Full-level Director

Chapter 127 Leaving Home

"I live in this villa comfortably, and I don't even want to leave."

On the fifth day of the lunar new year, on February 11th, my uncle dragged his suitcase with a backpack on his back and said, "My aunt and the others are also going to work. Although I am the boss now, I can't always be at home."

The same is true for Lin Juan. During the film's release, he also has to go to promote it.

"Brother, when I graduate, I'll go and work for you." Sister He Yan said with a smile. She is the daughter of her uncle. How to contact, but the relationship is very good.

"Okay." Lin Juan nodded with a smile.

Everyone bid farewell to grandparents together, grandma's eyes were red, and the elderly couldn't bear parting the most. In fact, young people seldom feel this feeling.

For the old people, it may not be certain that they can see you a few times in the future, but young people seldom think about this issue.

Fortunately, now that Lin Zheng has bought a car, he will bring Chen Lin back to look at it once a week.

After hugging grandma, Lin Juan felt a little heavy in his heart. After leaving this time, he won't be able to come back for several months. First, he will go to New York for publicity. I am afraid that I will have to wait until the filming is finished before I can find time to come back.

"Grandma, goodbye."

In the end, she patted grandma on the back comfortingly, and Lin Juan let go of her hand. Grandma grabbed Lin Juan's arm and refused to let go, just like the little girl, and sent them all to the car.

From the rear window of the car, I could see grandma standing there for a long, long time.

On February 11, 19, the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, the cumulative box office of "Monkey King" exceeded 1.1 billion.

On this day, Lin Juan separated from his family and set foot on the high-speed train to Beijing.

"Director Lin, you are finally here, otherwise I will sue you."

As soon as he arrived at the hotel, Lin Juan saw Zhang Shan who had been waiting early in the hotel lobby. As soon as he saw Lin Juan, he began to complain.

They will record a talk show together in the afternoon, CCTV's, which is a task.

Lin Juan said with a smile on his face, "What are you accusing me of?"

"Leave us behind and run to promote yourself to go home for the New Year. You are betraying your allies." Zhang Shan said jokingly, while reaching out to take the luggage in Lin Juan's hand.

Lin Juan had quite a lot of things in his hands, so he asked him to take one, all of which were prepared by his parents for Zhang Shan and the others, such as cured fish and bacon at home.

"Then do you still want to promote your next play?" Lin Juan looked at him and asked with a smile.

Pass tea to the boss.

"Director Lin, what you said, let me tell you, I, Zhang Shan, love publicity the most. Publicity makes me happy. Director Lin, please don't deprive me of my happiness."

They teased and joked with each other all the way to the room. After hearing the news, Liu Yan and Chilong also rushed over. At this time, Liu Yan returned to the hairstyle she had when filming "The Monkey King". During this time, she It can be regarded as feeling the sensation of being popular, and various announcements flew in like snowflakes.

They were also carrying gifts for Lin Juan. Everyone looked at each other and couldn't help laughing. Cured fish and bacon became a bestseller.

But yes, this kind of gift must not be too expensive, because the taste will change. This kind of homely thing is the most suitable and can also represent the heart.

After chatting for a while, the program team called to tell them that it was time to leave. They were originally waiting for Lin Juan, but now that Lin Juan arrived, naturally they couldn't delay any longer.

After getting into the car prepared by the program group, a group of people came to the recording studio. It was still the program "Today's Movie", and the host was still Huang Jing with short hair.

When several people were putting on makeup, Huang Jing came to say hello to the script, and asked if there were any questions that could not be asked. Everyone was fine, not a traffic star, and there were a lot of rules. After a little communication, the show officially started recording.

After turning it on, Huang Jing smiled at the camera and recited familiar lines: "I will give you the latest movie information every day. Hello, audience friends. This is "Today's Movie", and I am the host Huang Jing."

"Today I invite you all to the recent hit movie, "Monkey King", the main creative team behind the scenes, these people should be familiar to audience friends, first of all, the new director who came to our show for the second time, Lin Juan." Huang Jing introduced with a smile on her face, and at the same time couldn't help but sigh in her heart,

It's only been two years. Who would have thought that in just two years, the fledgling young director has become a leading director of commercial films with a cumulative box office of nearly 7 billion.

And he only used three movies for all of this, and even the third movie hasn't finished yet, seeing the momentum of the box office, he went to 3 billion.

"Hi everyone, I'm Lin Juan." Lin Juan greeted the camera with a smile.

After greeting him, Huang Jing jokingly asked, "Director Lin, when you first came to our show, you got the nickname of financial director. What do you think of this nickname?"

Zhang Shan and the others burst out laughing, of course they also knew about this stalk, Lin Juan was stunned at first, and then said amusedly: "I didn't expect this to happen, but it feels okay, it's just a good-natured tease."

Huang Jing nodded in agreement with a smile, and boasted: "It is said that Director Lin is really good-hearted, and now it seems that it is true."

Lin Juan smiled and said nothing, and then Huang Jing began to introduce one by one.

It only took two or three minutes for the other three people to introduce, and then Huang Jing asked the second question of the day: "Director Lin, I want to ask you a question that everyone is very curious about, and it is also the question that movie fans want to know the most."

"Well, you say."

"Do you want to create a movie universe that belongs to you? Is your next movie a new superhero or the second part of Captain and Dasheng?"

"Well, that's right, once "Monkey King" comes out, I believe everyone should know the answer." Lin Juan said with a smile. In fact, he has been secretly reading online reviews these days, he didn't just read the good reviews Or bad reviews, but mainly look at the comments that shocked the movie universe.

It would give him a wicked sense of satisfaction.

Before filming "Captain", he was secretly looking forward to the shock of everyone seeing the easter egg after "Monkey King" came out, but now that the result is out, Lin Juan of course wants to satisfy his bad taste.

"And about my next movie..." Lin Juan said after a pause, "It's a brand new superhero."

"I want to ask Director Lin a question, why don't you shoot series by series, but spread the stall so big?" Huang Jing asked suspiciously.

"This, you will know in the future." Lin Juan smiled happily.

Here it comes again... His bad taste...

He is really a Buddhist, he has no other hobbies in his life, he just loves making movies, and then he is in a crazy mood when watching the audience waiting for the movie.

At least, this means that the audience is still looking forward to it.

Huang Jing was also speechless, she shook her head amusedly and said, "Then we will wait and see. I would like to ask Zhang Shan the following question. This is the second film you have collaborated with Director Lin. What is Director Lin usually like on the set?" Man? How do you feel?"

"This one."

It is rare for Zhang Shan to look serious outside of filming. After thinking about it, he said: "..."

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