Full-level Director

Chapter 227 Demon Sword Ginger

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In the process of growing up, we often feel confused. Maybe you think you are strong enough, but sorry, there is another problem waiting for you. Life will never mind giving you a hard time.

Practice does not necessarily have to wait until the spiritual energy is revived, practice is everywhere in life.

For example, Lin Juan learned a lot from this confrontation.

"This old man, it's not that he will never put love on his lips, just like me, I still say I love you to my wife every day, and good morning and good night every day. Not less, this life requires a sense of ritual." Mr. Jin Jie said to everyone present with a smile.

Discussing the script, of course, it’s not just you and me saying something, the actors also have to interpret their own views on the characters, why do the roles played by each actor have different flavors? Especially those old drama characters, pay special attention to this point.

Of course, this requires skills and accumulation. Thank God for those little fresh meats who can interpret the characters according to the script, so don't expect them to play the characters on the basis of the script.

Lin Juan smiled and listened to Mr. Jin's opinion. He was the one responsible for summarizing it. If he felt that this opinion did not conform to his thinking, or if it did not conform to the role positioning, he would definitely not pass it. This is also the responsibility of the director. .

At this time, they were discussing the attitude of the male protagonist Han Lin towards the female protagonist Wang Xiang in the script. This movie can be regarded as a bit of redemption. Some previous passions have even completely forgotten the other party's strengths and dedication.

When you see the advantages, you will ignore them, and only see the other party's shortcomings and your own contributions.

"Wow~ old man, you are so sweet~ I'm so envious." Han Mi said enviously, Cai Ming also said with a smile: "It would be great if our guy is like this, but if he is really like this, I have to send him to the hospital go."

Everyone laughed, Mr. Cai is worthy of acting in skits, and often one or two sentences can make people laugh.

"Everyone's way of getting along is different." Mr. Jin Jie said with a smile, and Cai Ming immediately retorted: "That's right, you will be spoiled if you marry a petite wife. If our family also marries a petite wife Make him faint."

The laughter continued, and Cai Ming continued: "The current situation in our family is that it is okay to hug at ordinary times, but if it is a kiss, it will make me sick for a long time."

"It's so exaggerated." Han Mi smiled and said with joy,

Cai Ming stared and replied: "No, I tell you Xiaohan, you are lucky to leave early, if you don't like it, leave early, don't hesitate."

"Then Mr. Cai, what do you mean is that your current love life is not good?" Lei Lei said, knocking on the melon seeds. No one knew that he got them.

"That's not true. Life is still very harmonious. Although stumbling is inevitable, I'm used to it. Without the other party, life would be difficult." Cai Ming said with a smile, and Jin Jie nodded and said, "Yes, This is getting married, but I still think that this love is indispensable. In our drama, my attitude towards you later has to change a little bit. Don't be so reserved. The shy answer is not young, but also shy. , Director Lin, we've been talking about this for so long, what do you think?"

"Then try it again and see the effect." Lin Juan said with a smile. When it comes to understanding the mentality of the elderly, Lin Juan is definitely not as good as Jin Jie. Respect his opinion.

Frankly speaking, he still likes this kind of exchange and collision of understanding of the play.

"Okay, aren't we having dinner in this play now? Come on, Cai Ming, you say your lines." Mr. Jin Jie came as soon as he said, and started pulling Cai Ming with great interest.

"Which sentence do you start with? This scene is so long."

"Just start with the line 'You can pull it down'."

Lin Juan felt like laughing when he listened to it. He had to say that the Northeast dialect was too contagious, and the previous lines were not like this.

"Okay, then I'm here." Cai Ming prepared for a while, and said to Jin Jie with a look of disdain: "You can push it down, you are still romantic, I have never felt romantic with you in my life .”

"Since I married you, I have been doing all the work in the house. Is chopping wood a man's job? When have you ever used an axe? There are people in the village who dig lotus roots, and all the people who go there are men, and I am the only woman with them." They went to the field and didn't see you feeling sorry when they came back, the crops in the field..."

Jin Jie held a bottle of water, held the cap upside down and lifted it upside down, then got up and walked in front of Cai Ming, like holding a bouquet of flowers, knelt down on one knee with a smile on his face, Cai Ming was stunned and stunned. Baba said, "You...what are you doing?"

This was originally a debate on the script, or a unilateral reprimand of the male protagonist, but it is obvious that the script has been changed.

Both Han Mi and Lei Lei watched Jin Jie's live performance intently.

"This flower...for you." Jin Jie said with a smile.

Cai Ming looked at him without saying a word, Jin Jie continued: "Although this flower is not a rose, I just picked it from here, but it is just right for it to appear here, just like you just appeared in my life .”

"I know I'm sorry for you in this life, maybe we don't have much time left, but in the time we have left in the future, I will make up for you, don't wait until the next life, from today on, would you like to marry me again? Me once, this time I will treat you well."

Jin Jie looked sincerely, with a smile and sincerity on his face, master-level acting skills and line skills infected the audience, Han Mi covered her mouth for fear that she would cry out accidentally, Lei Lei had already started applauding, and Cai Ming was obviously also in the audience. The show was over, she looked at Jin Jie with tears in her eyes, she took the mineral water, stretched out her hand to help Jin Jie up and said, "Okay, you get up first."

"Director Lin, who can stand this, I'm sure I can't." Cai Ming shouted to Lin Juan jokingly, Han Mi began to applaud, with tears in his eyes, and cheered with a smile: " It was fantastic."

Obviously she was moved, Jin Jie's performance just now was quite good in terms of rhythm and emotion, and the image of a man who sincerely wanted to save his wife came alive.

This girl is a bit emotional...

After Jin Jie sat down, he said with a smile: "This is almost the same feeling. In the script, Han Lin obviously knew that time was running out, and he also wanted to make up for Wang Xiang. From forcing himself to falling in love with Wang Xiang again after solving each problem, There are a lot of things to discuss here, as well as the way of expression, I think we can be a little bolder and not so conservative."

Lin Juan was lost in thought. Mr. Jin acted very well in this scene just now, but he has to consider the rhythm of the whole play. Although the plot here is the same apology, it is much more restrained, which is more in line with the shyness of those old people in China. He loves face, while Jin Jie's performance is more in line with young people, like a demon knife, sharp and direct.

Which is better?

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