Full level ruthless person

Chapter 352 The Way of the World

The entrance to the cave is blocked by huge rocks and covered by vines.

From the outside, there is no cave at all.

Not to mention, Fang Zhixing was careful along the way and erased all traces.

But that's the case!

The Great Black Buddha Mother is still here, it’s so evil!

How did she do it?

Fang Zhixing lowered his head and looked at his whole body. He was very sure that there was nothing wrong with him.

So flawed...

Fang Zhixing suddenly turned his head and glared at Xigou.

"Fuck, what are you looking at me doing?"

The thin dog looked confused and confused.

Fang Zhixing didn't say anything more and quickly packed up the items on the ground.

Stand up.

Waving his sleeves casually.


The boulder lifted slightly and moved away lightly.

Standing outside was a young woman, plainly dressed, plain-looking, dark-skinned, but with a proud figure and a very hot figure.

Just from the young woman's body, there is no trace of the presence of the Great Black Buddha Mother.

Fang Zhixing stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation, and said with a slight smile: "This humble house is humble, and I feel wronged by Your Highness, Princess."

Mahakala Buddha Mother even said: "The dynasty has been destroyed, where is the princess left? If fellow Taoist Fang doesn't mind, you can call me Mahakala."

She calmly walked into the cave and sat on the ground.

Before Fang Zhixing could ask, the Great Black Buddha Mother looked to herself and said, "Fellow Daoist Fang must be very curious about how I found you, right?"

Fang Zhixing sat down cross-legged and responded casually: "Listen attentively."

The big black Buddha Mother glanced at the thin dog, reached out and touched the jade belt around her waist, and took out a few white hairs.

"This is……"

The thin dog's eyes suddenly widened and he stood up straight.

Only then did Zhi Xingxin say it, and he was speechless.

Despite all the calculations, I didn't realize that the big black Buddha Mother had been stalking the thin dog.


The thin dog was really dumbfounded. As a dog, tracking was his unique skill.

Unexpectedly, he was actually being followed!

What a shame!

What a shame!

It's over, now I will be deeply despised by Fang Zhixing again!

"What a bitch!"

The thin dog grinned, wishing to bite the big black Buddha to death and skin her alive.

Fang Zhixing was silent for a while and said in deep thought: "Why did you come to me?"

Dimples appeared on the big black Buddha's cheeks, and she chuckled: "I told you, I want to cooperate with you."

Fang Zhixing raised his eyebrows and said, "Last time we were in the Ancient Emperor's restricted area, didn't that count as cooperation?"

Big Black Buddha Mother smiled and said: "That cooperation was a good start, but the next cooperation is the highlight."

She paused, her expression became serious, and suddenly asked: "Do you know the world outside the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty?"

Fang Zhixing shook his head.

The Great Black Buddha Mother then explained in detail: "The so-called Great Zhou Territory is actually just an isolated island, and outside the island is the vast ocean.

Before the ancestors led humans to this isolated island, it was deserted and home to wild beasts.

Our ancestors actually came from another continent, which is the birthplace of mankind.

It's just that that continent is ruled by an inhuman being called the Mecha.

Human beings are enslaved by the machine gods and suffer terribly!

Our ancestors were unwilling to be oppressed by the machine god and rebelled angrily. After the failure, they had to flee with their people and traveled overseas to come here. "

Fang Zhixing listened quietly.

What the Great Black Buddha Mother told was very consistent with the information he had previously investigated.

But there is a question that must be raised.

Fang Zhixing asked: "Where are the heavenly beings? How did they get here?"

The Great Black Buddha Mother replied: "I don't have all the information about the gods, but I know one thing. The gods are not native to our world.

The most direct evidence is that the bodies of heavenly beings cannot adapt to the environment of our world!

For this reason, gods must create incarnations or possess the upper body in order to move around. "


Fang Zhixing's expression suddenly changed, somewhat unexpectedly.

The Great Black Buddha Mother continued: "If the gods are active outside for a long time, they will soon trigger the 'five declines of the gods' and must survive the tribulations one after another. This is a great suffering and threat to the gods. "

Only then did Zhixing understand.

Speaking of which, the only real heavenly beings he had ever seen, excluding incarnations, were Tian Locust and Tian Yin.

Other heavenly beings have never shown their true faces in front of him, including Lord Tianlei who supervises Tiansi.

"Celestial beings cannot walk around at will, and mechas cannot move around in restricted areas."

Fang Zhixing clicked his tongue and said, "So, only the physical body can be sanctified without obvious weaknesses."

Hearing this, the Great Black Buddha Mother continued: "I don't care whether it is a weakness, but as far as I know, the physical body is the weakest existence among the three parties."

Fang Zhixing said: "How do you say it?"

The Great Black Buddha Mother responded: "Devas have an extremely terrifying ability that can help humans realize almost any wish, just like a wish-making machine!

No matter how strong the sanctification of the physical body is, in the end for certain desires, one will inevitably surrender to the pomegranate skirt of the gods.

As for mechas, you haven't seen real mechas yet. Their power and terror are definitely beyond your imagination. "

Fang Zhixing was silent and said slowly: "Well, let's get down to business."


The Great Black Buddha Mother nodded and said: "The resources of the isolated island of Dazhou are limited. After more than a thousand years of searching, the high-quality resources have been almost hollowed out, making it difficult to support the top masters.

For example, the current emperor's cultivation has already reached the realm of a thousand soldiers. He is undoubtedly the best in the world and invincible.

However, he is also the most distressed person in the world, because this isolated island can no longer support him and cannot allow him to go further, so he has always wanted to explore the outer sea. "

Fang Zhixing immediately cheered up.

The dilemma faced by the emperor will be faced by him sooner or later!

There is also the Great Black Buddha Mother, probably the same.

"In fact, the emperor has sent vanguard troops to explore the outer sea many times before, but unfortunately the results were very tragic."

The Great Black Buddha Mother said seriously: "The outer sea is far more dangerous than we realize. Turbulent waves, rough waves, storms, sea beasts, etc., any of them may cause the ship to be destroyed and people to die.

But compared to these, the most terrifying thing is actually the vastness and boundlessness of the ocean.

Without a complete chart, the vanguard troops were like ants in the forest. They got lost in the ocean as they walked, not knowing where to go and unable to return home. "

Fang Zhixing listened carefully and said with a thought: "Do you also want to go to sea?"

The Great Black Buddha Mother nodded and said: "Do you still remember that I got the Jade Seal of the Kingdom in the Golden Palace? The ancestors came here from another continent and recorded their journey, which was engraved on the Jade Seal of the Kingdom."

Fang Zhixing couldn't help but take a deep breath and suddenly realized.

No wonder King Chu Guan was so eager to get the imperial seal. I bet he was competing for the sea map above.

The Great Black Buddha Mother solemnly said: "With the sea map, we can hope to reach that continent, so I plan to gather some friends and go to sea together."

Fang Zhixing asked: "Do you have a boat suitable for going to the ocean?"


"How many people can it accommodate?"

"Considering the limited supplies, there cannot be more than ten people."

"Who else did you find besides me?"

"I have five men, one old friend, plus you and me, there are eight people in total."

Fang Zhixing nodded and said, "I have a friend. I want to take her with me. Is that okay?"

"no problem!"

The Great Black Buddha Mother agreed wholeheartedly.

Fang Zhixing smiled with satisfaction and asked, "When will we set off?"

The Great Black Buddha Mother replied: "Time is not controlled by anyone. According to the information I found, the best time to go to sea is at the beginning of next month. Therefore, we'd better rush to the seaport town of Yuzhou to meet up before the end of the month."

Fang Zhixing wrote it down. He thought about it and suggested: "Going to sea is dangerous and unpredictable. How sure are you?"

The Great Black Buddha Mother continued: "There must be risks. After all, the nautical map was made more than a thousand years ago. After so many years and the vicissitudes of life, no one can guarantee that it is still accurate."

Fang Zhixing said seriously: "I have a plan, maybe we can play a trick of asking for directions."

The big black Buddha Mother's eyes flashed and she responded: "Please elaborate."

Fang Zhixing replied: "Take a rubbing of the sea map on the imperial seal and give a copy to the emperor to help him go to sea."

The Great Black Buddha Mother understood instantly, pondered for a moment, and said to herself: "The emperor is in front, we are behind..."

Fang Zhixing added: "This is one of the ways. In fact, the most stable way is for us to join forces with the emperor."

The Big Black Buddha Mother took a breath, her heart was shaken, and she hesitated: "The emperor wants to kill you and me, how could he..."

Fang Zhixing interrupted: "As long as the interests are consistent, enemies can also cooperate. You can first give the emperor half of the chart as a sign of sincerity, and the second half of the chart is in our hands, as long as we don't give the emperor a chance to fall out."

The Great Black Buddha Mother nodded lightly and said: "The emperor has been preparing for more than ten years to go to sea. The power of the whole country, wealth and power are immeasurable.

Using the emperor's power to cross the sea is indeed the safest way. I will consider and plan carefully. "

Fang Zhixing nodded and said, "Okay, let's split up. I want to go back to Daizhou first."

The Great Black Buddha Mother stood up and left.

Xigou watched him off and said with an awkward smile: "This girl is quite capable of doing things."

Fang Zhixing rolled his eyes at him and said calmly: "You have such dog hair, how about I shave it off for you?"

The thin dog suddenly became furious and ran away.

Qianzhou·Jihuo Temple

In the main hall, a middle-aged man wearing a python robe bowed to the golden Buddha.


Master Jingxuan, the abbot, looked at the middle-aged man in python robe with a complicated expression and couldn't help but sigh.

"Why did Master sigh?" the middle-aged man in python robe asked with a slight smile.

His smile is as gentle as jade, and his temperament is as elegant as the wind, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.

This was none other than King Chi'an, the lord of Danzhou who highly respected Taoism.

At this time, he came to Jihuo Temple to worship the Buddha in person, which was really rare. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it happened once in a hundred years.

Master Jingxuan was filled with emotion for a while and replied: "When I sigh, I am just lamenting the impermanence of things in the world."

"What a time of uncertainty!"

King Chi'an straightened up his expression, and said with his hands behind his back: "As the saying goes, a wealthy family is built with iron, and a thousand-year-old monster is the one with running water. Everyone thinks that a wealthy family cannot fall, and the royal family and nobles must never be touched. This That’s the way of the world! But someone broke it!”

Master Jingxuan responded: "Your Majesty, are you here to deal with the person who broke the rules of the world?"

King Chi'an smiled lightly and said: "Know yourself and your enemy and you will be victorious in any battle. Master has been in contact with that person. What do you think of him?"

Master Jingchen was silent for a moment and replied expressionlessly: "It doesn't matter what I think. My teacher once taught that if a person is seen through by others, then even if he is a lion, he is no different from an ant."

King Chi'an's face changed slightly, and he took a deep breath and said, "Master, your eyes are as bright as a torch, how can you know how to do it without seeing through it?"

Master Jingchen clasped his hands together, lowered his head and said, "Your Majesty, Master Kongji said a few words before he passed away. I think you can also listen to it."

King Chi'an sat down in danger.

Master Jingchen said slowly: "Master Kongji said that Fang Zhixing was destined to be my Buddha. Although he was defeated by Fang Zhixing, my Buddha won!"

King Chi'an listened, pondered for a moment, stood up and said, "Thank you, Master, for your advice."

Master Jingchen closed his eyes.

Above the clouds, Zhixing is galloping in the sky.

He was holding a hairless dog in his hand. It was completely bald, as if someone had plucked out all the hair.


The thin dog's face was full of resentment and he wanted to cry but had no tears.

It's flying!

Fang Zhixing suddenly stopped and took out the relic.

"What's wrong?" Xigou asked.

Fang Zhixing sent a message: "Someone is approaching us quickly with a relic."

The thin dog immediately bared his teeth and said, "There are still people who dare to mess with us, okay, come and kill them all!"

He was holding back a lot of anger and had nowhere to vent it.


The sound that breaks through the sky is earth-shattering!

A huge black cloud flew quickly and spread in front of Fang Zhixing.

"Fellow Daoist Fang, you're welcome!"

A man walked out of the black cloud, with the head of an eagle and the body of a man, with a pair of fleshy wings behind his back.

Fang Zhixing's eyes flashed and he said in surprise: "You are Lord Black Wings, right?"

The person who came was none other than Venerable Black Wings. He had once teamed up with the Immortal Evil Phoenix, the Bone King and other evil cultivators to intercept and kill Fang Zhixing on the way.

Venerable Black Wing shouted: "Fang Taoist Brother made a big fuss in Qianzhou, committed countless murders, punched the bald monk, and kicked the nobles. It is really admirable."

He cupped his hands and said solemnly: "On behalf of all the demonic people, I am willing to accept you as the Demon King and do my best for you!"

"Magic Emperor?!"

Fang Zhixing was startled, what the hell was going on?

Xigou was also shocked and clicked his tongue: "What do you mean? Could it be that these evil gods, demons and Buddhas want to take refuge under your command and form a new court?"

Fang Zhixing pondered for a moment and asked, "Is this your idea alone?"

"of course not!"

Lord Black Wing laughed and said: "The leader is actually my master, Lord Black Bat."

As soon as he finished speaking, the black clouds suddenly rolled.

Immediately, a man wearing a yellow Tai Chi Taoist robe and a Taoist priest's robe appeared on his head. He had a slender face and two thick eyebrows that were almost connected to a line.

At first glance, he looks like Taoist priest Yimei played by Lin Zhengying.

"Fellow Daoist Fang, this is too polite of me." Lord Black Bat Demon raised his hand.

Fang Zhixing nodded as a courtesy and replied: "You master and disciple suddenly elected me as the Demon Emperor. What is your purpose? You might as well tell me directly."

The Black Bat Demon Lord smiled and said: "Strength is the most important thing! I heard that you defeated King Chu Guan in the Ancient Emperor's Restricted Area and killed Master Kongji in public. We deeply admire your strength, that's all."

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