Full-level Director

Chapter 289 Small but great

Fu Shen: "I don't think "Russia" has given me too many surprises. This series has been played badly, and it is not as good as the first one."

Yi Zhan: "I blew up "The End of the World"!"

Xun? Yu Mi: "Master Xing can't do it anymore. "Mermaid 2" laughed awkwardly throughout the whole process. I really can't laugh. It would be great if he could come out of the mountain again."

Follow your feelings: "I blow up "The End of the World"!"

Jing Zhe: "The visuals of "Jupiter's Ring" are shocking and magnificent, but the ending is a bit too sad."

Mu Yuchengfeng: "I blew up "The End of the World"!"


No matter which movie hot words are under, no matter which movie review page, fans are chatting well, and suddenly someone says: "I blew up "The End of the World""

Everyone is speechless...

You are sailors!

At the beginning, some people replied: "Brother, I'm short of money recently. If you have money, let's make money together."

Slowly, these people also had a good time. A certain star posted a Weibo, sharing the bag he just bought, and the netizen said: "I blew up "The End of the World"."

A celebrity posted a picture of delicious food, and the netizen at the bottom said: "I blew up "The End of the World""

A celebrity posted a selfie, and the netizen below said: "..."

Don't ask anything, just ask me to blow up "The End of the World".

These are all caused by excited movie fans, and they have been played into memes, but it is also true. Many passers-by who did not plan to watch were curious and prepared to walk into the movie theater. Appeared, and walked into the theater excitedly.

There are also online reviews of several movies.

"Guide to Watching Movies in the Spring Festival"! "

"Currently, the editor has watched all the hit movies during the Spring Festival, let's first talk about "Lost in Russia" with the highest pre-sale box office!"

"The film tells the story of the main character, Ivan, who accidentally boards a train to Russia with his mother who has been having conflicts, and at the same time faces the story of competition from business rivals."

"How about it,

Does it sound similar to "Lost in Thailand"? "

"Actually, it can be seen that the director tried to replicate the success of "Lost in Thailand" after experiencing "Lost in Hong Kong". This movie does have a lot of good things. The relationship between mother and child is a surprise and moving point. Generally speaking not bad."

"Next is "Chinatown 3". Similarly, it continues the style of the previous two films. While tense and suspenseful, there are also a lot of laughs. It can be regarded as living up to the expectations of movie fans."

"Finally, let's talk about the most popular "End of the World". Due to the limited subject matter, although the film was written by Lin Juan, the original pre-sale box office was not very satisfactory, only one tenth of that of "Alliance". or so, but I have to say, this movie greatly exceeded my expectations."

"First of all, the subject matter of the film. No one expected the opening of the film to be like this before. I don't want to spoil it here, but it is definitely a surprise. Then the two embarked on a journey. There was no embarrassment as imagined. The whole film is full of warmth. It’s moving, and there’s no shortage of laughs.”

"I especially like a few lines in it. For example, Cai Ming said, I am already sixty-eight. For example, Jin Jie said that I really want your forgiveness."

"For example, we will eventually lose the one we love in this life, so we should cherish it even more. For example, I love every flaw in you."

"There are too many such classic lines, and the easter eggs gave me a big surprise."

"Some people may think that this easter egg will have a strong sense of separation from the film and ruin the work, but I don't think so. On the contrary, I feel very surprised."

"Lin Juan quietly told us a story for nearly 100 minutes, a joyful and warm story, which is related to the last easter egg, but a story that does not conflict, we will be shocked by the shock of the last thousand swords and stars , but that warmth has remained in our hearts, and the classics will never fade."

"He is a very free-spirited filmmaker. After this story is finished, well, let's start the next story. As for what the previous story brought us, he will leave it to us to experience."

"The last sentence, I blow up "The End of the World"!"---Call me Song Peng.

"66666, you really did become Lin Juan's licking dog."

"I also think it's not bad. I was crying and laughing while watching it in the theater. When Daoist finally came out, my scalp was numb!"

"Only I am still wondering whether the old man is dreaming or time-traveling?"

"Why is no one discussing the wedding couple that Lin Juan and Li Qingyu guest-starred in Hainan?"

"Yeah, cameo as a madman, and this time I also brought my girlfriend to make a cameo."

"After watching "囧囧", I think it's not bad, now I'm going to watch "The End of the World""

"I also feel a sense of fragmentation, neither fish nor fowl."

"I think Lin Juan is no longer limited to genres, he can do whatever he wants."

"I feel like this person made a movie without considering whether the fans would accept it or not. He used all kinds of ideas to make himself happy... But it's really good-looking."

"Maybe for him, there is no difference between a commercial area and a literary film..."

"Lin Juan: What movie are you from?"

"At the beginning, I was shocked by Dao Ye in the theater, but the more I thought about it when I went home, the more I realized that Jin Jie and Cai Ming were the ones I remembered more, small but great."

"I love you even if the world ends."




In front of the computer, Song Peng lit a cigarette and exhaled smoke rings carefully, his mind still immersed in the scenes of "The End of the World".

The style of this movie is a bit different from Lin Juan's previous movies. The colors of the screen are bold, bright, and dim.

Jin Jie is facing the flood in the yard. The upper part of the picture is the sky and the orange sunset, and the flood below is roaring to cover the sky and the earth. Jin Jie is small in the picture but cannot be ignored.

In the heavy rain, there is a bright light in the dark world, and two old people sit opposite each other, warm and sad.

In the reservoir, Jin Jie and Zheng Chao are sitting on the bank, Cai Ming is sitting beside the car, and the two lights illuminate the two worlds.

In the car, shooting the light from the darkness of the trunk, as if shadows were swallowing them in the light.

Scene after scene, one after another, savoring it carefully, it is touching and memorable. Lin Juan really put his heart into making this movie, and the easter egg of Daoist at the end made up for some settings, which seemed to take away from "The World" "The End", but who is the pearl depends on everyone's eyes.

At least Song Peng thinks this is double happiness.

Putting down the cigarette butt, Song Peng picked up his mobile phone and sent Song Qiao a message: "I love you too, even if the world is the end."

"When you come back from home, let's go read "The End of the World" again."


The form intensified, and the popularity of "The End of the World" continued to rise, and countless people began to read: "I love you, even if the world is the end."

In the eyes of couples, this movie has become a love bible. After watching the movie, countless men think, will I be like that in the future? Impatient with her?

The answer for many people is actually not sure.

Many women will ask, when we are old, can you still treat me like that?

Some people are guilty, some people are firm.

Many times love is not as beautiful as imagined, it will be submerged in all the trivial matters.

On that day, "The End of the World" became popular by word of mouth, but due to the disadvantages in the early stage, it failed to surpass "囧囧" to reach the top.


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