Full-level Director

Chapter 325 Guarding the World (End of Sword Immortal)


There was a chuckle in the theater. This scene was too interesting. The fans wiped away the tears from the corners of their eyes and continued to look at the screen. Things are already like this, so let’s take revenge.

come on.

The old dragon asked in shock: "As a disciple of the Taoist sect, you don't know how to form a Taoist sect?"

"Is it strange? Then you are a dragon, why are you in the magma if you are not in the sea?" Hu Sheng asked flatly. After this incident, he seemed to be a different person, lifeless.

"..." The old dragon was silent for a while, then suddenly roared: "It's not your Daozong's fault!!!"


Hu Sheng agreed without emotion, then raised his head and asked, "Although I don't know how to do it now, but junior sister...she has performed it in front of me so many times, I will eventually be able to do it with more practice."

"Now tell me how to control that reality gem."

The giant dragon stared at Hu Sheng for a few seconds before replying: "Just use spiritual power to move it."

"So simple?"

"It's as simple as that, well, hurry up and find a way to get out, and undo the seal on my place as soon as possible."

As the old dragon spoke, he gradually sank into the lava and disappeared.

Hu Sheng silently watched the giant dragon disappear, spread his hands, and said softly: "Junior Sister...Master..."

The next shot is Hu Sheng learning Bai Qinghuan's previous hand gesture practice on the platform. After several failures, he finally succeeded the last time and opened the portal leading to the ground. After hesitating for a moment, he finally stepped into the in.

The scene changes, the ground, Hu Sheng's figure walks out of the void, the ground is full of scars, the camera zooms up, a huge palm print appears on the ground, the soil is a burnt color, and Hu Sheng's position is just next to the thumb.

A gust of wind blew by, and Hu Sheng gradually burst into tears.

【Ten years later】

A line of large characters appeared on the screen, and Hu Sheng called out a white robe, with stubble on his face, he looked more mature and vicissitudes, holding a jug in his hand, lying on his back on a big rock, the clear wine poured out Down.

It's actually plain water.

But fans don't know.

The camera is zoomed out, here is a tombstone, and it is written [Tomb of Daozong]

Hu Sheng turned around with hazy eyes, smiled slightly, sat up and muttered to himself: "Master, mistress, junior brother, junior sister, after today, I will come to you."

He touched the tombstone and spilled some more wine.

After looking at the tombstone gently for a few seconds, he got up, squeezed the sword formula in his hand, and rode the sword away in the wind. The Daozong was still full of scars under his feet.

The camera switches, and a wave of memory killing comes at this time.

In front of the Daozong main hall square, dozens of disciples danced their swords neatly, and the picture was pleasing to the eye. After the sword practice was over, Hu Sheng shook his belt and complained cynically: "Hey... this'Shen Gai Boy Sheng Ziyan' is too difficult to practice. It's..."

Su Muzhe answered with a smile: "Senior brother, Ziyan is just manifesting with aura..."

"I don't want to become a fairy anyway, besides, if the aura is exhausted today, only our Taoist sect still has a little aura because of the existence of the spirit stone... I, it is enough for me to live with our Luoer for hundreds of years, right? Luoer~"

Bai Qinghuan's cheeks flushed slightly: "I listened to brother Wei Yu, then I won't be a fairy either."

"So cute~"


A memory killing, the happy scene is in stark contrast to Hu Sheng's vicissitudes of life just now, and the audience who watched it smiled and felt a little sour and heavy in their hearts.

After the replay ended, Hu Sheng also came to the spirit stone, and the flying sword automatically disappeared in his sleeve robe.

"Although your Wanjianjue has been successfully completed, your aura is insufficient, so you must obtain the World Orb before using this move." The old dragon's voice sounded, Hu Sheng smiled slightly, and said: "Sure enough, it is the World Orb. The name sounds better."

"Okay, if there are no other questions, let's start, remember to follow the plan."

Hu Sheng nodded, looked up at the white cloudy sky, then lowered his head, his eyes became firm,

He opened his five fingers, a blue aura emerged from his body, and the sword came out.

The flying sword directly pierced through the spirit stone under Hu Sheng's gesture, and then the same commercial scene was performed, the yellow gemstone emerged, blooming with misty brilliance, and a wave of air hit, and then the beam of light shot straight into the sky, and the sky instantly became dark. A vortex begins to appear.

The flying sword in front of Hu Sheng floated in the air, and an air shield emerged from the tip of the sword, blocking the impact here. He gritted his teeth and pushed forward step by step.

The screen was full of flying sand and rocks, and the vision was dim. It was not until the yellow beam of light disappeared that the air wave slowly subsided.

"It's now!" Hu Sheng rushed towards the Lingshi quickly, and the next second, a blue beam of light flew towards him.


An explosion sounded, and Hu Sheng was directly blown away, rolling down not far away.

"Who is it again?"

With the same thick voice, the Heavenly Soldiers appeared again, and soon they were densely packed.

Hu Sheng raised his head and smiled and replied: "A Taoist disciple, Zhang Weiyu."

Alone, facing the sky filled with immortals and gods.

"It's still not dead yet?" The voice was a little surprised.

Hu Sheng didn't answer, just stood up, the flying swords circled around him, split into eleven swords, and then looked up at the sky.

"Stubborn... kill."

Dark clouds destroyed the city, and soldiers from all over the sky rushed to slaughter them, like a wave, which may submerge the earth at any time, let alone Hu Sheng, who is as small as an ant in the panoramic view at this moment.

"hold head high!!"

However, just when the Heavenly Soldiers rushed to the half of the screen, the ground suddenly split open, and a five-clawed golden dragon roared, swaying in the sky and rushing towards the sky.

"Go!" The roar of the old dragon shook the world! At the same time, the sky immediately covered with dark clouds, thunder flashed, and strong winds blew up.

This is not over yet, the old dragon breathed out a mouthful of dragon breath, a pillar of fire immediately shot straight into the sky, and then spread out suddenly in mid-air, becoming a raging flame sweeping the heaven and earth, enveloping the heavenly soldiers.

The picture is shocking.

On the ground, Hu Sheng rushed towards the gem and grabbed the gem, but the gem was shining in his hand, and he screamed in an instant.

"Hmph." An angry snort sounded: "I didn't expect that there are still dragons left in the world, and today I will let you dragons go to the dragon stage again!"

A big hand descended from the sky, and tightened its five fingers to grab the old dragon.

"hold head high!!"

The old dragon let out a roar, and the sky was full of thunder, and they all fell towards the giant hand. It also breathed out the breath of the dragon, and the heavenly soldiers kept falling down, but the hand was fine and kept going down. , Seeing this, the old dragon roared again, then rushed straight into the sky, and bumped into the giant hand with a bang. Its originally huge body was as small as a loach in front of the giant hand, and it couldn't stop it at all.

"You bastard Taoist disciple! Are you alright!!" The old dragon roared angrily, but did not respond.

The old dragon was still trying his best, and just when the giant palms were about to close together, a sound spread all over the place.

"Wan! Sword! Jue!"

The camera finally came to Hu Sheng. At this time, the robe on his body was windless and automatic, and the yellow gemstone of reality shone between his eyebrows.

Just a close-up shot, the next moment, the sky shakes, mountains rise from the ground, water boils, vegetation flutters, and thick swords form in the air.


"Ah!!!" Hu Sheng roared with red eyes, and in the next second, under the wide-angle lens, the huge sword with a handle rose like a cannonball! The sound of cracking rocks makes one's scalp tingle, the air is full of vacuum ballistics like countless bullet holes, and in the dark world, those swords are colorful.


"Boom boom boom!!!"

It's all burning special effects.

For the first time, the hand was repelled, and the heavenly soldiers died in pieces. The audience gasped, this is not Wanjian Jue, this is completely a missile wash.

The old dragon took the opportunity to escape and flew back to Hu Sheng.

Hu Sheng panted heavily and looked at the sky closely. After the smoke and dust cleared, there seemed to be so many heavenly soldiers all over the sky, and the bloody vortex kept sending people to him, and there was no wound on that hand...

"You can actually control gems?" The voice in the sky was dignified.

"Isn't it possible to control it with only aura?" Hu Sheng rebuked him.

"People without talent will only be swallowed by gems."

Hu Sheng glared at the old dragon, and the old dragon replied awkwardly: "I don't know..."

"Hand over the gems, and I can spare your lives."

Hu Sheng turned his head and looked up at the sky again, and said calmly: "Why don't you dare come down and say this to me?"

There was silence in the sky, and after a long time, there was another angry snort: "You are stubborn, I don't believe you can completely control the gems now!"

As he said that, the giant hand pressed down again with this incomparable momentum.

Hu Sheng looked at the sky, and the screen switched to Memory Killing again.

In the Peach Blossom Forest, Hu Xu and Li Jiao played the youth version of the male and female protagonists.

"Brother Wei Yu, Luoer will marry you in the future, okay?"

"Marry me? Then, don't I want to be controlled by my wife every day like my master? Don't, I will become a generation of heroes in the future."

"No, no, I won't do that, Luo Er will always support you."

"That doesn't work either. The relationship between children and others affects people most in the rivers and lakes."

"Ah...but Luo Er really likes Brother Wei Yu."

"Then... If I become a generation of heroes in the future, I will forcefully marry you, right?"

"Really!? Brother Wei Yu is the best!"


After the memories were over, Hu Sheng smiled slightly and said softly, "Luo Er, your brother Wei Yu is going to be a hero today."

After he finished speaking, he raised one hand to the sky, and the melodious accompaniment became more intense. Many people in the theater were already teary-eyed, and their vision was covered by tears.

"No!!" There was a roar from the sky, and then Hu Sheng's movements were completely unaffected, and his palm moved from left to right...

The gem radiated bright light. Wherever his palm went, the heavenly soldiers disappeared without a trace like a painting on a drawing board being erased by an eraser. Only after meeting the big hand, there was a little resistance. However, under the blue energy After rushing towards Hu Sheng, with a scream, that hand also turned into a phantom and disappeared.

"No!!! You remember!" A roar came from the vortex, and then the vortex slowly disappeared, and the sky returned to clear.


"This wave of memory killing is so heartbreaking."

"Wake up, this is a normal operation for Lao Hu."

"This gemstone is amazing, where are the other gemstones?"

"In addition to this, it seems that the Space Gem and the Soul Gem have appeared, and there are three that have not yet come out."

"Finally won..."

"This dragon has all the laughs."


The weather was calm, the old dragon fell to the ground at once, wagged its tail lazily, and sighed comfortably: "It's finally over, you should quickly restore the spiritual energy in the world."

"En." Hu Sheng nodded, the yellow gem appeared, he waved his head, and a burst of blue air gushed out, like a gust of wind blowing in an instant.

The camera shows the mountain villages and fields outside, and the invisible wind sweeps across. Some people seem to feel something and look up at the sky, but they can't feel anything after all.

"The spiritual energy is already recovering. In the next few hundred years, some people with extraordinary power will gradually be born in the world. If they face the invasion of the outside world, they will not be powerless to resist." The old dragon's gentle voice sounded, and Hu Sheng clicked. Nodding, the yellow gem flew to the old dragon.

"What are you doing?"

"I will take care of the gems. I have used the power of the gems to seal the Heavenly Palace. They will never come to our world again." Hu Sheng said, showing a vicissitudes of life smile: "I should also go to accompany the master, sister and the others." gone."

"I can't grasp the gems, and you think it's over after you set the seal?"

Hu Sheng frowned: "How do you say?"

"They will come back..." The old dragon's deep voice sounded, and the screen gave it a close-up.

Then the screen went dark.

Announcing the end of the film, there was a burst of discussion at the premiere scene, followed by applause gradually.

At this time, the mood of the movie fans is a bit complicated. If you say this movie is cool, it is really cool, the special effects are shocking, and the plot is tight, but it is just Chen Luo, who really abused the fans. Such a well-behaved, sensible and cute girl, at the last moment of her life Choosing to give hope of life to the male protagonist, how can it make people not feel bad?

At the same time, Jin Jie's approach is also very controversial. He obviously has no certainty of victory, so why should he risk everything to fight and cause the entire Taoist sect to perish.

But in fact, many people understand.

In wars since ancient times, no one can be sure of victory. Standing in Jin Jie's position, the pressure is too great. This has been the last hope for thousands of years.

The theater was very quiet except for a few discussions. There was no applause, no cheers, and even the lights in the studio were not on. Everyone took it for granted, because this is an alliance and there are easter eggs.

Sure enough, after the end of the film, the easter eggs arrived as promised.

"How did you come back?" Hu Sheng appeared again, and the old dragon circled around and flew up again, slowly swimming in the air.

"Every thousand years or so, the Nine Realms will converge. When the Nine Great Worlds converge, the barriers of countless small worlds in the universe will become weak. At that time, even if there are world gem seals, they will break out of the boundary... ..."

"So you can't die, the world needs you." The old dragon stared at Hu Sheng with big lantern eyes.

Hu Sheng stared at the gemstone with a hesitant expression on his face. The old dragon flew to his side, entangled him and said, "And you forgot, I told you that there are six major gemstones in this world. If you find the time gemstone, you can Travel through time and space, and go back to save the entire Daozong before the accident."

Hu Sheng's pupils dilated instantly, and he quickly turned to look at Lao Long: "What you said is true?"

"You have also felt the power of the Reality Gem, I won't lie to you."

"Okay! I, Zhang Weiyu, will guard the world! One day, I will definitely find the time gem!"

This easter egg finally ended with Hu Sheng's firm face, and the fans were shocked. While thinking about where the time gem was, they were about to stand up and applaud, but found that the lights in the theater were still off, and Lin Juan and the leading actors were also sitting peacefully. Just when he was at a loss, large characters appeared on the screen again.

"Don't go away, there are easter eggs!"

The screen disappeared, the subtitles appeared, and the fans were in an uproar...

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