Full level ruthless person

Chapter 209 Spend the night

Before I knew it, evening arrived.

One after another, hunting teams came out of the Fenglei restricted area.

The camp then became lively.

Fang Zhixing looked up at the sky, took a deep breath, and walked in the opposite direction.

Come to the entrance of the restricted area.

Fang Zhixing took out a long rope.

He tied one end of the rope to a tree outside and held it down with a big stone.

Then he entered the restricted area and walked forward, loosening the rope as he went.

Just fifty meters away from the entrance, he stopped.

In terms of the actual scope of the restricted area, Fang Zhixing happened to be within two meters of the restricted area at this time.

"Well, let's do it right here."

Fang Zhixing tied the other end of the rope to his wrist, then found a big tree and sat down with his legs crossed.

Time passed little by little.

The sky became dark.

It was so dark, it was as dark as ink, and you couldn't see your fingers.

Fang Zhixing turned his head and saw the light at the entrance getting weaker and weaker, and finally disappeared completely.

The endless darkness swallowed and enveloped him like a tide.

At this moment, Fang Zhixing seemed to have sunk to the bottom of the water, and there was a trace of panic deep in his heart.

That's humankind's instinctive fear of the dark.

Fang Zhixing breathed out slightly, remained still, slowly closed his eyes, and rested his mind.

He wasn't going to sleep that night.

Getting through the night is success.

But just after the endless darkness fell, Fang Zhixing soon discovered that the sounds around him also disappeared.

The world suddenly became quiet.

It's so quiet!

It stands to reason that the restricted area is very lively, with all kinds of strange animals, including birds, fish and insects, as well as lightning, thunder, and strong winds, all making chaotic sounds.

However, at this moment, it was as if someone pressed the pause button and time stopped!

Fang Zhixing frowned slightly, raised his hand, and felt the air carefully.

He confirmed that there was wind blowing on his skin, and it was quite strong.

But he couldn't hear the wind at all.

"It's really weird..."

Fang Zhixing adjusted his breathing and heartbeat, and gradually allowed himself to blend into the environment like a chameleon, as silent as a lifeless stone.

"Xiao Xing~"

Suddenly, a familiar voice reached Fang Zhixing's ears.

Fang Zhixing's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly opened his eyes and listened.

"Xiao Xing~"

Another call came, clearer than the last time.


Fang Zhixing's breathing became rapid, and he heard his mother calling him.

"Xiao Xing, my mother's chest hurts so much. Please give me two painkillers."

Mom is shouting.

When Fang Zhixing heard this, his brows knitted into a knot, and he quickly extinguished all distracting thoughts in his heart, feeling as if his heart was still.

Immediately, the world became quiet.

His mother died of illness a long time ago, and Fang Zhixing saw her sparkle with his own eyes, and her ashes were buried on the back hill of his hometown.

"Is this an illusion?"

"How on earth did I hallucinate like this?"

Fang Zhixing's brows knitted into a knot, and a suspicion emerged in his mind.

At night in the restricted area, after there is no sunlight, the land or plants here may release a toxic gas.

People who breathe poisonous gases will be mentally affected and suffer complete loss of hearing.

Just thinking about it...

"Xiao Xing, can you hear me? You are not hallucinating. It is really your mother who is talking to you."

"You are in a very dangerous situation and you must leave here immediately."

"Look to your left, they're coming."

Mom is nagging.

Only then did he ignore it and strengthen his mind.

But the next second, a beam of bright light shone from the left side.

Fang Zhixing turned his head, the dazzling light dazzled his eyes, and he couldn't help but raise his hand to block it.

He looked through the gaps between his fingers and immediately saw three light sources coming from him.

Hundreds of meters away, the light and shadow swayed, revealing three giant figures, vaguely humanoid in outline, walking slowly from far to near.

Fang Zhixing stood up quickly, knelt on one knee and stared.


After a while, Fang Zhixing heard a burst of noise, like the white noise coming from an old radio.

The three giant figures were at least six meters tall, with long strides, getting closer and closer.

Fang Zhixing remained silent, only holding the dragon-slaying sword and accumulating strength throughout his body.

Soon, three giant figures suddenly stopped and squatted on the ground at the same time. It was unclear what they were doing.

After a while, they stood up, turned around, and walked in the other direction.

Fang Zhixing visually measured the distance and found that the three giant figures were almost a hundred meters away from him.

He pondered for a moment, walked around behind the tree, opened his red blood pupils and stared.

At a glance, there was no trace of blood or smoke emanating from the three giant figures.

When Fang Zhixing saw this, he immediately closed his red-blooded eyes.

But almost at the same time, the three giant figures seemed to notice something, suddenly stopped, turned again, and walked towards Fang Zhixing.

After a while, three giant figures walked faster and faster and came closer.

Fang Zhixing raised his head and his pupils shrank sharply.

Those three giant figures, with metal shell structures, are clearly mechas!


The white noise grew louder, piercing the eardrums.

Suddenly, one of the mechas raised his hand and pointed towards Fang Zhixing.

Another mecha separated to the left and right, outflanking him.

The next moment, the mecha on the left rushed over, and its iron fist hit Fang Zhixing quickly and fiercely.



The Iron Fist sunk deep into the soil, leaving a large hole in the ground.


From the smoke, a figure suddenly rushed out, leaped high, almost flew into the sky, and jumped to the top of the mecha.

Fang Zhixing held the dragon-slaying sword with both hands and chopped it off at the mecha's head.


The mecha burst open from the midline like tofu, then turned directly into rust and scattered in the air.

Fang Zhixing was stunned for a moment. The sword struck like it was on the air, without any feedback.

The mecha on the right also rushed over.

Fang Zhixing did not rush to attack, but observed carefully. Only then did he notice that the surface of the mecha was stained with rust, and iron slag kept falling down.

He jumped back, quickly and nimbly, and the mecha ran after him, but it was obvious that he couldn't keep up.

When Fang Zhixing saw this, he felt completely at ease.

The mecha looks mighty, but in fact its combat effectiveness is average, and its quality is very poor, like a scrap made of a bunch of junk parts.

Only then did he become more and more comfortable playing cat and mouse.

The remaining two mechas came to catch him, but they didn't touch a corner of his clothes.

Not a moment later, the two mechas suddenly jumped forward and fell to the ground. They scattered and the fragments fell to the ground with a clatter.

After a moment, those mechanical fragments rusted and collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye, turned into dust and slag, and dissipated.

The world is quiet again, dead silent!

Fang Zhixing felt confused.

When Uncle Wang spent the night in the restricted area, the Transformers he encountered should be this kind of mecha.

But this is a world of ancient martial arts, where did the mechas come from?

Fang Zhixing put away the dragon-slaying sword, walked back to the big tree in the dark, and reached out to touch the rope.

During the fight just now, he took the rope off his wrist and threw it on the ground.

"Hey, where's the rope?"

Fang Zhixing searched for the place where the rope was thrown in his memory. He searched for a long time and got a hand full of mud, but he couldn't find the rope.

He had to expand the scope and touch within a few meters of the surrounding area.

Touching it!

Suddenly, his hand touched something hard and flat, which seemed to be a stone slab.

He touched forward again, and soon, the outline of a rectangular stone slab appeared in his hand.

"Young man, what are you touching?"

Suddenly, a voice came from the side.

Fang Zhixing was slightly frightened. When he looked up, he froze in place.

There was a stall not far away selling rag dolls.

There was a stall owner behind the stall, a middle-aged man with slender eyes and a goatee beard, who was looking at him with his head stretched out.

Fang Zhixing stood up suddenly, looked around quickly, and found that he was on a long street.

The streets were decorated with lights and colorful decorations, and pedestrians were coming and going, as if they were celebrating a festival.

Fang Zhixing took a breath of cold air and turned to look at the tower behind him.

The three words "Lingquan Town" are clearly written on the plaque hanging on the tower.

"Oh day!"

Fang Zhixing's face quickly darkened. He immediately walked towards the stall owner and asked, "What day is today?"

The stall owner smiled and said: "What a happy day. The new emperor has ascended the throne. Good days for us people are coming!"

Fang Zhixing asked: "Are you talking about Emperor Mu Yuan?"


The stall owner nodded repeatedly.

Fang Zhixing was silent for a while, took out a golden ticket from his arms and handed it over, saying seriously: "I'll buy a rag doll."

The stall owner was overjoyed. He took the golden ticket and looked at it. He was suddenly stunned. He turned the golden ticket over and over and looked at it several times, wondering: "What is this?"

Fang Zhixing asked: "Don't you recognize the golden ticket?"

The stall owner continued: "No one knows the golden ticket, but I have never seen this kind of golden ticket. Can it be a fake?"

Only then did he know that his heartfelt message was indeed true.

If he traveled back in time to the first year of Mu Yuan, people at that time would not know the current golden ticket.

"Forget it if you don't know me, I won't buy it."

Fang Zhixing took back the golden ticket and asked the stall owner: "Who is the top master in Lingquan Town?"

The stall owner gave a thumbs up and said, "Of course it's Mr. Sheng Bao Quan Sheng."

Fang Zhixing knew it and quickly asked Sheng Baoquan's address and rushed over.

After a while, he came to the door of the largest mansion in the town. When he saw it, the door was locked from the outside.

"Sheng Baoquan should also be attending the temple fair tonight."

Fang Zhixing quickly came to his senses and returned to the lively street.

He walked leisurely on the street, observing every pedestrian and the goods on every stall.

Suddenly, he smelled a strong smell of medicinal herbs. He raised his head and immediately saw a medicinal herb shop on the street called "Liuweiju".

Fang Zhixing pondered for a while and walked into the medicine shop.

There was only one old man in the shop. He was quite old, almost sixty years old. He had a lot of wrinkles on his face, his body was thin and long, and he was wearing a watermelon hat that resembled the style of the Qing Dynasty.

The old man was cleaning the counter with a chicken feather blanket in his hand. Suddenly Fang Zhixing walked in and asked with a smile: "Guest, what do you want to buy? Do you have a prescription?"

Fang Zhixing asked casually: "Is there any blood-transforming grass?"


Unexpectedly, the old man nodded without hesitation and asked seriously: "How much do you want?"

Fang Zhixing replied: "Fifteen."

The old man turned around and walked to the back, opened a cabinet and took out a dried herb.

He came back, put it on the table, and asked, "Do you want any other medicinal ingredients?"

Fang Zhixing didn't answer, but reached out and picked up the fifteen medicinal plants.


The system panel shines brightly!

[Collect 36 strains of Huaxuecao (prepared, are they completed?)]


Fang Zhixing couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

What was happening at this moment was beyond his knowledge.

Fang Zhixing couldn't help but his heart beat faster and his scalp became numb. He responded: "Is there any Tianluo flower?"

"Yes, how much do you want?" the old man asked politely, with a sincere smile on his face.

Fang Zhixing said continuously: "Just give me 12 flowers."

"Well, please wait a moment." The old man turned around again and walked to the cabinet at the back.

This time it took him some time, but he found a cabinet, opened it, and took out dried flowers.

"There are 12 Tianluo flowers, please count them." The old man asked with a smile.

Fang Zhixing picked up those flowers.

[Collect 12 Tianluo flowers (already prepared, are you done?)]


Blood-changing grass and Tianluo flower are real things.

It’s so real that it’s even been recognized by the system!

Fang Zhixing was excited and asked, "How much is the total?"

"It's not expensive. This is the holiday. Just give me this amount."

The old man raised his right hand and made a gesture.

Fang Zhixing was silent for a while, took off the second-level sword from his waist, put it on the table, and said, "I don't have any money with me. Do you think it's okay to use this sword as collateral?"

The old man looked at the second-level sword carefully and praised: "It is indeed a good sword. How about this, when you have money, you can redeem it again?"

Fang Zhixing thought for a while and responded: "I may not be able to come back. You can do whatever you want with this sword."

When the old man heard this, he was overjoyed and said, "That's great. Just don't feel like you're at a disadvantage."

"It's not a loss!"

Fang Zhixing was also very happy, feeling that everything was like a bizarre dream.

He stuffed the two medicinal materials into his arms, walked out of the medicine shop quickly, and then his mind moved.

All of a sudden!

The two medicinal materials turned into ashes.

Fang Zhixing patted his chest, and a handful of ashes floated in the air.

He continued to stroll around and reached the end of the street without realizing it.

Fang Zhixing raised his head and looked into the distance. It was dark outside the town and he couldn't see anything.

He still didn't stop and continued to move forward.

Suddenly, a big stone on the side of the road attracted his attention.

Fang Zhixing turned around and walked to the stone. He vaguely saw a line of words engraved on the stone, which was a bit blurry.

He grabbed a handful of dirt and smeared it on the stone, then blew on it.

Those words suddenly became clear.

It says: Luo Qianqian is here for a visit!


Fang Zhixing took two steps back, with an extremely wonderful expression on his face.

I never expected that Luo Qianqian would also come to this Lingquan Town.

"What on earth is going on? Time travel?"

Fang Zhixing felt incredible. He stood in front of the stone, his mind churning.

I don't know how much time passed before Zhixing felt that the light around him had dimmed.

Looking up and looking around, Lingquan Town has disappeared, and the big rocks are gone.

A touch of fish belly white appeared on the horizon.

"Its daybreak?!"

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