Full-level Director

Chapter 335 Standing Behind You


After walking a block, Lin Juan's chaotic thoughts gradually calmed down. 35xs

It was cool to take that step, but imagine what followed.

Very turbulent.

As Jimmy said, if several major Hollywood companies unite, the American actors in the alliance today may not dare to appear in the alliance series again, and there is no reason for them to ruin their future careers for a movie.

Another one, the three movies that the other party is currently filming have to find a way to solve it. If the other party is allowed to continue filming, you don’t need to think about it. Juan felt that this matter could be salvaged, and the other party's most willing way should be to withdraw the investment.

There is also the matter of being banned. Hollywood's global distribution network should be the best. If they are targeted, the alliance's global film production must be a problem.

how to solve these problems

Lin Juan stood on the street in a foreign country, looking at all the foreigners, at this moment, he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Ah, are you Director Lin Juan?" Suddenly, a strange voice sounded beside him, using his most familiar mother tongue.

Lin Juan looked back and saw two little girls with travel bags on their backs looking at him in surprise. They had black hair, yellow skin, and dark eyes.

This is compatriots.

One of the two girls is slightly fat, the other is of normal figure and ordinary, and both of them have ordinary appearance.

Even though Lin Juan is in a bad mood now, the feeling of being able to hear his mother tongue at this time is indescribable. He nodded with a smile and said, "Yes, I am, hello."

"Ahhhhhhhhh" the little girl covered her mouth excitedly, then said, "Lin Juan, I like your movie so much, can you take a photo with me? It would be the best if you can sign it."

Lin Juan smiled and nodded in agreement, and the little girl couldn't hide her excitement when signing the autograph: "Director Lin, are you here to promote Sword Immortal in the United States? It’s super good-looking and many Americans are also watching it”

Lin Juan listened with a smile, nodded with a smile after they finished speaking, and said, "It's just you two, please be careful, and remember to call the embassy if you need anything."

"Don't worry."

"Wow, I actually got director Lin's care." The two little sisters were very excited.

After taking a photo together, both of them waved to Lin Juan with a smile and said, "Come on, Lin Juan, we will always support you."

Lin Juan waved to them with a smile, watching their figures turn back three times, Lin Juan lowered his head and smiled again.

Yes, I have my motherland behind me and countless compatriots, so what am I afraid of?

big deal

I won't serve you foreign movie fans anymore.

What a big deal.

Lin Juan took out his mobile phone and sent Li Lan a message. After sending the message, he put the phone back in his pocket.

I don't think about anything, I go back to sleep, the jet lag is still there.

It's a headache to think about, let's think about it later.

Thinking of this, Lin Juan flagged down a taxi, went back to the hotel he had booked long ago, and went to sleep. Although he had fallen out with Universal, he still had to attend the shows he was supposed to attend, and there were still He still couldn't return to China for the time being because he had to deal with the crew's affairs.

On Universal's side, as Lin Juan walked out of Universal's gate, a dark and fat figure walked over with a smile on his face.

"It looks like you didn't succeed." Ivor said with a smile standing beside Jimmy.

"You think you've made it?" Jimmy stared at the sunshine outside fascinated.

"Of course, now that I'm in charge of handling the company's new cinematic universe plans,

We have purchased the copyright of 38 superhero movies of D Comics for ten years, and Universal will start a new era under my leadership. "Ivory said proudly.

Jimmy ignored him, just looked at the sunshine outside and said, "The company will regret it."

"What did you say"

Jimmy looked outside, remembering what Lin Juan said before leaving, he turned his head to look at Ivor and said, "Maybe the whole of Hollywood will regret it."

"How could it be up to him?" Ivor couldn't help laughing, feeling that this was the most absurd joke he had ever heard in his life. He spread his hands and said mockingly, "I understand your anger after failure, but do you know what you are talking about?"

Jimmy said calmly: "You will know."

He didn't expect that after the failure, he would be so calm. In fact, he also felt that his words were crazy, but maybe he was unwilling, maybe because Lin Juan had created too many miracles in these years, he still said those words.

What happened next has nothing to do with him.

He turned and left, and to Hollywood, it was just another time they kicked someone out of Hollywood, nothing special.


A gust of wind blew by, raindrops hit the bedroom window, and a piercing bell rang. Lin Juan stretched out his hand to grab the phone sleepily, and the caller regained consciousness immediately, it was Li Lan.

"Hi, Aunt Lan." Lin Juan's voice was hoarse.

"Little Juan, what happened?" Li Lan's voice was serious. It was 7:08 a.m. China time, and she saw Lin Juan's message not long after she woke up.

Based on what she knew about Lin Juan, he wouldn't say that unless there was something important.

"It's like this, Aunt Lan." So Lin Juan turned on the lights in the room and began to tell Li Lan about Universal. After a few minutes, Li Lan concluded: "So now Hollywood wants to block the alliance globally, and Universal wants to break the contract and steal your money." Is it copyright?"

"Yes." Lin Juan secretly admired Li Lan's ability to summarize in his heart.

"These foreign devils," Li Lan said angrily.

"Where is he now?" Yang Lei's voice still sounded on the other end of the phone, and Li Lan quickly asked again: "Yes, Xiaojuan, where are you now?"

"I'm sleeping in the hotel." Lin Juan replied.

"You're still asleep. You should have told me earlier when this happened." Li Lan asked angrily and amusedly.

"It was too early in the country and no one went to work. I told you that you were also anxious." Lin Juan said with a smile, calm.

Li Lan is also speechless, you really can hold your breath.

"Okay, Xiaojuan, you should take a good rest first, I will contact Universal immediately, and at the same time, I will immediately take pictures of the company's legal team, and you don't have to worry about the next thing, we will take care of it." Li Lan Reassuring Lin Juan, Lin Juan didn't refute, but just said with a smile: "Aunt Lan, what can I do?"

This time, he was really angry.

"Do what you are good at, and then you go to the production crew after we have negotiated, and the three production crews want you to be steady." Li Lan said.

Lin Juan nodded and replied, "Okay."

"Well, Xiaojuan, don't worry, it's not just that they say they want to break the contract and block it. It's not about you alone. This time they are targeting the entire Huaxia Film."

"We will stand behind you."

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