Full-level Director

Chapter 328 I must watch the mythical universe!

"Oh~ I'm startled."


On the screen, when the fog dissipated and the screen rotated 90 degrees to appear a dragon staring at the screen, the people in the theater were basically startled. It was like a horror movie, with shadows of more than thirty people sitting There was a panic in the hall.

Zheng Yunhao was also taken aback, Han Mina took a look and said with a smile: "This picture is not bad, Yunhao xi."

"It's not bad, but in terms of scaring, our country's horror movies are much better than China's."

"Director Lin Juan made horror movies when he first debuted. You can watch them if you are interested, and you can find them on paid websites." Han Mina smiled sweetly and said, "The story is exciting and scary, but if you allow It’s fine if Haoxi is scared, I was also scared when I watched it.”

"Just kidding, how scary can a horror movie made by Huaxia people be? I'll watch it tomorrow."

"Well, then I'll discuss the plot with you tomorrow~"



The movie continued, what the old dragon said surprised everyone in the theater, and after a dispute, the heroine came to find the hero again, and the two came to Luoxing Slope, their figures overlapped with them when they were hours later, which moved the fans unceasingly , and then from here, a shocking journey began. The successive battles made people watch with all their heart. Even Zheng Yunhao didn't have the energy to complain when he was watching. This special effect is really beautiful.

However, when the heroine died, he exposed the foul language: "Axi! Why did you let her die? Is there something wrong with the director? And that old man, why did he beat him when he couldn't beat him? Is there shit in his head?"

Excited, he showed his true colors, until he turned his head and saw Han Mina, he froze suddenly, and said with a smile: "The plot is too bad, I'm sorry."

This time Han Mina was rarely angry... because she was also very angry with tears in her eyes, but she didn't feel that the plot was bad. In fact, if you stand in Jin Jie's perspective, the depression of thousands of years, as the only person who knows, the pressure It's just too scary.

He would rather fight, and lose happily, and the information is not equal, which led him to think that breaking the spirit stone is enough, which is also the key factor.

Until the end of the movie, the following plot made the audience in the theater cry several times. Only when Hu Sheng won in the end, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Classified as a proper bad movie.

"Phew... the ending was really too hasty, Minaxi, why don't you leave after it's over?" Zheng Yunhao asked in surprise after complaining.

"There are also Easter eggs." Han Mina explained. Zheng Yunhao looked around and found that, as expected, most of the people in the theater hadn't left. This kind of experience was also very novel to him.

"Ah... so, Minaxi, what do you think of this movie?" Zheng Yunhao asked, Han Mina took a sip of Coca-Cola, and Zheng Yunhao couldn't help focusing his eyes on the way that her mouth was pursed.

"Although it made me cry a few times, it's great." Han Mina nodded in approval. It varies from person to person. Anyway, she thinks the plot is compact, the story is clear, the emotional drama is touching, and the special effects are shocking. Gram is worse, and better.

"I don't think it's good. It's not as good as "The Witch" that was released in our country a while ago, but it's fine if you like Minaxi." Zheng Yunhao said with a smile, thinking that the words were very decent, but in fact...

Han Mina showed a polite smile and rolled her eyes wildly in her heart, she really wronged you for letting you watch this movie.

After a while, the easter eggs came out. After watching the two easter eggs, Han Mina was excited. All the heroes in the next movie will come out. I am really looking forward to it. And listening to the old dragon, Daozong still has a chance to be rescued, which is also great. The perfect ending, and the last shot of Hu Sheng Panlong is too handsome!

However, when she was very excited, Zheng Yunhao complained again: "What kind of messed up plot is this, are both sides fighting at the same time... It is better to perish together,

The world should be saved by us, the Republic of Korea. "

He might be joking, but Han Mina felt as if she was being poured down by a bucket of cold water in an instant, and she was speechless...

At this time, Zheng Yunhao smiled and invited again: "Minaxi, it's getting late, are you hungry? Let's have a midnight snack together and I'll take you back."

Han Mina glanced at him slightly sideways, and she completely saw through the smallness in Zheng Yunhao's heart.

Just kidding, women who have lived to twenty-five have experienced and seen men's routines, which are really more than ordinary men. The key depends on whether she is willing to cooperate.

He glanced at Zheng Yunhao with a half-smile, and Han Mina nodded with a smile in his uneasy eyes.

That's okay, let's take this opportunity to make it clear that this kind of arrogant, vain and stingy man, even if he is a fresh meat, my wife is not interested.

So, Zheng Yunhao was forced to lie down at the food stall that night, and then Han Mina took a picture of the money at the checkout and walked away...


South Korea, island country, Thailand...

In dozens of countries and regions, countless movie fans walked into the theaters tonight, crazy about the alliance and the mythical universe, and it was the same in Mainland China. The foreign alliance had a slight advantage, while in China...

Countless movie fans have been looking forward to a mature and systematic mythical universe movie coming out, that kind of inner expectation...

Bona Films has achieved this. Even if some series are not good, there are some successful ones. Before the rise of the alliance, Bona’s mythical universe was the well-deserved hegemony in China. Even if other companies make mythological series, there is no Bona research. thorough.

Now Bona has absorbed the essence of the alliance model and started to engage in linkage. This time, the domestic expectations of "War of the Lich" are really no worse than that of the alliance. Foreign countries must be dominated by the alliance, and that is also true. We Chinese people are stubborn, and stubbornly proud of our own culture.

So tonight, the situation in the country is unprecedentedly large. Before the two movies were released, the hot search was full of movie theaters. The arrival of the movie.


"Chen Yang, you really don't want to watch "Sword Immortal" with us? This is also the Chinese style."

The same four buddies from the university, although it is summer vacation, but two of them have come back after a trip home, because they have part-time jobs, and now they are also meeting to watch the premiere of two movies together.

"I said before that if I die, I won't watch "Sword Immortal" to contribute to the box office of the enemy. You just go and watch it." Chen Yang said with his head raised.

The other three people looked at each other and sighed helplessly. Some of them entered the pit from the captain, and some only entered the pit from Iron Man. Become a fan of the alliance, there are more than 200 people in this theater today, it is an unprecedented grand scene, many people support the peripherals of the movie with themselves.

The three of them also had posters and dolls of Xiao Jiuwei and Xiaolong in their hands, all of which they had just bought, and Hu Sheng couldn't afford to buy them.

"Why don't you watch "Sword Fairy" with us, and we will watch "The Lich" with you tomorrow?" Someone suggested, but Chen Yang shook his head stubbornly: "No, I must watch "The Lich"! I, Lin Juan, am all black, suppressing the domestic Mythology Universe for my own benefit, and I will never watch his movies in my life."

"It wasn't Bona's people who hacked him first, you don't understand."

"I don't care. Alright, I'll go in first after the ticket check." Chen Yang turned and left. He had waited for more than ten years for the hope of the rise of the mythical universe. No matter what, he had to watch it.

"Forget it, leave him alone."


The other three sighed, looked at each other, and walked to the ticket gate on the other side. They were also firm in their alliance.

And here, Chen Yang followed the flow of people into the movie hall of "The Lich". He was filled with excitement when he saw the continuous stream of mythical fans holding hand-made posters and so on.

Mythological universe, here I come! !

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