Full level ruthless person

Chapter 399 Dog Paddle

A few days passed in a flash.

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That afternoon, colorful clouds swooped down and broke into a huge city.

"Sea King City, I'm back."

Fang Zhixing smiled. This trip was very exciting and rewarding.

He flew back to the Eye of the Sea God Building and entered his presidential suite.

"Where have you been?"

In the living room, Xigou lazily poked his head out, sleepy, with a big lump of eye boogers hanging from the corner of his eyes.

Fang Zhixing replied: "I went to the fourth floor and walked around."

Xigou said, "Oh," and lay down to continue sleeping, lacking interest.

He only went to Wusheng Tianxia once and never wanted to go again. The environment was too unfriendly.

Fang Zhixing entered the practice room and sat cross-legged.


Accompanied by a burst of white noise, the little girl in blue appeared again.

She came to Fang Zhixing and asked, "You entered the fourth floor from the entrance of the second underground floor. Why did you come back from outside the city?"

Fang Zhixing said vaguely, "The entrance and exit have changed. After I entered the Martial Saint World, I encountered some troubles and had to find another way back."

The little girl in blue narrowed her eyes and raised her voice and said, "So, you have been in the Martial Saint World for a long time?"

Fang Zhixing nodded and said, "At least one day!"

The little girl in blue was deeply moved and smacked her lips and said, "Your blood is really strange and has amazing potential. It may be more valuable than I estimated before!"

Fang Zhixing took the opportunity to ask, "How much have you researched?"

The little girl in blue replied, "I have been able to successfully copy your blood and create your clones. Later, I will use these clones to conduct various experiments to test how far your blood can evolve."

Fang Zhixing's mouth twitched slightly, but he didn't say much.

The little girl in blue said again: "Take a half-day break, and then I will give you a task to do."

Fang Zhixing raised his eyebrows and said: "What task?"

The little girl in blue said lightly: "The eastern coastline has been in turmoil. The big pirate 'Four Island Kings' are eyeing us covetously and often send pirates to harass and plunder.

In the past, I established two important strongholds on the eastern coast, namely Wanghai Tower and Shikou Pass, which are mutually supportive and enough to resist the invasion of pirates.

But not long ago, the pirates actually opened up a new invasion route."

As he spoke, a map was projected.

The map shows Wanghai Tower and Shikou Pass.

Wanghai Tower was transformed by Lockmar, who is one of the eight heroic mecha gods under the command of Poseidon.

As for Shikou Pass, it appears to be a pass castle, but in fact it is also a heroic mecha god named Shizifeng!

His son is Shiyoujie, the leader of the Lion Legion and the strongest second-class citizen.

Fang Zhixing once wanted to challenge Shiyoujie, but unfortunately the timing was wrong and they were not destined to be together.

By now, Fang Zhixing has already entered the Earthly Evil Realm and the Martial Master Realm, leaving Shi Youjie far behind.

Fang Zhixing looked at the map and noticed that there was a red line between Wanghai Tower and Shikou Pass.

That was a large canyon.

The little girl in blue said carefully: "The pirates found a hidden route through this large canyon and successfully broke into my hinterland to burn, kill and loot."

Fang Zhixing understood and nodded: "My mission is to destroy this hidden route, right?"

The little girl in blue nodded and reminded: "The Four Island Kings have five heroic-level mecha gods and a Earthly Evil Realm Fa Tian Xiang Di. They dare not go deep into my hinterland easily, but you should be careful. If you encounter them, evacuate quickly.

Of course, you don't have to worry too much. The main force of this mission is Shi Youjie, and you are just going to help."

Fang Zhixing quickly understood in his heart.

Then, he took a comfortable bath and placed an order.

After a while, the mechanical maid brought some forging materials, including red lotus soil, dragon bones, unicorn scales, infinite golden amber sand, etc.

Fang Zhixing took a deep breath, and then revealed the "Namo Baoguang Dharma Image", waving the forging hammer, and there was a chaotic sound.

Soon, a sixth-level low-grade weapon was forged by him in a few minutes.

It was a stick!

Fang Zhixing could have used the full-level plug-in to synthesize a sixth-level high-grade weapon.

But unfortunately, the materials were insufficient, and he was under constant surveillance by the sea god, so he had to do it himself.

Fortunately, his forging skills stood the test and he completed the forging calmly.

This sixth-level low-grade long stick is made of dragon bones, with unicorn scales inlaid on both ends, and the shape is very exquisite.

"Let's call it a dragon bone stick."

Fang Zhixing smiled with satisfaction and turned his head to look out the window.

It's getting late, it's time to set off.

Fang Zhixing came to the living room with a knife and a stick, and kicked Xigou awake.

"What are you doing~"

Xigou muttered unhappily.

Fang Zhixing sent a message: "I'm going to fight pirates, are you going?"

"Oh, pirates?"

Xigou immediately became energetic, wagged his tail, and said with a smile: "Go! It's boring to stay at home all the time, let's go out and play."

One person and one dog flew east on the colorful auspicious cloud.

About half an hour later, they arrived at the Grand Canyon.

Fang Zhixing released his soul perception and went deep into the Grand Canyon. He immediately found that there was an underground river more than 300 meters deep in the Grand Canyon.

Presumably, the pirates used this underground river to avoid the eyes and ears of Rockmar and Lion Peak.

"As long as this underground river is destroyed, the mission will be completed."

That being said, without the power of a heroic mecha god, it would be extremely difficult to collapse the earth's crust at a depth of 300 meters.

Fang Zhixing's eyes flashed, and his sight passed through the low clouds, and he saw a series of figures.

They were all mechanical life forms, drilling holes in the ground, and then filling them with explosives.

Seeing this, Fang Zhixing pondered and said, "It seems that Shi Youjie is planning to use explosives to collapse the earth's crust and bury the underground river."

This plan is feasible.

Xigou raised his head, moved his ears, and transmitted a message: "There is a sound of fighting over there."

Outside the Grand Canyon, two groups of people were fighting fiercely.

The attacking party was a pirate, wearing fancy clothes, which was out of place, and raised a skull flag.

The guarding party was flying the lion flag, which was the Lion Legion.

Fang Zhixing nodded and said, "There is a river underground that leads directly to the sea. The pirates followed the river from the sea to the Grand Canyon and encountered snipers from the Lion Legion."

Xigou smelled the blood and couldn't help but grin, ready to move: "Let's go, let's join in the fun."

Fang Zhixing rolled his eyes and said contemptuously: "You are just too idle, so idle that your balls hurt."

Xigou smiled and said, "After all, I am also eating and drinking on the territory of the Sea God, so it is my duty to contribute a little."

Fang Zhixing was silent for a moment, and slowly said: "I can't expose the strength of the Earthly Evil Realm, you will act according to the situation later."

"Don't worry, I know what I am doing." Xigou's eyes showed a fierce light.

The colorful clouds descended.

After a while, the chaotic battlefield on the ground came into view, with thick smoke and flames spreading.

Energy beams of various colors and powerful bullets shuttled back and forth, densely packed.


Suddenly, a roar spread out, shocking the whole audience.

The thin dog jumped up and jumped directly into the position of the pirates.

Most of the pirates are carbon-based people, with more or less mechanical devices installed on their bodies, such as arms with iron hooks.

These pirates are basically born in poverty, have no channels for upward mobility, and are restless, so it is easy for them to embark on a bloody road full of killing.

All they can rely on is the hot weapons in their hands, holding them in their arms, and shooting wildly.

In contrast, the Lion Corps is much smarter. They deployed troops and formations, defended and blocked the pirates' crazy charge again and again, and each time the pirates paid the price, leaving many broken bodies.

There are many pirates, and the lions are all elite.

Both sides have their own advantages and fell into a war of attrition.

At this moment!

Without any warning, claw shadows flew!

The thin dog fell to the ground, and more than a dozen pirates around were caught off guard and swept away, with blood and flesh flying everywhere.

"Come on, you little Karamis!"

The dog opened his mouth and bit a pirate's head, then swung it violently, and the pirate's lower body flew out.

The dog spat out a head, his mouth full of blood.

This was the first time he had been involved in a battle since he was promoted to the seventh-level bloodline.

"Stop shooting!"

The Lion Legion noticed something unusual, and a burly man with brown-gold hair raised his hand.

The shooting stopped immediately.

The officers and soldiers stared at the opposite side, only to see a chaos on the pirate side.

The pirates screamed in fear, and turned their guns in panic and shot at the dog.

However, the dog dodged and moved so quickly that he didn't get hurt.

As a result, the bullets fired by those pirates not only did not hurt the dog, but also accidentally injured his teammates.

"Stop, everyone stop!"

A roar came, and a one-eyed pirate stood out from the crowd and jumped in front of the dog.

Xigou took a closer look. The one-eyed pirate had disheveled hair, a strong body, and a mechanical arm on his right arm.

"Where did this stray dog ​​come from? Die!"

The one-eyed pirate stomped his feet, and the ground exploded. He suddenly jumped on top of Xigou's head, swung his mechanical arm, and smashed it down.

"I want to eat dog meat today!" The one-eyed pirate shouted while smashing.

"What the hell?"

The thin dog looked at him with disdain, and suddenly disappeared from the spot, and then appeared on top of the one-eyed pirate's head.


At this moment, the one-eyed pirate's heart skipped a beat, and his scalp was numb.


Blood flew!

A good head flew out.

The world suddenly rang with a sound of sucking in cold air.

"The one-eyed ghost was killed, he was a level 5 warrior, a retired veteran!"

The pirates were horrified and ran away without thinking.

The defeat was like a landslide!

"That's it?"

Xigou was speechless. He hadn't even warmed up yet, and it was over all of a sudden.


The next moment, the ground shook violently, and a 100-meter-long truck drove over quickly.

The truck was moving, and suddenly stood up, and its parts were arranged and combined, and it turned into a robot in a moment.

Xigou was not surprised by this.

The robot was less than 200 meters tall, and a cannon barrel popped out from its chest, with a strong red light surging endlessly.

Xigou felt that he was firmly locked, and he pushed the ground with his four claws and moved quickly.


A red energy beam shot out from the muzzle, chasing Xigou, and constantly changing directions with him, leaving a track like a spiral.


Realizing that he couldn't hide, Xigou braked suddenly, turned around, and faced the red energy cannon.

His whole body was shaking, his dog hair was curled up, his front right foot suddenly grew in size, and then it was swept out in the air.


The dog's paws and the red energy cannon collided together, erupting in circles of shock waves, destroying the surrounding trees and overturning the ground.

After a while, the world became quiet, and the wind blew away the smoke and dust.

Shiyousuke and others narrowed their eyes slightly, and saw that the dog was still standing upright, with wisps of white smoke coming out of his right paw, but other than that, nothing happened.

"This strange beast is so strong!"

"Awesome, whose dog is this?"

"How do you know he has a master?"

"Would a dog without an owner have the purpose of killing these pirates?"

The officers and soldiers of the Lion Legion were talking a lot.

Shiyousuke frowned, raised his head and looked around.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank inwards.

Just above everyone's heads, at some point, a colorful auspicious cloud hovered.

Above the clouds, a young man sat cross-legged and watched the play leisurely.

"Fang Zhixing!"

Shiyousuke's eyes widened, and a strong killing intent emerged from the depths of his pupils.

"Okay, okay, you are finally here. This stage is set for you."

Shiyousuke smiled, raised his right arm, and tapped the wrist guard a few times.

At the same moment!

Xigou looked at the robot, his expression completely relaxed.

At first, he thought this robot was very powerful and did not dare to compete head-on with it.

But after taking a cannonball from it...

But that’s it!

The thin dog grinned, its fangs exposed, and suddenly rushed out.

"Bloodline Magical Power·Dog Paddle!"

The thin dog sprang out and rushed straight towards the robot with a loud bang.

A large hole appeared in the robot's chest, and then it exploded and was shattered into pieces.

The thin dog landed gracefully behind the robot without looking back.


Fang Zhixing raised his eyebrows, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"Is this a dog scratching? It's really appropriate."

Fang Zhixing nodded and had to admit that the thin dog with a seventh-level bloodline had indeed become a lot stronger.

Suddenly, he looked up into the distance.

A huge ship flew over, casting a large shadow, covering the sky and the sun.

The behemoth is an aircraft carrier. The closer it gets, the bigger it appears.

"what is that?"

There was a commotion in the Lion Legion, and the faces of all the officers changed drastically, and they were panicked.

They looked at the aircraft carrier in horror, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Soon, someone recognized the white skull graffiti painted on the aircraft carrier and exclaimed in shock: "He is one of the six great pirates under the King of the Four Islands, the white-faced skull!"

"Ah, why is the white-faced skeleton here?"

"There are Wanghai Tower and Shikou Pass on the left and right sides. How did he dare to go ashore?"

"Quick, call for support!"

"It's over now. Even if Lion Peak and Rock Horse come at the fastest speed, the white-faced skeleton will still have enough time to kill us all!"

"Are our Lion Legion going to be wiped out today?"

All the soldiers were in despair!

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