Full-level Director

Chapter 293 Audition Notes


Holding the phone in his hands, Bai Qinghuan trembled with excitement and stuttered.

Lin Juan's new movie heroine! Or a superhero movie series!

What does it mean to represent?

Her Bai Qinghuan's life can be written like a Mary Sue, from the champion of the draft to the heroine of a world-class director blockbuster, if Lin Juan doesn't have a girlfriend, then this development is a winner in life, and a domineering president falls in love with me... …

God knows that she just played casually with the idea of ​​training herself...

He didn't have the idea of ​​winning the ranking at all, so he dared to act out a scene with one look at the beginning.

So, life is always full of surprises.

"Of course, this is what Lin Juan said to me just now, do your best tomorrow and seize this opportunity, you know?" Li Qingyu comforted and advised with a smile.

She is the person who knows Lin Juan best. With his serious attitude towards the film, Lin Juan is very optimistic about Bai Qinghuan now. If she performs poorly in the audition tomorrow, I believe Lin Juan would rather cut off the heroine.

Anyway, he didn't change the script once or twice.

"Definitely." Bai Qinghuan covered her mouth and nodded desperately, tears were about to fall from excitement.

Her mind is in turmoil right now.

Why was she carefully selecting scripts, intending to hone her acting skills step by step, but was suddenly told that Lin Juan had chosen her?

That was the legendary opportunity for Lin Juan to audition alone, which was equivalent to a hidden SSS-level opportunity.

Not to mention that Lin Juan is still her male god. When I was dreaming before, I dreamed that Lin Juan auditioned for her alone, and he was very gentle...

Now the dream is about to come true? !

"Okay, then you have a good rest, hurry up and book a ticket for coming tomorrow, don't be too nervous, don't worry, the company will train you well..."

Bai Qinghuan didn't even know how she hung up the phone. After hanging up, she sat on the bed in a daze for a while, and suddenly opened her mouth and screamed desperately: "Ah!!!!"

After yelling, she jumped up, got out of bed and ran outside, just in time to meet her parents who rushed over: "Huanhuan, what's the matter..."

"Dad!!!" Bai Qinghuan rushed into Father Bai's arms: "I succeeded!! I succeeded!!!"

Father Bai looked confused, but he was relieved to see that his precious daughter was fine and excited, and said amusedly, "What's wrong? Didn't you win the championship? Which crew did you successfully interview for?"

Mother Bai also patted Bai Qinghuan in a funny way, and said with some jealousy: "Okay, we're all big girls now, let go of your dad."

Daughter and mother are eternal rivals in love.

Bai Qinghuan didn't care, and after letting go of Bai's father, she hugged her mother excitedly, and said, "I just received a call from Teacher Qingyu, she said that director Lin appointed me to audition for the heroine of his new play tomorrow! !"

"Director Lin? Which Director Lin?" Father Bai didn't react immediately, but Mother Bai did: "Director Lin...can it be Lin Juan?"

"It's really Lin Juan?" Father Bai also became agitated all of a sudden, Bai Qinghuan couldn't speak, and nodded violently with tears in his eyes.

"Ouch!!!" Father Bai also became excited, but after all, he was a man, a middle-aged man, and he quickly grasped the key point: "My God, my daughter is amazing, by the way, then you order her!" Do you have a ticket for tomorrow?"

"No." Bai Qinghuan let go of Bai's mother and shook her head. Bai's father said quickly: "I'll help you book a ticket and ask your mother to accompany you tomorrow. You and your mother should pack your luggage quickly. Don't be nervous tomorrow. Take out your The mentality during the audition."


Tonight, the entire Bai family was in a state of excitement and surprise, but because the matter had not been confirmed yet, and because they were afraid of offending Lin Juan, the whole family kept their mouths shut and there was no rumor.

Bai Qinghuan and Bai's mother took the direct flight from Tianfu to Tianhai, and fortunately there was a flight, otherwise Bai's father would have to drive his daughter overnight.

On the sixth day of the day, at one o'clock in the afternoon, Bai Qinghuan and Bai Mu came to the Chenguang Building nervously...

"Teacher Bai Qinghuan, hello.


As soon as he entered Chenguang, a young man came over to say hello politely, Bai Qinghuan quickly waved his hand and said, "Don't call me teacher, just call me Qinghuan."

She was frightened by her flushed face when she was called by a teacher.

The young man smiled and thought it was quite interesting. In fact, he is already used to calling an actor a teacher or a brother. There is no way, the status is high, and you have to have a respectful name. If you don’t have a certain status and call someone by their name, in case you meet a narrow-minded person who thinks you disrespect him...

Staff like them can't afford to be hurt.

"Come with me, Director Lin is waiting for you." The young man walked forward as he said that, he was still thinking in his heart as he walked, hoping that this girl would be chosen, she is beautiful, cute and polite, and it is easy to make people like her.

"Thank you." Bai Qinghuan hurriedly thanked her, then took her mother's hand and followed.

I'm going to see Lin Juan soon!

All the way up to the sixth floor, in a studio, Bai Qinghuan saw Lin Juan, who was sitting in an office with busy staff members, holding a cup of coffee and seriously watching a cut-shot.

"Director Lin, Teacher Qing Huan is here."

Bai Qinghuan blushed from behind, and dared not speak.

How dare she call her a teacher in front of Lin Juan, this little brother must be hurting me! !

"Well, come in." Lin Juan came back to his senses, raised his head and smiled and said to Bai Qinghuan and the others with a gentle attitude.

After glancing at the little brother resentfully, Bai Qinghuan hurriedly dragged his mother into the office.

"Hello, Auntie." Lin Juan first got up and greeted Bai Mu with a smile. Bai Mu was actually a little nervous. She just turned 40 years old and took good care of herself. Standing with Bai Qinghuan even looked like sisters.

"Hi, thank you, Director Lin, for giving our family Qinghuan this opportunity. We are all fans of your movie." Mother Bai said with a smile.

People always subconsciously feel awe in front of other people who decide their own destiny.

"It's Qing Huan who is good enough." After Lin Juan replied, he set his sights on Bai Qing Huan, and as always, he didn't intend to do too much entertainment.

His eyes were very serious, and he looked at Bai Qinghuan carefully. From head to toe, Bai Qinghuan was tense and on his toes, with no place to put his hands, but he still pretended to be calm and looked at Lin Juan. She knew that the interview had already started.

"Please turn around and let me have a look." Lin Juan said gently.

When Bai Qinghuan heard the words, she subconsciously began to turn around, without even realizing why she was turning around. Only after turning around did she realize that Lin Juan was looking at her figure.

A heart thumps and thumps.

To be honest, if it was another director, Bai Qinghuan would have thought that he was attracted to him, but as far as Lin Juan was concerned, Bai Qinghuan knew enough about Lin Juan.

She is a little girl.

"Let's try changing into an ancient costume." Lin Juan said with a smile, Bai Qinghuan nodded, swallowed, but still didn't dare to speak.

She was too nervous in front of Lin Juan! A pair of eyes are like a deer, closely watching Lin Juan's every move.

Lin Juan walked out of the office first, thinking about some bad thoughts...

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