Full-level Director

Chapter 216 Legend

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Isn't it just climbing to the top...


It was something predicted by the forecasting agency half a month ago.

With the popularity of the alliance, it is not surprising to reach the top, but after all, when the alliance really reached the top, the outside world was still blown up, beaming with joy, and the whole world was celebrating.

It feels like this is another milestone for Huaxia movies.

At the same time Li Lan told Lin Juan, the media that had been watching the box office for a long time also immediately issued a draft that had been prepared for a long time. It is known all over the country.

The spring breeze is proud of the horseshoe disease, and I can see all the flowers in Chang'an in one day.

This is almost comparable to winning the top prize in ancient times.

On this day, Lin Juan's phone was almost rang again, all of which were the voices of congratulations, and at the same time, the outsiders also sighed. Unexpectedly, Lin Juan broke all the records, from the box office record of the premiere, to The highest single-day box office record, the fastest to break the record of 100 million, the fastest to break the record of one billion, and now even the first in film history.

A "League" almost broke all records in the domestic film industry! This is a legend, and it is destined to be recorded in film history.

It would be a lie to say that Lin Juan was unhappy, but if he said he was particularly excited, he wouldn't be.

It may be because the momentum some time ago has shown that there will be such a result, and those excitements are slowly over.

Everything is afraid of time.

In fact, his initial goal was to be a director who can support himself by making movies.

Do what you like, and don’t have to worry about life. As an ordinary little director, I didn’t expect to take off from the first film. In the past few years, he has been reminding himself to keep his original intention. He doesn’t want to bear the responsibility of the outside world. His praises, Ann's name and so on.

He almost became a god...

How can it be so exaggerated, what if a movie is ruined...

The more he boasted, the more pressure he felt.

He was afraid that one day he would make a movie just for the box office.

Such a movie will lose its spirituality and become full of craftsmanship, and he will become timid when shooting it.

To be honest, the taste of the audience is the most elusive. Today he likes to watch blockbuster movies, but tomorrow he may get tired of watching and want to watch some romance movies. How do you follow?

So it's better to be yourself, simple and happy.

But the celebration still needs to be celebrated. Today, we will continue to order shrimp soldiers and crab generals, large portions, and add Coke.


"The Greatest Director Ever! At the age of 27, he reached the top of domestic film history! "

"Global box office accumulated 21 billion RMB! He is a walking money printing machine! "

"Shock! Da Mimi publicly confessed to a man for the first time after her divorce! "

"League tops the domestic market and ranks fifth in global film history!" "


For several days, the popularity of the alliance reappeared in the major media. Chen Guang also held a celebration party and called Liu Xing and others back. However, Downey and the others stayed in the United States to hold the celebration party. The celebration party was actually It is also a means of stimulating the box office.

And in the past few days, the preparations for "The End of the World" are also proceeding in an orderly manner. On the cusp of this storm, Lin Juan's new film audition invitation has been spread, which immediately caused a sensation among the stars in the entertainment industry. The circle of friends shows off, and those who don't have it try their best to get an audition spot. Those who have not reached the second-tier reputation in this whirlpool are not eligible to participate.

Some celebrities called Liu Xing, Yu Yan and the others went to ask them to ask Lin Juan for help, which also increased the number of audition spots, but fortunately, everyone knew it in their hearts, and the increased number of spots in the end was not enough. Not too much, within controllable range.

On September 3rd, Lin Juan received a call from Will early in the morning.

"Boss, I have good news for you."

Will said beamingly on the phone, Lin Juan casually asked while eating breakfast, "What good news?"

Last time Will said that the good news for him was that he fixed his toilet.

"I fell in love with a girl, she has a healthy complexion like chocolate, big sexy lips, and wavy brown hair, God, she is so perfect." Will said excitedly, Chunxin Rippling, and the neighbor's expression at this time is the same as that of the question mark boy, with what the hell expression on his face.

The damn adjective... what the hell are those big, thick, sexy lips? Healthy complexion like chocolate...


"Uh... as long as you like it." Lin Juan could only say this.

"I must chase her, she is a radio anchor..."

"Okay Will, I'll do my best. Don't forget what you said before. When you see a girl you like, go up and pat her ass and tell her that you like her. I'll go to an audition later, so I'll hang up first."


Ignoring Will's persuasion, Lin Juan hung up the phone directly, and shook his head amusedly, this Will, who had promised to change if he couldn't catch up? What about licking a dog?

Finished calf.


"Director Lin."

"Good morning, Director Lin."

"Have Director Lin had breakfast?"

This time, the audition was still held in the Chenguang Building. Today was the supporting actress, and tomorrow the supporting actor. When Lin Juan arrived, the staff of the crew greeted him one after another. Lin Juan replied with a smile, saying that he was in a good mood today.

It had been a long time since he had such a large-scale interview, and he was actually quite looking forward to meeting some surprises later.

The interviewers this time are still Du You and Liu Ming who accompanied him, and they joked with him as soon as they met, Du You said with a smile: "Director Lin, you are dressed so handsomely today, the director's wife won't be jealous ?”

Lin Juan looked at him amusedly and said, "How can my short-sleeved jeans compare to your wearing a suit on purpose? Is this because you want to hook up with two female stars?"

"That must be, this guy is very coquettish." Liu Ming said with a smile. He was wearing a wide black short-sleeve, and his body weighing more than 160 kilograms was just sitting on the chair. Anyway, he didn't expect today Which female star here can fall in love with him blindly...

"There are so many beauties, we have to maintain our image. I'm not like you who gave up completely, and I'm not like Director Lin, who likes whatever I wear."

After a few jokes, Lin Juan saw that the time was almost up, stopped their conversation with a smile, and said: "It's getting late, let's start directly, so as not to keep them waiting, it's not a heroine in the first place, she is willing to support you difficult."

"Director Lin, you are so kind-hearted." Du You said with emotion, if someone else had Lin Juan's current achievements in the world, he would certainly not be as low-key and considerate of others as he is. Some so-called great directors call it Auditions, everything from stripping dozens of girls in a villa.

This circle is not as dark as outsiders imagined, but there are indeed some unbearable things, conditional indulgence, but still able to maintain oneself, this is what Du You admires Lin Juan.

After sighing, he said to the staff: "Tell them to start."

The staff went out, and after a while, a slender actress with a sweet face came in. As soon as she came in, she fixed her eyes on Lin Juan, bowed slightly, introduced herself with a cautious smile, "Director Lin Hello to the two judges, I am actress Tong Yali."

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