Full-level Director

Chapter 150 Tony is going to be kidnapped.

As soon as Song Peng came up, he saw people on both sides looking at him. He was really being watched by a group of people, that feeling of suddenly freezing in place...

Damn, there are so many people! It's still raining in the middle of the night, don't you all sleep...


The person on the right is holding a poster of "Iron Man", as well as Iron Man's mask, a mechanical model, a q-version doll, the kind that can dance and sing by itself when the switch is pressed...

There are even Iron King's armor models, as well as those of the Great Sage and Chen Ze's, all of which are from Lin Juan's movie universe.

But it's all scaled down.

There is also a small poker sitting on the side, watching with great interest that the two groups are clearly separated.

The movie atmosphere in the theater is strong, and everyone is looking forward to the movie's release.

Song Peng and his girlfriend looked at each other, and they both saw the surprise and amusement in each other's eyes. Isn't this too exaggerated?

However, this may also be caused by the previous publicity. In the publicity war during this period, the two groups of people have not been torn apart on the Internet.

Song Peng took his girlfriend's hand and silently joined the "Iron Man" camp.

In fact, he really wants to watch "Hou Yi", but he must watch "Iron Man" for the premiere!

Whether it is the captain Chen Feng or the great sage Chen Ze, he likes it very much, and there are foreshadowings about "Iron Man" in both movies, he has been looking forward to it for a long time.

The interconnected film universe has a unique attraction, which is unmatched by a single series, and it is also unique to Lin Juan's film universe.

Seeing Song Peng and the others coming, the people on "Iron Man" immediately smiled kindly at him. Whether they knew each other or not, at this moment they were like-minded people.

"Dude, are you here for "Iron Man" too?"

A young man in his mid-twenties greeted Song Peng.

"Well, I've been looking forward to it for a long time, are you all?"

"Of course, I'll be here at ten o'clock. I really want to see it! I really admire Lin Juan for playing so well."

Song Peng smiled and nodded,

You say that, we are friends.

"Yeah, it was too unexpected, but now I want to watch the second part of "Captain Huaxia" the most."

"Who isn't... But I want to watch the follow-up of "Monkey King" the most. Lin Juan is too impersonal, that fragment...and Lord Dao. I really want to know who is in Huaxia's all-hero lineup."

"Now foreign ones have come out. I don't know how they will collide in the future. My God, there are so many heroes, and I don't know how Lin Juan will shape them."

"Our Chinese heroes must be the best! A great sage is invincible! If Lin Juan dares to make our Chinese heroes unable to defeat foreign ones, labor and management will never watch his movies again."

"Not necessarily. Look at those superheroes abroad. Damn! How dare you believe that flying around the earth can reverse time! I really think about it."

Everyone chatted in a hurry, and people kept coming up from behind. Seeing the situation in the hall, they all looked confused at first, and then went to their respective camps with a smile. The people on both sides were relatively funny. Taking advantage of some time, Song Peng also took his girlfriend to the shopping mall around the theater to buy some things, such as Iron Man Q-version dolls, posters, and even dolls.

In fact, Song Peng wanted to buy an exquisite Iron Man armor model, but it was too expensive, one thousand and thirteen hundred yuan.

The clock ticked one frame at a time, and at 11:50 in the evening, the horn in the hall suddenly started to sound.

"The "Hou Yi" screening at twelve o'clock can already be checked in."

"'Hou Yi' will be released at twelve o'clock..."

Accompanied by the sound of the horn, the group of fans of "Hou Yi" got up and walked towards the ticket gate. When they walked, they did not forget to look at the fans of "Iron Man" with some smug smiles.

How about it~ It's five minutes earlier than you!

Fans who watched "Iron Man" were a little upset, but there was nothing they could do about it. Looking at those fans who watched "Black Peak Man", they immediately felt a little better because it was 12:10~

Five minutes passed in a flash, and when the fans of "Hou Yi" finished entering the venue, the loudspeaker in the hall rang again, this time it was "Iron Man".

A group of movie fans finally breathed a sigh of relief, stood up with a smile and walked towards the ticket gate.

Finally got to see part three! They really wanted to know what happened to the organization that caused Chen Feng to mutate in "Huaxia Captain".

No. 6 row **, Song Peng bought the ticket on the day the pre-sale started, so he got a good seat, a full month in advance!

People kept coming into the theater, and when the time was almost up, Song Peng was surprised to find that nearly half of the theater was full!

You must know that this is still a rainstorm, and many people must be too lazy to go out.

"There are so many people~" Song Qiao was also affected by the atmosphere, and said cheerfully.

The most important thing in a movie theater is the atmosphere, the more people there are, the better the atmosphere.

When everyone was seated and the theater was noisy, the lights suddenly dimmed.

here we go.

First is the opening title, the dragon logo is still at the front, then the dust light logo, Bona's, various cooperation channels appear one by one, and finally the familiar director Lin Juan's work!

When the seal was put down, Song Peng couldn't help showing a smile. The name has always been that name, but the feeling it sees now is definitely different from the beginning.

The person who could only release online movies back then is now a great director.

A burst of music sounded in the auditorium, it was Taylor Swift's song! Very rhythmic.

The picture began to appear, a radio, a glass of wine, and Tony Stark officially appeared on the screen.

The theater gradually became quiet, and everyone looked at the screen seriously.

"Can I have a shadow with you?"

"Don't use that gesture..."


A dialogue showed Tony's bad taste, and just when the atmosphere was relaxing, a jeep exploded in the screen.

Song Peng whispered in his heart at that time: "Here we come, familiar rhythm, Lin Juan's movies always start sharply, just like "Going Home", they always have strange peaks in unexpected places."

After several shots showed the fierceness of the battlefield, Tony got out of the car and was hiding behind a stone on the phone when a bomb landed beside him.

It reads in English: Stark Industries.

With a scream, Tony was blown away, and blood splattered out.

"He's going to die..."

Song Peng was watching intently, when the girlfriend next to him suddenly whispered, Song Peng couldn't help but laugh.

He is the leading actor, how could it be possible, is she acting cute?

Girls are just plain cute.

Tony fainted, and the picture was cut off here. The next moment, as if the sound of iron strikes sounded, the English version of "Iron Man" fell down.

"Tony Stark... dreamer, genius, patriot..."

The introduction of Tony began to appear in the film, and there was a photo of Howard in the newspaper. Song Peng and other fans watched it very seriously. This is the background of the hero, and it finally came out.

He heard someone whisper: "It turns out that Tony is Howard's son, but isn't his father kidnapped?"

After some introduction, there was an award-giving scene. Just like in the trailer, after the general had a good meal of praise, Tony was announced as the winner, but he was not there. When he was embarrassed, a bald man stood up.

"Everyone knows he's a workaholic..."

Just as the bald man finished speaking, the screen changed and Tony appeared in the casino.

Encountering a hot girl reporter, Song Peng held back his laughter when he uttered the quotations from Grandpa Mao. He deserves to be a domestic director.

Next is rolling the sheets.

It is very American, and Song Peng can't help but sigh, Lin Juan, you have learned badly.

Pepper appeared on the stage, and some conversations fully revealed Tony's demeanor, and then Tony went to the airport. The scene in the private jet also made people feel the life of a local tyrant.

The film plays for fifteen minutes, Tony arrives at the battlefield, and the scene in the trailer appears.

"For your information, Jericho Missile."


The shocking scene was reproduced in the theater. With the sound of the theater, it is not at the same level as watching it with a mobile phone.

Song Peng's heart was ups and downs watching, handsome!

But according to the trailer...

Tony is about to be kidnapped.

It's time to unravel those mysteries.

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