Full level ruthless person

Chapter 167 Four Birds

"No, are you stuck in a bug again?"

As soon as Xigou saw Fang Zhixing's posture, he knew that he was trying to take advantage of it again.

He couldn't help complaining: "Damn it, the system is not a slut, how can there be so many loopholes for you to take advantage of."

Fang Zhixing rolled his eyes at him and said angrily: "Go away and watch me operate."

He tied one end of the rope to a tree, then walked along the rope into the water, held his breath, and dived all the way to the bottom of the river.

Soon, he reached the end of the rope.

The tortoise-patterned stone was stuck in the mud and was washed back and forth by rapids.

Fang Zhixing grabbed the turtle stone, surfaced from the water, and returned to the shore.

The system panel then flashed with brilliance.

[1. Sink to the bottom of a fast-flowing river and salvage 100 pieces of ‘turtle stone’ (1/100)]

When Fang Zhixing saw this, he couldn't help but feel overjoyed.

"Well, that's true."

The system only requires salvaging 100 pieces of moire stone, but there is actually a lot of room for manipulation in how to salvage it.


Xigou was completely speechless, "That's okay, isn't the system too stupid?"

"You know nothing!"

Fang Zhixing smiled, quickly retracted the rope, tied the mouth of the bag directly, and then threw a whole bag of turtle stones into the middle of the river.


The water splashed high.

Fang Zhixing repeated his old tricks, dived into the water, and then fished the bag out.

[1. Sink to the bottom of the river with fast currents and salvage 100 pieces of ‘turtle stone’ (completed)]

"I wipe..."

The dog's eyes widened instantly and he was speechless.

The system is so stupid!

"Haha, it's done!" Fang Zhixing was extremely happy.

There are only two conditions for reaching the full level of "Jiangliushui", and the most difficult condition is 1, which is solved.


[2. Hunt 1 level 3 strange beast in the water (unfinished)]

"Let's go to the Agate restricted area."

Fang Zhixing became impatient, quickly put on his clothes, and rode to the third-level restricted area.

About two hours later, he rushed to the Agate restricted area, and the journey was uneventful.

Next, everything proceeds step by step.

Fang Zhixing first hired a guide and then entered the restricted area.

"There are only two kinds of alien beasts that live in the water. One is the swamp alien beast, and the other is the aquatic alien beast, which may be in rivers or lakes."

The guide is also a veteran and is familiar with the agate restricted area.

He introduced: "The third-level exotic beasts in the swamp include the 'three-tailed white tiger', the 'black reef gray rhinoceros', the 'mud python' and so on.

The third-level strange beasts in lakes often lie dormant at the bottom of the lake and rarely surface, making them difficult to hunt.

There are relatively many third-level alien beasts in the river, but they are also distributed over a wide range, so it is not easy to search for them. "

Fang Zhixing thought about it again and again, and finally chose to hunt the third-level strange beasts in the river.

There is no other reason. The name "River and Flowing Water" obviously points to something.

The guide immediately suggested that Fang Zhixing buy a small boat and bring it into the restricted area.

Fang Zhixing did as he was told and bought a simple bamboo raft and a live pig.

The two of them and the dog walked deeper and deeper until they reached the "Black Sand River".

This river is very scary. Not only is the water black and turbid, with rolling sand and turbid waves, but the water is also slightly toxic and corrosive.

People cannot drink the river water here, nor can they soak in the river water for a long time, otherwise the skin will be corroded and disintegrated.

The guide told a story: "Not long ago, a group of rebels attempted to assassinate the county governor. After being caught, the county governor ordered them to be put into a cage and thrown into the Heinisha River to soak for seven days. When I came up, I saw with my own eyes that all the skin of the rebels was corroded and their flesh and blood were bloody. It was so miserable!"

Fang Zhixing, however, kept his expression unchanged. He walked by the river, put his hand into the water, and washed his hands.

Not long after, he felt a sharp itching pain on his hand, which made him want to scratch it.

Fang Zhixing frowned slightly and endured it a little.

After a while, the itching and pain decreased until it disappeared.

Fang Zhixing looked at his hands. Except for a little redness, there was nothing unusual about them.

He asked: "There are a lot of third-level alien beasts in this river, right?"


The guide quickly responded: "The fish and beasts in the Black Nisha River are called 'bone fish'. When you see those guys, you will understand why they are called bone fish."

Now that he knew what was going on, he thought for a moment, put the raft into the water, stepped on it, and then went downstream.

The thin dog and the guide found a safe place to hide.

Fang Zhixing cut the pig's hind leg and let the blood flow into the river.

Not long after, crash!

The filthy river surface suddenly broke open, and a long, fat shadow emerged from the water.

Fang Zhixing looked intently, and his pupils couldn't help but shrink hard.

It was a fish, but it only had a skeleton, no flesh and blood, and a mouth full of fangs.

At first glance, it looks like an undead creature!

"Is this a bony fish?"

Fang Zhixing watched carefully. In the next second, the bone fish swam near the live pig and bit it on the pig's butt.


A chunk of bloody flesh was bitten off.

A magical scene happened. After eating the pork, the bony fish quickly grew flesh and blood on its body, and even developed a layer of fish scales.

Fang Zhixing's eyes lit up, and he suddenly reached out his hand, grabbed the bone fish, and held it in front of him.

The bone fish struggled violently, but in vain.

Fang Zhixing carefully studied the bony fish and discovered that the bony fish was somewhat similar to Trisolarans and seemed to be able to survive dehydration.

Perhaps because of the highly toxic and corrosive nature of the opponent's water, the bony fish squeezed out all the water and compressed all other organs on the surface of the fish bones.

Only when they eat do their flesh, blood and digestive organs emerge.

"It's so amazing."

Fang Zhixing clicked his tongue in surprise and squeezed hard.


He crushed the bone fish's spine and hung it on the edge of the bamboo raft.

The blood flowed continuously, and the smell of blood spread with the flow.

Soon, several more bone fish rushed over. They were one to two meters in size, and they were all first-class exotic beasts.

Fang Zhixing killed them one by one and hung them on the edge of the bamboo raft to serve as bait.


Suddenly, a larger bony fish broke out of the water, with a body length of more than three meters.

This skull fish was covered in thorns and had a fierce look. It actually pounced directly on Fang Zhixing.

"Tch!" Fang Zhixing was very disdainful. He clenched his fist and a light golden color appeared on his skin.

Golden silkworm is so powerful!

He punched out and hit the fish's head.

There was a loud bang, and the terrifying fist force hit the bone fish's body.

In an instant, the skull fish's skeleton shattered into pieces and fell into the river.

The bamboo raft slides naturally downstream.

Time passes little by little...

Unconsciously, Fang Zhixing killed hundreds of bone fish along the way, most of them were first level and a few were second level.

It was getting dark.

Fang Zhixing gradually lost his patience and muttered: "It seems that we won't hunt the third-level bone fish today."

He sighed, rowed the bamboo raft to the shore, and threw the dead pig and bone fish into the river.

Fang Zhixing picked up the bamboo raft and turned back, and soon found the thin dog and the guide.

They leave the penalty area together.

On the way, two people and a dog were attacked by a pack of wolves.

Although Fang Zhixing killed everyone in all directions and drove away the wolves with force.

But unfortunate things still happened.

The guide was bitten to death and dragged away.

The thin dog was also very unlucky. His hind thigh was bitten by a vicious wolf, and a large piece of flesh was torn off, leaving a bloody mess.


The thin dog screamed in horror, "It's over, it's over, I only have one life left, I'm going to die now."

Fang Zhixing's mouth twitched slightly, he picked up the thin dog, followed the route in his memory, and walked out of the restricted area.

He immediately took the dog to the hospital for treatment.

The doctor is not a veterinarian, but he did his best.

The thin dog was covered with thick bandages and almost turned into a mummy.

The night passed quickly.

The next morning, Fang Zhixing went to the restricted area to hunt alone.

Xigou stayed in the inn to recover from his injuries.

After all, he is a third-level alien beast with very strong vitality and will not die easily.

The next day, Fang Zhixing still returned without success.


The thin dog kept whining in pain and showed signs of fever.

Fang Zhixing took off the bandage and changed his dressing.

As a result, the little dog grinned in pain, burst into tears, and cried for his father and mother.

"You know what to do, so be gentle."

"Oh, why don't you just let me die? Maybe after I die, I can travel back to my hometown."

The little dog cried so much that his nose was runny, and he was in a mess, miserable.

The third day, the fourth day!

Fang Zhixing still failed to hunt down the third-level exotic beast, and his busy day was in vain.

The thin dog has a high fever and will vomit whatever he eats.

Until the fifth day!


A huge bony fish with a body length of more than 20 meters suddenly jumped out of the water, causing huge waves.

The bamboo raft could not bear it and was swept, engulfed and destroyed by the turbid waves in an instant.

Fang Zhixing had no choice but to jump up in the air, treading water again and again, rising again and again, rising and falling on the open river surface.

"Snowflakes topping!"

"Lions in red!"

He held the Tingfeng Knife tightly, swung it, and slashed at the giant bone fish.


The skeleton of the bony fish is extremely hard. When it is slashed with a heavy knife, sparks fly and the sound of the collision is deafening.

Fang Zhixing's expression was extremely serious. He had a strength of 150,000 kilograms, but he couldn't hold down this huge bony fish for a while.

"The bone fish sinks into the water from time to time, and I can't stop on the water. The timing and strength of the chop are far inferior to those on land."

Fang Zhixing was worried, worried that the skull fish might escape.

He tried to jump to the shore little by little, luring the giant bone fish to swim over.

However, this bony fish is so big that it will stop within ten meters of the shore.

"If this continues, we won't be able to kill it at all."

Fang Zhixing took a deep breath, his expression changed, and he suddenly plunged into the water, sank to the bottom of the river, and stood still.

Charge up!

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

The giant bone fish swam to the bottom of the river. It seemed to be able to see Fang Zhixing and pounced on it impartially.

Fang Zhixing held the Tingfeng Knife tightly with both hands, and his whole body was as tense as a giant bow.

The giant bone fish came closer and closer, and in the next moment, Fang Zhixing suddenly swung his sword.


A waterfall suddenly rose above the river, reaching a height of thirty to forty meters and shaped like a big knife.

Not long after, Fang Zhixing dragged the giant bone fish onto the river bank.

At this time, the giant bony fish's head was cut into two pieces from the middle.

Fang Zhixing lowered his head and glanced at Tingfeng Dao, with great regret on his face.

The Tingfeng Knife collapsed again.

It's hard for this heavy sword. It was tortured by three hundred-year-old iron bamboos and then destroyed by the strong bone fish.

The Tingfeng Knife was seriously damaged this time, and it could not be repaired by just sharpening it.

Regardless of Tingfeng Dao, Fang Zhixing raised his hand and pressed it on the giant bone fish.


In one thought, click, click, the whole body of the huge bone fish disintegrated and collapsed, as if it was crushed by a millstone.

In an instant, the giant bone fish turned into wisps of gray dust and floated into the air.

[Jiang Liushui·The conditions required for full level have been met. Do you want to upgrade? 】

Only then did the president breathe a sigh of relief and smile with satisfaction.

However, he did not improve immediately. He returned to the camp first and returned to Xigou.

"Ouch, I'm really sick, why did I have to sacrifice eight lives that night?" Xigou groaned, regretting it.

Fang Zhixing sat next to him and calmed down.


In the blink of an eye, a huge amount of memories and insights from the cultivation river flowed into his mind, and then were quickly absorbed, digested, and completely integrated into one.

Fang Zhixing suddenly had a profound enlightenment and mastered all the secrets of Jiang Liushui's technique.

This defensive technique imitates the survival and evolution of tortoises in rivers, absorbing the hardness of tortoises and the characteristics of flowing water.

Fang Zhixing's whole body trembled, he straightened his chest, and his muscles all over his body bulged violently.

His body expanded invisibly. First, a turtle shell-shaped pattern appeared on the skin on his chest, and then spread. Finally, turtle shell-shaped patterns were all over his body, covering every inch of his skin.

Each turtle pattern coincides perfectly with the muscle groups on his body.

This makes the outline of muscles on Fang Zhixing's body, at first glance, look as if they have been drawn with a black brush, making them indescribably solid and solid.

Fang Zhixing clenched his fists and felt the power surge throughout his body.

"One hundred and ten thousand kilograms of strength, great!"

Knowing the market situation, I couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.

At this moment, he was finally promoted to the perfection of the Four Birds Realm without any trouble.

【River flowing water·Perfect】

[Explosive Skill: Turtle Skin (Lv3)]

[Turtle skin: Your body is as hard as a turtle shell and invulnerable (the nine orifices are still a shield)]

"Hey, I only awakened one explosive skill..."

Fang Zhixing blinked, feeling a little disappointed.

"Well, there may not be enough defensive explosive skills in the first place."

Fang Zhixing soon felt relieved.

Defense is different from the other three points after all.

There are a few explosive skills, but it doesn’t really matter.

As long as the body becomes hard and no one can hurt it, that's fine.

"Hey, why doesn't the wound hurt anymore?!"

Suddenly, the thin dog stood up and shook his butt several times, shocked.

Fang Zhixing glanced at his system panel.

[Species: Dog]

[Talent: Dog Bond]

[Bloodline: Hyena (Level 3)]

[Blood Explosion Skill: Lao Poison Spike (Lv2, each time used, consumes 1 life)]

[Blood Explosion Skill: Wolf Shadow Wind Claw (Lv2)]

[Blood Explosion Skill: Shuchi (Lv2)]

[Number of lives remaining: 10]

The thin dog has also been upgraded and has an extra life.

Moreover, his three bloodline explosive skills have all been upgraded to level two.

This means that the thin dog has officially grown into a second-level alien beast.

Fang Zhixing raised his hand and tore off the bandage on the thin dog.

The wound on the back thigh has disappeared and turned into hard dog hair, with no sign of injury at all.

"You have upgraded!"

The thin dog finally came to his senses and looked up at Fang Zhixing, his tail wagging non-stop.

He has never been so happy about Fang Zhixing's upgrade as he is now.

Fang Zhixing raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "I suffered a lot in order to rescue you as soon as possible."

The thin dog immediately stopped wagging its tail and shouted: "Tch, I have saved you several times before. We don't owe each other anything."

Fang Zhixing didn't say much. He knew Xigou's character very well, and Xigou definitely didn't want to owe him a favor.

So this time, Xigou will take the initiative to return the favor sooner or later.

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