Full level ruthless person

Chapter 129 Tianyin

The thin dog wandered over, glanced at Lu Anfu who was walking away, and said silently:

"Congratulations on your revenge, you feel great, right? However, have you ever thought that your strength will be exposed as a result!"

Fang Zhixing smiled and asked, "Why was it exposed?"

Xigou said: "Lu Anfu knows it. If there is a first one, there will be a second one. Sooner or later, the news will spread."

Fang Zhixing shook his head and said decisively: "Lu Anfu won't tell anyone."

Xigou glared and said, "Can you control his mouth?"

Fang Zhixing chuckled and said, "If Lu Anfu tells it and lets others know that I beat him and that my strength is superior to him, what do you think will happen?"

Xigou blinked and said hesitantly: "Will he lose face?"

Fang Zhixing raised the corners of his mouth and said decisively: "Losing face is a small matter, but losing the black gauze hat is a big deal."

The thin dog suddenly came to his senses.

Think about it, in this world strength is respected.

According to the rules of Tieshanmen, the position of the Hall Master is not eternal. Anyone can challenge the Hall Master, and as long as he defeats the Hall Master, he can ascend to the throne.

In other words, as long as Fang Zhixing gets greedy, he can replace Lu Anfu at any time.

In the same way, Lu Anfu naturally knows this.

In order to keep his position as the leader of the hall, he would naturally not take the initiative to reveal Fang Zhixing's secrets, and would not tell anyone even if he was beaten to death.

"Haha, you are quite poisonous."

The little dog clicked his tongue, "Lu Anfu is a mute and eats Coptis chinensis this time. He can't tell the story of his suffering."

Fang Zhixing said disdainfully: "He was the one who provoked me in the first place. I didn't destroy him, so I'm being magnanimous. Looking at his behavior from now on, if he still doesn't know what he's doing, I can kill him at any time."

Xigou was convinced of this.

As a cheat, he has an extremely terrifying ability.

That is, as long as you are overtaken by the bad guy, you will never be able to overtake the bad guy again.

As long as you lose to the wall once, you will always be stepped on by the wall.


Fang Zhixing was in a good mood, turned around and walked out of the garden, entering the secret room of Xuanwu Pavilion again.

Looking at the four rows of bookshelves...

"The martial arts secrets of the giant bear series are no longer needed."

Fang Zhixing's gaze fell directly on the three rows of bookshelves: Black Turtle, Spirit Ape, and Shadow Leopard.

Xigou raised his neck and looked at it, and asked: "Which one to choose? According to your martial arts theory, 'power' is the core by default, and the other three points are all extensions and auxiliaries of the core. It doesn't matter which one you choose, right? ?”

Fang Zhixing nodded and said: "Theoretically, this is true, but from the perspective of combat balance, strengthening defense is almost meaningless to me."

Xigou nodded and sighed: "Yes, you can upgrade your weapons and instantly resurrect with full health. Defense is useless to you. So, toughness or agility?"

Fang Zhixing pondered briefly, walked towards the Shadow Leopard bookshelf, and pondered: "The fastest way to increase your strength is to increase your speed."

Looking around, there are eight martial arts secret books listed on Yingbao's bookshelf.

"Three Folds of Cloud Dragon", "The Art of Transforming Butterflies and Absorbing Dust", "Wolf Walks Thousand Miles", "Nine Spiral Shadows", "Flying Wind Chases Lightning", "Tian Yin Shadow Steps", "Wind Control Legs", "Flying Catkins" achievement".

Yunlong 30% off:

It is a triple jump. After mastering it, you can jump up high and vertically, as powerful as a swimming dragon. When you are about to run out of momentum, you can make a pirouette in the air without using any objects, and you can immediately rise up and be able to pirouette. three times.

The butterfly-turning and dust-removing skill: light and ethereal, psychedelic.

Wolf Travels Thousands of Miles: Suitable for long-distance running and long-lasting endurance.

Fang Zhixing carefully looked through each skill secret book.

After waiting for a moment, the system panel suddenly flashed with brilliance.

Immediately, the conditions for reaching the full level of all eight martial arts were revealed.

[Yunlong 30% off·Full level conditions:

1. Harvesting 3 green bamboos that are more than 100 years old (unfinished)

2. Find a steep rock wall with a height of no less than 3,000 meters and climb it once (not completed)

3. Triple jump 10 times (not completed)]

[Wind Control Legs·Full Level Conditions:

1. Hunt 1 level 3 alien beast with wings (unfinished)

2. Withstand 1 tornado attack (unfinished)

3. Kick and break 10 thick trees held by three people (unfinished)]

[Wolf Walks Thousand Miles·Full Level Conditions:

1. 12 legs of the Storm Wolf (unfinished)

2. Completed 1 Thousand Miles Journey (unfinished)

3. Imitate 36 wolf howls under the moon (unfinished)]

Fang Zhixing looked at the system panel carefully, and the expression on his face became more and more exciting.

Xigou glanced at it for a few times and said in surprise: "Wocao, there are only 3 conditions for full level? So few!"

Fang Zhixing took a deep breath and nodded: "When my power reaches perfection, my agility has been strengthened by at least 70% to 80%. Instead of starting from scratch, the requirements for reaching full level will naturally be reduced."

Xigou said: "Let's see which martial arts has the most conditions."

Fang Zhixing concentrated his attention and pulled down the system panel.

Suddenly, his eyes flashed, and he said with great energy: "Oh, there are actually 5 techniques in this skill."

The thin dog jumped up and took a closer look.

[Tianyin Shadow Step·Full Level Conditions:

1. Hunt 10 Tianyin flying insects (not completed)

2. Close your eyes and walk 100 meters in a straight line (not completed)

3. Steal 10 pillows from sleeping people (unfinished)

4. Find an absolutely dark space and live in it for more than 7 days without any light (unfinished)

5. 1 snake skin of the Shadow Dark Snake (unfinished)]

"With five conditions, there is no doubt that this technique is the best!" Xigou said.

Fang Zhixing nodded and chose the martial arts "Tianyin Shadow Step" without any hesitation.

"Conditions 1 and 5 involve two strange beasts, the Sky Sound Flying Insect and the Shadow Dark Snake. We need to investigate what they are."

"Conditions 2, 3, and 4 are relatively easy to complete, and you can start doing them now."

Fang Zhixing quickly started to think twice.

He put the eight secret books back into place, turned around and walked out of the secret room.

Looking around the hall outside, there is exactly a straight line between the bookshelves.

"Xigou, help me watch."

Fang Zhixing closed his eyes, controlled his pace, and walked forward step by step.

The thin dog kept staring for a moment, knowing that Fang Zhixing was doing task 2, walking 100 meters in a straight line with his eyes closed.

From a practical point of view, people cannot walk in a straight line with their eyes closed. If they lose the reference objects around them, they will become crooked as they walk.

Sure enough, Fang Zhixing quickly tilted, turned left, and hit the bookshelf head first.

Fang Zhixing opened his eyes, looked back, and found that he had walked less than thirty meters.

Xigou ran over and said, "Don't underestimate condition 2. The difficulty level should be very high."

Fang Zhixing frowned and thought: "The reason why it is difficult is that most human legs are of different lengths, and the local muscle strength is also uneven, so the traction force of the body on the thighs is unbalanced.

In addition, after a person closes his eyes, he loses his sense of direction and will inevitably stagger when walking. "

Thinking of this, Zhixing took a deep breath and his whole body tensed up.

He has enhanced strength and is able to control the muscles throughout his body in subtle ways.

Then, he closed his eyes and walked forward, walking sixty or seventy meters in one breath, and then bumped into the bookshelf again.

"Or not?!"

Fang Zhixing had an expression of disbelief.

Seeing this, Xigou analyzed: "Even if you can perfectly control the muscles on your body, your daily walking habits still exist. For example, if your right leg usually has a larger stride, then after you close your eyes, you will still maintain the same walking habits. This kind of habit cannot be changed by simply changing it.”

Fang Zhixing understood and pondered: "A slight difference can make a thousand miles. Even a subtle habit will prevent me from walking in a 100-meter straight line with my eyes closed."

Xigou took it seriously and responded: "Unless you are used to being blind."

At this point, he chuckled and said, "How about you just blind your eyes and try to be a blind man for a while?"

Fang Zhixing rolled his eyes and said angrily: "Habits can't be formed in a day or two. The war is coming, how can I have the time to be a blind man?"

Of course Xigou knew that Fang Zhixing was not that stupid. After thinking for a moment, he suggested: "How about trying to fix a bug?"

Fang Zhixing muttered: "Find a rope and stretch it straight. I will feel the rope and walk."

"Hey, no need to bother."

The thin dog raised its tail, "Wouldn't it be the same if I took you away?"

Fang Zhixing grabbed the dog's tail and closed his eyes again.

The thin dog walked forward along the crack in the floor, and he followed behind.

One person and one dog traveled more than a hundred meters.

Suddenly, the system panel flashed with brilliance.

[2. Close your eyes and walk 100 meters in a straight line (completed)]

"Ha ha!"

Xigou suddenly beamed, "Your full-level plug-in has too many bugs."

Fang Zhixing pondered for a moment and said seriously: "Actually, it's not a bug."

He turned around, closed his eyes, and walked forward.

The thin dog watched helplessly, his expression gradually becoming shocked.

This time, Fang Zhixing actually walked in a straight line without any deviation.

He ran over and clicked his tongue: "How did you do it?"

Fang Zhixing smiled and replied: "It's very simple. I remember every step I took just now. Now I just repeat it."

The thin dog suddenly realized and couldn't help but suffocated.

Go ahead!

He is worthy of being a powerful person in the Five Animal Realm, and his learning ability is too strong.

At this moment, the sun was setting and the sky was getting dark.

Fang Zhixing and Xigou were also hungry.

They quickly left Zhubing Hall and went to Hanxiang Tower, where they called two young girls to accompany them and had a meal and drink.

The night is getting darker.

Fang Zhixing got up from the bed, and there were three girls lying beside him.

Each of their heads rested on a pillow.

Fang Zhixing looked at them and made sure they were asleep before taking action and gently removing the pillows.

[3. Steal 10 pillows from sleeping people (3/10)]

"Well, it's easy."

Fang Zhixing smiled slightly, lay down and continued to sleep.

Fast forward to the next night.

Fang Zhixing came to Hanxiang Tower again, and this time he ordered seven young girls to accompany him.

He spent a little effort to toss them all back and forth several times, over and over again, until they were extremely tired, and they all lay down and fell into a deep sleep.

Seeing this, Fang Zhixing quietly took action and stole their pillows.

[3. Steal 10 pillows from sleeping people (completed)]

"Hmph, it's that simple."

Fang Zhixing smiled happily, and condition 3 was completed calmly.

But condition 4 is a bit troublesome.

"I'm going to quarantine myself for seven days..."

Fang Zhixing felt very pressed for time.


Just as he expected, the next morning, Luo Peiyun suddenly summoned everyone and told Fang Zhixing that the troops would set off overnight.

Where to go, I didn’t say.

But Luo Peiyun will personally lead the team.

All of a sudden, everyone in the yamen was busy and quickly prepared for the trip.

After lunch, the large group set off.

In addition to the government officials who stayed to maintain basic order in the county, the large force included one thousand infantry and three hundred archers. In addition, the Zhubing Hall also sent one hundred and fifty warriors.

Moreover, there are many experts gathered and the lineup is strong!

Luo Peiyun, Luo Kezhao, Fang Zhixing, Ding Zhigang, as well as Lu Anfu, Lu Peipei, and Ye Hengchang all participated.

It can be said that all the masters in Qinglin County, one by one, were mobilized.

The group first walked overland for most of the day.

When it got dark, everyone arrived at a ferry by the Qingshui River.

Fang Zhixing looked up and saw warships docked at the ferry.

"Get aboard!"

Luo Peiyun looked serious and urged everyone.

Fang Zhixing and others did not dare to hesitate and boarded two of the warships as quickly as possible.

"Assembly complete, let's go!"

With an order, the warship sailed away from the ferry, raised its sails, and rode the wind, heading downstream quickly.

Fang Zhixing stood on the deck and looked up at the sky.

Total darkness.

The vast stars were drowned in the night sky, and everything was silent, deep and dark.

Soon, Fang Zhixing entered the cabin and stayed with three hundred archers.

The warships rocked back and forth on the wide river.

Many archers couldn't adapt and couldn't help but vomit, and the smell around them quickly became pungent.

Fang Zhixing couldn't bear it anymore and stepped out for some air.

The thin dog couldn't bear it anymore. He was afraid that he would be impulsive and eat other people's vomit.

Gradually, the night got darker.

"Brother, you can't sleep either?"

Suddenly, Ding Zhigang also came to the deck and saw Fang Zhixing standing on the bow of the ship blowing the cold wind.


Fang Zhixing smiled and waved, "You can't sleep either?"

Ding Zhigang came over, lay down on the side of the boat, and curled his lips and said, "How can I sleep unless you get me seven or eight beautiful girls?"

Fang Zhixing said: "I want it myself, where can I get it?"

Ding Zhigang laughed and said: "When we get to Qingguang County, I will definitely catch some beauties for you to play with."

Fang Zhixing raised his eyebrows and said, "Are we going to Qingguang County?"

Ding Zhigang nodded and smiled and said: "I am familiar with this route, it is to Qingguang County."

Fang Zhixing was suddenly stunned and said thoughtfully: "I wonder what the situation is like in Qingguang County now?"

Ding Zhigang replied: "I heard some rumors here, but they may not be accurate. Just listen to them."

Fang Zhixing quickly pricked up his ears.

Ding Zhigang was silent for a moment and said carefully: "There is a very strong martial arts sect in Qingguang County called 'Youlongwu', which is also a force supported by the Luo family.

There are rumors that when Tanlang attacked the county seat, Youlongwu suddenly rebelled, opened the city gate, and cooperated with Tanlang in attacking the city, which directly led to the great defeat of Qingguang County. "


Fang Zhixing remembered it deeply.

Before I knew it, it was late at night.

The two warships suddenly slowed down, deviated from the center of the river, and docked on the shore.

"Get off the boat!"

Luo Peiyun walked out of the cabin and gave the order, and everyone cheered up and went ashore one after another.

Looking around, the shore seems to be barren mountains and ridges, with no way to go.

All the soldiers looked confused and had no idea where they were.

Then, Luo Peiyun led everyone forward in the dark. About half an hour later, when they reached the top of a mountain, he suddenly ordered to set up camp.

Fang Zhixing and others didn't know the reason, and they couldn't ask questions randomly, so they could only act according to the order.

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