Full level ruthless person

Chapter 115 Bloody Fight

Xigou took three steps and turned back. Amid Xiao Ahua's calls, he gritted his teeth and left heartily, feeling no where in his heart.

"㖞, Fang Zhixing!" Xigou chased after him and shouted urgently.

Fang Zhixing didn't squint his eyes, rode on his horse, and responded, "What's the matter?"

Xigou was silent for a moment and suggested, "How about we come back here to visit them often in the future?"

Fang Zhixing said calmly: "You can come if you like, no one will stop you."

After hearing this, Xigou secretly scolded Fang Zhixing for being cold-blooded and not caring about his old feelings at all.

Put yourself in someone else’s shoes…

From Fang Zhixing's perspective, he actually doesn't want to establish a long-term and intimate relationship with any woman.

First, it’s due to personality.

He couldn't even trust a dog, so how could he trust a woman.

Secondly, he is a dick.

For a bad guy, he is getting stronger almost at the speed of light, while other people's progress is as slow as a tortoise.

This leads to the fact that no normal person is qualified to be with a cheater for a long time, and they will be thrown away sooner or later.

In the end, everyone will just watch the dick soar into the sky, and they can only stay in place, helpless.

The only person who can accompany a dick is another dick.

Women, to Fang Zhixing, are more of a plaything to satisfy physiological needs.

Fang Zhixing didn't understand women, and he didn't have the heart to study them.

Only he, the little dog, knows what true love is.

One person and one dog have their own thoughts, walking on the same road from dawn to dusk.

On the way, they encountered a group of thugs who blocked the road and robbed them.

"He coaxes the widow with a knife, goes to sea and robs the ship. Killing people in the dark of the moon, and setting fire to the sky when the wind is high."

The mob was quite talented, and they started with a jingle.

Then, they were unilaterally massacred by Fang Zhixing, just like chopping melons and vegetables. They were all slaughtered cleanly.

The scene was a bit cruel, and the dog couldn't bear to look at it.

Oh, why are you messing with him?

Just as night falls.

Fang Zhixing and Xigou hurriedly and slowly arrived at the gate of the county town.

"Oh, isn't this Coach Fang?"

The guard at the gate saw Fang Zhixing and recognized him at first sight. He hurriedly ran forward with a smile on his face, nodding and bowing.

Fang Zhixing rode on his horse and glanced at the city gate.

The year is bad, the weather is cold, the snow is blowing, and the wind is blowing.

The simple porridge shack was still serving porridge, and the refugees were queuing up in the cold wind, their hands and feet turning purple from the cold and shivering.

Fang Zhixing turned a blind eye and asked calmly: "Brother, has anything major happened in the past month?"

The gate guard smiled and said, "Are you asking inside the city or outside the city?"

Fang Zhixing responded: "Let's talk about the city first."

The gatekeeper suddenly beamed with excitement and said excitedly: "In the city, the biggest thing is naturally that Lord Xu Xiang has issued a challenge to you. The big market has been open for a long time. The younger one took out three months' salary and bought it. You win!"

Xu Dazhi finally launched an open challenge.

Fang Zhixing was not surprised by this.

After all, the hatred of killing his son is there, and no one can swallow the bad breath.

Of course, the reason why Xu Dazhi dared to challenge was not impulsive, but more because he felt he could win.

"What about outside the city?"

"Yunhu Hall has changed owners!"

The gate guard laughed and said: "This Yunhu Mountain used to be the territory of Tieshanmen, but it was taken away by Heihumen. Now Tieshanmen has been snatched back from Heihumen!"

Fang Zhixing asked curiously: "Where is Zhuo Yuqiu, who is the new hall master?"

The guard guard replied: "I heard that Zhuo Yuqiu committed suicide after being defeated. The new hall master's surname is Cheng, and his name seems to be Cheng Tianen!"

Fang Zhixing narrowed his eyes slightly.


Xigou clicked his tongue and said, "Why is it that guy? I always thought he also died on that merchant ship."

Fang Zhixing took a deep breath, no longer hesitated, and immediately rode into the city.

Qinglin County is still prosperous.

Even on the streets at night, you can see people enjoying a rich nightlife everywhere.

Fang Zhixing went all the way back to the Yamen without stopping and entered his other courtyard.

Fang Zhixing opened the door and looked around.

Nothing changed in the room, including the letter on the table, which seemed to have never been touched.

He first put away his luggage, then lit the fire, and then threw the letter into the fire and burned it.

The night passed quickly.

The next morning, the weather was not bad.

Fang Zhixing appeared on the school grounds on time, causing a commotion instantly.

There is no airtight wall in the world.

These days, the news about Fang Zhixing's slaughter of Xu Xiaodao has already spread.

Later, the angry Xu Dazhi fell out and threatened to fight Fang Zhixing to the death.

This caused a lot of trouble.

Naturally, everyone is watching the excitement and is looking forward to the bloody battle.

Who would have thought...

Fang Zhixing suddenly left without saying goodbye and disappeared without knowing where he went.

So for a time, there were endless rumors that Fang Zhixing fled without fighting, and that Fang Zhixing was afraid of Xu Dazhi.

At this moment!

Fang Zhixing suddenly re-entered everyone's sight.

I saw that he became taller and stronger, full of momentum and majestic.

This makes people wonder if he has been hiding in seclusion for the past month to practice hard.

Practice hard for a month just to prepare for Xu Dazhi!

Does his reappearance mean that he is sure of victory?

Everyone's moods were ups and downs, and their thoughts were running wild.

"Meet Coach Fang!"

Three hundred archers from the archer camp saluted uniformly.

Fang Zhixing had no expression on his face, his eyes swept over everyone, he put his hands behind his back and said calmly: "How have you been training during my absence?"

Huang Dashun was the first to answer: "To tell you what to say, sir, we train hard, day and night, and never dare to slack off."

All the archers echoed in unison: "Train hard and never slack off!"

Fang Zhixing nodded and responded: "Then show me your training results."


Huang Dashun and others immediately entered the shooting range, aimed at the target, drew their bows and shot arrows.

According to Fang Zhixing's request, every time an arrow is shot, the number of rings hit by the shot is recorded.

Ten arrows is one round!

After three rounds of competition, the statistical results came out quickly.

Fang Zhixing looked at their results and found that only two of them barely reached the level of an intermediate average shooter.

Others have work to do.

Fang Zhixing called out these two men and promoted them to be small bosses.

Then, he quickly ended his inspection work and went to the general prosecutor's office.

"Brother, you're back!"

When Ding Zhigang saw Fang Zhixing, he was startled at first. After taking a closer look, he found that Fang Zhixing had changed a lot.

He immediately laughed, walked out quickly, and said enthusiastically: "Brother, I miss you so much."

Fang Zhixing cupped his hands and said, "Brother, how are you doing lately?"

"No, no, no, not good at all!"

Ding Zhigang waved his hand and said seriously: "In the days without you, brother, I am worried about you, don't think about food and tea, and feel uncomfortable all over."

Fang Zhixing's mouth twitched slightly, and he said with a faint smile: "I heard that Xu Dazhi and I have a big deal. Brother, if you talk so nicely, you won't lose if you buy me, right?"

"How can it be!"

Ding Zhigang said righteously: "I bought it without even thinking about it, brother, you win!"

Fang Zhixing crossed his hands on his chest and said, "You'd better really buy that I win, because I will definitely win."

Ding Zhigang couldn't help but tighten his face, and said with an awkward smile: "Of course you will win, brother, I'm counting on you to make a fortune."

"That's good!"

Fang Zhixing looked serious and said seriously: "No more joking, let me ask you something. I heard that Yunhu Hall has changed owners. What is the specific situation?"

Ding Zhigang took Fang Zhixing into the house, closed the door, and explained carefully:

"It is inevitable that Yunhutang will change its owner. The water here is very deep and involves a very complicated background."

"To put it simply, a family tree with deep roots and many clans is divided into clans and side branches, and the side branches will be divided into more side branches."

"With such a big family, it's natural that they can't be monolithic."

"For example, two branches may be independent of each other, compete with each other, or even hate each other."

"Tieshanmen is a subordinate force established by the county magistrate's branch."

"Black Tiger Gate is a subordinate force established by another branch."

"Unfortunately, the relationship between these two branches is very bad, which directly leads to the conflict between Tieshan Gate and Black Tiger Gate."

"The change of ownership of Yunhu Hall this time is actually the result of another overt and covert struggle between the two parties."

"But this time, our Lord County Magistrate strategized and received the full support of the Lord County Sheriff, so Tieshanmen easily recaptured Yunhu Hall."

After Fang Zhixing heard these words, he suddenly felt like the clouds were cleared.

He pondered: "I heard that the new hall leader is Cheng Tianen. How did he get the support of the county magistrate?"

Ding Zhigang shook his head and said: "The person who supports Cheng Tianen is not the county magistrate, but Miss Luo Qianqian."

Fang Zhixing took a breath and said in surprise: "Cheng Tianen is actually Luo Qianqian's man!"

"Not really. I can only say that this person named Cheng is really lucky."

Ding Zhigang smiled disdainfully and spoke eloquently.

It turns out that Luo Qianqian has been investigating the whereabouts of Luo Keyou and Luo Xiangpeng.

In the end, no one was found, but Cheng Tianen was found.

Cheng Tianen told Luo Qianqian with certainty that Luo Keyou and Luo Xiangpeng had both been killed, killed by the water monster.

This is what Cheng Tianen saw with his own eyes.

Afterwards, Cheng Tianen seemed to have seized the opportunity and entered into a relationship with Luo Qianqian.

Therefore, it was only a matter of Luo Qianqian's words for him to achieve success in the future.

Fang Zhixing quickly understood.

While they were chatting, a government official knocked on the door and came in, shouting: "Commander, someone from Sancha Town has come to report the crime. I have to clamor to see you."

Ding Zhigang immediately put his hand on his forehead and said with a headache: "Why is it Sancha Town again? I'm going to die!"

Fang Zhixing said in surprise: "Sancha Town is not far from the county seat. It seems to be only about a hundred miles away. What big case could happen there?"

"That's right!"

Ding Zhigang was convinced, and he spread his hands and said: "But, something happened to this Sancha Town, which has never been in trouble. People disappeared every three days, good people disappeared out of thin air, and no one was alive or dead, but no corpse. You said it was evil but not evil. ?”


Fang Zhixing couldn't help but trembled, and said with a serious expression: "Brother Ding, this may be a really big case."

Ding Zhigang was stunned for a moment and said in surprise: "Brother, don't scare me. I haven't encountered a big case in a long time."

Fang Zhixing responded: "When I went out this time, I happened to encounter a strange case, which also involved missing persons."

He narrated the story of demons and demons harming people in Daliu Village.


Ding Zhigang's breathing was stagnant, and his expression could not help but become serious.

After a while, he muttered to himself: "Is it really a black disaster?"

Obviously, this is not his first time dealing with demon cases and he has experience.

"Okay, let me check it carefully."

Ding Zhigang didn't dare to be careless, so he immediately left the room and went to see the people who reported the crime in person.

Fang Zhixing did not follow.

Everyone in the yamen should perform their duties and should not overstep their duties.

As long as Ding Zhigang didn't ask Fang Zhixing for help, Fang Zhixing would never meddle in other people's affairs, and vice versa.

"Hey, Coach Fang."

Suddenly, a familiar warm voice came.

Fang Zhixing turned his head to look, a smile immediately appeared on his face, and he lowered his attitude and said, "I have met Butler Wen."

Wen Yuwen looked at Fang Zhixing with a smile and said with his hands behind his back: "I haven't seen Coach Fang for a while. Where have you been?"

Fang Zhixing replied vaguely: "While practicing martial arts in my humble position, I suddenly gained some new insights, so I went out to practice for a month."

Wen Yuwen understood and said with a smile: "Are you preparing to fight Master Xu Xiang? Alas, Master Xu Xiang is really stubborn. It is obvious that his people are at fault first, and it is obvious that he is not strict in discipline, but he wants to spread his bad temper on you. On the body."

Fang Zhixing continued: "What the steward said is true, but even though Lord Xu Xiang is a lot unhappy with me, I still regard him as a colleague."


Wen Yuwen smiled with satisfaction and nodded: "Master Fang is broad-minded and thoughtful. With this mentality alone, you have already won half the battle with Master Xu Xiang."

Fang Zhixing smiled modestly, but said seriously: "Although I don't want to boast about my humble position, I have gained a lot after returning from experience this time. I'm afraid Xu Xiangzhu is no longer my opponent."

Wen Yuwen's expression changed slightly and he smiled and said, "Okay, Wen will wait and see."

When Fang Zhixing heard the words, he knew that this bloody battle could not be delayed any longer.

Then he called a yamen servant and ordered: "Go to Zhubing Hall and inform Master Xu Dazhixiang that we will be waiting for you at any time."

The yamen servant was overjoyed. This bloody battle between the two incense owners has been preheated for some time. Who doesn't want to watch it?

He ran away like crazy.


The news was received from the Zhubing Hall.

As expected, everyone was excited.

"Humph, he finally has the courage to come back."

Xu Dazhi sneered.

After he buried his adopted son Xu Xiaodao, he immediately sent a challenge message to Fang Zhixing, planning to have a duel between men and end it all.

But he didn't expect that Fang Zhixing would actually run away, which made him feel deep contempt and contempt for Fang Zhixing.


Killed my adopted son and ran away?

Xu Dazhi was very angry.

But he also knew very well why Fang Zhixing wanted to run away.

Although Fang Zhixing is in the Great Python Realm, at his age, he can survive the early stages of the Great Python Realm.

Fang Zhixing's most powerful killing move was simply his archery.

But in a public competition, Fang Zhixing was forced to engage in close combat with him.

No matter how powerful your archery skills are, it’s useless!

Because of this, Fang Zhixing only dared to make sneak attacks and did not dare to fight head-on. He had no choice but to run away.

"What's the point of running for a month? It's just to let you live one more month."

Xu Dazhi sneered and asked the yamen servant to take a message back.

"That's all, let's not pick an auspicious day. It's better to choose a day than to hit it. Today at noon on Ping'an Street, right where Xu Xiaodao was shot, Fang Zhixing and I will decide whether to win or not."

The news spread like wildfire and quickly spread throughout the city.

For a time, the people in the city were moved by the news and all rushed to Ping'an Street. The streets were almost deserted.

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