Full level ruthless person

Chapter 2 Food and clothing

"Calm down, then you'll know what to do."

The little puppy panted, tilted its head, exposed its tongue, and put on a serious face.

"We have to cheer up or we're really going to starve to death."

He weakly transmitted the message, "You don't want to be the first time traveler to starve to death, right?"

Fang Zhixing said disdainfully: "You adapt very quickly. How can you accept that you are a time traveler so quickly? A thin dog!"

The little puppy looked at its four legs, licked its fur uncontrollably, and said helplessly: "You really think I want to travel through time as a dog, right? By the way, why can you travel through time as an adult? I don't understand. .”

Fang Zhixing said: "How many immoral things have you done, don't you know how many bad things you have done? Hum, God is fair, you are not worthy of being a human being, do you understand?"

The little naughty dog ​​said unconvinced: "You have never done anything immoral? Have you paid off your bank loan?"

Fang Zhixing said confidently: "I bought an unfinished building, why do I have to pay back the loan?"

After saying this, Fang Zhixing felt inexplicably relieved.

He thought for a while and then said: "Let's sort out the current situation. We both died together and traveled to this strange world together. I became a big cow and you became a small dog."

The little naughty dog ​​said angrily: "Don't give me nicknames casually. I am Zhang Changji. I always have the last name Zhang wherever I go."

Fang Zhixing gave the little puppy a vicious look and said angrily: "Slim dog, thin dog, you are the thinnest one!"

Gu Gu Gu~

The stomachs of one person and one dog growled again.

Hunger quickly brought them back to reality.

Fang Zhixing didn't even have the energy to get angry, so he cheered up and continued to analyze: "According to my original memory, this world is very backward, like a distant ancient feudal dynasty, with emperors and county magistrates. Where we are The mountain village is called Funiu Village, and the people here make a living by farming and hunting. However, due to frequent natural and man-made disasters in recent years, the harvest has been very small, and everyone is starving."

Xigou also analyzed: "According to my original memory, Funiu Village has two toilets, one at the east end of the village and one at the west end of the village. The toilet at the east end of the village was occupied by the village chief's big yellow dog. The toilet at the west end of the village The toilet at the top is also occupied by the village chief’s big yellow dog.”

Then he sighed: "Oh, these days, only ferocious and vicious dogs can eat a hot bite."

Fang Zhixing rolled his eyes repeatedly and concluded: "In short, there is a famine now, people are in dire straits, and our understanding of the entire world is very limited."

Xigou suddenly said: "Perhaps this is a world of cultivating immortals. There is spiritual energy between heaven and earth. Please try to breathe it in."

Fang Zhixing pondered for a moment, took a few deep breaths, and exhaled in a long breath.

The thin dog perked up his ears and asked excitedly: "How do you feel?"

Fang Zhixing said speechlessly: "I'm even hungrier now."

The thin dog immediately drooped his ears and complained: "We are time travelers after all, where is the golden finger? By the way, don't you have a system? Where is grandpa?"

Fang Zhixing didn't have any golden fingers, so he asked, "Are you worried?"

Xigou responded: "I think the two of us can communicate spiritually. This may be our golden finger."

Fang Zhixing curled his lips and said, "It's useless."

He stood up, looked outside the fence, and said: "We have to find a way to get some food."

Xigou continued: "Every family in the village is out of food. Except for the village chief's family who can still open the pot, all the other villagers have to go out hunting."

Fang Zhixing nodded and said, "We'll go hunting too."

Xigou asked: "You know how to hunt? Have you inherited the hunting skills from the original person?"

Fang Zhixing looked at himself. He was a little over 1.7 meters tall, with a thin body, thin arms and legs, and a sallow complexion. He looked like he was suffering from chronic malnutrition.

He shook his rough hand, shook his head and said, "I don't have any advanced hunting skills. I just go into the water to catch fish and climb trees to catch bird eggs."

The thin dog looked at the quiver hanging under the eaves and asked, "Is that possible?"

Fang Zhixing's mouth twitched and he said, "I'm almost too hungry to walk. How can I still have the strength to draw a bow and shoot an arrow?"

Think about it too.

One person and one dog wandered out of the house.

At this moment, other villagers got up one after another, walked out of their homes, and headed into the mountains, scattering in search of food.

Fang Zhixing, carrying a broken bamboo basket, searched for the mountain road in his memory, passed through a mountain forest, and came two or three miles away, and soon heard the sound of running water.

"You want to catch fish?" Xigou expressed doubt, "You don't have a fishing rod or a fishing net. How can you do it?"

Fang Zhixing replied: "When I was a child, I saw his father fishing in the river. There were many holes by the river, and I could catch crayfish and eels."

The thin dog perked up and started running on all fours: "I'll find a hole for you, and you go dig it out. By the way, you can swim, right?"

"you still need to ask."

Then I walked to the shore and saw that the river was flowing a little fast, turbid, and with dead branches and leaves floating in it.

He took off his straw sandals, tied a knot with weeds, hung it around his neck, and then carefully entered the water.

Even though it was a muggy September, the river was still a bit cold.

Fang Zhixing adapted for a moment and walked upstream along the river beach, stepping on the mud with his feet from time to time.

Fortunately this is ancient times and there are no glass shards or anything like that.

Not long after, he encountered something and his expression changed. He bent down and touched it in the water for a while. When he took it up and took a look, he couldn't help but look happy.

"river snail!"

Fang Zhixing picked up a fist-sized snail. It was alive and the milky white flesh could be seen.

After a while, he dug out a clam in the mud, which was as big as a palm.

"There are a lot of good things in the river."

Fang Zhixing grinned, suddenly feeling a lot more energetic.


In the distance, a thin dog barked.

Fang Zhixing couldn't understand what he was talking about. There was a distance in the spiritual communication between them. Beyond a certain range, no matter what the thin dog said, it would sound like a buzzing sound.

walk over.

The thin dog was staring at a small hole by the river and said through a message: "There is a hole here, and there should be living things in it."

Fang Zhixing said in surprise: "Can you see through it, or do you smell something?"

The thin dog said proudly: "Look carefully, is the soil at the entrance of the hole very soft? I suspect this is a lobster hole."

Fang Zhixing was silent for a while, changed his position, squatted down, and stretched his right hand into the hole.

The thin dog barked: "Be careful, don't get caught by the lobster."

"You don't have to say that." Fang Zhixing was of course very careful, his whole body tensed up, and he stretched his hands inside little by little.

Suddenly, his fingers touched something, and the thing immediately shrank deeper.

Fang Zhixing shuddered, first retracted his hand, then pressed forward again, and soon touched the thing again.

"Not lobster..."

Fang Zhixing suddenly grabbed it with his hand and pulled it out.

The thin dog watched nervously, turning left and right, anxious.


Fang Zhixing straightened his back, and he pulled out a very long and thick thing. It was a large eel, more than one meter long.

The big eel struggled wildly, slimy and slippery.

Fang Zhixing couldn't hold it, so he simply threw it to the shore and fell into the grass.

The big eel immediately twisted its body and burrowed underneath.

"Look at me!"

The thin dog ran over and bit the eel's tail. Unexpectedly, the eel suddenly came and swung its tail from a dragon and slapped him in the face.

"Ah woo hoo~"

The thin dog screamed in pain.

"It's really useless." Fang Zhixing rushed ashore, stepped on the eel, and held its neck firmly with both hands.

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