Full-level Director

Chapter 298 Setting of

"Sister Tina, can you sign for me?"

While an old actor was reading the lines aloud, Bai Qinghuan whispered to Diritina who was sitting beside her, her eyes sparkling.

Seriously, this girl has a lot of female fans, just like Hu Sheng has a lot of male fans. It's nothing to attract the opposite sex. If she can attract a huge number of same-sex fans, it means that this person really has something to offer. Especially for creatures like girls.

Tina first looked at Bai Qinghuan with a surprised expression, then she showed a friendly smile and whispered, "Of course it's no problem, do you want it now?"

"Enn." Bai Qinghuan nodded, handed over her notebook, and at the same time listened distractedly to the progress of the current lines. After this period of time, she almost memorized the entire script, and the script was also written thickly. thick notes.

Only Hu Sheng and her have this kind of treatment to get the complete script in advance.

After signing, Diritina didn't care about having more exchanges with Bai Qinghuan, and hurriedly listened carefully to the content of the current play.

Among other things, it is also a reward for these old actors to get together to talk about their understanding of the drama, and she has auditioned so many times, starting from Lin Juan's first "Journey to the Center of the Earth" until now , finally there is a movie that wants her, so how could she not be serious.

And Bai Qinghuan began to listen carefully after getting the signature and joy. She had never felt this kind of atmosphere before, and she was really nervous.

But for Su Muzhe on the other side, he was more focused than anyone else.

His family is not considered rich, but he is not short of money. He does not have too much pressure in life. His only ideal is to act. He is a type of drama idiot. He is crazy about acting. Now he has signed a contract. Chen Guang joined Lin Juan's new play again, the excitement and pressure were really beyond what ordinary people can imagine.

The meeting went on like this, and it was still the same as before. The actors read the script and could propose ideas, but the final decision-making power must be with Lin Juan.

The sparks that come out of everyone's communication are good and bad, some are good but some drag the rhythm, Lin Juan has to make a choice in this.

As the meeting progressed, Lin Juan showed them several sub-cameras. There was a lone peak floating in the sky, covered with green vegetation and flowing water. Surrounding the lone peak were exquisite but Magnificent ancient Chinese architecture.

This lone peak is huge in size, and there are dozens of small peaks suspended around it. From tens of meters above the ground, the branches are arranged in a patchwork manner on the lone peaks suspended more than 100 meters away.

"This is Daozong." Lin Juan pointed to the picture on the PPT and said. The people present either showed shock or longing, or squinted their eyes to watch carefully, and all their attention was focused on this picture, this scene It's so beautifully done, but I don't know if it's just a gimmick with one or two shots, or it will be fully arranged.

"This is the alien beast Chi Yan."

"This is the strange beast Cangming."

"This is the strange beast Bai Ze, Corroding Dragon, Suzaku, Earth Spirit..."

One picture after another, there are different beasts. Among them, the land spirits are the spirits of vegetation, mountains and rocks. There are cute ones, some fierce ones, and different shapes. One of them is counted as one. With Lin Juan's introduction, his heart is gradually shocked .

The surrounding setting alone is already so huge, so how detailed is this movie.

Is this the big crew?

"In order to help everyone understand the characters better,

Let me introduce the background of the story to you in detail, but for the sake of confidentiality, the more core things will not be revealed here. After I finish the background, the actors who have finished the script in their hands can leave the scene early. After going out, please Strictly abide by the confidentiality agreement, otherwise we will be held accountable according to law, thank you for your cooperation. "

After Lin Juan finished speaking in one breath, some of the actors looked calm, some showed regret and disappointment, and some had smiles on their faces, with different expressions. Lin Juan didn't care about it, and there were too many people talking. The secrecy does not need to be at the level of the alliance, but the secrecy level of this kind of project also needs to be very strict, otherwise it will cause huge harm.

As for the background of the story...

A brief introduction is required when filing a movie. This cannot be kept secret, but it is not too important.

"This is an era when spiritual energy is gradually recovering. When it comes to recovery, let's talk about how it is exhausted..."


With the passage of time, fewer and fewer people stayed in the rehearsal room, and the scripts in the hands of many people were only a thin page or two. After more than two hours, Dilitina got up and read clearly. After finishing his last lines, holding the script, he looked at Lin Juan with big eyes with some trepidation, and even bit his lips out of habit.

Lin Juan thought about it carefully, then nodded, and said with a smile, "Yes, then do you have any suggestions for your role?"

Dilitina also smiled, she looked very sweet when she smiled, showing her white teeth, she covered her mouth in surprise: "Really? I have no objection, the script is very good, thank you Director Lin for giving me this opportunity."

Lin Juan looked at her with a smile and encouraged, "Come on."

While speaking, he smiled and glanced at Bai Qinghuan next to him. The two people appearing in the same scene is really pleasing to the eye.

"Thank you, Director Lin, then I'll go back first." Dilitina said with a smile, the people who were still in the rehearsal room at this time were actually only talking about the leading actors.

Lin Juan nodded, and then began to host the next scene.

It is worth mentioning here that the completion of the lines does not necessarily mean that the role has been completed, and there may be some places in the future that require the actor to appear on the scene.

Dilitina bid farewell to the reluctant Bai Qinghuan in a low voice, and walked outside with her things on her back. Before going out, she turned her head to look at Lin Juan on the stage, with a hint of expectation in her heart.

[If one day, I can also act as the heroine in one of his movies, that would be great. 】

This kind of rule that you have to leave when you have no lines is actually quite uncomfortable, because the person who leaves first will be particularly unwilling.

Diritina opened the door and walked out, showing a sweet smile to the agent waiting outside, and said excitedly: "You know, Director Lin's script is super interesting, I really like this script..."

In the bright March, she smiled with sunshine on her face.

A few more hours passed, and at nine o'clock in the evening, the entire script seminar was over. After Lin Juan said goodbye to Hu Sheng and the others, he took Li Qingyu back to the hotel room.

Li Qingyu came to the rehearsal room at around six o'clock in the afternoon, and stayed with Lin Juan until the end. Of course, Lin Juan had nothing to keep secret about Li Qingyu. It was crazy to say that she knew all the hairs on her body. Clearly there is nothing wrong with that.

During this period of time, Li Qingyu was trying to take over Lin Juan's studio. The transfer of funds and projects took her a lot of effort, and she was happy even when it gave her a headache.

After all, this is their family business.

After writing in a cloud, the two hugged each other without speaking, enjoying the peaceful but beautiful atmosphere. After a while, Li Qingyu suddenly asked with jealousy: "When are you going to take pictures of me? Movie."

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