, and handed Brilliance a pair of headphones while talking.

"The dubbing work hasn't been perfected yet, so let's do it for a while." Lin Juan said with a smile while holding up his earphones.

Brilliance actually felt flattered.

I didn't expect Lin Juan to get along so peacefully in life, without any airs of a big director, and I heard that he invited me by name.

But instead he began to look forward to it.

This is the Great Sage Equaling Heaven whom the outside world is looking forward to a lot! He can get a sneak peek!

"Thank you." Brilliance took the headset with a boyish smile and thanked him. Lin Juan smiled slightly, and clicked play after he put on the headset.

Brilliance quickly watched carefully.

In fact, Lin Juan didn't care too much about the name of a great director. Those were all labels given to him by the outside world, although this label was good.

But that's not him.

He is a filmmaker.

Status and status just mean that you have different resources, but it does not make you noble in personality and different from others.

He is Lin Juan, and he is just Lin Juan.

The film has not yet been post-produced and submitted for review, so it is a feature film from the beginning.

A dark and vast universe appeared on the screen, and meteorites and planets of different sizes were scattered in the camera.

A group of fireballs whizzed past with trailing flames.

The footage follows the fireball as it approaches a blue planet and crashes into its atmosphere.

From silent to rumbling muffled sound.

It's disintegrating, bits and pieces of dirt crumbling away.

As soon as the camera turned, a room full of computers and big screens, people in military uniforms and uniforms were all busy and serious.

"Director, the orbit has been calculated. Meteorite No. 0948 will fall two kilometers east of Tianhai City."

"That's not a meteorite."

A burly and imposing back came into the mirror, wearing a special system between a military uniform and a suit, with a thick and powerful voice.

"Pass my order, let the Falcon Special Forces immediately go to the meteorite crash site to stand by! If there is a crisis, destroy it immediately!"



As the plot unfolded like this, Brilliance watched intently, his eyes were exactly the same as those of boys who are addicted to games or movies.

Lin Juan couldn't help smiling when he saw his expression several times.

A guest's obsession is the greatest compliment to any tech worker.

He quietly got up and went to the art side, and the picture still needs to be colored and rendered frame by frame.

About twenty minutes later, Lin Juan noticed that Brilliance began to write and draw on the paper, sometimes excited and sometimes frowning,

He smiled and didn't bother him.

Here, Brilliance watched some key clips repeatedly, and glanced at Lin Juan's lyrics from time to time. He watched the first part of the 60 minutes for nearly two hours, and then a look of astonishment appeared on his face.


It's gone!


What about the back? The exciting place is gone!

He looked up at Lin Juan, his eyes full of innocence.

After Lin Juan noticed it, he looked at it and asked with a smile, "How is it? Have you finished writing?"

"It's still close, Director Lin, what's going to happen in the future?" Brilliance asked impatiently.

"The special effects shots haven't been finished yet. If you want to see them, I'll show you the raw footage, but that shouldn't generate any inspiration."

Brilliance thought for a while, and after struggling for a while, he said, "Then I'd better wait until the movie is released and watch it, with a bit of anticipation."

Lin Juan smiled and nodded approvingly, a wise choice.

"Director Lin, show me the script, I'll read it here." Brilliance said again, and Lin Juan nodded in agreement, so Brilliance stayed here until the evening, chatting with Lin Juan while eating lunch together A lot about his thoughts on Mahatma.

When he was leaving, he said, "I almost have an idea. I'll figure it out after I go back. I'll send you a demo in about three days. You can see if it works. If it doesn't work, I'll change it."

Lin Juan nodded with a smile: "Thank you, thank you for your hard work."

"Sure, I want to thank Director Lin for giving me this opportunity."

The theme song of a popular movie can sometimes bring benefits to singers as much as actors.

Lin Juan smiled and stretched out his hand: "Come on, I hope we can have a happy cooperation."



"Little Tired, how's the progress?"

A few days later, Lin Juan received a call from Li Lan while he was busy in the studio.

"It's almost as expected, what's wrong, Aunt Lan?"

"Are you busy now? If you are not busy, come to my office. I have something to ask you."


After Lin Juan hung up the phone, he talked to the crew and went straight to Li Lan's office.

As soon as the door was opened, Li Lan looked over, pointed to the seat in front of the work with a smile on her face and said, "Come on, take a seat."

"Xiao Hu, pour me two cups of coffee."

"Okay." Hu Qin got up from his small desk.

"Thank you." Lin Juan thanked her with a smile, then turned to Li Lan and asked, "What's the matter, Aunt Lan?"

"That's right, the budget for "Iron Man" is done, but I always feel a little uneasy."

"Xiao Juan, I haven't had time to have a good chat with you. Can you tell me what you think?" Li Lan asked seriously.

It's not that she is worried about Lin Juan or worried that "Iron Man" will lose money. With Lin Juan's current status in the dust, even if she loses one "Iron Man", it won't hurt. But she needs to clarify Lin Juan's overall thinking, otherwise She can't play well in some layouts.

"This." Lin Juan frowned and pondered, thinking how to express his thoughts as concisely as possible.

After a while, he probably figured it out.

So he raised his head, looked directly at Li Lan and said seriously: "Aunt Lan, I want to create a super movie universe recognized by fans all over the world!"

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