"You agreed?" Li Lan expressed surprise.

How could one day see this dead house take the initiative to participate in such activities?

"En." Lin Juan nodded with a smile. Of course, he would not shirk things that can contribute to the country and the nation, and what he does is also what he is good at.

Just a consultant...

At that time, those big directors may not necessarily listen to him...

After all, every director is a person with a strong desire to control. Don't look at Lin Juan's usual inconspicuousness, why don't you try his movies?

The Buddha is only because he insists on one thing, and that is movies.

It can even be said that even if Li Qingyu leaves him today, he can survive. At most, he will become extreme and no longer believe in such things as love, but if he can't make movies in the future, he will be useless.

"My God..." Li Lan smiled and looked at Lin Juan in amazement, wondering if he had taken the wrong medicine today.

"You don't need to do this, Aunt Lan." Lin Juan couldn't laugh or cry, shook his head and said, "I'm just taking the responsibility I should take."

Li Lan's gaze softened because of these words.

He really is different.

If it was the time when they first met four years ago, Lin Juan at that time would probably be afraid of this responsibility.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, let me take you back to the hotel first."



The thick brown curtains were pulled back, and Lin Juan stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass windows in the luxury hotel room on the sixteenth floor, with a panoramic view of half the city.

His eyes are deep and deep.

After all, what kind of movie are you going to make?

Myth? No, that one doesn't need to be photographed.

Or science fiction?

Or something else?

To promote culture, in fact, it is enough to use Chinese actors as actors, and there is no need to shoot ancient times.

Hollywood has influenced the world with movies for decades, letting the world know about American culture. Now, it's time for Chinese culture to stand up.

The Alliance series cannot be filmed in this plan, otherwise the copyright is not owned by myself, so when and what to shoot the film are all issues that need to be considered.

But there is no rush, anyway, I will shoot "The Master" and the next movie first, and then I will have time to consider what script to hand in after the plans are made.

Shoot for three years and release within five years.

But he will take on the role of consultant at that time, and I don't know if those directors will come to him to discuss...

In fact, he was very curious about what kind of scripts they would prepare.

Lin Juan had been standing in front of the window for a long time before withdrawing his thoughts and suddenly burst out laughing. Now is the time to think about those things. You have to think about how to pass that test tomorrow...

After thinking about it, Lin Juan walked out of the hotel, it was time to get ready.

The next day, Lin Juan took a case of wine, a few cigarettes, and a few sticks of bacon made by his grandmother and mother, and set foot on the top battlefields of his life.

She was a little nervous all the way, but Li Qingyu saw through and made fun of her. The corners of her mouth were raised all the way, and she was in a happy mood.

The process was smoother than he expected.

Because when they arrived at Li Qingyu's house, they called someone and went to the dinner table.

After half a glass of white wine went down, Lin Juan poured it down with a plop, and Dad Li showed a happy smile.

"Qingyu, this kid can't do it, how can he protect you if he can't drink a glass of white wine?" Dad Li said pretending to be serious, but the corners of his mouth turned up to reveal his complacent mood.

We are still men.

Li Qingyu glared at Dad Li angrily, and said angrily like a baby: "Dad, didn't I tell you that he is allergic to alcohol and gets drunk when he drinks it? You also promised me..."

"It's a joke, why don't you tell him to lie down when you come to the door for the first time, or you may bully you in the future." Father Li was serious.

Li Qingyu couldn't figure out what the connection was, and Lin Juan bullying her? She doesn't bully Lin Juan because she is decent...

"Qingyu, your dad is right..." All the uncles also spoke, Li Qingyu can only say that you are right,

Then, with the help of others, he helped Lin Juan upstairs and put him into a guest room.

In fact, she also knew that the elders were doing it for her own good, but she just felt distressed...

Everyone else went out, Li Qingyu stayed in the room, sat on the bed, stared at Lin Juan, touched his face with his hands, and after a while, his eyes became blurred.

What will our life be like in the future...

Will he always love me?

Forget it... With his personality, most people probably wouldn't be able to touch him...

Thinking about it, Li Qingyu couldn't help being crazy.


And this time in the outside world.

"Let's go, I finally came back from the countryside and went to watch "The End of the World"."

"Didn't you say you're not interested in this movie?"

"I came here specifically to watch Dao Ye. I heard that he is super handsome, and based on word of mouth, watching this movie is not bad."

""The End of the World" really made me cry. I didn't know it, but it's not sad. I always cry with a smile. This movie is really great, and the appearance of Daoist at the end is so surprising. , raised the level of this movie a lot.”

"I never like watching superhero movies. I think this easter egg is a failure. A movie that should have become a classic has been lowered countless levels by this easter egg."

"If you don't like easter eggs, it's fine to separate the easter eggs, as if it didn't happen, it's really tangled."

"I find that I like Lin Juan's movie universe more and more. It not only has heroes who save the world, but also civilians who are saved. I strongly look forward to the release of "Dao Ye"."

"Just came out of the theater, I blew up "The End of the World"!"


With the passage of time, the box office market is still fighting fiercely these days, and I don't know how many movies have become cannon fodder in this battle.

The Spring Festival file has become the scariest time of the year.

That is to say, under such circumstances, some adjustments have been made to the schedule of several movies that are not bad, and they have increased to varying degrees.

The fastest rising among them is "The End of the World".

Many people really watch it with their families. Couples came back to watch it together. The explosive word-of-mouth started to make people put aside their prejudices and face up to this movie. After watching it, they turned into "tap water" and promoted it wildly in the circle of friends and other places. .

The box office of "At World's End" started to grow steadily.

On the fourth day, the cumulative box office of "The End of the World" reached 920 million, breaking through one billion is just around the corner. At this time, this movie is only a tiny bit away from the number one "Russia".


In the early morning, the morning sun shone through the curtains into the room, Lin Juan opened his eyes, with a confused look on his expression.

Where am I?


"No, auntie, I really have something else to do." Lin Juan said politely to Li Qingyu's confinement wife, and he politely declined the proposal to stay here for lunch.

Yesterday's meal is still on the top, how dare you keep it? He could tell that Dad Li just wanted to punish him...

This is a rival in love, or a terrifying one.

Leaving Li Qingyu's villa, Lin Juan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It's always uncomfortable to be a guest at someone's house.


Lin Juan sighed and thought, I'd better go back and prepare for my "Tao Ye".

Suddenly there was another global promotion plan, and his arrangements were basically disrupted.

So... the pace is going to speed up.

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