Full level ruthless person

Chapter 172 Failure

After Wei Zhifeng heard this, a surge of anger rushed into his heart, and he shouted: "Seeking death!"

He was the first to rush forward, his muscles all over his body trembling violently, almost unreservedly, and bursting out with all his strength.


The nine-section whip was whipped in a circle, then suddenly shot straight out, the tip of the spear pointed towards the bald monk's throat very quickly.

The bald monk held the wine gourd in one hand and stroked his beard with the other, and said leisurely: "Nine-section whip, this weapon is flashy and too flashy."

The next moment, he raised his hand, stretched out two fingers and pinched it.


Wei Zhifeng couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, and his scalp instantly became numb.

The head of his nine-section whip, carrying a force of 60,000 to 70,000 kilograms, was clamped firmly by the bald monk with only two fingers!

Wei Zhifeng pulled wildly, but could not move the opponent's two fingers at all.

"It's not surprising that the silver light is shining, it's not surprising that the iron knot is born from the crescent moon."

The bald monk roared loudly and suddenly pulled back, and a terrifying force burst out.

Wei Zhifeng felt pain in his hand, and the nine-section whip flew out of his hand.

Looking again, the nine-section whip that belonged to him was already in the hand of the bald monk.


The bald monk danced the nine-section whip casually, without any rules, like a child playing around.

Then, he suddenly swung forward, and the nine-section whip came down.

Wei Zhifeng froze, staggered back two steps, and looked down.

The top was completely torn.

A bloody wound spread from his chest to just below his belly button.

The wound gradually expanded, and the intestines and other internal organs flowed out and fell to the ground.

"You, didn't you say you don't kill?"

Wei Zhifeng fell to his knees, his eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

He never thought that he would be killed so casually.

"Oh Pu~"

The bald monk laughed mischievously, covered his mouth like a girl who made a mistake, and said with a smile: "No one is perfect, even old monks make mistakes sometimes."

He threw away the nine-section whip, clasped his hands together, and chanted with piety on his face: "Amitabha, sin is sin!"


"You stupid bastard, you dare to kill my elder brother!"

The three Wei Zhihuo brothers were stunned at first, extremely shocked.

But the next moment, they flew into a rage, their eyes bursting with anger, and they simultaneously waved their nine-section whips and attacked the bald monk.

"Yeah, yeah, three against one, how can you bully an old monk like this, and don't you talk about martial ethics?"

The bald monk raised his hand with a panicked expression, and flicked his fingers, once to the left and once to the right.

Bang bang!

The two incoming nine-section whips suddenly rolled back.


The fourth child was shocked, lowered his head, and saw that his stomach was penetrated by a nine-section whip, and he knelt on the ground in pain.


When the fourth child heard the sound of vomiting blood, he turned his head and looked even more desperate.

I saw that the second child was pierced from the heart to the entire chest by the nine-section whip. He vomited blood and fell down, dying suddenly on the spot.

"Second brother, fourth brother!"

At this scene, the third child was frightened and shuddered.

"Oh Pu~"

The bald monk smiled mischievously again and defended seriously: "I didn't kill them two. They hit me with the nine-knot whip. After I fought back, two nine-knot whips hit them again." Each other, killed each other.”

He shouted excitedly: "You can't blame the old monks, they were the ones who did it first!"

Wei Zhishan, the third child, broke into a cold sweat and looked at the old monk as if he were a monster.

Then he turned around and ran, swaying into a dark alley.

Wei Zhishan was running crazily at an unprecedented speed when he suddenly bumped into something.

This collision carried the greatest force and was caught off guard, and the result was naturally very tragic. The head was broken and bleeding, and the head was split in an instant.

The scene was like an egg hitting a rock.

Wei Zhishan fell to the ground, his eyes wide open, and he could not rest in peace.

"Ouch, why are you running so fast? Now, just hit yourself to death."

The bald monk stood in front of him, patted his chest, and sighed: "Buddhists have such broad chests, but you just hit your head and died. It seems that you have no destiny with me, Buddha!"

At the same moment!

Fang Zhixing climbed over the high wall, carried the sleeping woman on his shoulders, and quickly left Yan's Winery.

He rushed to where the horses were.

The next second!

Fang Zhixing braked suddenly and stopped, with a look of great solemnity on his face.

There was a man standing in front of the road, it was the bald monk.

Fang Zhixing's pupils shrank, he decisively put down the woman, took three steps back, lowered his head and said, "Senior, please spare my life."

The bald monk was taken aback, raised his eyebrows and said, "Good boy, you are the quickest person to give in among the people that the old monk has ever seen."

Fang Zhixing's face was tense and he didn't speak nonsense.

The bald monk smacked his tongue and said, "Little doll, why don't you ask me how your four companions are doing?"

Fang Zhixing asked quickly: "Dare I ask senior, how are they?"

The bald monk laughed and said: "They are all dead, but I swear to Buddha, they did not die in my hands. Guess what happened? If you guess right, I will let you go, how about that?" "

Fang Zhixing's mind was turbulent, and he simulated more than a dozen scenarios in his mind in which the four Webster brothers might be killed.

He replied cautiously: "They died, but they were not killed. There is only one possibility. They died in an accident."

The expression on the bald monk's face suddenly became extremely exciting. He clapped his hands twice and praised: "Congratulations, you guessed it right!"

Fang Zhixing became more and more nervous.

The bald monk nodded, squatted down, and gently touched the woman on the bed sheet, as if to check her body.

After a while, he clasped his hands together and said with a smile: "Now you put her back in the room, collect your companion's body, and then you and I pretend that nothing happened. How about that?"

Fang Zhixing said seriously: "Everything depends on the seniors."

He stepped forward and picked up the woman on the bedsheet with both hands. The moment he touched the bedsheet, he felt the bedsheet loosen a little, and a vague force followed his arms and hit his limbs.

Fang Zhixing only felt pain in his heart, only for a moment, and soon the pain disappeared, and everything seemed like an illusion.

He frowned, calmly picked up the woman on the bed sheet, and turned back.

Soon, he came to the attic.

The ground was dripping with blood. Three corpses were lying on the ground, one was kneeling, and another was disemboweled.

Fang Zhixing didn't see Wei Zhishan's body, and he didn't search carefully. He went straight back to the second floor and put the woman back on the bed.

Then he went downstairs and collected the three bodies.

Soon, he found the fourth body deep in the alley not far away.

Fang Zhixing picked up the four corpses and looked around, but did not find the bald monk.

He walked all the way out of the winery and climbed over the wall.

Soon he walked back to the horses.

Xigou ran out, and when he saw the bodies of the four Webster brothers, he suddenly suffocated and said in shock: "What's wrong?"

Fang Zhixing sighed expressionlessly: "How can I walk by the river without getting my shoes wet? This is a bad year!"

He placed the corpse on four horses and tied them with ropes. Then he connected the four horses together and tied them to his own horse.

Fang Zhixing got on his horse, shouted "drive", sat down and galloped away.

Running, running...

Fang Zhixing, who was riding on the horse, felt his chest becoming more and more stuffy and aching in the bumpy road.

Suddenly, Xigou smelled something, turned his head sharply to look at Fang Zhixing, and shouted, "You're bleeding!"

Fang Zhixing touched his nose, and there was bleeding from both nostrils.

His eyes began to have problems. They were clear and blurred for a while, and bleeding continued from the corners of his eyes.


Fang Zhixing suddenly vomited a large mouthful of blood, covering his heart with a painful expression.

His heart was in great pain!

It was heart-wrenching pain, heart-gnawing pain!

It was as if at this moment, his heart was being torn into thousands of pieces.

"That weird monk really didn't let me go..."

Fang Zhixing gritted his teeth and held back, urging the horse to gallop forward.

Seeing this, the thin dog said anxiously: "What are you doing? Get treatment quickly!"

Only then did he realize that he was indifferent and just drove his horse to run wildly.

After a while!

Fang Zhixing finally couldn't hold on anymore, his consciousness was a little blurred, his whole body seemed to be falling apart, and he couldn't exert any strength.

Suddenly, he fell headlong and fell heavily to the ground.

His right foot was caught in the saddle.

The horse was still running wildly, dragging Fang Zhixing forward.

"Ouch!!" Xiao Gou was so anxious that he followed Fang Zhixing and shouted.

Suddenly, they ran past someone.

The thin dog was startled, and when he glanced back, he found that the man seemed to have a big bald head, standing in the cold moonlight like a ghost.

But the next moment, the figure gradually faded and then disappeared completely.

"Amitabha, so good, so good~"

A happy voice sounded loudly, echoing continuously in the woods, and it took a long time before it completely stopped.

"What the hell?"

Xigou was confused and couldn't help but panic.

Just like that, another moment passed!

On his deathbed, Fang Zhixing had only one breath left.


He opened his eyes, raised his hand and slapped the ground, his body bounced up, and then he turned onto his horse.

"The crisis is over..."

Only then did the president let out a sigh of relief and looked back, with lingering fear on his face.

Damn, I almost burped!

Seeing this, Xigou was surprised and said: "Because of that big bald head!"

Fang Zhixing responded: "There is a peerless master hidden in Yan's Winery. I just touched a trap he set, and my heart was shattered."

Xigou's hair stood on end and he said in shock: "Is it so outrageous? Is the other party a strong person in the Nine Bull Realm?"

Fang Zhixing had a gloomy face and walked away.

About an hour later, he turned into a forest, picked a spot, and punched it.


Then a big hole appeared on the ground.

Fang Zhixing put the bodies of the four Wei brothers into the pit and buried them.

Then, he used a second-level sword to cut a piece of wood, carved a line of words on it, and inserted it on the grave.

"Oh, rest in peace."

Fang Zhixing sighed softly.

To be honest, he was quite satisfied with the professionalism of the four Webster brothers.

They are very professional!

It's a pity that this time, Fang Zhixing and them were so unlucky!

"Flying geese all day long, the geese pecked my eyes."

Fang Zhixing curled his lips, looked up at the stars in the sky, and felt exhausted both physically and mentally.

Seeing this, Xigou asked, "Are you going back, or are you just running away?"

Fang Zhixing shook his head and said: "The time has not come yet, why are you running away now?"

Xigou continued: "Four of your men died, and the mission failed, but you were unscathed. How are you going to explain it after you go back?"

Fang Zhixing replied: "This is just a small problem. Luo Keji's focus must be on the bald monk, not on how I failed."

After thinking about it for a while, Xigou felt that it made sense.

Fang Zhixing's perspective on the problem was different.

One man and one dog rode back to the county town.

Soon, Fang Zhixing braved the night and returned to Yixiangzhai and walked quickly into the study.

At this moment, Hongye fell asleep sitting on the chair. She had been waiting for Fang Zhixing to come back.

"Zhai Master!"

Hong Ye rubbed her eyes and stood up to greet him. When she saw Fang Zhixing's whole body was dirty and extremely embarrassed, she lost all sleep in an instant.

She asked in shock: "What's wrong?"

Fang Zhixing sighed and said in a deep voice: "Something happened and the mission failed."

He immediately sat down at the desk and picked up a brush.

Hong Ye helps him sharpen his ink.

"There is a bald monk guarding the Yan's winery. His strength is at least the Nine Bulls level. All four Wei brothers were killed. The humble man escaped death by chance, but the mission failed."


The homing pigeon flew out of the window, fled into the vast night, and soon turned into a black dot.

Navy camp, late at night!

It was late at night, and a homing pigeon fell from the sky and landed on Aunt Leng's arm.

Aunt Leng took off the roll paper, glanced at it casually, and suddenly her eyes narrowed.

She looked at the contents on the scroll carefully, and her breathing stopped involuntarily.

After a while...

Aunt Leng stood in front of a big bed.

Luo Keji and Dong Minzhu sat on the bed, looking at the contents on the scroll with different expressions on their faces.

Aunt Leng said slowly: "We understand that Tian Taixing likes Yan Hongtao very much and intends to marry her. However, there is a gap in their identities. Tian Taixing can only marry Yan Hongtao as his concubine, but Yan Hongtao is not willing to wrong herself.

Therefore, we plan to kidnap Yan Hongtao, disrupt Tian Taixing, and make him look embarrassed at the Qinghe Martial Arts Tournament.

I just didn’t expect…”

Dong Minzhu lifted up her long hair and responded: "This is a good idea, but how can there be a bald monk of the Jiu Niu realm in a small Yan's winery?"

Luo Keji smiled and said thoughtfully: "This monk should like to drink, and he is not afraid of killing people. If I guess correctly, this person is most likely the 'evil monk who breaks the precepts'."

"It's him?!"

Dong Minzhu couldn't help being shocked, looked sideways at him, and smacked his tongue: "Why did that evil monk appear in our Qinghe County?"

Luo Keji stood up, dressed and said: "There is only one explanation for the appearance of the evil monk who broke the precepts in Qinghe County. He was invited by the Inspector Tian Heyi. This is a serious matter, and I have to go and see the county governor immediately."

The next morning, there was a strong wind and it started to rain.

Fang Zhixing was awakened by the sound of rain, turned over, and fell asleep again.

I don't know how much time passed before he woke up again and then got dressed and got up.

Come down from the second floor and enter the study.

"Master, you're awake!" Hongye laughed softly.

Fang Zhixing asked: "Is there a reply over there?"

Hongye shook his head, as if he understood Fang Zhixing's thoughts, and continued: "If the eldest son and the eldest lady want to punish you because of the failure of this mission, you should have received the punishment results by now. The lack of results only means that they Don’t think it’s your responsibility.”

Fang Zhixing's lips curled up slightly, and he laughed dumbly.

Actually, that's not what he asked.

Even if Luo Keji was dissatisfied with him, he would not punish him now. After all, it was the time to employ people.

If you want to punish, you have to wait until the Qinghe Martial Arts Conference is held!

Fang Zhixing was just curious about who the bald monk was.

With the information channels Luo Keji has, I am afraid that the investigation will be out by now.

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