Full-level Director

Chapter 162 Fireworks on Earth

"Lotus seeds...dried white fungus...red dates..."

"what else"

In the early morning of August 13th, Lin Juan showed up at the only large supermarket in the village, searching for the ingredients he wanted.

Well, I want to replenish Han Xiaoxue's blood.

Although there is not much blood loss...

Thinking of this, his breasts... no, his legs... no, his mind is full of Han Xiaoxue's glistening skin exposed to the moonlight yesterday.

The candle shadow shakes red.

Just kidding, in yesterday's situation, if he didn't mean that he didn't plan to marry someone, it had to be done.

It's a pity that he was too disappointing the first time, which caused the scene to be a little awkward. He learned it several times like a child. The keyhole of a new car is more difficult to enter. He is a new driver. Slowly, he gradually mastered the steering wheel. Experienced the joy of speeding...

That happiness... children can't imagine.

Now he knows it hurts again.

"Oh, yes, there's also rock sugar." Lin Juan muttered to himself while flipping through the recipes on his phone.

Passing by the gift area, he saw someone selling bird's nest, and he took a box decisively, saying that it was a high-quality bird's nest, but in fact, how could this kind of bird's nest be a high-quality product.

Better than nothing.

After finishing everything, Lin Juan lined up to pay the bill, and returned home with his things in a hurry. It was only past eight o'clock in the morning, but when he came back, he found that Han Xiaoxue had already woken up and was helping grandma choose vegetables and chatting, with a rosy face The look of a smile.

Where does it look like someone who needs to make up...

On the contrary, Lin Juan actually felt weak in his legs when he woke up this morning.

Seeing Lin Juan's return, Han Xiaoxue blushed, and glanced at him with a smile. Lin Juan's heart felt warmed by the amorous look in his eyes.

"Why don't you sleep more?" Lin Juan asked with a smile, somehow he looked silly.

"Can't sleep." Han Xiaoxue said with a smile on her lips, but what she was thinking in her heart was who would dare to wake up later than her own man on the first day a woman came to her door...

Do you dare to sleep...

Are you stupid...

"I'm going to cook you something.

Lin Juan smiled and lifted the bag in his hand, then turned around and walked into the kitchen. There is a small coal-fired stove in the kitchen at home. Put a small casserole on it, fill up half of the casserole water, and put five or six yuan in it. Bing Tang, after thinking about it, Lin Juan added another three yuan.

Then soak the dried white fungus and chains if you are satisfied, then take out the bird's nest, slice the red dates...

Just cut a big jujube, otherwise it won't taste good.

When the water in the casserole began to ripple, Lin Juan began to put in all the materials, with a serious and careful look compared to when he was editing movies.

After putting the materials away, adding a little water at the end, Lin Juan put the lid on with satisfaction, with a hey smile on his face.

Han Xiaoxue will definitely like it later.

Lin Juan just stared at the fire in the kitchen, listened to Han Xiaoxue chatting softly with grandma outside, blowing the occasional draft, and felt fulfilled.

What a wonderful human fireworks.

"Come on, grandma." Han Xiaoxue held a bowl of tremella and bird's nest soup cooked by Lin Juan with both hands and handed it to grandma. Grandma quickly said, "You can eat it. I won't eat it. He made it for you."

"It's okay, grandma, you can eat, and there are more." Lin Juan said with a smile.

A small casserole was stewed out, exactly two small bowls.

How could he have forgotten grandma.

As for himself, he just had to taste it, why would a man eat that stuff.

After breakfast, the two went back to the room to rest. Han Xiaoxue didn't sleep well yesterday, so she asked her to catch up on sleep, while Lin Juan began to draw the storyboards of "Thor". Lan sent him a message, saying that Universal is preparing to shoot "Thor", and those things should be done as soon as possible, and a copy of the casting video will be sent to him at that time for him to decide.

Although Lin Juan didn't direct this movie, for his future series, Universal wanted to admit him as their ancestor.

They also really realized that Lin Juan is a diamond mine.

"Thor" has nothing to say, just follow the system, and now what he draws is a hammer.

Really draw a hammer...

In fact, if Lin Juan shoots it himself, he would like to change Thor. Starting with Odin, the story of the growth of two princes, love and killing each other, hunting grounds, wars, falling to the earth, it is not a big problem to change it to be more epic. , after all, these two characters, especially Rocky, have the possibility of digging deeper.

But I really have limited energy, and it took more than a year to shoot like that, and the original version is better than being simple and direct.

The room was quiet. Lin Juan finished drawing a manuscript and looked up at Han Xiaoxue's peaceful sleeping face, with a gentle smile on his face. He wanted to kiss her, but was afraid of waking her up.

He just sat there and watched, feeling like a dream.

He really brought her home, and he really made her his own yesterday.

Suddenly something different appeared in my heart, which may be called a sense of responsibility

Anyway, he loves her more and wants to take care of her with all his strength.

It took a long time before Lin Juan withdrew his gaze and continued to draw a manuscript. In the manuscript, the man was kneeling in front of the hammer, tears streaming down his face under the heavy rain.

It wasn't until grandma yelled at lunchtime that Lin Juan walked to the bed with a smile, lowered his head, and gently kissed Han Xiaoxue awake, and when she opened her eyes, she said softly, "Get up and eat."

"Hmm..." Han Xiaoxue stretched out on the bed, then opened her arms and hooked Lin Juan's neck, she couldn't open her eyes but said with a bright smile, "Pick me up."

After the actual relationship, she also became a little bit more feminine. Lin Juan hugged her funny and asked, "Does it still hurt?"

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt too much." Han Xiaoxue shook her head and said with a happy smile.

Lin Juan smiled slightly, hugged her and sat up, kissed her again and said, "I'm going down to help grandma serve the food first, you wash up first, and you'll come down later."


Lin Juan rubbed her hair and went out the door with a smile.

After dinner, Lin Juan took him to the fish pond to fish for a while. He fished, and Han Xiaoxue fished for shrimps. They kept making surprise noises. They had a pleasant afternoon. The two scored twice, and these few days are Han Xiaoxue's safe period, and Lin Juan will take it out when he injects, so there is no need to worry about killing people.

But in fact, it doesn't matter if it comes out...

After staying at home for two days, news came from Hollywood that preparations for "Thor" had officially started. The director had chosen a middle-aged director named John. Before signing the contract, Universal asked Lin Juan to call him. After one conversation, the conversation is simple.

"Hi John."


"I will pass on the storyboard and the script to you. Shoot according to what I gave you. No changes are allowed. I will see the clips. If there is any problem, I will call back and reshoot. Can it be done?"

"Good boss."

"Well, well, tell them, it's you."


On August 18, the global box office of "Iron Man" exceeded 660 million US dollars. Generally speaking, the box office in the first two weeks of a movie will account for about two-thirds of the total box office. Now the growth momentum of the box office in the third week has dropped significantly. , is also expected.

Now that the director of "Thor" has been selected, the investment needs to be in place as soon as possible.

150 million U.S. dollars, about one billion yuan, is more expensive than Lin Juan's "Iron Man". At that time, Li Lan wanted to spray the other party, but in fact, this is the rhythm of a normal director. There is no way, Lin Juan personally ended , It was also special effects shooting, and budget reports, and the special effects were handed over to the country. In the end, the investment was controlled at 800 million yuan.

800 million is 800 million...

Lin Juan invested 200 million yuan, plus the proportion of the producer and the script, a total of 30% of the project's shares, and the rest will be handed over to them.

After finishing these, the time will come to August 23rd.

On this day, Lin Juan and Han Xiaoxue packed their luggage, said goodbye to grandma, and set foot on the high-speed train to Tai'an.

They are going to climb Mount Tai at night.

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