Full-level Director

Chapter 148 Here Come Come

"Wow~" Zhang Yi exclaimed in amazement, and Li Bing also said with a smile: "Here he is! Someone really fell in love with Director Lin."

Zhang Yi said enviously to Hu Xu and Hu Xu on the stage: "You two must act well later, you really deserve to come to this show, I want to play the role of Director Lin."

Crazy hints...

Lin Juan just laughed and didn't respond, while Hu Xu and the others on the stage were so excited at this moment, Hu Xu jumped up directly, and their managers in the audience clasped their hands excitedly, praying that it would be true. Can be seen by Lin Juan.

To be spotted by Lin Juan is a big deal, it means that there will be a lot of advertisers in the future, if the endorsement finds you, it means that you are popular, at least in China, if "Iron Man" is popular abroad, then this The influence of the superhero series can also expand to the world!

Bright prospects are beckoning!

The premise is to be liked by Lin Juan.

The director team was also secretly excited, this time it really made a big news.

This episode should be aired on August 4th, and "Iron Man" will also be aired at that time. Taking advantage of this popularity, this episode will definitely have a good ratings.

This is a great director. Even if Lin Juan is invisible throughout the whole show, as long as he makes a move, he will definitely steal all the attention of the show. There is no need to rack his brains to think about all kinds of stalks like a star.

On the stage, the two of them also quietly calmed down, looked at each other, and saw the firmness in each other's eyes.

Be sure to act well!

"Are you ready?" Lin Juan asked softly, as if he had come to his crew and took over the leadership of the scene.

"Well, director, shall we act casually by ourselves or will you give me a scene theme or something?" Hu Xu asked on stage.

"You can act whatever you want, and play on the spot with your original characters." Lin Juan said with a smile.

"Okay." Hu Xu nodded and took a deep breath.

Damn, fight hard.

Seeing that they were almost ready, Lin Juan smiled and shouted: "Come on, 3, 2, 1, let's start."

for a moment,

The two of them felt a sense of pressure, even greater than the pressure just now! Hu Xu was still thinking about what to say, Li Jiao spoke up, and pulled Hu Xu's sleeves coquettishly: "Oh, don't be angry."

The official start, Lin Juan watched quietly, with a smile on his face, secretly praising the girl in her heart for being smart, and kicking the ball to the boy while getting the upper hand.

"Don't be angry? Why am I not angry? You are so close to him, and I can't be angry if he puts your shoulders on your shoulders?" Hu Xu picked up the conversation, and at the same time gave the reason for being angry.

"It's not that I asked him to take it. Besides, it's just a classmate with a good relationship. It's just a shoulder. I have nothing to do with him."

"It's just for a while?" Hu Xu couldn't believe it, and the word "just" had a long ending, and he pushed his hand holding his clothes away: "Don't touch me, thank you."

"Oh, I really have nothing to do with him! Don't be angry." Li Jiao looked aggrieved.


Lin Juan looked at the two people on the stage, and the performance felt like high school students falling in love and quarreling. It was a little naive, youthful, and the love at that time didn't know how to restrain itself, thinking that the other party was everything, vigorous and vigorous.

But often because of some inexplicable trifles, they broke up with each other and broke up in one breath.

At that time, he saw too much, but he was too low-key at that time, and no girl in the class would take a fancy to him.

I remember that at that time he was still simulating and filming high school love movies in the system, but he deleted them later.

too childish.


This impromptu performance ended with Hu Xu being coaxed. Li Jiao's coquettish skills were so powerful that all the audience smiled lovingly.

Who hasn't been young, these people who have been here quite like this pair of energetic little guys.

"Okay, that's enough." Lin Juan said with a smile.

Both people on the stage breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Lin Juan expectantly. Xu Zheng asked, "Hey, Director Lin, how are you doing? Did you like it? I think it's pretty good."

"Well, it's okay." Lin Juan nodded with a smile, and then said to the two people on the stage: "This kind of youthful feeling can't be acted out, and it only happens in a certain period. Thank you for letting me watch it." When the time comes, I will contact you for a formal audition when I shoot this movie, but it may take a long time."

"Thank you Director Lin." Hu Xu and Li Jiao thanked excitedly.

As teenage actors, these two really lacked enough weight in their roles.

Lin Juan has said these words here, even if he takes two or three years to find them to shoot, it doesn't matter, as long as Lin Juan's influence is getting bigger and bigger, the two people will not be abandoned by the company, and advertisers will come to them Invest early.

This is influence.

After the performances of the four groups of guests are over, the next step is mentor PK. The losers continue to be eliminated, and the winners can join the mentor team. The final easter egg is that Lin Juan chooses the winners to shoot a short film, and then borrows the venue of the program group.

Lin Juan filmed the scene of Chen Feng and Jiang Ying in the tunnel at the end of "Huaxia Captain". He chose the actor who won the second group and Chen Fang from the first group.

This scene was widely circulated on the Internet. This scene was actually a test of acting skills, especially the way Chen Feng looked at Jiang Ying when he woke up the next day.

It's not the superficial sadness, but the heartbreak of losing the last ray of light in that cruel age.

despair of the future.

The war was won, but she was gone.

So after being worthy of the country, Chen Feng would make that choice.

Live up to Tathagata and live up to Qing.

Lin Juan finally let people know his high standards on the set, squeezing the two actors to the limit.

The final film effect is also satisfactory, it can be regarded as another style.

At this point, the whole episode came to an end, and Lin Juan also heaved a sigh of relief. Although it was quite interesting, there was always a feeling of awkwardness, but fortunately it was finally over.

After exchanging personal contact information with a group of mentors, Lin Juan left the TV station. It was already past eleven o'clock in the evening. Lin Juan went straight home to rest, lying on his black checkered bed sheet. At this time, Han Xiaoxue had already fallen asleep. Girls, if it wasn't for special circumstances such as recording programs, she would always go to bed around ten o'clock, very self-disciplined.

I don't know if she will force herself to sleep with her when she gets married and lives together?

That would be a bit scary...

Thinking wildly, Lin Juan fell into a deep sleep.

He had a dream. In the dream, they lived in a villa with a lawn in the front yard. A little princess with a red hair bridge on her head ran towards him with a smile on her face and shouted papa.

She hugged her shoulders behind her and looked at them with a smile, her long hair and white skirt fluttering in the wind.

What a nice view.


In the early morning of the next day, Lin Juan opened his eyes under the sunlight. The dream was still in his mind, and he couldn't help laughing.

In fact, many people have fantasized about giving birth to a cute little princess, but in reality, many of the children born are so ugly that they are annoying to see, making people wonder if this is their own birth...

But their children probably won't.

After looking in the mirror, Lin Juan nodded affirmatively. After all, his genes are quite good~

He took out his hand, and there was already a message on it.

From Han Xiaoxue.

"Good morning~"

. m.

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