Full-level Director

Chapter 306 Let the world know

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Full Level Director Chapter 306 Let the world know

"Walter? Lin, did I hear you right? Are you really going to vote for him?"

"Yes, that's right, don't you think his performance is very interesting?" Lin Juan sat in front of the computer, watching the video of Holland's interview with a smile on his face.

Should it be a coincidence? Among the three versions of Spider-Man in the system, Lin Juan still likes this one the most. Among the three versions, some people performed Spider-Man's responsibility and spirit, and some people performed Spider-Man's weakness and strength. In fact, this one is the least like a spider. Xia's, there is no taste of 'Xia'.

But he's real, a boy from the neighborhood who has acquired superpowers.

And the others, he can help him.

After all, that's what he does.

"Hey, Lin, I think you should think again, we have better candidates."

"No, it's just him, I like him, come on Jimmy, take it easy, you should trust me." Lin Juan said with a smile, Jimmy over there was silent for a while and then said: "Okay, I lost, maybe You should direct the movie yourself."

"You know I don't have time."

"Lin, if you want to choose him, I don't trust other directors except you."

"Relax, I will keep an eye on it, there will be no problem, don't forget that I still have investment."

"Okay, let's discuss the heroine, who do you think is suitable among those actors?"



"Kristen Stewart." Lin Juan switched the video, and the official Kristin's audition record was played on the screen, with blond hair, wearing a school uniform, and holding a book.

The beauty is eye-catching.

Only such a woman is worthy of Spiderman's love at first sight.

To be honest, after watching the third version of Spider-Man, Lin Juan didn't remember what the heroine was like. This is actually the film's failure. Now that he wants to bring it out, of course he won't allow it to look like that again.

"That's a very good note.

"Jimmy nodded in agreement.

"Okay, that's for you Jimmy."

"rest assured."


After hanging up the phone, Lin Juan let out a sigh of relief. If he didn't have too many plans on his side, he would have wanted to direct Spider-Man, but it doesn't matter, he will always see him when he is filming League.

He is the chief director.


"Director Wu, come here, I'll toast you, haha, Director Wu, you've worked hard these days."

Tianhai Yueweixuan, there are four people sitting in a private room, three men and one woman, the protagonists are Bona Laoyu and director Wu Shanwu, the other man is Bona's production manager, he can only be regarded as an accompanying guest, and the last woman is It's a second-tier actress, the one with the lowest status among them.

"Hey, what's the hard work? I have to thank Mr. Yu for entrusting me with such a big project. This project is very interesting." Wu Shan said with a smile. Although he greeted people with a smile, he could feel a little reserved.

Great directors are so awesome!

In recent years, Chinese film talents have emerged in large numbers. Since the appearance of Lin Juan, it seems that the prelude to a great era has been kicked off. Excellent works have continued, and new directors have emerged one after another.

"Escape from the Solar System", "The Devourer" and "Fengshen" trilogy, the myth series "Demon Emperor", "Kingdom of Giants", "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" and so on, the quality of each is higher than the other, not to mention there are Lin Juan's alliance and Huaxia Film's global expansion plan that will be announced soon.

Directors are emerging one after another, and the status of Chinese films in the world film industry is constantly improving. Any aspiring director wants to stand at the forefront of this era and lead an era, and the status of directors is also constantly improving.

Lin Juan proved what a top director can bring to the company, and the entire director industry actually benefits, but in fact...

Many people don't think that they are really worse than Lin Juan.

"Where is it? This big project has to be controlled by a big director like Wu Dao. I don't feel relieved if it is replaced by other people. After all, our goal of Bona is to surpass the league." Old Yu said confidently.

Wu Shan shook his head and smiled, and said disapprovingly: "The Alliance series is indeed very successful and has achieved great results in the world, but the Mythology series has already appeared, and there are many fans around the world, especially in China. , The fan base is unparalleled, I don't think the word 'beyond' is used very well, at most it is a fair competition."

Old Yu pondered, we didn't drink much here, did we?

Although I hate Lin Juan in my heart, I hate that he can't use it, but in fact I still recognize Lin Juan's ability and the current influence of the alliance. , the alliance is now called the heyday.

But on the surface, Old Yu still nodded with a smile: "Director Wu is right, let's compete fairly."

Wu Shan, who is a director, has a keen sense of observation. He can see at a glance that Lao Yu's words are insincere. He smiled and said indifferently: "Chinese-language movies are the general trend. One day, our Chinese-language movies must occupy the world! "

"In terms of cultural charm, our Chinese nation has never lost."

What Wu Shan said was decisive, and it also aroused some enthusiasm in Lao Yu. He was the one who proposed the Myth Universe project at the beginning. It was the Myth Universe series that made Bona break out of the siege in that chaotic era and aspire to be one of the top five in China. One, now he is also counting on the mythical universe to bring Bona to the world!

How can a person who has reached his level in business have no ambition.

"Okay, because of this, I have to have a drink with Wu Dao."

The other two hurriedly toasted, and began to boast: "Director Wu is right, our Chinese culture is unique, and the mythical universe is in your hands, so you can definitely go to the world and open the door to the world in one fell swoop."

"Director Wu, I admire you too, and I offer you a toast."

Wu Shan raised his glass with a smile. After drinking the wine, Lao Yu asked with a smile, "Director Wu, where is the progress of the project? When is it expected to be completed?"

"Most of the shooting has been done, and the shooting period will end in another month."

"That's good. Let's set a better schedule after the filming is over. I think Lin Juan's "Sword Immortal" will definitely be found again." Lao Yu said with a smile while playing with his wine glass. It's heavy, last time "The Demon Emperor" won the league once at the domestic box office, but it was a league without Lin Juan, and there were no Chinese artists. This time it's different.

No one can face Lin Juan in the box office market.

"I'll find him as soon as I find him. Even if he doesn't find me, I will fight against him." Wu Shan narrowed his eyes and took a sip of his wine.

Last year at the Golden Dragon Awards, he won the best director, but the focus of the audience was on Lin Juan, who lost to him.

He wished he could sing a song about the eighteenth year, the school dance...

Why? I am also a great director! I am the winner! Just because your Lin Juan movie has a high box office?

Alright, let's see who has the higher box office!

This time we are all playing Chinese cultural movies, this is fair!

I want the world to know that there is not only one Lin Juan in the Chinese film industry!

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