Full level ruthless person

Chapter 154 Breaking Limits

"My eldest son, what is this Limit Breaking Pill?"

Fang Zhixing solemnly took the dark brocade box, with a look of curiosity on his face.

Luo Keji replied: "As the name suggests, this pill can quickly increase strength and achieve breakthroughs in a short period of time after taking it, but the specific effects vary from person to person.

For people with lower potential, the effects may only last two or three months.

But for martial arts wizards with higher potential, the effects may last for as long as a year.

Given your age and talent, after taking this limit-breaking pill, your strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds in the next year, and you may even be promoted to the Five Birds Realm. "

When Fang Zhixing heard this, his face immediately showed an expression of ecstasy and he thanked him profusely.

After a while, he walked out of the room, holding the dark brocade box in his hand, thoughtfully.

The thin dog ran over, smelled it, and asked through a message: "What is it?"

Fang Zhixing repeated Luo Keji's introduction.

After hearing this, Xigou smacked his tongue and said, "Really or not, there is such a good thing as the Limit-Breaking Pill in a wealthy family? If one person takes one, doesn't everyone have the hope of becoming a peerless master?"

"It may not be a good thing."

Fang Zhixing mused: "When Luo Keji gave me the Limit-Breaking Pill, I consciously or unintentionally observed Wen Yulin's reaction. He didn't have the slightest bit of envy or jealousy towards me, and he didn't show any greed for the Limit-Breaking Pill. color."

The thin dog blinked his eyes, raised his ears and said, "Maybe Wen Yulin also has the Limit Breaking Pill, and he doesn't like this one in your hand."

Fang Zhixing shook his head and said: "This thing seems to be very expensive and not something that ordinary people can easily obtain."

Xigou was speechless and said, "Hey, you don't care what Wen Yulin is doing. Is there anything about him that deserves your attention?"

Fang Zhixing said seriously: "If you think about it carefully, why did Luo Keji order me to go to Yunmeng Villa instead of Wen Yulin, who has followed him for many years?"

Xigou responded: "Luo Tiantai may know Wen Yulin. If he goes to Yunmeng Villa, won't he reveal his secret?"

Fang Zhixing shook his head and said: "Judging from Luo Tiantai's reaction, he didn't know that he had been drugged at first, and he didn't realize it until the moment the poison took effect.

In other words, if Wen Yulin were to come forward instead, the result would actually be the same and there would be no change, but this credit would have nothing to do with me. "

Xigou couldn't help but trembled, and responded: "Are you saying that everything from killing Luo Tiantai to this limit-breaking pill was all deliberately arranged by Luo Keji?"

Fang Zhixing closed his eyes and thought for a moment.

He opened his eyes and analyzed carefully: "Assuming that all this is Luo Keji's plan in advance, then, after taking the limit-breaking pill, my strength will quickly become stronger, but what about after I become stronger?"

Xigou thought for a while and responded: "Luo Keji may arrange for you to do something, and that thing is impossible to do with your current strength."

Fang Zhixing took it seriously and mused: "There is a high probability that Luo Keji wants me to kill someone, and it is not convenient for Luo Keji to kill that person."

Xigou said speechlessly: "If this is the case, Luo Keji is definitely not a wise master. He will kill you sooner or later."

Just at this time.

Wen Yulin also walked out of the room.

Fang Zhixing immediately stepped forward and said with a smile on his face: "Brother Wen."

Wen Yulin looked at Fang Zhixing, smiling slightly but not smiling, and said lightly: "Oh, congratulations to Brother Fang. Not only have you made great achievements, you have also received a heavy reward."

Fang Zhixing even said: "Hey, any great achievements are all just luck. If it were Brother Wen who did it, all the credit would be yours. How can I have anything to do with it?"

He looked at the dark brocade box in his hand and sighed: "Well, to be honest, I really feel a little guilty. Brother Wen, why don't I give you the limit-breaking pill? You are the real confidant of the eldest son." , you should come and receive the reward."

Wen Yulin laughed dumbly and said playfully: "What the eldest master gives you is yours. What if I take your reward? Isn't it robbery?"

After that, he waved his hand and said: "I still have things to do, so let's take a step first."

Fang Zhixing and Xigou looked at each other.

"has a problem!"

Xigou observed the words and said decisively: "There is definitely something wrong with this limit-breaking pill."

Fang Zhixing raised the corners of his mouth slightly and stuffed the dark brocade box into his arms.

The night passed quickly and the next day came in a blink of an eye.

In the morning, after Fang Zhixing had breakfast, he asked Wen Yulin and learned that there was nothing to do today.

So, he asked Luo Keji for instructions, saying that he wanted to go shopping and get familiar with the environment of the inner city.

Luo Keji readily agreed.

One person and one dog go out shopping.

Unconsciously, they broke into the most prosperous "Tianbao Street" in the inner city.

This street is famous for its prestigious "Tianbao Chamber of Commerce".

Fang Zhixing entered the lobby of Tianbao Chamber of Commerce and asked the receptionist if there was any "blood orchid grass" for sale.

"Blood orchid is in stock. How many plants do you want to buy?"

The sales girl standing behind the counter responded with a sweet smile.

"Wocao, there really is blood orchid grass!!"

Fang Zhixing couldn't help but be overjoyed.

To be honest, when he was in Qinglin County, Chen Ping purchased blood orchid grass through multiple channels, but there was no reply.

Unexpectedly, blood orchid grass seems to be just a common thing in the county and can be bought immediately if you have money.


[3. Collect 10 blood orchids (completed)]

Then, Fang Zhixing bought a new map.

"Hey, there is a level three restricted area fifty miles away from the county town!"

Fang Zhixing spread out the map and took a closer look, and couldn't help but feel happy.

Xigou responded: "That's great. We can go and come back quickly."

Fang Zhixing also wanted to go to the restricted area early to complete the hunting mission, but he quickly calmed down.

He muttered: "Don't worry, wait until everything settles down."

Xigou didn't object. After thinking about it, he reminded: "The headquarters of Tieshanmen is also in the county. After all, you are also an incense owner. Do you want to go and find one?"

Fang Zhixing had this intention, and immediately inquired about the specific location of the Xiatieshanmen headquarters, and then headed to the east district of the inner city.

Not long after, a magnificent door came into Fang Zhixing's eyes.

"The Tieshanmen headquarters is really impressive."

Fang Zhixing stood outside the gate and casually observed it for a while. He found that the Tieshanmen headquarters was at least ten times larger than the Zhubing Hall, resplendent and majestic.

He stepped forward and showed his identity token to the guard.

The guard took the token, looked at it carefully for a while, and then ran to check the roster.

After a while, the guard came back with a surprised look on his face and replied coldly: "I have checked repeatedly and found no such person! You are not the incense owner of my Tieshan Gate at all!"

Fang Zhixing was startled and said seriously: "Brother, who dares to commit such fraud? I am the incense master of Zhubing Hall in Qinglin County. Not long ago, the hall master Lu Anfu also wrote a recommendation letter to the headquarters, applying for I’m giving out level three meat elixirs.”

After hearing this, the guard had to be cautious and responded: "Wait a moment, I will go to the Internal Affairs Office to check again."

He turned around and ran away. After a cup of tea, he came back.

"Still no such person found!"

The guard was furious and said impatiently: "Stop tormenting me. I've asked several times, but no one has heard of you at all."

Fang Zhixing fell silent, his brows gradually knitted into a knot.

Xigou was also confused and asked in surprise: "Did Lu Anfu not report your matter to the headquarters at all?"

Fang Zhixing squinted his eyes and said with a tight face, "Do you think Lu Anfu dares to play tricks on me like this?"

Xigou clicked his tongue and said, "Lu Anfu really doesn't dare to mess with you, but if Lu Anfu had already reported you to the headquarters, why was he not found?"

Fang Zhixing's mind was churning and he smelled a strange smell.

"Go back first."

One person and one dog stopped making trouble and returned to Yixiangzhai.

As soon as the man arrived, Wen Yulin came up to him and brought three things to him.

A homing pigeon!

A porcelain vase!

Wen Yulin put his hands behind his hands and said, "This porcelain bottle contains thirty level three top-quality meat pills. If you eat one every day, it will be enough for a month's cultivation."

Fang Zhixing took a breath, and his heart was shaken.

You must know that this is a third-level meat elixir, and it is the best quality, extremely precious.

Lu Anfu once said that the hall master of Tieshan Sect is not qualified to enjoy the third-level high-grade meat pills. At most, he can only get the third-grade medium-grade meat pills.

Fang Zhixing pondered for a moment and asked, "Where is this carrier pigeon?"

Wen Yulin said calmly: "You keep it first, it will be useful in the future."

Immediately afterwards, he turned around and left, unwilling to explain a word more.

Fang Zhixing looked at the bird cage and porcelain vase silently, speechless for a long time.

The thin dog smacked his tongue and said, "What the hell is going on? I can't understand it anymore."

Fang Zhixing couldn't understand either. He sat down with an uncertain expression on his face.

Two days passed quickly.

The Sheriff officially announced the promotion of Luo Keji to the rank of Navy Chief.

Luo Keji finally got his wish and immediately called Fang Zhixing and others over.

He said bluntly: "From now on, I will go to the navy camp to take charge, and you will come with me.

However, this Yixiangzhai is also one of my private properties, and one person must be left to take care of it. "

With that said, Luo Keji tilted his head, his eyes fell on Fang Zhixing, and ordered: "You can stay."

Fang Zhixing's mind moved and he immediately responded: "I humbly obey my orders."

Afterwards, Luo Keji took Wen Yulin and others to move quickly and went to the Navy camp to stay.

Before leaving, Luo Keji gave Fang Zhixing two things.

One of them is the land deed of Yixiangzhai.

There is a strange name written on this land deed, Fang Maofu.

Luo Keji warned: "This is your new name. From now on, you will be called Fang Maofu and consider yourself the master of the restaurant."


Fang Zhixing's expression suddenly changed.

But Luo Keji didn't give any explanation, and then handed over the second thing.

It was a key ring with two keys on it.

"This is the key to the study."

After saying this, Luo Keji directly mounted his horse and flew away in the dust.

Fang Zhixing watched him off and put away the land deed and keys.

Afterwards, he inquired first and learned that the navy camp was not in the inner city, but was established on the bank of Qingshui River, almost ten miles away from the outer city.

In other words, he, Luo Keji and others were separated.

Seeing this, Xigou was deeply confused and couldn't help but smacked his tongue: "What's going on? Why didn't Luo Keji take you with him and gave you a new name?"

Fang Zhixing curled up his lips and said, "Do you still remember that in "Naruto", there is an organization in the Hokage Village called 'Roots'?

If I guessed correctly, I have now become Luo Keji's root, and I will do some dirty dirty work for him in the future. "

Xigou said speechlessly: "What do you mean? Could it be that he will let you be a killer, kill people and set fires for him, and do illegal things?"

"That's pretty much it."

Fang Zhixing looked determined, then turned back to Yixiangzhai and entered the study.

He used one of the keys to open the study door.

But the second key, obviously different from the first, is not a spare key.

But Fang Zhixing walked around the study room and found nothing. He tried several boxes in the room and found that they were all unlocked and could be opened directly.

Fang Zhixing muttered: "Small dog, smell the smell in the house carefully."


The thin dog responded, lowered his head and started walking.

"Fang Zhixing, come here quickly!"

The thin dog sniffed around, then suddenly stopped and shouted: "There is a very strong smell on this row of bookshelves, which means Luo Keji often comes to this place."

Fang Zhixing walked over quickly and glanced around. The bookshelf was against the wall and there were many books on it.

Suddenly, he noticed a fresh sheen on the cover of one of the books.

"This book has been touched recently..."

Fang Zhixing quickly moved the book away, and immediately, a keyhole appeared on the wall behind.

"It seems there is a secret room."

Fang Zhixing inserted the key with ease and twisted it clockwise.


The bookshelf then moved sideways, and a hole opened in the wall behind it.

What comes into view is a secret door.

Fang Zhixing walked in, looked up, and his pupils trembled violently.

There are ten rows of bookshelves in the secret room. Right in front of each row of bookshelves, there is a totem of an animal carved on it.

These ten animals correspond to the totems of five animals for men and women in the Five Bird Realm.

The bookshelf is filled with thick books, all of which are secrets of martial arts.

Fang Zhixing first walked to the Giant Bear bookshelf and browsed through it casually. In addition to the "Tiansha Blood Sea Technique", "Celestial Silkworm Dominance" and other techniques, there were many secret manuals that Fang Zhixing had never seen before.

The same is true for the other nine rows of bookshelves, with stacks of skills stacked up in a vast sea.

What's even more rare and valuable is that there is also a row of Baohu bookshelves here, which collects the "Balance System" martial arts secret books that Fang Zhixing has always been thinking about.

Absolutely amazing!

This place is simply a treasure house of martial arts!

One person and one dog looked at each other and were shocked.

Luo Keji is so generous!

This was a generous gift left to Fang Zhixing, the value of which was beyond imagination.

"I'm afraid that the Tieshanmen headquarters doesn't have as many martial arts secret books as there do here!"

Fang Zhixing clicked his tongue in surprise, suddenly feeling that the Tieshanmen headquarters was no longer fragrant.

"Zhai Master!"

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and a woman's delicate call.

Fang Zhi walked out of the secret room, opened the door and saw a young girl standing outside the door, 1.75 meters tall, fair-skinned, beautiful and elegant.

"Who are you?"

Fang Zhixing had never seen this young girl before and felt very strange.

Just looking at her appearance and figure, she is very eye-catching and beautiful.

The girl bowed her hands and said with a soft smile: "My name is Hongye. According to the eldest son's instructions, I am now the maid of the master."

Fang Zhixing understood that Hongye was also the person Luo Keji arranged to stay.

Also, how could Luo Keji leave the huge Yixiangzhai to Fang Zhixing alone without any worries.

Fang Zhixing quickly asked: "Does the eldest master have any other explanations for you?"

Hongye replied: "The eldest son has said that if there are guests coming to stay, the slave family will be responsible for receiving them, and all other matters will be at your discretion."

Fang Zhixing nodded and ordered: "Help me move first. I will live here in the study from now on."

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